Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 234 Be Trapped Again

Chapter 234 Be Trapped Again

After entering the stone house, Qin An quickly looked inside.

At this time, there were already more than a dozen people here. The so-called stone house was just a huge cuboid wall. There were actually three brick houses and a small courtyard inside.

Qin An thought to himself, Sure enough, it was the same as what he had thought before. The villagers used the thick and hard cuboid concrete walls outside to keep them safe.

A portion of the side wall had ventilation openings, and the top was not completely closed. There were round holes about ten centimeters in diameter arranged neatly.

Most ingeniously, the tracks of the holes in the two-meter-thick wall appear to be curved, A small mirror was placed at the bend, so that when sunlight shone on the top of the cuboid wall, light would enter through the hole at the top and shine into the mirror at the bend. After reflecting into the cuboid wall, the small courtyard and the three houses would be illuminated by specks of light.

Normally, Qin An would be amazed at the wonders of this design, but at this moment, he didn't have time at all.

Holding Lan Yue in his arms, Qin An hid in a corner of the cuboid wall and squatted down. He focused slightly and listened outside!

At this time, the giant zombies no longer emitted low-frequency sound waves. This allowed Qin An to turn on his super hearing without being attacked by low-frequency sound waves.

After listening carefully, Qin An's heart sank, because he discovered that within a kilometer of Fang Yuan, there should be zombies everywhere! Moreover, there must be more zombies surging in. The zombies were eating the flesh and blood of those people who had not escaped into the cuboid wall, causing the nearby bloody aura to be dense. That was why the zombies gathered in large numbers and did not know when they would disperse! Or maybe they won't dissipate!

Qin An gritted his upper lip with his teeth and spread the super-hearing monitoring points out to all the nearby cuboid protective walls. He needed to know where his people were!

The distance between each of the 36 cuboid walls was five meters. They were neatly distributed. Six of them were horizontal and six were vertical. It just so happened that the number was thirty-six.

Qin An numbered the cuboid walls and searched them with super-hearing.

Finally, in the sixth cuboid wall, Qin An heard a familiar voice! That was Liu Yuanchao and Wu Yan.

Liu Yuanchao said, "Wu Yan! I didn't see our people in this house!"

Wu Yan said, "Yes! They were all scattered. They might be in another house! Or..."

Wu Yan's tone became low as she said this, and then she stopped talking.

Qin An did not hesitate and continued to search. He wanted to confirm the status and location of everyone in the team!

Diamond, Liu Wenli, and Wu Zhen were inside the eighth cuboid wall.

Jin Gang shouted, "Big brother! Big brother, are you here?"

Liu Wenli said, "Brother Jin! I just saw it, but I didn't find Boss Qin!"

'"Jin Gang!" Wu Zhen said, "Stop yelling. Keep quiet at this time! Everything will wait for the zombies outside to calm down. We'll find a way! Let's see if we can get out and meet up with the boss!"

On the ninth cuboid wall, Sister Li, Sister Wang, He Qin, Big Dipper, Qin Bing, Yun Duo, and Shi Jing were present.

The reason why there were so many people gathered in this room was because Big Dipper saw that the situation was urgent and quickly brought the people beside him into the ninth cuboid wall.

Qin An felt a little relieved. With so many of them together, they should be safer.

Liu Dongfeng and Wang Yunzhi were inside the protective wall of the eleventh cuboid.

Guo Xiaomei, Guo Shuai, and Ba Tian were inside the protective wall of the 13th cuboid.

Several people were also searching for their own people in that wall.

Wang Hui's voice rang out from within the protective wall of the 15th cuboid. She called out Qin An's name a few times before she stopped talking! His body began to tremble, as if he was nervous or afraid.

Qin An searched all the cuboid walls with his super hearing, but he couldn't find Weng Die!

Could it be that she didn't enter the cuboid wall? Qin An was a little anxious and searched again.

In the end, he heard the voices of a few men talking in the cuboid wall of Number 33.

"Hey? Look at that woman! Is she Weng Die? Superstar Weng Die?"

"Stay here! There are zombies outside, don't talk!"

"It seems like it really is Weng Die!"

Then, no one spoke.

Until now, Qin An's heart had finally calmed down. It seemed that the twenty-one members of the team had escaped a calamity and successfully entered the various cuboid protective walls. This was considered a great fortune amidst misfortune!

However, because everyone was dispersed by the crowd and zombies, they did not enter the same cuboid wall! So now there are zombies outside! That means everyone is completely trapped and quarantined!

Of all the people present, Qin An was most worried about Weng Die! Because Weng Die only had one person, and she was not a capable person! What if something happens! What shall I do?

At this time, Lan Yue gently pulled Qin An's clothes and said, "Uncle! Are we trapped? I'm a little scared! Where are the others?"

Qin An frowned and lowered his head to look. A round hole in the ceiling just happened to have a refracted light shining on Lan Yu's head, causing Lan Yu's illuminated hair to emit a light blue light.

Qin An looked at Lan Yue and smiled. "I'm not afraid. Isn't this Uncle accompanying you?" He said.

This sentence was very simple, but it made Lan Yue feel warm in her heart!

She finally understood why she liked Qin An.

It wasn't because they had once had an online relationship. After all, they were all illusory and didn't have any sense of reality.

It wasn't because Qin An had become young and handsome now. Before the end of the world, Lan Yue had seen many handsome men younger than Qin An!

It wasn't because of how good Qin An's personality was. In fact, Qin An was a simple, ordinary man with no personality at all!

However, the only reason he still liked him was because Qin An was always so calm when facing dangers, always able to give people a sense of security! It was as if with him around, all dangers would eventually leave her side.

Lowering her head, Lan Yue placed her face on Qin An's chest to listen to the sound of his heart beating. It was strong and steady! He was really calm and composed!

And what Lan Yue loved was this calmness and calmness.

The two of them hugged and did not speak. They listened to the roars of zombies coming from the light refracted from the ventilation openings and the roof of the shed.

At this time, the rest of the cuboid wall did not speak, and their bodies trembled as they stood in the courtyard.

This small courtyard still had a small earth wall less than half a meter high. Inside the courtyard, there were three brick houses.

There was short grass growing in the courtyard, and there was a small amount of moss on the brick houses. It seemed that the people who lived here should not have left for long, because everything looked neat and orderly.

The creativity of people was indeed limitless. Qin An had to admit that this enormous cuboid wall that covered the entire house and courtyard was a crystallization of people's wisdom, even though its structure seemed simple.

Time slowly passed. The afternoon slowly passed. Twilight arrived, and the light within the cuboid wall slowly disappeared. Finally, darkness descended!

The people in the thirty-six cuboid protective walls were all very quiet. No one spoke, and even their breathing was very slight.

The zombies outside were still howling, as if they would never stop.

Time continued to walk. By midnight, the zombies finally calmed down. The people inside the cuboid wall remained silent. Everyone casually sat on the ground. Some people would take out the food they carried to gently chew. Some people did not have any food on them. They could only starve and suffer.

Qin An was carrying some roasted chicken meat from the Red Wolf Valley of Z Country.

That place was really good. If Qin An didn't have Qin City and didn't want to find Lan Yu's mother's target, he really wanted to live there. There was no need to worry about food and it was very safe.

Actually, this was all Qin An's wishful thinking. It was not safe in the forest at all, because some mutated beasts and zombie beasts were dozens of times more dangerous to humans than zombies. Ordinary people might even have a chance to escape or retaliate when they encountered zombies, but if they encountered those dangerous mutated beasts or mutated zombie beasts, they could only be slaughtered by them, unable to escape.

The night slowly fell. Everyone was very tired. No matter if they were full or hungry, they would all fall asleep slowly in the end!

Actually, Qin An did not want to sleep. He wanted to insist on listening to everyone's condition with his super hearing to prevent some accidents from happening to everyone.

Actually, even if Qin An could monitor what was happening in the other cuboid walls, there was nothing he could do because he was completely trapped by the cuboid walls and the zombies outside.

Lan Yue was lying in Qin An's arms and was already asleep. Her face was pressed against Qin An's chest and she looked very obedient.

Qin An looked at Lan Yue for a while, and finally, he was tired and triumphed over everything. In the end, he slowly fell asleep.

At this time, outside the thirty-six cuboid protective walls, the zombies from the south and the zombies from the north that had been called back by the Giant Corpse King had already gathered at one place, forming a new zombie group, and the number had already exceeded 100,000!

With the Giant Corpse Kings as the center, they spread out in all directions and entered a dormant state!

Giant Corpse Kings are not affected by earthquake bass waves, Under the influence of the Giant Corpse King's low-frequency sound waves, the surrounding zombies also got rid of the impact of the earthquake bass waves on them. They forgot the summoning command of the earthquake bass waves and returned to normal. Thus, they were able to enter a dormant state at night instead of constantly moving towards the epicenter of the earthquake!

At the same time, there were many zombies coming from the southeast, southwest, and south, but they were attracted by the bass waves from farther away, so they would not enter hibernation at night!

Some of these zombies passed by the dormant zombies, while others crashed into the dormant zombies. Because they were unable to move forward, they could only join this zombie group in the end.

Therefore, the zombie horde's base continued to grow. In one night, it had already reached more than 140,000 to 50,000 zombies.

When the sun rose in the east, a few faint rays of light came from the holes in the cuboid wall and shone on Qin An's face, who was leaning against the corner of the wall.

Qin An frowned and woke up from his sleep. He felt a chill down his butt.

This was because he had been sitting on the ground all night, and in the early morning of September, there would be cold air coming from underground.

Moving his numb neck, Qin An looked at Lan Yue in his arms. This woman was still asleep. It seemed that she was really too tired! After all, they had escaped until midnight the day before yesterday afternoon, and they had barely stopped their legs!

He had both the Sword God Physique and the Variant Physique. After sleeping for a while, he recovered. However, low-level Sword God Physique carriers like Lan Yue naturally felt a little tired. Then, ordinary people should be even more tired, right?

Focus. Super hearing is activated. Qin An listens carefully. Indeed, the people inside the cuboid wall where he is are sleeping very peacefully.

Paying attention, Qin An listened to the sounds from the other cuboid walls to see if anything was happening.

Suddenly, a woman's cry from within the wall of the fifth cuboid attracted Qin An's attention, causing his heart to tremble slightly!

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