Atelier Tanaka

Book 3: Chapter 1 (3)

Book 3: Chapter 1 (3)

Conflict 3

[Sophia-chans point of view]

I wonder how many times Im going to wet myself on the Dragons back. A stain is starting to form on the back of Ester-samas cloak. She hasnt noticed yet, but I wonder when Ill have to tell her.

Im not looking forward to it.

Oh, look over there!

Fahren-sama, who was seated in the front, pointed at something in the distance.

W-What is that?

Fahren-sama was pointing towards a meadow that was full of craters. The trees and grass have been completely burned away. The total area affected was quite massive. The craters covered an area close to the size of a small village.

This isnt a good sign.

If this was a battlefield, the fight is long over. There are no signs of anyone still alive. There are some figures moving around in the meadow, but they appear to be wild beasts looking to feast on the remains of the fallen soldiers.

I can sense trace amounts of mana lingering in the air.

W-We need to get off.

Ester-sama gave instructions to the dragon.

All right.

In response to Ester-samas words, the Dragons small body began to descend.

And, of course, shes going to land on her belly.

I feel guilty feeling my butt press the stomach of such a little girl into the ground.

Your body is so soft, Dragon.

It seems there was a battle here using large-scale magic.

Fahren-sama said this as he looked around at our surroundings.

What kind of magic could leave such a massive crater.

Ester-sama asked the question that was also on my mind.

The damage done to the meadow was even more impressive now that we had landed. Each crater was so deep that a large mansion could easily fit inside. And theres not just one or two but dozens or maybe even hundreds.

If it was that guy, this much would be possible.

He must be referring to Tanaka-san.

I think so as well.

Im sure Tanaka-san would be able to cause this much devastation.

But if thats the case, where has he gone? Is he in one of the craters? If so, it would be difficult to find him. There are so many. Its so deep. The bottom of the crater is completely dark.

Oi, what is that there?

I looked in the direction the Dragon was pointing.

There were several tents set up over a small area. There were a few wooden buildings and wood towers positioned along its perimeter. I dont really know much about war but I assume this is some type of forward base.

It must be an abandoned camp from the battle.


For the time being, should we look inside the camp?

I-Ill come with!

Fahren-sama and Ester-sama began to walk towards the camp.

However, they stopped before they were even in the camp.

They seemed to have found something that stopped them dead in their tracks. They were staring at a single spot on the ground.

U-Umm, Ester-sama, why did you.


I quickly tried to run up to her side.


I stopped just short of reaching her.

Ester-sama was broken.

Her voice became louder as her anguished scream rang out across the meadow.

Im scared. This Ester-sama scares me.


What have they found?

I took a few steps closer, scared of what I may see.

Then, a familiar face could be seen rolling on the ground.



For a moment, my mind went completely blank.

This has to be a mistake.

But theres no mistaking his familiar face and yellow skin.

No matter what battlefield that guy entered, I never believed there was a chance hed be killed.

Fahren-sama looked terribly surprised as he stood at the lifeless face of Tanaka-san. His fingers were trembling. This is the first time Ive seen him like this.


Youre awfully loud. Whats making you scream like a dying animal.

The Dragon walked over to us after hearing Ester-samas screams.

And she found the same thing as us.

oi, what is the meaning of this?

She spoke in a lower tone than usual.

Fahren-sama was the one that answered.

Its just as you see. He seems to have been killed in battle.

Youre saying that man was defeated? The man that fought against me was killed by another human?

If thats not the would you explain his head there.


Looking at Tanaka-sans head rolling on the ground, the Dragon was lost for words. This isnt some kind of hoax. Her eyes remained transfixed on his head. Never blinking. It was as if time had stopped.

When we fought before, I focused my attacks on his body, but no matter how many times I attacked him or how many times my flames shouldve burned the skin from his body, he remained living. Was that a mistake on my part? Would I have won in a single attack if I just took my claw and sliced through his neck?

I dont really know the exact details but that guy seems to specialize in recovery magic. Its possible this battle was different than the fight against you. Its also possible that whatever made these craters is more powerful than even you.


This is all just pure speculation. Its impossible for any of us to know exactly what happened on this battlefield, and its also entirely possible that he was betrayed and couldnt heal himself.

This is extremely disappointing. After all, human beings are nothing more than fragile creatures.

well, thats how it is.

Even if its Tanaka-san, theres no chance hed survive being decapitated.

Thats right.

This is real.

Hey, is this really okay with you?

Ester-sama turned to face the Dragon. At some point, she had picked up Tanaka-sans head and was now cradling it against her chest as if it were something precious to her.

She looks really serious.


Id like you to listen to my request.

Why must I listen to the request of a human?

Ill do anything if youll just listen to my request. You can even eat me. So please just listen to me.

But how exactly will that benefit me?

Im sure youd like to know the identity of the person that did this to him.


The face Ester-sama is making scares me.

I get anxious just looking at her.

She looked like the usual Ester-sama but there was something off about her.

Please. Youre the only one I can depend on.

Im sure the person that killed this man would make a great opponent.

Right? Then, please.

Is what you said true? If I were to ask you to clean every one of my scales with your tongue, would you do it without complaint? How about it, human? Will you do it? Can you live up to your own words?

Yes, Ill do anything. Whatever you want of me.


Ester-sama responded immediately.

And Im sure shes being serious.

It seems that the Dragon believed her as well.

if so, youll have no trouble doing this.

She suddenly leaned forward and poked her butt out towards Ester-sama. She then lifted her skirt and pulled down her panties to show us everything.

Her butt and her other precious thing were clearly visible to us.

Why is she doing something so embarrassing?

you want me to lick the upper hole?

Thats right.

I wonder if this situation has been caused by the cultural differences between dragons and humans.

A serious yet sad atmosphere was created after the Dragon stuck out her butt.

If Tanaka-san were here Im sure hed be happy.


Ester-samas tongue touched the Dragons backside.

Sloppy wet sounds could be heard coming from behind the Dragon.

Ester-sama got down on her knees, wrapped her arms around the Dragons waist, and continued.

Shes getting serious now.

Nau~.this bodyis really sensitive.


Ester-sama is truly desperate.

Shes licking it rather persistently.

Ah, she stuck her tongue out further and it went inside.


The Dragons body began to tremble.


T-Thats enough!

The one that wanted to stop was the girl being licked.

Thats not what I was expecting.

Is the sensitivity of a Dragons butt different than a humans?

did I satisfy you?

Y-Yeah, that was good enough.

The Dragons cheeks are slightly red.

She definitely felt good just now.

That is the face of a woman that has been pleased.

Then, please listen to my request.

what is it? Hurry up and say it.

I want you to completely erase any existence of the Pussy Republic from this world.

Ester-samas eyes were serious as she said this.


I flew through the sky for a while carrying Allen. Eventually, we arrived back at Tricklis. Flight magic is the best. It would usually take a few days to return to Tricklis from the battlefield, but it only took around an hour to get back while flying. Im glad I raised the level to fifty-five.

Our destination was next to the main gate leading to the lords castle.

Th-Thank you, Tanaka-san.

No, Im sorry for forcing you to fly in such a cramped position.

You really saved me. Your magic is truly amazing, Tanaka-san.

Thank you for saying so.

I had been carrying Allen in a princess carry this entire time and was relieved that I was able to finally let him down.

It also doesnt help that we landed on a busy road and were attracting the attention of many of the surrounding people. Is this because we just fell from the sky? We escaped their gazes by passing through the main gate and reached the castle.

However, a guard was standing at the entrance of the castle and blocked us from entering.

What reason do you have for approaching the castle?

Excuse me. Im a knight of the Central Order and we need to speak with the lord.

Allen began searching through one of his pockets.

By the way, hes wearing pants that he found in the camp. It would be difficult to enter the castle if he werent wearing any pants. Besides, if he didnt wear any pants while we were flying, I wouldve had his penis staring me in the face the entire way.


What is it?

The paperwork proving Im a member of the Central Orderit was in my pants.


We barely managed to escape the battlefield. Allens armour was ruined and everything below his waist was cut off.

The gaze of the guard became even more intense.

This is a little suspicious. That armour youre wearingare you really who you say you are?

O-Of course!

Then youll have no problem showing me some identification.


It seems the ikemen lost his ID card on the battlefield.

This isnt good.

The memory of me being thrown into prison suddenly returned.

I have my doubts.

He tightened his grip on the spear he was holding.

P-Please, wait! Im sure I can find it!

Allen began frantically searching through his pockets.

Were in a real pinch. If Ester-chan were here Im sure everything would be resolved. But theres little chance of that happening. And I doubt using the FitzClarence family name will get us anywhere.

Despite Allen desperately searching his pockets, hes not going to find it.

Allen, for the time being.

I was trying to get Allen to leave with me.

But I heard a voice that I recognized come from the other side of the gate.

is that you, Tanaka?


I looked passed the guard to see a face I recognized.

It was Neumann, the official that had been giving me my orders.

He seems to have recognized me and came running over to the gate.

Im glad to see you safe.

Thank you, Neumann.

He briefly showed a slight smile and seemed happy to see me.

But this only lasted for a short moment.

He quickly regained his composure and began speaking in his usual official voice.

What are you doing here?

Im still supposed to be fighting on the frontlines. Im sure hes wondering if Ive deserted the army. Well, considering hes the one in charge of giving me orders, that suspicion is only natural.

Before we flew away from the battlefield, Im sure one of the soldiers left to send a message of what had happened. But even travelling by horseback, they havent arrived before us.

Its good that Allen is here.

Weve come to report on what has happened on the battlefield. This is Allen. He is a captain of the Royal Knights in the capital and was in command of the army.

Neumann was sent away from his wife and child in the capital.

Hes weak against authority figures, but hes even worse when it comes to someone from the capital that holds power.

Y-Youre a Royal Knight?

The effect was instant.

Ah, yes. My name is Allen and I belong to the Central Order.

The ikemen picked up on my intention quickly and gave Neumann a casual greeting.

Its good that I made friends with Mercedes-chan. That is what led to us spending the entire night drinking and Neumann confessing all of his insecurities to me. Anyway, now that Neumann knows Allen is from the capital, his attitude has completely changed.

What can I do to serve you?

Its just as he said. Weve returned from the battlefield with an urgent report to give to the lord.

He looked at each of us nervously.

Even though I healed all of our injuries, our bodies are still covered in blood. Just by looking at us, Im sure he can tell whatever we have to say to him isnt good.

Neumann nodded with a serious expression and said,

S-So you have something urgent that you need to tell the Baroness?

Both I and this man know the FitzClarence Baroness. Id be very thankful if youd grant us entrance to the castle. If it turns out were lying you can kill both of us on the spot.

The ikemens eyes were shining brightly.

It seems like hes even more fired up than usual.

If what you say is true, I could grant you access to the castle. However, Ive recently found out that Baroness FitzClarence has left with the Great Earl Fahren.

Eh? That ossan is here?

The Great Earl Fahren has come to Tricklis?

Allen was just as surprised as me.

Y-Yeah, based on what Ive been told, that seems to be the case.

I see.

I dont think that ossan would come here without a good reason.

He must have some business either in Tricklis or near the city.

But I have no way of knowing what.

So, what should we do now?


If the noble mage is involved, Im sure it must be important. As far as I know, hes the strongest human alive. He was able to fight against a Red Dragon before and, if his level has increased, Im sure hes even more powerful.

Nevertheless, that long-haired man isnt human.

In the unlikely event that those two were to meet on the battlefield, the result would be unpleasant.

Those two definitely shouldnt meet.

Excuse me, Neumann-san, but I have a question.

What is it?

Did those two leave here on an airship?

Oh, I was told that he arrived here on the back of a small girl that was using flight magic. They left with another woman riding on this girls back. To be honest, I couldnt believe it at first, but all of the maids that work here have said the same thing.

A little girl that can use flying magic. Who could that be?

I dont understand.

But I would like to meet this little girl.


But it seems weve missed them.

However, if I fly, I might be able to find them.

Allen, this is urgent.


I need to return to the previous battlefield.

This is most likely where theyve gone.

Another option is the camp where Gonzalez should still be stationed.

But that will be my second destination.

In any case, my priority is ensuring Ester-chans safety.

Ah, I guess the noble mage is also important.

T-Tanaka-san!? T-Then I should come too!

Im sorry but I need to be as fast as possible.

I know I can be of help to you!

Esters life is in danger. Forgive me, but I need to get to her right away.


The ikemen wont give up. Especially if Ester-chan is involved.

His face was distorted with anger and pain.

He looked like he was on the verge of crying.

If I were in his position, I may have cried.

Im sure its painful for him to not be able to do anything for the girl he loves. I may be a virgin but I can understand that feeling. In fact, I understand better than anyone because I am a virgin. Someday, Id like to be able to work my hardest for the person I love. I could return home from work and hand them my check for the month. Theyd manage all of the finances of our household.

I truly am sorry. But you can rest assured that I will return Ester safely to this castle. She wont have a single scratch or bruise on her. I will make sure that she understands how much you wanted to be there for her.


Im sorry that it has to be this way, but I will keep her safe.

of course. Thank you.

And cheer up. You have much more to offer than me.

After saying this, I gradually lifted into the air using my flight magic.

Allen, Neumann, and the castle slowly faded away as I rose into the sky and set my direction towards the battlefield.

I wonder if that lolibitch is even there.

If she is and the enemy has returned, Ill have no choice but to crush each of them one-by-one.

Im sure I can do it with my flight magic.

After all, its level fifty-five.

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