Woke up as a Worthless Swordsmanship Genius

Chapter 172

Episode 172

Seven executives gathered in the command barracks.

Their mood was serious.

The Kairos tribe is a dangerous group of people that make Easton and Elves wary of the entire South.

If they devour the elves here, the war situation could get to the worst.

“But there is a problem. “Elves may be too proud to accept our help.”

“If we try to help, we may be attacked. “You have to think carefully.”

The executives became heated by spitting out their opinions to each other.

Their opinions were almost similar.

You need to go to Elf for support, but be careful.

None of the suggestions were actually useful.

Everything seemed to be floating in the air.

You have to go to help, but there is a high risk of going to help again.

Then what on earth are you supposed to do?

I don’t like this, I don’t like that either.

It’s a waste of time to just argue like this.

“So what are we going to do?”

Lanos seemed to be unable to just listen, so he banged on the table and shouted.

When he asked for a proper answer on what to do, the executives fell silent.

They too were frustrated.

Anyway, there was only one way. You have to help the elf.

Especially since the warrior commander stepped forward, he couldn’t expect the elves to do well.

Even though I knew that, there was only one reason why I was hesitating so much.

Because of the elf’s tendencies.

‘Elves absolutely hate other races stepping on their land.’

Whether they were friends or enemies, they hated others entering their territory.

They also had a strict personality that would not accept help from other races even if it meant their own death.

If I went to help, I ended up being attacked by the Kairos tribesmen.

“So you’re just going to watch them beat up the elf?”

Lanos growled that he couldn’t do that.

He strongly expressed his opinion that the atrocities of the Kairos tribe must be prevented at all costs.

“I can’t do that. “If everyone says no, I will go alone.”

Saying that, Lanos left the command barracks.

The place where Lanos disappeared became very quiet.

Everyone was silent.

Rather than being angry at Lanos’ rudeness, they were disgusted by their own helpless thoughts.

It was strange to think about this so much.

It is a given that if the Kairos tribe swallows the elves, the kingdom will be in danger.

Then, Easton, defending the South, had one job to do.

Addressing risks before they occur.

Even if he could be attacked by an elf, it was the same.

“Everyone heard that, right? Are we going to leave all our work to a kid like that?!”


“Who are we!”

“Serion’s shield! Defender of the South!”

“good! Then find a way right now!”


Although Lanos’ actions were extreme, their effect was great.

The executives were furious, saying they could not leave everything to Lanos.

I no longer feared the elf’s retaliation.

Rather, he even brought up the method when the elf retaliated.

Search, discuss, and plan.

In less than five minutes, the executives quickly came up with a method.

“When the elves respond to the Kairos bastards, we must strike back at the Kairos bastards. We will come out with only the head of the warrior commander. The key to this job is quick hit-and-run mobility, and for that you will need the power of Lord Bane.”

The executives stare at Count Warrug.

The Marquis of Easton also looks at Count Warrug.

I asked Count Warrug for a favor.

Can you do it?

Normally he would have nodded without thinking too much, but strangely he couldn’t answer right now.

I crossed my arms and sighed.

“I know it’s dangerous. But…”

One of the executives opened his mouth to persuade Count Warrug.

Count Warrug raised his hand towards him and made him close his mouth.

The Marquis of Easton gave the executives a look telling them to be quiet, and the command barracks was filled with silence for a while.

‘Is it because of the elves?’

If it were just Kairos, Count Warrug wouldn’t have worried this much.

The risk is too great against elves.

There are too many variables

and it is too difficult to take the risk of rushing in without distinction.

“It’s difficult.”

The executives’ faces darkened as he muttered his words quietly.

No matter what anyone said, the best force here was Count Warrug.

There is no Sword Master in the Marquis of Easton.

The highest level is Sword Expert, which is halfway between Sword Master and Expert.

There were only many advanced sword experts, but no sword masters.

He is also a sword master with excellent war experience.

That’s why he said it would be difficult.

Naturally, the impact was bound to be enormous.

“Is this really going to be difficult?”

“On my own, yes.”


As he continued to speak, a question mark appeared on the Marquis of Easton’s face.

Doesn’t it sound like you can do it if you attach someone to it?

“Please attach Lanos and Raymond to me. “I think that will work.”


The Marquis of Easton looked back at me with a strange look on his face.

I too was slightly surprised by his words and looked back at Count Warrug.

Or at least you can ask my opinion.

I was dumbfounded by his words, as if he would do it if the Marquis gave permission.

Of course I will.

Dealing with elves who wield spirits will be a great experience for me.

But still.

“Is it possible?”

The Marquis of Easton asks me.

Count Warrug looks at me and nods.

That can’t seem that obnoxious.

“I’ll do it. “I have to do it.”

They say if I don’t do it, my well-being will be in danger, so I have to stop it somehow.

‘But isn’t it the same when I go there?’

I don’t know.

I would be a traitor if I said I wouldn’t do it in this atmosphere, so how could I say I wouldn’t do it?

“good. Then let’s move right away.”

The Marquis of Easton slammed the table.


Rangers and knights gathered at the back door.

Count Lanos, a warrug, and I, all painted in black, were surrounded by them.

“Please take care of me.”

The Marquis of Easton spoke in front of the crowd.

We didn’t answer.

I just nodded and went out the back door.

The reason we didn’t use the main gate is because traps are traps, but we don’t want the Kairos tribe to notice us moving.

Because we had to move in secret, our number was small, but I didn’t expect that the three of us would move together.

Still, I thought they would add another Ranger.

“I’m going to run with all my might from now on, so don’t lag behind and definitely catch up.”

Because time was of the essence, Count Warrug could not be considerate of us.

Lanos seemed happy just to be on a mission with him and shouted that he would somehow catch up.

Count Warrug started running and I could see why he was so stubborn.

Aura was used.

Perhaps as a result of enlightenment, Auror operations have become easier than before.

The power became stronger. Nevertheless, Count Warrug was missed.

Just as I thought he was running, Count Warrug disappeared from sight.

We had no choice but to run, following the footprints he made as he ran.

After running for a while, I was able to pass the mountain where I had gone hunting and arrive at a forest where there were unusually many trees.

From trees to bushes, flowers, vines, etc…

I saw Count Warrug stopping in front of a bush full of countless types of plants.

His face was dark as he looked into the forest.

“What are you doing? “Are you not going in?”

Lanos approached him and asked.

I followed him and stood next to Count Warrug and looked where Count Warrug was looking.

And I could see why he was taking a serious look.

“You started this fire, right?”

“right. “The Kairos guys are really running amok.”

Among the lush vegetation, only one spot was damaged.

It was a road that had been burned to ashes.

I don’t know how they were able to burn just such a narrow path, but it wasn’t such a bad thing because I could see where they had gone.

“From now on, we must be on guard in all directions. From this forest, it is not surprising if an attack comes from anywhere and at any time in their territory.”


“I’ll keep that in mind!”

Lanos was still full of energy.

Count Warrug gave him a cold look as he pounded his chest and shouted.

“And never make a sound. “We’re not here to play around.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Be alert. “You must never let your guard down.”


Lanos did not remain sullen despite Count Warrug’s reprimand.

Rather, he clenched his fists, looking impressed by his words.

As I was about to go inside, I decided to take a gamble.



His great sword was particularly annoying.

“You know that speed is the key to what we have to do now, right?”


I decided to get rid of it now to increase his power.

“I think that great sword is unnecessary for the operation.”


He furrowed his brows at my words.

In response to his reaction as if that was some kind of bullshit, I spoke calmly.

“No matter how strong you are, that great sword is too heavy.”

“I can handle it.”

“You are. you are.”

“What do you mean? Be precise. “Don’t spin around.”

I shrugged my shoulders at his fierce words and said,

“It’s simple. You may be able to handle the sword yourself, but not the land. The weight of the great sword causes the ground to shake, which may cause the enemy to notice. Surely you wouldn’t deny that?”


“As I said before, this operation is all about stealth and speed. “I think it would be better not to use that great sword that could reveal your location during that operation.”

“But this is my weapon. “If I don’t have this, what am I supposed to fight for?”

He looked at me stunned.

At his reaction, I smiled inwardly and said, “It’s almost done.”

“Use your fists.”


“yes. “With your monstrous body, it would be enough without a weapon.”

“What kind of crazy person is fighting an enemy with his bare hands?”

“The mercenary king.”


He closed his mouth as if speechless by my words.

Lanos also knew the mercenary king.

Since I was born as a mercenary, there were times when I came down to the south.

The destructive fists he showed back then must have been attractive.

“I am a prosecutor. It’s different from him. “He is Master Kwon.”

“What’s any different about you? In fact, I think fists are better than using a great sword.”


Lanos was not willing to accept it easily, with a look on his face that still had regrets about the great sword.

Just when I thought it would be good to have some sort of final blow here, Count Warrug spoke.

“I agree with Raymond’s opinion. There are many times when I feel like I’m wearing clothes that don’t suit me.”


Lanos looked shocked at his words.

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