Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 172 So It Was YOU

His fingers began to fly across the keyboard keys, as though he was a man possessed. Tiny screens soon popped up repeatedly one after another, but Jingwei remained calmer than Xue Ning had ever seen him, whistling a jaunty tune. as he continued to alter the code.

His confidence would be sexy, if not for the fact that Jingwei was actively committing cybercrime. Even if it was on a much smaller scale, it would do no lasting damage, except to the poor owner of the account who would wake up one morning to find everything gone.

"Ah, it's been a long time since I did this, so I'm a bit rusty," Jingwei said with false modesty, even as he continued to edit the lines of code. It was just like riding a bike, even if the start was shaky, one never truly forgot how to do it. "Tada! Proof that I wasn't lying!"

He got access to someone else's game account, easily transferring their items to his own.

"Wow, that's amazing," Wei Yan said with a hushed whisper.

"Wow, so you're a cybercriminal." Xue Ning said, narrowing her eyes as the puzzle pieces began to assemble.

They formed a damning picture indeed.

​ "Well they should have used more complex passwords," Jingwei said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I see," Xue Ning replied evenly. "And would you say the password redflame55ninja is a good password?"

Wei Yan and Ming Guang, with a fine-tuned sense of danger honed from their jobs, began slowly inching backwards. Ming Guang shot Jingwei a warning look, willing him to watch his mouth.

But he was ignored, because Jingwei had no eyes for people that weren't his wife.

"No?" Jingwei said, frowning. "It's very easy to crack because it only has letters and numbers and no special characters. Even if it has capital letters, it's still not hard. That kind of password is juvenile. Which idiot would make this password?"

"Me," Xue Ning replied curtly, giving him a death glare.

"Eh?" Jingwei blinked, not understanding his precious darling fiancee's one word response. "What do you mean by 'me'?"

"I had that password." Xue Ning replied, and waited for the words to sink into Jingwei's brain.

"Hahahaha…" Jingwei laughed awkwardly as he realised he indirectly insulted Xue Ning. "Well, you were young then. Everyone has made one stupid password once in their life!"

"You fucker," Xue Ning exclaimed, pulling him by his collar. "IT WAS YOU THAT HACKED INTO MY ACCOUNT AND SCAMMED ME!"

"I did?" Jingwei asked in surprise as he tried to loosen the death grip Xue Ning had on his collar to no avail. "I don't recall."

"Of course you wouldn't, you dickhead," Xue Ning argued hotly. It wasn't as though Xue Ning's account was anything special or spectacular, but she was still proud of her progress, because it was hers and not her older brothers.

"How many accounts have you hacked huh, you fucker? I bet I was just one of the notches on your bedpost!" She continued, shaking him by his collar as though he was a glow stick she just cracked apart.

Wei Yan whispered to Ming Guang, "Should we stop her?"

Logically, Ming Guang should say yes because he was supposed to protect his charge from all threats to his life, even if the threat was his wife.

Illogically, Ming Guang was feeling just a slight tinge of petty at Sun Jingwei's earlier actions. How could his Boss decide to trap him in his own car with no way out when he was just trying to do his job?

As such, Ming Guang simply shook his head at Wei Yan's question. Let him suffer for a while longer. Besides, Sun Jingwei had a strong streak of possessiveness; that man might not want people touching his wife - even if it's to help him!

Meanwhile Jingwei could only wish for a time machine, just so he could travel to the past and smack his past self in the face! Hacking game accounts? For shame! Did his past self know that he was ruining his future romance? Clearly not, because his past self was a moron!

(Also, his heart had dropped all the way to his feet. If this was how Xue Ning thought about his actions regarding simple hacking of game accounts, she would hate him for the other things he did!)

"Xue Ning I was wrong… I'm sorry…" He wailed pitifully, making sure to channel the attitude of a repentant puppy that peed in their owner's leather shoes. "I was a young and stupid child that didn't know any better…"

"Don't feel too sad, you are still young and stupid now," was Xue Ning's heartless response, but she finally let him go. Not because she had forgiven him, but because her arms were getting tired. She had used them to give CPR to his father, stab a man, and then fight Zhou Yu all in one day.

What an exhausting day. And then she found out Sun Jingwei was that bastard responsible for stealing her Limited Edition Kitten Pet along with the Meow Meow Magical Ninja equipment set.

What a fucker.

She growled at him, while Jingwei continued to grovel for forgiveness, holding onto her hands as he looked pertinently remorseful, throwing out a litany of apologies for all his past misdeeds. Anyone could have thrown Sun Jingwei onto the theater stage during his monologue; he would not have been out of place at all.

Meanwhile, Xue Ning still looked unmoved at the display of passion and drama. Her eyebrow was raised, as though she was internally deciding how long she should punish him for his past actions. Should she wait for Jingwei to cry first?

Wei Yan whispered softly so as to not be overheard. "Hey, do you think our Boss has a humiliation kink?"

Ming Guang recoiled, shooting him a look of utter distaste and disgust at the mental images that crossed his mind. He fought the urge to retch. "That is… urgh. Inappropriate. Disgusting. Never speak to me again."

Wei Yan nodded, and then he continued to talk to himself. "I think he does, he seems like someone that would like it if she stepped on him."

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