Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 158 Assigned Bodyguards

A stunned silence met his pronouncement.

"You must be joking."

Captain Mu couldn't believe his ears. The reason why he was even hired by the Suns in the first place was because of Wu Shang Jing and his family! Back then, the relationship between the two allied families had soured, and the Wus were seeking retaliation for Young Master Sun's actions.

As such, Sun Haowei was forced to hire Captain Mu and his elite team of bodyguards to ensure he and his family remained safe during that trying time.

"He jumped off the pier and drowned years ago," Captain Mu said, frowning. "We scoured the seas for his body and we couldn't even find any part of him."

"You said it, there wasn't a body." Jingwei said, shrugging, his shoulders tight with unease. "We have no real proof he's dead. He's always been good at diving, and at slipping through the cracks, unnoticed."

Xue Ning raised an eyebrow. So this person was apparently a sneaky merman. Joy.

"We have no real proof he isn't alive either," Captain Mu said, just to make sure his charge didn't dive off the deep end, overthinking conspiracies when there could be nothing.

"But I shall take your words into consideration. Perhaps there are Wu family loyalists hiding all these years, biding their time to finally get revenge on you." He conceded.

A family as old and powerful as the Wus, who were actually more prestigious than the Suns, surely had supporters who held a grudge against the Sun family, especially if they believed the Suns purposely caused their downfall to take over their empire.

,m Xue Ning frowned in confusion. Wu family loyalists? What was this historical drama playing out in front of her?

Meanwhile, Jingwei nodded grimly in agreement. That was also one of his conjectures.

Captain Mu continued, "and now with your father out of commission, it's likely they'll redouble their efforts to take out your brother and you. Make sure to stay vigilant - I'll assign more bodyguards for you and your wife."

Xue Ning frowned. Having more guards would be good, even if it did rankle her pride, but she knew she still lacked experience to protect him. Today's incident was proof of that - she needed more training, and with assigned bodyguards she could learn from them as they guarded her. It was a win-win solution!

But where would they sleep? In the living room on the couch? Or in Jingwei's room?

"If you think it's best!" Jingwei said, suddenly more agreeable, the glum fog around him vanishing. "They can stay in my spare room."

Suddenly, Xue Ning understood Jingwei's plans! He was trying to hit two birds with one stone - get protected, and get her to share a bed with him! Truly a devious man! She shook her head in fond disbelief.

Jingwei gave her a cheerful smile, fully expecting her to catch on to his plans.

"Then we'll get going first! Send us your best team members Captain Mu. I have no plans to die early," Jingwei said, squeezing Xue Ning lovingly. "I still want to get married and have children with Xue Ning!"

Xue Ning choked. Children! Her face flamed at the thought, and the flush did not fade, especially when she recalled what happened in the bathroom. She now had a better idea of how Jingwei would proceed with actually making the children, and the familiar curl of arousal reared its cautious head. The thought of Jingwei working hard to make a baby in her made her pussy tingle, but she squashed it down viciously.

This wasn't the time to have children. They weren't even really married! More importantly, there was a possible madman out for his life! A madman she had no idea about.

She narrowed her eyes. That wouldn't do. When they arrived home, she was going to make him cough up everything!


They were assigned Ming Guang and Wei Yan.

Ming Guang met their gazes evenly, his stern face never even twitching. He gave the both of them polite bows, standing ramrod straight at attention. He reminded Xue Ning of an army general.

Meanwhile, Wei Yan was the opposite. He was clearly the youngest member of the team, but he took his job seriously, even if he was a tad bit overzealous in ensuring their safety. Xue Ning found him dogging her heels more than once. She didn't know if it was a good thing or not.

At least they were both professional, and didn't make any mention of the fact that they heard Jingwei and her moaning in the bathroom. If they did, she'd probably explode.

"I will drive your car to your apartment," Ming Guang said.

"But I want to drive my car," Jingwei protested. He knew they were his bodyguards, but he didn't trust them yet, and vastly preferred them to get their own transport. He didn't want them to sit in the backseat of his car, eavesdropping on his conversations with Xue Ning.

"Can't the both of you just follow behind me or something, in your own car?"

Ming Guang and Wei Yan stared at him in abject disapproval, as though Jingwei said he was going to strip and run naked all over the hospital, traumatising patients and doctors alike.

"That's unadvisable," Ming Guang replied curtly. "We have orders to keep you safe, and we risk an ambush if you're in a car separate from us. If you wish, you can drive your car with me inside it, while Wei Yan takes your wife in another."

Jingwei's eyebrow twitched at his awkward phrasing, even if he knew Ming Guang didn't mean anything by it.

"No one is taking my wife anywhere," he declared, tugging Xue Ning closer to her while she rolled her eyes and yawned. "The both of you can follow me in another car -"

"Just do as they say," Xue Ning interrupted tiredly, wanting to get home. "We can sit in the back together and let them sit in the front."

"Okay!" Jingwei said, eyes brightening at the thought. He wasn't going to argue against her words. The back of his car wasn't very big, which meant they would have to sit closely together. More time for cuddling Xue Ning! "Let's go then!"

At this development, Ming Guang and Wei Yan pointedly did not look at each other. They could only think of a dog and his owner. To say that Sun Jingwei was whipped for his wife was inadequate!

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