A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 98: Master Gu is a man who has been seen by several evil spirits!

Chapter 98: Master Gu is a man who has been seen by several evil spirits!

The others are also in a daze, the things in front of them have made them unable to say anything, after all, actually witnessed Jia Ning people with such vulgar words accosted, and also accosted Gu master!

The impression of Jia Ning's people became subtle for a while.

Yangshuo Xia, the only one who knows Wuji Gu's true gender, could not help but fall into silence.

Wuji Gu was relieved. The fact that the other party did not find out his true identity proves that the disguise props obtained from the system are really too reliable, and can be used more often in the future.

As for what the other side said, Wuji Gu did not care too much, was planning to casually dismiss the past, the ghost of the waiter in front of him was suddenly distorted, and let out a very painful wailing sound.

Wuji Gu had no time to continue to talk with this Jia Ning person, and quickly pressed the ghost and asked, "Wait, are you okay? Do you know who killed you?"

After all, the ghost will appear in this place is certainly not just a coincidence, his car accident is estimated and the person behind the curtain has a connection.

But the person behind the Cheng family's affairs is obviously Jia Ning's person, but this Yang Ning in front of him seems to be unaware of it. Wuji Gu gave him a thoughtful look, realizing that he seemed to be involved in some kind of trouble again.

The ghost not only looked in pain, after listening to Wuji Gu's words, there was a crazy look in his eyes, he covered his head and wailed: "No, I don't know ...... don't ask me ...... I can't remember ...... that man will kill me ......"

Wuji Gu hurriedly tried to use magic to undo the curse on the ghost, but after he did so, the system prompted that the power of the contract on the ghost in front of him was too strong, and it was beyond his ability to solve.

"Shit ......" Wuji Gu clutches the ghost, before it can do anything, the other side of the body is vaguely signs of collapse.

"It seems that this ghost has been raised by someone." Next to Yang Ning looked at the ghost, his expression abruptly grave, "originally he was just an ordinary ghost, but in the process more and more powerful, but also with the person who raised the ghost has a close connection, if you violate what the person who raised the ghost under the restrictions, even the soul will fly away."

He was suddenly serious when he mentioned about ghosts, and before simply like two people, so the crowd did not react.

Wuji Gu face ugly at the words, immediately let go of the ghost, at that moment, the mirror on the wall abruptly shattered, in the moment of attracting the attention of the people over, Wuji Gu ghost in front of the body into the mirror in the black fog, completely dissipated invisible.

It was so fast that all of them were unable to stop it, and the black fog looked like it was about to dissipate.

And the female ghost who was tied up immediately showed a pleased look and seemed to want to escape together.

Wuji Gu steeply took a few steps forward and tried to take the pocket watch out, realizing that if the two ghosts ran away at this point, things would probably develop to a more unimaginable level.

But just as his hand pressed the system space, an invisible force was pressing on his body, making Wuji Gu completely immobile, as if a hand had pressed on his hand.

At this time, Wuji Gu even vaguely seems to see a certain shadow around his body, but in a flash the other party has already dissipated.

Although the dissimilarity lasted but a few breaths, even all the others did not notice Wuji Gu had any problems, the dissimilarity was over.

But the black fog in the mirror, including the female ghost around it, also dissipated, leaving only the rope Wuji Gu had tied the female ghost to remain in place.

"What the hell is that?" Wuji Gu felt bewildered, that power have been powerful to the extent that he was shocked, but he could not feel the other party's intention to threaten him.

And when that power was generated, Wuji Gu felt that most of the power in his own body was drained away, and now there was a sense of weakness, so he had to rush to use the healing power to nurse himself.

Such a situation is as if he had used his ability to summon the other copies of the Liege out before. But this time he apparently didn't do anything of his own accord, so what was the reason?

Wuji Gu gave up when he couldn't think of anything, and anyway, this kind of weird thing has happened to him more times than he can count.

But after calming down, Wuji Gu also realized that he had just acted too impulsively. The person behind this matter does not yet know how strong, not necessarily he can deal with, if he learned the other party's true identity now ...... that the end may be very bad.

The most important thing is that if he takes out the props in front of these people, he will definitely reveal something, especially the person next to Jia Ning. Wuji Gu, however, has not forgotten that Jia Ning may have advanced players.

After the two ghosts disappeared, the house immediately returned to normal, except for the broken mirror and cracked door, as if it was just an ordinary room.

The crowd was so relieved that today they thought they were almost accounted for here.

The people of the Xia family even hurriedly came to thank Wuji Gu and wanted to get his contact information.

Wuji Gu shook his head, since he came this time with a hidden identity, he did not intend to use it to contact anyone.

Next to Yangshuo Xia immediately spoke: "You guys give up, Master Gu is a high level person I invited, he usually does not do these things, I also invited him by chance."

The crowd couldn't help but be disappointed, but they could also understand that such a high person was not some ordinary person after all.

Yang Ning, on the other hand, looked to Wuji Gu at the side, and his eyes immediately softened, "Master Gu, I also want to discuss some things with you about the ghosts here."

Wuji Gu actually is not unwilling to communicate with this person, by the way ask the other party to come here in the end to do what is good. Who knows, the system's warning suddenly sounded, prompting him that the time for disguise was about to expire.

"No need, I still have something to do, so I will leave first." Wuji Gu instantly cold face, said turning around and hurriedly went out.

Yangshuo Xia hurriedly followed behind him, he was not willing to stay here alone, "Master Gu, wait for me!"

Yang Ning looked at the backs of those two people, with a look of frustration.

The other party is probably just shy. We still have a chance to see her again at the banquet afterwards."

Who knows that Yang Ning but shook his head and said with a sigh, "I must have been too sudden and caused her excitement ...... After all, she just looks like a very shy and soft person."

Xia Wu almost sprayed, in the end Yang Ning is from where to see that woman weak ah! Is this the filter that people who fall in love are going to put on?

To know this period of time and Yang Ning stay, he almost thought that the other party is indeed the type that does not have the slightest attachment to feelings, who knows actually look at this ...... in front of the eyes although it seems to be very powerful high people, but no matter how you think is not the type that can make people fall in love at first sight.

The others are still in mixed emotions at this time, and it is estimated that after tonight, this mysterious woman will become a famous presence in the circle. Although even now no one knows her name.

"But this isn't the time to talk about that either." Yang Ning looked towards the room and looked indifferent, "What happened here, we'll probably have to ask the bar people for an explanation."

Although today's events seem to have been resolved for the time being, nothing has actually been resolved.

Yang Ning has realized that it is no coincidence that such a thing would appear here, maybe it was originally aimed at him.

After all, he is the man of Jia Ning.

As for the relationship between Wuji Gu and this 'Master Gu' who appeared in front of him at this time, Yang Ning did not even think about it. After all, even if they are both surnamed Gu, so what, it is impossible that Wuji Gu also ran to change sex.


Jia Cheng was very distracted.

Of course he knows he shouldn't interfere with Master Gu what, but what if say Master Gu is really going to meet some online love interest?!

Although Master Gu is so reliable and so amazingly strong, Jia Cheng always feels that he is still too kind, and is certainly easy to be deceived by others' feelings.

"Hey, what the hell should I do." Jia Cheng could not help but sigh, he still remembered that he just went up to try to find Master Gu, but steeply saw a woman hurrying out of the door of Wuji Gu's room, wearing clothes that still looked extremely familiar.

Master Gu, Master Gu really found a date? Even the relationship between the two are actually good to the extent of such a big night date? Even the ghosts in Master Gu's house are not aimed at this woman?

Jia Cheng muddled back to his room, he felt he still needed to calm down and calm down ...... Why, he was the one who thought he knew Master Gu best and was closest to him, but didn't even know when the other side had developed such a relationship!

And master Gu such a good and kind people even if, how the ghosts are not engaged in that woman ah! He is now but into the door will also be those ghosts to scare.

Jia Cheng has some doubts about her life.

But speaking of which, is this really okay? Master Gu is a man who has been seen by several evil spirits!



Soon the car had arrived at the underground garage of Wuji Gu apartment.

Yangshuo Xia looked at Wuji Gu with gratitude in his eyes, "Master Gu, thank you so much for today."

Although he still does not know exactly how Master Gu is a key disguise into a woman, and how to immediately revert to the appearance of a man ...... this must be the secrets of others high people, right.

What's more, Wuji Gu once again showed amazing strength, so that Yangshuo Xia could not help but cling to his thighs, and he realized afterwards that he had not been controlled by the pigs like the others when the mirror went wrong, and that was probably all thanks to the charms that Master Gu had given him.

Wuji Gu was somewhat apologetic, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep a low profile this time."

"What's the point, in that situation still low profile is not waiting for death!" Yangshuo Xia hurriedly said, "Master Gu you did not do anything wrong at all."

Wuji Gu's look eased up, promised others things he had to try to do.

"But Master Gu, this time that Jia Ning's person is very perverse, I'm not even sure if he sees something and is deliberately testing you." Yangshuo Xia frowned, "I'll have someone collect more information about them when I get back."

Although, actually Yangshuo Xia felt that Yang Ning's expression did not look like he was in disguise ...... God knows how he looked at Master Gu's mysterious female costume.

Wuji Gu thanked him and got out of the car, thinking about the two ghosts he met in the bar today, and couldn't help but feel that something big was about to happen in this city.

A sense of urgency couldn't help but weigh on Wuji Gu's head, and he also felt profoundly that his purification power was not enough, and he actually let those two ghosts driven by the evil one to be caught back today!

If his purification ability can be strong enough to purify even the more advanced ghosts directly, he can at least let these two ghosts regain their freedom.

What's more, the Xia family banquet, which is going to be held in a few days, has already given Wuji Gu a vague sense of crisis at this point.

He looked at the memory given by the host's ghost in the TV set when it disappeared earlier, that memory was very fuzzy, but it already clearly showed the outline of a man who appeared to be very young.

In this memory of the ghost, there was not much contact with the other side, but more of it showed his scary routine in that room.

It can be said that the ghost is really quite talented in making ghost movies, these daily are extremely frightening and immersive, the replacement of individuals can be scared past, only Wuji Gu look with great interest.

Although these memories do not reveal much information, the man has given Wuji Gu a strong sense of crisis.

Wuji Gu had a feeling that what would happen at the party was definitely not ordinary, and combined with what happened at the bar today, he suspected that he would encounter another copy of reality afterwards.

"The people of the Xia family should be able to handle the bar themselves, I'm just an ordinary actor, I can't help." Wuji Gu thought this way, "really should hurry up with the next copy, have to improve their strength to do."

And early access to the copy is also able to know more copies of the news, the amount of information on this news and the number of days in advance is directly proportional to the number of days, it can be very tempting.

It's just that most people can't give up their comfortable life in reality and choose to enter some kind of copy world where life and death are uncertain, for them even if they pay all to stay in reality for one more day, where will be so casual like Wuji Gu.

Wuji Gu took out an inventory of all the props he got, and found that his most reliable props were the kitchen knife and pocket watch. The rope used to be enough, but now that the ghosts we encounter are getting stronger, we should probably find a way to upgrade it.

As for the rest, there are a bunch of props that haven't been able to trigger yet, and things that are functionally messy and don't know when they'll come in handy.

The charcoal pencil, which I don't know exactly what it does in the world of painting, makes Wuji Gu think that it can be useful in this copy ...... After all, these two copies are already connected.

Wuji Gu feels that in some special situations it may come in handy. Of course, in general, he does not want to have any emotional entanglement with the ghosts.

Wuji Gu doesn't even realize now that there have been several LiGi and he has emotional entanglements.

Seeing Yuanzhou Lu pass the copy that situation, Wuji Gu doubts that the system will also set any trap for what he has.

But he is not someone who will consider so many things, it is not possible to go up and reckless is, worry so much instead will fall into the wind.

After getting almost ready, Wuji Gu went to take a bath and got comfortable in bed.

Today he is still a little tired of tossing and turning, ready to wait until tomorrow when he is in better spirits before entering the copy.

But before that, he opened the system space, ready to see the posts inside.

At this time, a person's posting is what caught his attention.

"People, don't go and buy those information about the copies! It's all a scam!"

"I entered a copy before, people bought the news from a hidden channel from senior players, and thought it was a sure thing! Who would have thought that what happened inside was actually completely different from the news we learned ......"

"No, it's still the same, but there are subtle discrepancies in places that are enough to affect life and death. It led to the total annihilation of my teammates, and if I hadn't been lucky enough to have a prop on me that happened to restrain ghosts and take advantage of that opportunity to escape, I would have been dead by now."

"I don't know how many people will believe it, but I don't want anyone else to be fooled!"

Wuji Gu immediately remembered that he met in various copies of those who were cheated by false messages, think this kind of thing should still be very frequent, he could not help but become curious, immediately went to private message each other.

Just when Wuji Gu clicked on the private message screen, the post disappeared, and I don't know if it was deleted or what.

After Wuji Gu sent a message to ask, the other party immediately replied, apparently emotions are still in the excitement, constantly cursing the system's forum must be and those senior players wolf for wolf and other words.

Although the real reason is probably selling copies of the news of this kind of thing is against the rules of this game, in fact, everyone is secretly careful trading, so the post sent out openly and honestly will certainly be deleted.

Wuji Gu quickly expressed his purpose, he wanted to ask the other party where he bought the information from, and he wanted to check it out himself.

The forum private message is also anonymous, and the other party looked at Wuji Gu like this and thought he was an ignorant newcomer, so he hastened to persuade.

"Thank you very much, but I'm looking for these messages for other reasons." Wuji Gu said.

The other party of course does not believe Wuji Gu's words, but see Wuji Gu has been so persistent, so I had to say: "Since you want to know so much, even if not I will certainly find from others, I will give you the address ...... just you must be careful, especially those senior The news of players, one can not believe!"

Wuji Gu put the address away and added: "But these high-level players are so powerful, is there a need to lie to us?"

"We also think so, before being cheated so badly!" The other side is simply gnashing their teeth, "These senior players are simply worse than beasts, I heard that some of them are already almost as bad as even a severe ghost, they can't be considered human at all ...... think it must be us players whose death can bring them any benefit that they do this. "

Wuji Gu responded a few times and reassured the other party a few more times, which ended the conversation.

In fact, Wuji Gu was thinking about the same result.

But one thing he still cares about, whether in the copy or in reality, those senior players seem to be planning something, and even give him a feeling that these people are very anxious, as if a step later will be behind others and thus encounter any danger.

"By definition, such powerful people are not in such a hurry, right? It's as if they are afraid of something, thus improving their strength in such a way." Wuji Gu feels that this matter is really fine, "Even senior players will be afraid of something, then what exactly is it."

"But that's not something I can know right now."

Wuji Gu put this matter behind him for the time being and opened the address that the other party sent him. Here is a very hidden anonymous forum where people secretly exchange some information and some things that cannot be said in the outside world.

Trafficking copy news is still quite a lot of people, but in fact the system these copies are not set in stone, even if it is the same background, change the wave of people will be completely different from the last time ...... some people feel that it is as if the time in those copies of the world also passes as well as the outside world.

In this case, the most reliable or before the start of the copy, the clues provided by the system, as well as the copy of the news known when entering the copy in advance.

It's just that it's more difficult to obtain, and I don't know whether it's true or not. The basic trafficking people will provide something to confirm that what they say is true ...... In short, it is not so simple to buy all.

In such a case, those so-called senior player bigwigs from special channels is what everyone is grabbing for.

Wuji Gu originally just a casual look, but soon saw one of the messages is really a copy of themselves to go after, the posters claim that their information is obtained from senior players, absolutely reliable, of course, the price is not cheap where to go, a few thousand points to start.

But even at such a price, the crowd still bear the pain of shelling out, after all, compared to points, life is the most important thing.

"This is ......" Wuji Gu looked but thoughtful.


At this moment, in the apartment building across from Wuji Gu, Jia Ning's people are all looking serious.

This evening Wuji Gu go out a thing, they still only later noticed, although the other side quickly back, but this is after all their negligence ...... moreover all of them at that time are still in the liver hand game, it will feel more vain.

"What the hell has this Wuji Gu been doing?"

"He only goes out once in so long, maybe he's just taking care of something important this time! Damn, I can't believe I didn't even notice."

"This is not the way to go on, we must find a way to force him a bit, otherwise there is no way to find out the clues." One person was finally unable to resist.

Mainly because he is also too much kryptonite on the game, feel that this will continue to be unable to return to the capital!

"Then start with that young master of the Cheng family?"

After this period of investigation, they also found that Wuji Gu this person is simply self-absorbed to the extreme, are not social, even if you want to take other people to threaten, but also from Jia Cheng to start.

"Makes sense."

"Speaking of which, the weather has been really cold lately ......"

These few people are talking about the occasion, did not notice in the slightest, in the corner of the black fog is spreading.

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