With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 186 Flying Feather (2)

It didn't take Lin Fan's group long to get back to the city.

After they came back, the first thing that they did was head right to the bar instead of the Mercenary Guild.

The bar wasn't open yet, but the owner of the bar was inside preparing some things that he needed to open in a few hours.

As he was making his preparations, he was surprised to hear a sudden knocking on the door.

Normally he would ignore this kind of random knocking, but hearing how rushed it was, he couldn't help being curious. He came over with a curious look on his face and slowly opened the door.

But the moment that a crack appeared in the door, it was suddenly pushed open by the people outside.

Xiao Huo's group of three immediately pushed right in and completely surrounded the owner of the bar, all of them talking at the same time.

With all of them talking at the same time, naturally the owner of the bar wasn't able to understand a single thing. He raised his hands and said, "Calm down, calm down. One at a time, one at a time. I can't understand a single thing you're saying if you all talk at the same time like this."

They looked at each other in silence for a few seconds before they suddenly started talking at once again.

The owner of the bar had three black lines on his forehead before he raised his hand and said, "Stop!"

All three of them fell silent again and were about to speak again, but the owner of the bar said, "You clearly didn't listen, so I'm not asking you anymore."

He turned to Lin Fan and asked, "What happened?"

Lin Fan just casually said, "Well it's a long story."

Even though he had spoken casually, the owner of the bar could understand the hidden meaning behind his words.

After giving a nod, he said, "Come in and let's talk."

Lin Fan nodded before following the owner of the bar in.

The three kids were just left standing there in a daze before quickly following the two of them in.

Instead of bringing them to a table in the main area of the bar, the owner of the bar opened up the area behind the counter to them. He bent down and pulled on a handle in the floor to open a hatch that revealed a passage.

After following the owner of the bar down that passage, they came out into a simple room that was underground.

The kids couldn't help revealing shocked looks since they had never seen this place before even with all the times that they had been at this bar.

Xiao Huo couldn't help asking, "Uncle, what is this place?"

The owner of the bar just said with a smile, "Well, it's just a private place for us to talk. Nothing more, nothing less." Then he sat down and gestured to the empty spots in front of him, "Sit down and let's talk."

The kids couldn't help looking around themselves again before finally sitting down. Lin Fan just sat down right away since he had already suspected that there was something different about the owner of this bar.

After they sat down, the owner of the bar looked at Lin Fan and asked, "Well, what did you find?"

Lin Fan didn't say anything and waved his hand across the table.

With that wave of his hand, there was a hand that appeared on the table.

Well, it wasn't right to call it a hand since it really didn't look like a hand. It seemed more like the claw of some kind of wild beast.

The owner of the bar looked at the claw for a bit before asking with a confused look, "This is?"

Lin Fan didn't say anything and just looked at the claw on the table, making it clear that the owner of the bar should look at it for himself.

The owner of the bar was confused, but he still followed Lin Fan's instructions and started looking over the claw. At first his face was covered in confusion, but as he looked at this claw more and more, he started slowly knitting his brows as if he had suddenly discovered something.

After around a few minutes of silently looking over this claw, the owner of the bar finally revealed the angry and disgusted look that Lin Fan was expecting. However, to his surprise, the look of anger and disgust wasn't as heavy as he had expected.

It was almost as if he had strangely already expected this.

After another period of silence, he finally said, "So it really was like that…"

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes to look at the owner of the bar and said, "So you already knew?"

The owner of the bar shook his head and said, "I had some clues that were pointing in that direction, but I never had concrete proof like this."

Lin Fan was silent for a few seconds before suddenly bringing his hand up. When his hand came up, there was a sword that also appeared in his hand and the tip of that sword was brought to the owner of the bar's neck.

The three kids were shocked when they saw this and they all couldn't help jumping out of their chairs as they moved a few steps away from the table.

As for the owner of the bar, he just calmly looked at the sword being pointed at his neck before looking up at Lin Fan without a single trace of fear in his eyes.

Xiao Huo couldn't help raising his hands and tried mediating between the two sides, "Big brother Lin, please put down the sword. If you have a problem, we can talk this through. There's no need to rely on violence."

But then to his surprise, it wasn't Lin Fan who answered him, but rather the owner of the bar.

The owner of the bar raised his hand to stop Xiao Huo before saying, "Xiao Huo, why don't you go upstairs for a bit. I want to have a little talk with our friend here."

Xiao Huo looked at the owner of the bar with a worried look as he said, "Uncle…"

But the owner of the bar just waved his hand and said, "Go on, it won't take long."

Xiao Huo took one last look at Lin Fan before giving a nod in response and leading the others upstairs.

Not long after, there were only Lin Fan and the owner of the bar left in the room.

The owner of the bar turned his eyes right back to meet Lin Fan's gaze.

Lin Fan could see that there was no fear or panic in his eyes, there was only a calm that was like a pool of still water.

The owner of the bar pointed at the chair and said, "Why don't you sit and we can talk this out nicely?"

But Lin Fan didn't lower his sword at all.

So the owner of the bar just gave a sigh and said, "I had my suspicions based on the information that I received from my subordinates. But I didn't know what was going on at all. I think that's the answer you wanted, right?"

After another pause, Lin Fan finally lowered his sword and said, "Who are you?"

The owner of the bar just gave a shrug and said, "I'm the simple owner of the bar, but would you believe that?"

Seeing that Lin Fan didn't say a single thing in response, the owner of the bar gave a sigh before saying, "Flying Feather, I think you should be familiar with that name, right?"

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes the moment that he heard this name.

That was because like the owner of the bar had said, Lin Fan was indeed familiar with this name.

This name had been first mentioned to him by Yue Lan.

Before he set off for Brilliant Light City, Yue Lan had given him a few directions to start his investigation and this Flying Feather Organization was one of those directions that she had recommended him to start with.

When he had arrived in Brilliant Light City, Ouyang Qian had given him more information about this Flying Feather Organization.

It was the number one information organization in all of Brilliant Light City, with informants spread out all over the city. It was said that there wasn't a single thing about Brilliant Light City that the Flying Feather Organization didn't know.

But the only problem was that only those who knew how to contact them would be able to contact them for information. If you didn't know how to contact them, then you would never be able to employ their services to get information for yourself.

Ouyang Qian also said that she didn't know how to contact them, so she wasn't able to help him with this.

After a moment of being surprised, Lin Fan gave a nod and said, "Un, what about it?"

The owner of the bar said, "I'm the leader of the Flying Feather Organization."

"What?!" Lin Fan couldn't help saying in a voice filled with shock.

He had only thought that the owner of the bar had something to do with the Flying Feather Organization, but he never thought that the owner of the bar was actually their leader!

Seeing this reaction, the owner of the bar said with a smile, "I think that we can talk honestly now, right?"

Lin Fan silently looked at the owner of the bar for a few seconds before giving a nod.

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