Atelier Tanaka

Book 4: Chapter 3 (2)

Book 4: Chapter 3 (2)

Territory Pioneering 3

Edita Sensei, did something happen in my absence?

Y-Yes, well, there is a certain problem were facing.

So there is? If Sophia-san is involved then, as her employer, Id like to get involved as well.

Well, umm, actually, its about the mana potion you made.

Just as Edita Sensei was about to explain the situation, another voice cut her off.

This voice belonged to the noble mage.

O-Oi, Tanaka, what is that?

This damn ossan is stopping me from valuable time spent talking with Edita Sensei.

It took all of my power to turn away from Edita Sensei and respond to the noble mage.

What is what?

I followed his line of sight which ended on a shelf lined with the main souvenir of our town. The mana potions that had been made from pessari grass. I had instructed Gonzalezs men to get the display set up in anticipation of our grand opening.

Those items on the shelf there.

Oh, those are souvenirs. Would you like one?

Dont tell me, are those mana potions?

Youre able to tell that off of a quick glance? Id expect nothing less of Lord Fahren.

But that colour is.

I know its a bit strange and the taste is terrible, but I promise you it will recover mana. Think of it more as a gag gift.

I grabbed one off of the shelf and brought it over to the ossan.

He quickly cut open the seal and downed half of the potion.

Weve got a real challenger here.

As long as he doesnt puke it up like Nannuzzi-san.


The noble mages face froze.

Its just as I thought.

Of course, its disgusting.

Theres no chance that terrible taste would suit the refined palate of the noble mage.

O-Oi, this is!

I told you, didnt I? Its more of a joke than anything serious. Its something weve decided to sell here to bring in a small amount of extra revenue, but Id appreciate it if you refrain from judging the entire town off of that one potion.

I never expected it to be a suitable gift for a nobleman, but if he were to give a critical review of it or I hate to even consider if he were to become ill after drinking it my entire town would suffer because of it.

It would also be terrible if we were forced to recall all of them after producing such a large stockpile of them. If we had to, Im sure that it would lead to my financial ruin and, eventually, to me becoming a slave.

If a powerful noble were to demand compensation for any damages caused to their body or dignity, Id certainly go bankrupt. Ive purposefully made sure the vials theyre in are the cheapest quality available so that commoners can afford them and theres a sign above the potions that specifically states they taste terrible.

Its similar to how an onaholes manual describes the product as a joke gift and the developer is not responsible for any damages caused while using the product. Please, use responsibly and educate yourself on urethritis.

o-of course, a joke.

Yes, just a fun product to buy a friend as a souvenir.

I cant afford for him to demand compensation or punishment of any kind.

Its literally a matter of life and death.



I tried to sell him a little more on the idea of a gag gift, but it was impossible for me to read his face. Was I about to feel the wrath of the noble mage? Or was he impressed by the quality of a potion made using pessari grass?

I have a feeling that I need to make amends.

Um, Fahren-san, if youre feeling ill.

But the noble mage ignored me completely and turned to the glasses woman.

Nannuzzi, drink this.

I-I dont think thats necessary.

You have no say in the matter. Drink it.

He held out the half-empty potion to Nannuzzi-san.

This bastard. Is he trying to get an indirect kiss?

Why didnt I think of that?

I want to lick every last drop of Edita Senseis saliva from the rim of the vial. If it were sold in stores, Id buy it in the gallons. Id cook ramen in it and savour every noodle coated in her juices.


Nannuzzi-san carefully brought the vial to her mouth.

As the first few drops passed her lips, her eyes opened wide.


I believe you understand now, Nannuzzi.


She had no answer to give the noble mage. She pulled the vial away from her lips before her arms fell limp at her sides. I could then see her shoulders starting to tremble.

She doesnt look like shes doing well. Did it upset her stomach that much?

I dont imagine shed cough it up for a second time.

This is an important first demonstration before our grand opening and I would like it if I could avoid two nobles from harshly criticizing one of our main exports. The reputation of my town hangs in the balance. And the opinion of the nobles is important as theres no other way of spreading the word about my town except by word of mouth.

Ill say it once more, Nannuzzi. Do you now understand?


She was barely able to squeeze out a meek response.

What kind of play is this?

Im so envious of the noble mage.

This is Baron Tanaka.


This is a perfect example of why a student needs their teacher. We saw extraordinary potential in this potion and Im sure you saw a fortune for you, but, despite how ridiculous it may sound, he only thought of it as a souvenir. Something only worth being used as a joke.

of course.

No matter the potential this potion possesses, I will not allow you to use it as you please. And I will also add this, no educator at my academy would be allowed to fail one of their students as youve done and escape punishment. Do you understand my meaning?

I-I understand.

Then, we shall proceed with your execution.


The noble mage declared this in front of the gathered crowd.

Where did that even come from?

Were days away from our grand opening and the noble mage wants to have a public execution at our entrance. Why is he even punishing Nannuzzi-san? Seriously, what did she do? He didnt bring my maid all the way out here just so she could witness an execution.

Despite your status as a teacher, you robbed one of your students of their achievements and attempted to profit off it yourself. As school director, I cannot allow you to go unpunished.

Fahren-san? I dont mean to interrupt but could you put an end to this?

I know. This is the academys fault, so Ill end this quickly to rectify the problems you have been caused.

No, thats not.

I dont understand whats happening.

I need more information.

Before your pitiful existence is cleansed from this world I will allow you a moment to apologize for your sins.

P-Please, just wait a moment, i-if I could just.

That was your last chance.

The noble mage raised his hand as a magic circle began to form across his palm. He turned his palm towards Nannuzzi-san but before he could bring it down, she took off running.

You wont escape!

The noble mage pointed his palm at the fleeing woman before an eruption of flames blew forth from the magic circle.

He really did it.

Even if its used, pusy is pusy. Its a valuable commodity. (TN: This is censored like this in the raws.)

Please, stop!

I got ready to create a Stone Wall.

A five-metre monolith sprouted out of the earth between the noble mages flames and Nannuzzi-san. The flames struck the wall and erupted into a pillar similar to how my own fireball had reacted when it struck the loligons Stone Wall.

Oi, what are you doing!?

Thats what I want to ask you, Fahren-san.

After our heated exchange, the other nobles seemed to be admiring my Stone Wall.

Fa-Fahren-samas Flare Arrow was stopped by a simple Stone Wall!? How is that possible? I-Is it possible for a Stone Wall to be that strong!? Fahren-samas magic was no match. Thats simply not possible.

Oh, so that magic is called Flare Arrow.

Whatever that isnt important.

I dont want to damage the aesthetic of the town, so I quickly pulled the stone monolith I created back into the earth.

Once the monolith had sunk back into the earth, Nannuzzi-san could be seen with her arms covering her head and a small puddle at her feet. She must have been genuinely terrified.

There was a good amount there too. As expected of a woman over thirty.

This just increased my appreciation for Sophia-chan. She leaks out the perfect amount.

Fahren-san, were in my territory. Even if it is you, I wont allow you to commit such actions without at least informing me about the current situation.

This is an important stand.

Even if its the noble mage, I have to put up a strong front.

Hmmyes, what you said is understandable.

I would just like to know what is going on.

Of course.

I had somehow managed to calm down the noble mage and allow him to see reason.

The group of nobles once more voiced their admiration for me.


Why had the noble mage led a group of nobles to my territory? And what purpose had brought Sophia-chan and Edita Sensei together? The answer was surprisingly simple.

It was all because of Nannuzzi-san.

But Im also partially at fault. I revealed Edita Senseis recipe to the world. I wasnt even considering that when I used it during the exam. Its similar to when a boyfriend accidentally shows someone the homemade POV film his girlfriend reluctantly allowed him to shoot.

The POV film has been leaked and the embarrassed Edita Senseis social life is ruined.

Yes, very nice.

I would pay good money for that video.

So thats what happened.

Do you now understand?

Yes, I understand the situation.

But I dont really understand why he had to bring so many nobles with him.

Then you understand why I have to do this and you have no reason to protect that woman.

But, I feel like Im at fault as well.

Thats not the problem. Its about her failings as an educator.

I think thats a reasonable response as director of the academy.



I need to apologize to Edita Sensei later. I never expected this to happen in my absence. I even caused problems for Sophia-chan.

However, the problem that needs to be addressed now is the noble mages desire to kill Nannuzzi-san.

Hes obviously serious about killing her.

This is a town created for entertainment. I would prefer it if we could avoid shedding blood anywhere around here. Id also like to ask one thing. When it comes to cases like this, how are the punishments decided in the Penny Empire?

When its matters involving the academy, I as director have been given permission to decide the punishments by His Majesty.



Its a complete dictatorship.

How much does the King love this ossan?

We should at least return to the school and go over everything once more before deciding anything. Edita-san and Sophia-san were affected more than me so their opinions in the matter should hold more weight than my own.

Thats not true. Miss Edita may have developed the theory, but you are the one that perfected it. You should at least stand as her equal in this matter. This technique is a child of your combined efforts.

And Nannuzzi-san was trying to take all of the credit for herself?


Then, I have no issue with her being punished.

Honestly, Im fine with whatever.

I dont want any bad rumours spreading about my land before my town even opens. She is clearly in the wrong, but she undoubtedly has friends that would want to seek revenge. It would be even worse if she had connections to any anti-FitzClarence factions.

Shes an attractive woman thats still rather young as well. Im sure she has a sex friend or two that would have every reason to be upset with me.

Rather than creating a bad image for my town right from the start, it would be better if I could find a way to use this as a way of promoting my town. I may have received Ester-chans patronage, but Im still a brand new baron who needs every advantage he can get.

For now, at least, I believe it would be best if I avoided drawing the ire of the noble community at large.

She must be punished. I will not budge on that point.

I can agree with you on that.

When it concerns magic, this ossan becomes incredibly stubborn.

Does that mean hell postpone it at least?

We can imprison her until her punishment has been decided.

I understand. We can return to the academy before deciding her punishment. At the very least, Id prefer it if nothing was done here.

Hmm, I can agree to that.

Thank you.

Ill need to do more if I want to prevent the noble mage from killing Nannuzzi-san. For now, Ive only bought myself some time and need to figure out what Im going to do with that time. When I looked over at her, she was on her hands and knees and her entire body was shaking.

I changed my focus from her pitiful figure to the group of nobles.

By the way, I have a suggestion for everyone else.

Its time to start promoting.

Ill allow the towns first guests to enjoy the hot springs as much as they like.


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