Atelier Tanaka

Book 3: Chapter 1 (4)

Book 3: Chapter 1 (4)

Conflict 3

[Sophia-chans point of view]

I-I can see it. Its a castle. A castle is within view.

Were within the border of the Pussy Republic, a country that borders the territory Ester-sama controls. The castle of whichever lord governs this area sits before us. It has the same significance as the castle in Tricklis.

A large city surrounded this castle.

Fahren-sama told us this earlier, but this city is supposed to hold strategic value to the Pussy Republic because it is the only city near the border with the Penny Empire. This city appears to be slightly larger than Tricklis.

Prior to this, I had never been to the Pussy Republic. Ive crossed the border for the first time in my life. Ordinarily, Id need several documents and have to go through certain procedures to be allowed to cross the border. Even with Ester-sama and Fahren-sama here, is it okay for us to be in this country without permission? Im scared.

However, somewhere in that city is the person that killed Tanaka-san.


I think that an adventure can also be goodoccasionally.

But Im not sure how much help a simple maid would be on an adventure.

Is this place good?

Yeah. Can you land in the courtyard over there?

All right.

Following Ester-samas instructions, the Dragon began her descent.

Unlike the other day, the Dragon was still in her little girl form, so most of the surrounding people didnt even notice us descending on the castle. I noticed a younger, serious looking soldier spot us when we were just above the courtyard, but we were able to land safely on the ground without causing much of an uproar.

However, now that weve landed people are taking notice.

In the courtyard, there were several soldiers on patrol and a single maid at work. The moment we landed, everyone in the courtyard turned their attention to us. A few soldiers held their spears out in front of them and rushed towards us.

Its been a long time since I visited here.

As I was looking around the courtyard, I heard Ester-sama say this.

Fahren-sama responded to her.

You visited this city before?

Father brought me here when I was little.

I see.

Well, this nostalgia is meaningless. This city wont even exist tomorrow.

Ester-sama said this with no remorse.

The fear I feel inside me grows even greater each time she speaks.

Even Fahren-sama looked somewhat worried after hearing her words.

The reality that Tanaka-san has died really hasnt hit me yet.

However, in Ester-samas arms, his decapitated head rests. Shes paying no mind to the fact that his head is soiling her expensive clothes. Shes hugging it tightly against her chest as his blood continues to stain her clothes.

Oi! What do you think youre doing here.

The soldier that came running over to us stopped once he saw Tanaka-sans head cradled in Ester-samas arms.

w-whatis that.

Bring me the lord of this castle.

Whats going on here!?

Just with a single glance, the soldiers could tell something was wrong. The spear he was holding was pointed straight at us. At the same time, a small crowd had begun to form around us. They were all soldiers or knights and had their weapons at the ready.

One of the maids in the background screamed.

The similar commotion that occurred in Fahren-samas courtyard was now happening here. More soldiers began filing out of the nearby castle. There were now more than thirty soldiers encircling us.

However, Ester-sama still didnt back down.

It was as if she were standing in her own castle.

Fahren-sama was doing the same.

And the Dragon was acting like her usual self.

While I was the only one panicking and unsure of what to do.

From when we left the battlefield until now, Ive felt like Ive been caught up in a horrible dream.

Hey! Whats with all this commotion!?

The voice of a young woman could be heard coming from the opposite side of the soldiers. She sounds like she may be even younger than me. Based on her blunt words, shes most likely someone that holds power.

The soldiers soon moved aside to allow her to approach us.

The girl that walked through the crowd of soldiers appeared to be around the same age as Ester-sama. The first thing I noticed about her was her beautiful blonde hair that was styled into two perfect drills on either side of her head. Its the first time Ive seen such perfectly formed drills. I want to touch them.

Moving away from her perfect hair, I glanced at her stern expression and then saw her chest. Theyre even larger than mine. How could a girl thats slightly shorter than Ester-sama have such a large chest? The bright red dress shes wearing serves to accentuate her already prominent chest.

You are.

Oh~? If it isnt Liz.

Doris, what are you doing here?

It seems like this girl is an acquaintance of Ester-sama.

The Penny Empire and the Pussy Republic have never had great relations, but that doesnt mean that theyve always been enemies. There are occasions when the two countries may interact. I even occasionally used materials purchased from the Pussy Republic in our store.

Its not surprising to see that this could even extend to the nobility.

However, it doesnt seem that these two are on the best of terms.

Its only natural that Id be here. After all, this is my castle.

you were granted this castle?

Exactly. All of my hard work was finally rewarded by parliament. Have you come here to congratulate me? Though, I dont really see any gifts for me.

Drill-sama was smiling from ear to ear.

This type of person can only exist amongst the egotistical nobles.


On the other hand, Ester-samas eyes became more intense.

I have a bad feeling.

This wont end well.

Her eyes looked exactly the same as that time in the cafeteria in the dormitory.

Actually, I do have a present for you.

Oh, then Im glad that youre here.

Here you go.

While muttering this, Ester-sama stuck her hand out in front of her.

At the same moment, a magic circle formed around the palm of her hand and a fireball appeared in the centre. Its his fireball. The magic that Tanaka-san likes to use.

It began flying forward, directed at the face of Drill-sama.


Of course!

Drill-sama yelled out and in response, a man appeared out of nowhere to block Ester-samas fireball. Where did he come from? Was he watching everything from the shadows?

He was a tall man with horns.

One of his eyes was covered by his long hair, but I can tell without even seeing his entire face. Hes handsome. The shadow covering his face caused by his hair gave him a mysterious and captivating appearance.

He stood tall before the incoming fireball then swung one arm across the face of the roaring flames.

In response, Ester-samas fireball was extinguished instantly. The grass in the courtyard was untouched and, naturally, Drill-sama was unharmed. The mans arm wasnt even burned.

This man seems to be very strong.


Richards daughter, we should leave this place.


Your opponent here is a high demon. It would be wise of you to rethink your strategy.


Ester-sama trembled with anger as she heard Fahren-samas words.

However, she didnt agree with him.

Then hell also be my enemy and hell die just like the rest of them. Besides, shes on my side and this is the perfect opportunity to strike a critical blow to the Pussy Republic. I-I also didnt lick her just so we could back out now.

Ester-sama challenged Fahren-samas words.

She was still strongly clutching Tanaka-sans head to her chest. Occasionally, a few drops of blood that have yet to dry came falling out from his neck and further stained her clothes.

Since I was riding behind her, I had to wrap my arms around her waist in order to not fall off. Because of this, my sleeves have also been dyed a deep crimson. Fahren-samas back is bright red and most of the Dragons back is covered in blood.

Im sure we look incredibly bizarre to everyone here.

Im sorry Lord Fahren, but I cant back down now.


Ester-sama is unusually fired up.

It looks like Fahren-sama is unsure of what to do.

The Dragon, who had remained silent up until now, suddenly spoke.

Oi. I dont care what happens to you or this city, I just want to know who killed Tanaka.

She glanced at the handsome man and Drill-sama.

Her eyes are normally scary but right now I feel like a single look from her could kill me.

Youre a demon? That other one just appears to be human.

Why is a little girl like you talking so big?

It was Drill-sama that answered.

Before she could even finish her words, the horned ikemen stepped in front of her to shield her.

Master, please back away. We dont know anything about her.

Oh~, do you think even your power cant stand up to her?

She appears to be hiding it well, but I can feel a strange magical power leaking out of her.


Drill-sama looked the Dragon up and down and scoffed.

It seems like she doesnt believe the Dragon is strong.

Should I kill them?

If we just killed them so easily, the pain I feel in my heart wouldnt be satisfied. I would, however, like them to know who theyre dealing with. Could you do something to make this woman act more obediently?

Sounds good to me.

The Dragon took one step forward and casually raised her right hand.

A magic circle formed around the palm of her hand. It was around the same size as the serving tray I used at the restaurant. It was a brilliant gold colour and was aimed passed Drill-sama towards the castle.

What do you think youre doing?

Im tired of you little insects insulting me.

As the Dragon spoke, the magic circle began to glow brighter and pulsate.

There were ten or so balls of light that formed within the circle and flew into the sky.

The lights flew through the sky in the direction the Dragon was aiming. Eventually, they stopped above the castle.

From my position, it looks as if the lights are circling around the entirety of the castle.

I have a bad feeling about this.


Watching this impressive sight, the horned ikemens face stiffened.

The Dragon showed an arrogant smile.

Take a good look at this. Its quite impressive.

Using the same hand that the magic circle formed around, the Dragon pointed one finger straight up into the sky.

In response, a band of light was created to connect each ball of light.

The band of light began to expand and became one gigantic ring.


After the Dragon spoke, the ring transformed into a massive pillar of light.

The ground beneath our feet began to shake. I was struggling to remain standing as my entire body began to tremble.

The pillar of light extended high into the sky and engulfed the entire castle.

It hurts to even look at. Wait, my eyes are really burning. I cant even look at it directly. I was forced to turn away to protect my eyes from the brilliant light.


T-This is.


The roar of the Dragons attack was so loud that I could barely understand what the people standing next to me were saying. However, there was no explosive force that would usually be associated with an attack of this magnitude. The Dragon seems to have contained the force within the pillar of light.

It took a while for the attack to end.

Eventually, I could see the bright light behind my eyelids slowly fade away.

I tentatively opened my eyes.

Where did the castle go?


Drill-sama was completely lost for words.

The horned ikemen was just silently staring at the destruction before him.

That was beautiful. Well, that should be enough.

Ester-sama was the only one smiling.

Its a disturbing smile as well.

Dont act like you played any part in this, human. I only did as I pleased.

I understand that. I know that I dont command you and if you wanted to, you could cook and eat me right here. But, for now, I just want you to cooperate.

Fu~, for now.

Yes, just for now.

Im sure to Ester-sama, there is nothing more important to her in this world than Tanaka-san. She must know that she needs the Dragons help in order to get the vengeance she craves. And to accomplish this, she has no problem acting obediently to the Dragon.

After all, Tanaka-san is probably more important to her than her own life.


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