A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 99: Ghost Drawing Room

Chapter 99: Ghost Drawing Room

[Is the player sure he wants to enter the copy early?]

"That's right." Wuji Gu nodded.

[Because players enter the copy a dozen days early, more detailed clues will be provided.]

[Upon entering the studio, all that is on the surface is not necessarily true, and what is most important is what you will find only if you look patiently.

...... Until the time you see that painting, you will finally realize, what exactly you came to this place to do].

[Warning: Basic drawing knowledge is required in this copy].

Then a glowing object appeared in Wuji Gu's hand, and he opened it to see that it was a broken-looking paintbrush.

"Is this the key prop for this copy?" Wuji Gu immediately put it away, waiting to see when it could come in handy later.

The system's last prompt made him guess something, a little confused about the development of this copy. As for the rest, surely we will know after entering the copy.

Wuji Gu did not buy the information sold by that so-called senior player, he is not so much as to spend thousands of points to buy fake information. But other players of this copy might buy ...... him to ask each other then.

This time to enter the copy, Wuji Gu did not go to find any acquaintances to go in with him, after all, he does not want to cause others to lose their lives, he alone is enough.

What's more,...... this copy is also very likely to appear and he is involved in the two Liege bosses.

In fact, this is what Wuji Gu considers to be the most dangerous part of this copy.


When Wuji Gu woke up, he found himself standing in front of a villa.

The time is daytime, but the surrounding hues look gray and gloomy, giving people a gloomy feeling. The villa in front of him is a three-story villa, the style looks familiar, surrounded by a mist, vaguely able to see the shadow of other villas.

It seems that this villa is not in the kind of wilderness where there is no one around, but in this copy and can not go out, in fact, and the wilderness of the ruins is no different.

But at this point, Wuji Gu's mind couldn't help but think of the image he saw when he was in the copy of the abandoned hospital and went out from the painting ...... A bit of uneasiness emerged in his heart, it can't be that this is Yu Jin's home.

"That kind of thing shouldn't be possible."

Next to them came seven players, all dressed in similar attire to Wuji Gu, looking at the building next to them with a wary look, all looking prepared.

Wuji Gu was keen to see who might have purchased the information from the senior players, but no matter how you look at it, everyone seems quite likely.

[You are a group of journalists who want to make a big story and therefore have quietly come to this drawing room in an abandoned villa].

[All the painters who came out of this studio kept their mouths shut about what happened to them, as if it was a very horrible experience, after which all of them died unexpectedly, and no one was spared. As for the owner of the studio, it has disappeared, the police can not find any trace of him.

It makes you wonder what really happened in there.]

[Trigger main quest: Enter the drawing room to explore].

Wuji Gu think if this is not the system introduction words, this protagonist time and again to die in the horror film must be the kind of big bad film it! If he is not hard enough have died a few times.

After the system beep, the crowd introduced themselves in a friendly manner before entering the door.

There was a player in the group who was said to be about to enter the advanced copy, and looked very handsome, named Qingman Rong. He looked extremely arrogant, and after spitting out his name coldly, he ignored the rest of the group, and no one dared to go up and talk to him.

This Qingman Rong's name always feels a bit familiar, when exactly did he hear it before?

Wuji Gu slightly puzzled and did not think much of it, after all, the other side are going to enter the advanced copy of the people, may be in what the system space on the leaderboard to see it.

And the others have noticed, in addition to that Qingman Rong, there is a handsome man with amazing face, immediately came up to talk.

Although previously everyone felt that looks played no role in the copy, after experiencing a certain video that had previously burst into flames, their mindset had changed slightly ...... thinking that as long as you were strong enough, even non-human npc's could be picked up.

Besides, it is a pleasure to stay with a good-looking person with a good personality, and these players already have a good feeling about Wuji Gu before they even talk to him, mainly in contrast to Qingman Rong over there, of course.

Wuji Gu also chose to fine-tune his appearance this time, using the same values as the previous times, and introduced himself as Sun Shi.

Someone already exclaimed in a low voice, "I remember! You're the man who was seen by the Mountain God!"

Wuji Gu : "?" Why, wait, what is this name calling!

He has apparently become a celebrity after the previous copy of the medieval wedding because of the video uploaded by Wuji Gu burst into flames ...... and because that video was too gay, everyone will know in their hearts whenever they say that the man who was looked at by the god of the mountain.

It is rare to see such a stormy figure, the rest of the people have looked over with a look of awe at the big brother. Of course all to such a difficult copy, the crowd more or less have some bottom card, this look is not disguised no one knows.

Only Qingman Rong coldly turned his head and swept a glance, his eyes seemed to carry a few moments of sarcasm, thinking that they are very meaningless, straight up the steps of the villa, reaching out to push the door open.

"If you have time to talk nonsense there, you might as well go in quickly. Time is very precious." This handsome man spoke coldly like this, turned around and already entered the house.

The faces of the people changed slightly. One of the middle-aged men whose appearance looked very ordinary and unimpressive gestured with his eyes to the people behind him, then the youth with a few handfuls of red hair dyed on his head immediately said deliberately, "But just a little bit more powerful, so he thinks he is great, others Sun Shi so powerful are not as arrogant as him."

Wuji Gu completely did not expect things to be involved in their own head, and quickly said: "Others just personality so, and I have nothing to do, everyone go inside."

Seeing the failure to provoke Wuji Gu and Qingman Rong's relationship, the middle-aged man could not help but look slightly changed, the heart felt that this Sun when really a little blood is not, obviously also considered a celebrity ...... but even if the surface did not show anything, the heart must also have mustard bar.

The house has been abandoned, but still electrified, as soon as the switch lights up. Inside the layout is very strange, a few people behind the door is facing a wall, on which hangs a huge painting, surrounded by even blood-red light.

The painting is very strange, is a woman without a face, plus the house has been abandoned for a long time incomparably eerie, the walls are shaped like a ghost of moldy spots, instantly can scare the timid people paralyzed.

Even these few players, at this point, had to take a breath of cold air.

"What the hell is this house owner's taste." "Shit almost scared me to death."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wuji Gu's heart was relieved.

This villa is obviously completely different from Yu Jin's house, so it seems that the boss he is facing is not that Yu Jin. Although Wuji Gu is not afraid, Yu Jin is a difficult man to deal with, so it's best if he doesn't meet him.

"But if things get so bad that maybe this villa is also a painting by Yu Jin ...... then things will be in trouble."

Wuji Gu is glad that he brought in a lot of matches this time, so he can use them any way he wants when the time comes.

As for the first door Qingman Rong at this time is standing in front of the portrait quietly measuring what, the look is still very serious.

"The rest of the portrait is extremely well-drawn, and obviously the blank space was left out on purpose." Wuji Gu also went up to look at it and said, "Maybe the author of this portrait wanted to express something."

That said, although Wuji Gu painstakingly drew for days for this copy. But he obviously does not have a talent for this, nor does he have any particularly strong artistic cells, and cannot understand those art paintings at all ......

Jia Cheng knew, but also could not help but feel, maybe this is that no one is perfect, if the good-looking and strong strength of the master Gu actually have artistic talent, how can he have the face to live in the world!

"What do you know." Qingman Rong did not even look at Wuji Gu, but spoke coldly, "The owner of this portrait is not to express anything. Rather, the person he wants to draw in his heart has not yet appeared. Maybe, among us, there is the person he wants to find."

The others heard his words are a burst of creepy, what do you mean there is a portrait of the owner looking for people? To really as he said, it can not be what find people after the ordinary painting it! Maybe the soul is bound in this painting.

The crowd immediately subconsciously away from the painting, for fear of any accidents.

Qingman Rong just sneered at this, "Do you think others are asking so little?"

The others can not hold back their anger, before being ignored this is fine, this actually began to mock is too much! But considering the strength of the other party and the terrifying extent of this copy, the crowd still held their anger back.

Wuji Gu, who had personally experienced the tragic event that almost turned into a painting, did not show any fear, but just looked at the portrait in front of him a few more times and muttered under his breath, "I wonder what will happen if I destroy this portrait."

This is when a competent woman in the crowd with a low ponytail, named Jie Yan, immediately stepped out with an anxious look, "You can't do that. The tips I purchased said that unless there are special circumstances, any damage to the paintings here will attract the ghosts of this copy, which is a very dangerous act."

Wuji Gu originally was just a casual remark, such a death-defying behavior he certainly will not do, but did not expect that there will actually be good people up to persuade, and immediately thanked each other a few words.

Qingman Rong saw this only to reveal a cold look, directly from the side of the corridor into the villa more internal to go.

The crowd did not want to stay in this bizarre place much longer, they have walked over together.

What everyone did not notice was that after they left, the portrait without the face on the content of the heck changed a few points, seems to be a little more trace, but nothing can be distinguished.


Behind that wall, there is a corridor, and after coming out of it, there is a hall in front of you, and at the end is a staircase leading to the second floor and the basement.

This hall in addition to the toilet still looks usable, everything else has been very dilapidated, everywhere is clutter, the seats sofa is a thick layer of dust. There are several locked up rooms next to each other, I don't know what they are for.

And all the windows that can see the outside world are boarded up, giving a sense of oppression.

There is also a lot of graffiti on the wall, just looks psychologically uncomfortable, feeling that they are some mentally unstable people painted out.

"This place is pretty shabby."

"The person who would come to this place to paint in the first place is simply mentally challenged, right?"

Wuji Gu, on the other hand, found a dusty flyer on a nearby table, which was once used to advertise the studio. There was also a torn piece of paper underneath with some notes about the house written on it.

It seems that the owner of the house is a painter, and where the studio is located is the basement. People who come to study in the class can even stay on the second floor and then eat and drink on the first floor. But the only thing you can't go to is the third floor, where the reason given is that the third floor is the painter's private space.

"It seems that this studio was quite normal when it was still open, and the photos on the flyer looked ordinary, not like it's so ......" Wuji Gu looked around, "After all, it's also been abandoned for a long time. "

Wuji Gu's behavior drew the attention of others, who came over to see what he had found.

"So it seems that the third floor must be hiding some secret, maybe those people who went out of this drawing room before will die horizontally all because of what the owner did." Jie Yan spoke thoughtfully.

"The reason why this place is in disrepair is probably also because the people who walked out died and thus could not open it. Even because of that so-called curse, no one is willing to take over this villa." The middle-aged man also mused.

Next to the person with pick dyed red hair is obviously his little brother, heard the words immediately reveal a look of excitement, "Big brother is right."

"Speaking of which, it says it's looking for eight students, and we have eight people here too ......"

Wuji Gu's words were only half spoken -

"Have you guys said enough there?" Qingman Rong had already walked to the entrance of the basement by now and turned his head to say coldly, "Don't forget what the main quest is. If it's not triggered in time, do you guys still want to wait until it's completely dark to come back to this drawing room?"

The rest of them felt really unhappy with his attitude, but they had a point, and immediately walked towards the location where the basement was located.

The middle-aged man is seemingly unintentionally talking badly about Qingman Rong around Wuji Gu, thinking that Wuji Gu will definitely be upset by this ......

However, the truth is that Wuji Gu was so focused on looking around that he didn't listen to the middle-aged man's provocative words. Besides, even if he had listened, he probably wouldn't have understood what the other side was implying.

The door of the basement was pushed open by Qingman Rong, and a cold air came towards the people. The good thing is that the lights inside can still be turned on.

When they all entered the basement, they were stunned to see the scene in front of them.

This basement is completely different from the above, there is no trace of dilapidated appearance, but also neat as new, as if in such a long time has been used.

The most conspicuous thing inside is the eight panels placed in the middle of the basement, which have even been pasted with snow-white canvas, as if waiting for others to paint afterwards.

The crowd saw the image in front of them, could not help but suck back a breath of cold air.

Combined with what they had inquired about before entering the copy, there was already an idea floating around in the minds of the group.

[After you enter the basement, the coldness is like seeping from the ground to the bottom of your feet. This is the true nature of the cursed room, and you, those who entered the room, are cursed as well! You cannot leave this room until you have broken the owner's grudge].

[Main Quest: Enter the drawing room to explore and complete].

[Trigger a new main task: Paint a painting worth one hundred dollars before zero hour.

Note that, in addition to the drawing paper outside the painting tools are only available today, after the players need to explore the various parts of the house to get.

Those who fail to complete the main quest will not be wiped out, but will be affected by the curse within this villa, leading to some fatal crises. If you find a way to survive, you can also continue to participate in the second day of the mission.]

The crowd was dumbfounded for a while, they actually wanted them to draw?

And listen to the system, after the painting tools or something actually have to find their own. Even such a task will have to come once a day, the value of the required paintings do not know how much it will raise!

It is hard not to really have to force themselves into what what painting master in order to leave this copy? This copy is actually so inspirational? For a while, it reminds them of their own high school exams when they were miserable.

But it was also clear to the crowd that those who had left this studio to achieve fame and fortune had died horizontally shortly afterwards, and just bored painting was definitely not an option.

And what's surprising is that the system actually gives people who didn't complete the main line a chance to live, so you can imagine how difficult this task will really be afterwards.

Although they think how to feel, straight face villa curse of people that must be hanging that night!

"Luckily, I purchased the painting skill when I was before."

This was the idea that came to everyone's mind, and it was perfectly fine to rely on their painting level to reach the value of 100 pieces at this time.

They took a deep breath and went to the easel, picked a spot and then drew quietly on the paper.

Even though the requirement was only 100 pieces, everyone didn't dare to slack off and put out their best. After all, who knows if this copy will have any hidden rules, such as the ugliest drawing will be the first to die or something like that.

Although Wuji Gu had two props that could come in handy at this point, charcoal and paintbrush, he wanted to test the waters on the first day, so he just used the drawing tools provided here to draw.

After the painting, the crowd left the room with mixed feelings, at this time the time is still some time before dark, they immediately grouped in the villa to carefully explore up.

The stairs leading to the third floor are sealed, and as soon as you press your hand on them you will feel a sensation of being watched by cold eyes, and nobody dares to open them directly yet.

As for the second floor, there are four rooms for people who come to paint to rest, each room has a bunk bed, and there is a washroom at the end of the corridor, and all of them are still usable to the extent. Next to it is a utility room, and the door is locked.

This section of the quest did not present any problems, and no one even bumped into the ghosts. But no players were relieved by this, instead they felt a sense of stormy weather.

The most frightening thing is probably the board hanging in the corridor on the second floor, on which it is also written that the rules here are not allowed to go out after ten o'clock, no matter what noise is heard.

Even if the crowd can't figure out why, they don't dare to go against the rules written out here.

The walls of the corridor are hung with a large number of paintings, next to which is written the work of students.

The content on it was shocking to see that many students who had only ordinary painting skills before had improved by leaps and bounds in a short period of time. Not only the painting skills, even the content of the whole painting has been raised, simply transformed!

But this did not give the crowd any inspirational feeling at all, but rather felt so bizarre that they were afraid to look at it again.

After all, this is not some ordinary drawing room, but a place where if you cannot progress, you will die.

Wuji Gu Looking at it, it seems that these people may not be off the grid, but have reached such progress in another way ......

"Speaking of which, how exactly should we fix our food." One couldn't help but say, "Although the backpack with a part of the compressed cookies, but the cookies last at most three or four days, if the time spent in this copy more ......"

"There's no need to worry about this." Wuji Gu said, "If there is really no food provided for us, this copy should be over in three days."

It is always impossible to really starve the players to death, although many copies of the system are very difficult, but from this aspect to make things difficult for the players or not over.

The man sighed with relief and looked at Wuji Gu with grateful eyes.

Then it was time to divide the rooms. A couple in the group naturally lived in one room, two other women also lived together, and the middle-aged man and his henchman were also in one ...... room. The last ones left were Wuji Gu and Qingman Rong.

In the face of apologetic looks from the others, Wuji Gu was fine with who he was living with.

The crowd took advantage of the hurried washing up before zero hour and all went into their rooms to rest.

This room is not very large, in addition to the bunk bed, there is only a cabinet and a desk. The windows that can see the outside world are not sealed, but the view from here is the outside world full of mist, which makes people's hearts even more uneasy and want to pull the curtains closed.

Qingman Rong walked to the bed and frowned, reached out and swept the dust off it before sitting down, and looked coldly at Wuji Gu, "Do you think they'll be grateful if you help these people so much?"

Wuji Gu looked over in surprise and said, "Hmm? You are concerned about me?"

Although otherwise slow, Wuji Gu is enigmatically perceptive at times like this, leaving those around him at a loss as to what to say.

"I just think you're an eyesore for being nosy. Of course, good people like you are still quite rare." Qingman Rong seemed too lazy to interact with Wuji Gu anymore, and hurriedly got into bed and laid down.

"Oh, thank you for the reminder." Wuji Gu actually felt before that this Qingman Rong was not a difficult person to get along with, although his attitude was a bit harsh, but the other party was developing the main quest properly, and also reminded them from time to time.

In short, the conclusion is that the quality of players in this system are quite good.

"It's not like I'm complimenting you!"

Wuji Gu also climbed to the second floor of the place to sleep, he lay down that is really a few breaths have gone to sleep.

Qingman Rong below was silent when he discovered this. How can there be such a big-hearted person, not afraid that there is something wrong in this room, and then die without even knowing! He was annoyed for no reason.


Somewhere in the darkness and gloom, a man with his hand outstretched is turning over a few paintings in front of him.

This hand can be said to be a very beautiful hand, just pale to the extreme, in this dark night as if emitting a faint glow general.

That is clearly the painting that Wuji Gu and others painted in the basement today.

"There is absolutely no painting that makes people feel surprised. Except for this one ......" The man shook his head, and his face took on an expression of interest again, "It really makes me wonder how far these people can go after that."

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