Why I Quit Being the Demon King

Chapter 52

Why I Quit Being the Demon King Chapter 52


12. Seonghwangcheong steps forward (4)

“June got it.”

“You mean you didn’t even ask me where I bought it? “Not once?”

“ Deus

snapped his fingers again and made a sound. The black vines crushed Agusta’s body, leaving dark scratches.


Julie flinched at the clear scream.

She certainly didn’t seem to have the same power as Gene.

It seems that among the three during the summer of the Four Seasons Meeting, it is Genet who is the leader.

“Even if you don’t believe it, it’s true! We just did what Gene told us to do. Free Agusta. please.”


Deus crossed his arms.

The clock turned around and returned to the same time again.

Even if I investigated her further, I didn’t think I would get any valuable information.

“Okay, let’s just believe everything.”

“It’s true. So let us go.”

“Isn’t there a lack of causality between the two stories? Besides, you know who I am, right? “This is the biggest reason why we should not release it.”

Deus created two small beads.

There was no time for Julie and Agusta to notice what it was. The two beings whose entire bodies were sucked into the small dot were erased from the world.

After the surroundings became quiet, Yulgeum slowly walked out from the darkness.

Her long sigh expressed her mood.

“Do you gulp?”


“Then shall we fly once?”

” huh’?”

Deus flapped the hem of his jacket. Huge black wings rose from his back.

He holds out his hand.

Yulgeum quietly took that hand and held it, and

his body came to mind. Each time it flaps its huge wings, its altitude increases.

The trees became dots and the mountains became lines.

Lakes and rivers have become smaller like beads strung on a blue string, and the mountain range’s ice caps have risen to a point where they shine by reflecting the sun’s rays.

It really happened in an instant.

The world was laid at our feet.

The horizon became infinitely curved, to the point where it looked round.

Deus opened his black wings wide

and his body shook in the wind. He was moving his wings to catch and blow the wind, looking into the distance.

Yulgeum saw her hand in his hand.



“Scream as much as you want. “What you shout here will not reach anyone’s ears.”

“it is not so. Because God is everywhere and hears everything.”

“Don’t worry about the god who will die from the plague. “If you’re everywhere,

they probably know what you’re doing.”

“That means

“Shout as much as you want.”

“It would be nice for you.”


“Because I live without thinking.”

“Hahaha, right? Three damn ivory! “Throw it all away!”

“Well, that sounds unusual because it comes from the devil’s mouth.”

“It’s a frustrating world. What is the devil? What is Jin Geum-yong? That feeling is getting stronger. “The whole world is a well-organized

machine and I am just a cog in it.”

Yulgeum did not respond to his words.

Then he looked down and suddenly screamed.

“You stupid kids! “Who are you fooling again?”

“Weak. Does it have a feeding bag on its head? “Why did you put a rock there?”

“Not to that extent.”

“What are you taking sides with?”

“Rather than taking sides…

It’s been thousands of years and tens of thousands of years since I gave you bamboo robes! “But you’re not listening to me?”

“You bastards, you are all trash that even your father and mother can’t recognize!”

“It’s not that bad.”

“I’m just repeating the true meaning of what you said.”

Deus shouted to the sky.

“God is a perverted voyeur! “Why do people worship him just because he does good things?”

“It’s better to let go of your irreverent attitude.”

“If you don’t like it, let’s come down and have a fight.

“I’ll make your nose bleed.”

“What are you doing?”

“I feel bad hearing that.”

“Do you think you’ll be fascinated by the double nosebleed? Because the word omnipotent and omnipotent is not used for nothing. No, not even His angels can overcome it.”

“Angels, gods, they are all things from old stories.”

“No, they…

Yulgeum stopped talking and shook his head.

“It would be like nothing.

Because it’s not showing up again.”


The thin high-altitude wind grazed Yulgeum’s cheek like a blade.

Since it was a human body, it didn’t seem easy to hold on. Before I knew it, my lips began to turn blue and frozen.

Deus stopped flapping his wings.

Although it seemed slow due to lack of perspective, he fell at a speed that caused sparks to form on his clothes.

“thank you.”


Deus bowed his head and looked at the blonde woman.

“Thank you!”

“Pay back with money.”

Yulgeum stuck out his tongue.

“I don’t have a penny now.”

After returning home, Yulgeum immediately looked at three types of mycelium, including new mycelia, old ones, and those collected from the body of a giant.

“I do not know.”

Yulgeum scratched his head as he took off the goggles to protect his eyes.

Deus, who was leaning against the back of an upside-down chair in one corner of her laboratory, asked again.

“Do you think it’s different?”

“What should I say…

“There are a lot of things you don’t know either.”

“That’s not what I meant.”


“I think Daroche’s skills are correct.”

“What is the basis?”

“Because I don’t know.”

“What are you saying?”

“Like you said, there aren’t many things in the world that Jin Geum-yong doesn’t know about.”

“Oh, suddenly you look so proud.”


“Even the elderly person coughs?”

“That’s because I am God. On the other hand, I’ll ask that. “Who made this?”


“Look at that.”

“At least within my common sense, the only thing that can create poison or germs that cannot be interpreted by the devil’s eyes is Darochu.”

“That’s what I meant. “If there is a poison that Jingeum Dragon cannot interpret,

it must be Daroche’s.”

“But someone else might have appeared. Above all, it seems like everyone doesn’t know much about dwarves?”

“That’s right. “If there was someone among the dwarves who was particularly skilled in fungi and created it, I can’t even imagine.”


In response to Deus’ question, Yulgeum crossed his arms and said.

“But this is also Daroche’s work. It works the same way as the old one

. “This is how fungi that live in the body grow hyphae to dominate nerve bundles and even affect the brain.”

“You can manipulate a high-ranking life form like a dragon with just something like a fungus. “It’s not something a savage race like dwarves would be able to accomplish.”

“Short charcoal people are good at technology and engineering, but they are weak at biology. “There is a limit to the number of creatures that can be found underground.”

“Technology would have been learned from Golden Age relics obtained from the land.”

“that’s right.”

“Then Daroshne. But since the person involved is dead, the story is over. Well, wouldn’t the episode where the dragon gets caught in a frenzy and goes on a rampage be sorted out at this point? “There is no one who can make this poison anymore.”

“It would be nice if it were that simple…

“What wouldn’t be simple?”

“This is the first time I’ve seen these two types of mold. It looks like a new one. “If Daroche died, it would be assumed that someone took over the technology.”

“He must be Daroche’s son. Was it your daughter? Anyway, he became the successor…

“You don’t even know who he is?”

“huh. “Because I decided to turn off the attention.”

” Hey.”


“Why don’t you go back?”


“Go and continue your business.”

Deus stared into Yulgeum’s eyes as if he was surprised.

“I’m serious.”

“I’m serious.”

“Isn’t it better if there is no demon lord? “There will be no war in 20 years.”

“As for me… I don’t like order being broken.”


“yes. “Because it’s God.”

Yulgeum opened his mouth with eyes wishing for a distant place.

“It is now the 666th century. “I don’t want the order that has existed for such a long time to be broken.”

“I don’t like it…

“To be honest, I’m scared.”

“is it?”


Deus laughed at her words

, but he couldn’t laugh in his heart.

The reality of the fear she feels.

Because he knows that it is also holding his fate in check.

“Is this what a dragon is supposed to be like?”

Deus stood on the gate with his arms crossed and looked up at the sky.

“Is that possible?”

“But you came again.”

An aquamarine dragon was roaming the sky.

The aquamarine dragon’s tail was divided into two and stretched out long and thin. It was flying, using the sky as a canvas and drawing several circles with its tail.

It had a long neck and narrow wings, making it look like a large cross.

Whatever it was, it was not a scenery that could easily be seen from the sky above Joryx Castle.

The people in the castle were holding their breath with the doors tightly closed.

Even though it had been a few days since the dragon had been defeated, the thought that the dragon had come again or that they had been cursed was widespread among the people.

“My lord, it may be that you are just passing by. “Don’t touch it.”

“I think so, but… will they really leave us alone?”

Yulgeum, who was on the other side of Alex, opened her mouth.

“If we fight here, the damage will be great. “Let’s leave the castle.”

Immediately, Yulgeum cast a flight spell on all three people.

Of course, neither Deus nor Alex needed flying magic, but since they were pretending to be humans now, Yulgeum had set the tone.

The four people, including Zeke, moved to the top of the hill to the northwest of Joryx Castle.

The distance was about 1 kilometer and it was a place where you could overlook the castle at a glance.

Zeke looked at the sky while clutching his shield.

Deus asked as if he was throwing something at him.

“Do you want me to just pass by? Or do you want to fight sometime?”

“Of course… it’s better to pass by.”

“It doesn’t look like that, does it?”


“Do you think you can win?”

“It can’t be! “It’s a dragon.”

“It’s a monster no less than a hydra.”

“At that time, a group of short knights fought together. No, rather, they were the main force.”

“That’s right. “Good thing you know the topic.”

“It’s best to just pass by.”

“But for all that, you have a good expression, right?”


Zeke reflected his face on the shield


The meaning of having a good facial expression was not clear to me. But…

he definitely didn’t look scared.

You’re not afraid of a dragon!

“You can beat a dragon with that face.”

“That’s not true! Deus, please stop teasing me.”

“I’m not making fun of you, I’m praising you.

“He’s growing into a good man.”

Zeke’s cheeks turned red.

“Thank you… It’s all thanks to Deus


-Looking into Deus’ eyes gives me courage.

I couldn’t bear to say these words out loud. The moment I said something, it seemed like the story would unfold in a completely different direction.

“Of course it’s thanks to me. “If you add up all the weapons you’re wearing, it’s quite a bit of money to kill me.”

At that very moment, the dragon in the sky changed direction. It suddenly fell and attacked the group.

Zeke was wondering how to deal with him.

But it was Deus who moved first.

“Go away!”

Deus shouted like that and suddenly grabbed Zeke by the collar and threw him into the sky.


Zeke screamed as the dragon in front of him grew rapidly. The sound, more like a scream than a cheer, echoed across the mountainside.


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