Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 314 There’s Always Some Sadness That’s Hard to Resolve

Chapter 314 There's Always Some Sadness That's Hard to Resolve

Qin An easily moved into the small village. He was surprised to discover that Yin Hanchao was actually a good person.

At the very least, the enthusiasm that this fatty showed towards him made it difficult for him to resist.

In Yin Hanchao's words, fate was important between people. The moment Qin An appeared in front of him for the first time and pulled him off the ghost, Yin Hanchao had already determined that they would become good brothers and good friends.

Qin An recognized the saying that "fate is important between people." However, what Yin Hanchao said later was a bit too false, causing Qin An to have goosebumps every time he thought of it.

However, there was no denying that Yin Hanchao treated Qin An very well. After getting along with him for a few days, Qin An felt as if they were brothers.

Gui Zi's body had recovered and his limbs were reborn. However, her heart couldn't recover. When facing Qin An, she always couldn't forget how Qin An cut off her hands and feet with a Japanese knife.

Therefore, she was really obedient in front of Qin An and obedient like a slave.

This was a result that Qin An hadn't expected. It seemed that this little girl from R Country hadn't suffered any setbacks. Perhaps her father, Murakami Masayoshi, really loved her and protected her as a porcelain doll that could easily shatter her mind.

Under Qin An's orders, Guizi lived with Yin Hanchao every day.

However, Yin Hanchao did not touch her again.

Yin Hanchao was essentially a good person.

However, his hatred for Murakami's righteousness was too deeply engraved in his heart, which was why he passed it on to the ghost.

Once he was clear-headed and calm enough, his heart would become very soft, no longer willing to hurt a pitiful little girl like Gui Zi.

Counting the days, today was the eighth day of the lunar calendar. Qin An's plan to invade the enemy's territory was carried out smoothly.

For him, there was also something that wasn't going well, and that was Li Na.

A few days ago, Li Na hid in her room and witnessed Qin An's cruel methods towards ghosts.

She was frightened!

Was that Qin An the man who was so cruel that he cut off a little girl's limbs again and again?

She couldn't be sure, because after growing up, this man had already matured. He seemed to be completely different from Qin An, whom she had known before she crossed over.

At the very least, there seemed to be a fundamental difference in their personalities and methods of doing things!

Fifteen years, could it make a person change so much?

In short, after that day, Li Na began to deliberately hide from Qin An. In fact, she hadn't even spoken to Qin An for a few days.

Qin An was helpless against this situation. He originally didn't want to explain anything, but he discovered that Li Na's appetite had become very bad in the past few days. She had eaten very little and had lost weight several times. This could only show that Li Na had suffered a lot of psychological pressure.

There was nothing he could do. After breakfast this morning, Qin An came to Li Na's room and planned to have an in-depth conversation with her.

Li Na, who was lying on the bed and staring at the roof of the shed in a daze, sat up nervously and leaned on the bed after seeing Qin An enter. Her face also turned a little pale.

She was currently wearing a thick white undergarment with a quilt covering her legs. Her thin body made Qin An feel very uncomfortable in his eyes.

Walking to the bedside, Qin An pulled over a chair and sat down. He said, "Have you eaten yet?"

Li Na shook her head and replied in a low voice, "Uncle Fatty sent someone to deliver the food, but I can't eat it. Now the food seems to be very nervous. Leave it to someone else!"

With a bitter smile, Qin An looked into Li Na's eyes and said, "Are you afraid of me?" Fifteen years ago, you were the last person to be afraid of me! Have you forgotten how badly you bullied me? Remember that time, when class was over, you filled my pencil-box with water, and then put a few small fish in the water. I didn't know when I came back that I was in such a sorry state when I spilled a pencil-box full of water and fish on me! "

Li Na was slightly stunned for a moment, then couldn't hold back her laughter and said, "Haha, who told you to buy such a big and clumsy iron pencil case? Looking stupid, just like you!"

After saying this, Li Na's mood relaxed.

For her, this happened five years ago. At that time, they were just in the second year of junior high school, but for Qin An, it had already happened twenty years ago!

I didn't expect that he would still remember!

Seeing that Li Na's expression no longer seemed so nervous, Qin An tried his best to make his expression gentle and said, "Li Na, don't be afraid of me! Because I don't want you to live in panic every day! I already said that I am the only proof of your existence in this space-time, so you can tell me anything directly."

Hearing Qin An's words, Li Na was slightly moved. She let out a long sigh of relief, then looked at Qin An with her eyes and said, "Qin An, although you were stupid when you were young, you were kind-hearted." Why are you so cruel to a little girl now that you've grown up? "Although she is from R, she is still a human being."

Qin An nodded. It was indeed because of this that Li Na alienated him.

Qin An sighed and said, "That's right, my behavior that day was indeed a little too extreme. Actually, I originally wanted to intimidate Fatty and his subordinates and subdue the ghosts at the same time." But the first time I cut off a pair of Gui Zi's arms, she said R-mandarin, as if it meant'no '. It was the word that often appeared in island action movies-'Linen Belt'! This reminds me of a small matter from the past, so my mood became a little unstable. That's why I took action too heavily. "

Li Na didn't quite understand what Qin An meant when she heard about the island action movie. However, she was very interested in the so-called small matter that affected Qin An's mood. She asked, "What is it? Tell me about it."

Qin An's expression was a little depressed, and then he said, "Li Na, it's actually good to be young!" I'm so jealous of you now. When a person grows up, they are no longer simple, and their thoughts will become more and more. Alright, let me tell you about this small matter. It was my first year working as a security guard in a Japanese electronics factory. "In our security team, there is a female security guard. She looks pretty, but her figure is very hot. Especially her butt. She is very plump. Any man who looks behind her after bending down will have an impulse to commit a crime."

Qin An said. Li Na's face was already red. She quickly opened her mouth and stuttered, "Qin … Qin An! What are you talking about?"

Qin An's expression was very calm as he continued his narrative,

"The female security guard's name is Guo Ping. At that time, all our male security guards liked to joke with her, and Guo Ping's personality was also very cheerful, and her relationship with everyone was not bad.

One day, Guo Ping went to the company's canteen to eat. The canteen's window was relatively low, so she had to lie there to tell the cooking master what she wanted to eat.

When she was lying there, her butt naturally curled up. Her plump butt made her trousers round. From the back, it was very tempting.

At that time, there were a few male security guards, including me, eating at the nearby dining table. When they saw Guo Ping lying there, they began to talk about her butt. Hehe, the men were actually like this.

At this time, a Japanese section chief from the Production Section also came to the canteen to eat.

When he walked near Guo Ping and saw Guo Ping's raised butt, his eyes shone with green light. In the end, he couldn't control his lust and gently patted Guo Ping's butt in public.

How can we tolerate a R citizen openly flirting with a Z woman in a Z citizen's place?

So, at that time, a few security guards rushed forward and argued with the man from R Country. In the end, we even took action and beat him up violently.

In the end, we were fined a month's salary, and the man from R only wrote an apology letter!

However, we are not disappointed because what we want is his apology, an apology to our Z people! It's fine that we lost some wages because we felt that we upheld the dignity of the Z people! "

When she said this, Li Na listened very seriously. She pursed her lips and looked at Qin An. Her mood became better.

Perhaps, Qin An had really grown up, matured, and changed.

But once she communicated with this man, Li Na could always find the familiar smell of Qin An when he was young in his words.

Yes, no matter how much he changed, he was still Qin An!

With this thought in her heart, Li Na's pale face turned red. She interrupted, "That R-man is really bad!"

Qin An bitterly smiled and sighed before continuing,

"Even so, a month later, one night, I worked the night shift and patrolled the factory.

Inadvertently, I suddenly found two figures in the corridor of the office.

I cautiously followed them, wanting to confirm their identities.

And when I got closer, I discovered that these two people were Guo Ping and the head of the R Country in the production department!

At that time, I was filled with the atmosphere, thinking that he wanted to take advantage of the fact that no one was bullying Guo Ping, so I wanted to rush up and beat him up.

But when they opened their mouths to talk, I couldn't move an inch.

The Chief of the R Country's Department is very poor in Chinese, but he can also express his meaning clearly.

He wanted Guo Ping to follow him into the office, and then stuffed a dozen of money into Guo Ping's hands.

Guo Ping initially refused, but after receiving the money, she actually started pushing it half way, and finally followed the section chief of R Country into the room!

At that time, there was no light on in the corridor. It was very dark. They did not notice my existence.

As for me, I'm completely stupid. I can't believe what's happening in front of me is real.

After lingering for a long time, I slowly walked over to the door of the room they entered.

Perhaps the two of them were too anxious, or perhaps they were too nervous. The door was not strict, so I could hear the sound from inside even if I stood at the door.

And after I got close, do you know what the first thing I heard was?

It was that slut who shouted an inappropriate word-'Linen Belt'!

And then, the voice of the Chief of the R Country said, "Very good! Very good!"

At that time, my heart and lungs were about to explode with anger. Blood surged all over my body and finally rushed to my brain!

Without any hesitation, I kicked open the door and went in to see the couple stripping and hugging each other!

Who would have thought that things would turn out like this? This woman actually gave up the dignity that we used to protect for her for money!

At that moment, I laughed! He rushed forward and beat up the section chief of the R Country fiercely! "I fought for a long time. When I left, I didn't look at Guo Ping. I just spat and left it on her!"

Saying this, Qin An's voice became deep and hoarse, and his eyes turned blood red.

Li Na, on the other hand, was dumbfounded, her body trembling.

Qin An controlled his emotions and said,

"Afterwards, I was detained for a month for assault.

As for the section chief of R Country, he was transferred back to R Country for misconduct, and Guo Ping resigned and disappeared.

This is really exciting for me.

I understand one thing!

We must strive for self-improvement, be it in times of war or peace.

If we are not strong enough, they will open the factory into our country!

Hire our cheap labor force, produce products and sell them to us, continue to earn our money!

If we're not strong enough, they can sleep with our women!

Let us lose all of our ancestors' face!

I am not a very strong person, but after experiencing that incident, I really feel that I must work hard and become stronger!

However, reality was very cruel!

Because I left behind a criminal record, because of my low educational background, because of my average ability, because I didn't have connections in a strange city, because I didn't have the capital to operate, so I didn't find a suitable position for myself.

Haha, so, perhaps I should thank the apocalypse. In the apocalypse, I faced reality and escaped from reality!

Alright, Li Na! That's the little thing I need to tell you.

Because when she chopped off the ghost's arm, the R-language she shouted reminded me of it, so my mood became a little unstable. That's why I chopped off her limbs again and again. That's why I treated her so cruelly!

Li Na, you have to believe that I am not a cruel person, really! "

At this point, Qin An's expression became lonely.

As for Li Na, tears had already flowed out of her eyes. She felt that this was truly a sad'small matter '!

Suddenly, a furious roar came from outside the door.


After that, the voice faded away.

Qin An knew that it was Yin Hanchao. He already knew that he was eavesdropping outside. Perhaps he came here with him. He wanted to talk to him, but he accidentally heard this little thing.

If he left in such a furious manner, then there was no need to think that he must have gone to look for the little girl and the ghost!

Sigh, there are always some sorrows in this world that can't be resolved.

Suddenly, his small hand held Qin An's big hand.

That small hand was cold, but it could also make Qin An feel warm.

Li Na's gaze met Li Na's. Li Na's eyes were still filled with tears, but her face was full of smiles. She looked at Qin An for a long time before saying, "Qin An, how have you been these 15 years?"

Qin An did not think too much and answered, "Happy and painful!"

Li Na bit her lips and said, "Fortunately, I found you! Qin An, I haven't grown up yet! I don't understand the sufferings of the world, so let me share my innocence and happiness with you, okay? It's not easy. I can find you even after traveling through 15 years of time and space! Haha, how happy is this!"

Qin An looked at Li Na's overflowing smile and smiled. He dispelled the haze in his heart and said, "Then, are you not afraid of me?"

Li Na snorted, "Fool Qin! Let me tell you, I've never been afraid of you!"

Qin An laughed heartily. In the apocalypse, there were always some people who appeared, which made people happy and happy.

To Qin An, that person was right in front of him. She was Li Na!

After gazing at each other tenderly for a while, Li Na became nervous and blushed. She couldn't help but pull back her hand that was holding Qin An's. Then, she looked away and awkwardly said, "Then... Then Qin An, have you seen Guo Ping since then? And the section chief of R Country, what's his name?"

Qin An shook his head and said, "I have never seen Guo Ping again. As for the section chief, he seems to be called Great Dongyang Sheng!"

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