While Others Are Practicing Leveling, I Am Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 322: Innate Supreme Treasure Enlightenment Tea, Understanding the Five Elements Avenue

Chapter 322: Innate Supreme Treasure Enlightenment Tea, Understanding the Five Elements Avenue

Chapter 322 The Innate Supreme Treasure Enlightenment Tea and the Five Elements Great Way! 8k

After hearing Su Xings words, the girl remained silent, and after thinking for a long time, she said:

"The Qingyun Sect is one of the top forces in the three thousand worlds...even I, the Tianji Pavilion, do not want to be an enemy of it!"

"If this matter is done accidentally, it is very likely to anger the Qingyun Sect and lead to a war..."

So, we at Tianji Pavilion dont dare to make a decision rashly, we need to explore carefully

Having said that, the girl asked again:

"Su Tianjiao... I want to ask you, what is the source of this information?"

Su Xing knew that the girl had a lot of worries, so he gritted his teeth, took out a token and showed it, saying:

"To be honest... I am the disciple of Qingyunzi Shan Nian... the second generation direct disciple of Qingyun Sect!"

This token can prove it!

Wake up and show the token in your hand.

The girl looked surprised when she saw it. If she had believed sixty-seven percent of Awakening before, now she has believed it more than ninety percent!

So, the girl said:

Since you are a high disciple of the Qingyun Sectthen this matter is naturally feasible!

"Please give me some time, I will contact all major forces, including Qingyun Sect!"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this. After getting the girl's communication jade slip, he returned to the cave and waited quietly.

The immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to reality.

Alas, the simulated identity was finally exposed this time!

If the negotiation fails...I will have no choice but to run away as soon as possible!

Su Xing thought for a while and decided to practice harder in the next time and improve his cultivation to the Great Perfection of the Celestial Realm as soon as possible.

Thinking this way, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

After leaving Tianji Pavilion, you return to the cave and stay in Baidi Pavilion to practice with peace of mind.

As long as you don't go out, even the Fengyu Tower killer will not dare to enter the Baidi Tower to assassinate you.

In this way, several years passed in the blink of an eye.

In the twentieth year, your cultivation reached the late eighth level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

One day, the sound transmission jade slip given to you by the girl from Tianji Pavilion caused fluctuations.

She informs you that a branch master of Tianji Pavilion will come in person, and Baidi Pavilion will also send a strong Jinxian to discuss with Qingyun Sect face to face.

The place of discussion is Qingyun City in Xiao Qingyun Realm, ten years later.

After hearing this, you secretly calculated the time and felt that there was enough time, so you stayed in Baidi City to practice for the time being.

In this way, ten years have passed...

Your cultivation has become more and more advanced. In the thirtieth year, you disguised yourself and took an airship to Qingyun City.

A few months later, you arrived at Qingyun City successfully.

Arrived at the agreed upon location, you saw a branch master of Baidi City in the Golden Fairy Realm, and a branch master of the Tianji Pavilion in the Golden Fairy Realm.

And a Qingyun Sect Golden Immortal, Ziling Fairy!

Fairy Ziling is cold by nature and was initially hostile to you. If it weren't for the reputation of Qingyun Sect, she would not come in person.

But after you showed the personal disciple token in your hand, Fairy Ziling's attitude changed instantly.

She affectionately calls you little junior brother, takes you aside, and secretly inquires about Qingyunzi's situation.

But after you told me about the danger Qingyunzi was encountering at this moment, Fairy Ziling felt sad in her heart.

Soon, Fairy Ziling agreed to take the three of you to the Qingyun Realm to find out!

You took the flying boat, traveled through more than ten void nodes, and soon arrived at the Qingyun Realm, where you saw the magnificent immortal gate of the Qingyun Sect.

Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him, nodded slightly and said:

"Whether it succeeds or not depends on this time..."

Looking back at the simulation panel.

After arriving at the Qingyun Sect's mountain gate, several second-generation disciples of the Golden Immortal Realm appeared and asked you why.

With the help of Fairy Ziling, you successfully entered the back mountain and stayed outside the Three Immortals Peak...

Fairy Ziling first asked you to wait at the foot of the mountain, and then entered the mountain peak, as if she wanted to enter to visit Qingyunzi.

After a while, Fairy Ziling returned with a happy face.

Fairy Ziling did meet Qingyunzi, and Qingyunzi specifically asked you to meet him alone...

You feel bad after hearing this. If you meet Qingyunzi... you will undoubtedly become a fish on the chopping board!

But the arrow has to be fired when it is on the string, so you decide to take the risk...

So you climbed to the Three Immortals Peak alone and met Qingyunzi.

The Three Immortals Peak is extremely simple, with a few acres of spiritual fields and a thatched cottage.

You stay outside the thatched house for a while, Qingyunzi will call you softly and let you in...

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this, and said silently:

Use an immersive simulation that lasts one day!


No matter whether he succeeds or fails, Su Xing plans to explain the matter clearly to Qing Yunzi in person!

If it fails...you must not try any more simulations until you have absolute strength!

Su Xing murmured, and his consciousness entered the simulated world.

Soon, Su Xing appeared in front of a thatched house, and a slightly tired voice came from inside the thatched house:

Come in, little friend~

This voice was like a spring breeze, which made Su Xing feel good about it.

Su Xing took a deep breath, pushed the door open, and then saw Qing Yunzi meditating on a simple wooden bed.

Qingyunzi was wearing a blue gown and looked quite tired. He slowly got up and walked to a wooden table, fetched tea and made a pot of tea for Su Xing.

"I already know where my little friend is...but the time you appeared seems to be much earlier than I expected!"

Qingyunzi was making tea leisurely and said slowly. He did not have the aura of Daluo Jinxian, but rather looked like an ordinary teacher in the village.

When Su Xing saw Qing Yunzi's appearance, his heart was shocked.

Why did the majestic Luo Jinxian become so weak that he even looked tired?

This is completely different from the Qingyunzi who woke up from his memory decades later!

As if seeing the doubts in Su Xing's heart, Qingyunzi sighed and said:

Ive been like this for thousands of years

Even I dont know how long I can stay awake...maybe I can persist for thousands more years, maybe just a few decades..."

After Su Xing heard this, his face turned serious. It seemed that Qingyunzi at this time already knew his current situation and possible future outcome.

As expected, Qingyunzi explained:

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, I had a sudden thought and came up with the idea of killing three corpses to become a saint!

First kill the good corpse, then kill the evil corpseFinally, kill yourself and attain enlightenment!

"Behead the good corpse first, there are many benefits. The seven emotions and six desires will dissipate along with the good corpse, and the road will be smoother!"

"However, I still overestimated myself...I thought that I had cultivated my moral character all my life and was quite famous among the righteous monks..."

But even if the good corpse is chopped off, I cant help but be confused by the evil corpse and cant contain the evil in my heart!

After a pause, Qingyunzi continued:

As I am now, I have tried my best to suppress my evil thoughts... Once my corpse is swallowed up by evil thoughts, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Because of this... thousands of years ago, I left a kind thought, which contained part of my good corpse, and based on one Qi transforming the three pure things, let it go to the three thousand worlds to find a way to save it..."

But my good thoughts have been cut off, and I dont know the situation

Speaking of this, Qingyunzi looked at Su Xing and said:

So, my little friends arrival must have come across the kind thought I left behind

I wonder if you have a solution?

After finishing his words, Qingyunzi looked at Su Xing with some expectation in his eyes.

Su Xing was silent for a moment after hearing this. At this moment, he already believed that Qingyunzi was good in nature.

But just because of a wrong thought, the whole path will be ruined.

A few decades later, Qingyunzi's self-consciousness will be completely swallowed up, and he will become like that.

Su Xing hesitated for a moment and finally said:

Seniorno, Master!

"Master's kind thoughts have already accepted me as his disciple... Therefore, the disciple should call me master..."

My disciple also knows a little bit about Masters situation. I heard that when Master first practiced One Qi to Transform Three Purities, he lacked a method of visualization!

This method is a wish-fulfilling visualization diagram... The disciple accidentally discovered part of Luo Tians legacy and obtained this method. I hope to give it to the master!"

After saying that, Su Xing cast a spell, completely memorizing the wishful thinking in his mind, and turned it into a stream of energy, floating towards Qingyunzi.

Qingyunzi took over this technique, put it between his eyebrows, and turned it into a memory for digestion.

After a long time, a look of emotion flashed across Qingyunzi's face, and he murmured:

Sigh...its too late!

If I had obtained this method and laid the foundation...and then practiced Yi Qi Transformation and Three Purities, I might be able to eliminate the disadvantages and have complete control over the clone!

Its a pity that its too late now... Even if we practice this method again, Im afraid its too late!

Qingyunzi was neither happy nor sad. Although he felt regret in his heart, he did not fully express it.

After a while, Qingyunzi looked at Su Xing and said:

"Little friend...although you are my disciple with good intentions, you are still kind to me, and I have not taught you anything...you cannot be regarded as a master and a disciple!"

Its time to form a good relationship, and we should treat each other as equals!

Speaking of this, Qingyunzi said with some gratitude:

Although this wish-fulfillment visualization diagram came a little late...but it is of some use after all!

With it, at worst, I can hold on for a while longer and look for other ways to break through...

After saying that, Qingyunzi pointed to a cup of tea on the table and said:

My little friend, its not too late to leave after drinking this tea

Su Xing was slightly hesitant after hearing this. Although he believed that Qing Yunzi was not a bad person now, he still did not dare to drink this tea.

But when I wake up and think about it, if the majestic Luo Jinxian really wants to harm him, there is no need to use these methods.

So Su Xing picked up the warm tea and tasted it carefully. Then his eyes lit up and he praised sincerely:

Good tea! After just one sip... I actually feel clear and clear, as if there is still Tao in it!

After hearing Su Xings words, Qingyunzi stroked his beard and smiled:

My little friend is a discerning personthe name of this tea is Enlightenment Tea!

It is brewed from the tea leaves produced by the tree of enlightenment, which is an innate treasure!

Enlightenment tea is extremely precious... Even I only got two or three taels occasionally during my early travels, but I was reluctant to drink it..."

After hearing this, Su Xing looked at the tea cup in his hand and saw two or three green tea leaves floating in the fresh tea.

Su Xing calmly put away the tea leaves, tea, and the entire cup.

Then under Qingyunzis blank gaze, Su Xings expression changed and he said:

Ahem, Master! Master! Do you still have Enlightenment Tea? Please give me another two taels of Enlightenment Tea!

Qingyunzi twitched the corner of his mouth after seeing this and said:

This Enlightenment Tea doesnt have much left as a teacher

After saying that, Qingyunzi carefully took out a folded piece of paper from his arms.

Preading the paper out, I saw more than ten pieces of emerald green tea leaves in it.

After some hesitation, Qingyunzi took out four pieces and took back three more.

The last three tea leaves fell into Su Xings hands.

"Ahem...this Enlightenment Tea is very precious...please brew it a few more times!"

Su Xing quickly took the tea leaves, but looked at the remaining seven pieces in Qingyunzi's hand.

Just as he was about to speak, Qingyunzi quickly waved his sleeves and was instantly teleported to the foot of the Three Immortals Peak when he woke up.

Damnso stingy

Su Xing looked at the three pieces of Enlightenment Tea in his arms and carefully put them into the storage artifact for fear of damage.

As soon as they returned to the foot of the mountain, Fairy Ziling and the other two Golden Fairies showed eagerness on their faces and asked quickly:

Su Ye, how is Senior Qingyun (Master) doing?

Hearing this, Su Xing touched his chin and said:

Qingyunzi is doing okay at the moment...its just that the consequences of killing the three corpses in reverse are too serious, so it will take some time to heal..."

Su Xing did not choose to tell the truth for free reasons.

Judging from the current situation, Qingyunzi belongs to the friendly camp. After getting the idea of wishful thinking, he may be able to delay it for a while or even recover!

Shu Xing doesnt know what the result will be, and it needs to be observed through subsequent simulations.

And if the true situation of Qingyunzi is told, if the news is leaked, it will definitely cause a shock in the three thousand worlds. Adventist sects and alien races will take advantage of it, and the gains will not be worth the losses.

After hearing Su Xings words, the other people all looked happy and felt relieved.

Fortunately, Su Tianjiao (junior brother), you came in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous

Fairy Ziling looked at Su Xing and asked:

Junior brother, what are your plans now?

Su Xing just drank the enlightenment tea and felt that his understanding had been greatly improved, so he said:

Senior Sister, you can help me find a place to live. When I talked with Master just now... I learned a lot. I want to retreat for some time!

Fairy Ziling nodded quickly after hearing this. When she woke up, she went to Qingyun Sect and found a cave to stay temporarily.

The remaining two golden immortals resigned.

Soon, the immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to reality.

"Enlightenment tea! Tsk tsk...I have tasted an incredible treasure of heaven and earth!"

There is also Qingyunzi...it remains to be seen what the outcome will be.

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel, wanting to see the effect of the Enlightenment Tea.

Qingyunzi is in stable condition for the time being and does not pose a threat to you.

So you plan to stay in Qingyun Sect and practice for a period of time.

While the effect of the Enlightenment Tea has not been lost, you took out the innate hibiscus branches and began to understand the Great Way of Fire.

Your understanding of the Avenue of Fire has rapidly improved. You have already mastered the prototype of the Avenue of Fire. From now on, you will have your first glimpse of the realm!

Hold the innate hibiscus branch and feel the Tao of Fire contained in it, you fall into a mysterious state of enlightenment... In the blink of an eye, three years have passed!

This first sip of Enlightenment Tea will keep you enlightened for three whole years!

And in three years, your understanding of the Great Way of Fire has rapidly improved, which is worth the previous thirty years of practice! ]After knowing the terrifying effects of Enlightenment Tea, your heart is shocked and you are reluctant to continue taking it.

In the thirty-third year, you left the Qingyun Sect and took a flying boat to the Black Water Realm!

If you are going to be in the black water world, you must first understand the great road of water!

In the real world, Su Xing took a deep breath and felt uplifted when he saw this.

Just one sip of Enlightenment Tea will have ten times the effect of Enlightenment!

And it lasts for a whole yearmore sustainable use!

If I had known better, I would have used immersive simulation directly!

Su Xing felt a little regretful. After thinking about it for a while, he shook his head and said:

No, after the late bloomer status is added...the effect of this enlightenment tea should be better, and it can even be combined with the great wisdom status blessing!

Su Xing did some calculations and found that the effect of the Qiling Pill is that one day of enlightenment is equal to one month, and it lasts for one month in total, which is three years!

Coupled with the state of great wisdom, one month is equivalent to ten years of enlightenment.

Couple that with being a late bloomer...one month is equivalent to twenty years!

As for the effect of Enlightenment Tea, although a single dose is not as good as the Qiling Pill.

But Enlightenment Tea can be drunk repeatedly!

Three slices of Enlightenment Tea can make one cup...thats three sips!

Three sips of enlightenment tea last for nine years...which is equivalent to the effect of ninety years of enlightenment!

Coupled with the late bloomer and the general state of blessing...it is equivalent to two hundred and seventy years of enlightenment!

A flash of excitement flashed in Su Xings eyes and he murmured:

Can a cup of tea... be brewed over and over again? Will it still have the effect?

Su Xing cant wait to try it.

"But... don't worry yet! It won't be too late to try again after eighty years!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

Arrived in the Black Water Realm, you took the Black Water Flag and Luo Tian's Relics, and then prepared to go to the Yellow Sand Realm.

In the thirty-fifth year, you came to the Huangsha Palace under Huangsha City...

After passing three assessments in succession, you have inherited the heritage of Huangsha Taoist and enjoy the resources of the Great Competition.

You decide to stay in the Yellow Sand Palace and practice hard.

In this way, twenty-five years have passed...

In the sixtyth year, your cultivation has reached the peak of the eighth level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

You start to try to break through.

In the sixty-fifth year, you successfully broke through and reached the early stage of the ninth level of the Celestial Realm!

In this way, another twenty years have passed.

In the eighty-fifth year, your cultivation reached the middle stage of the ninth level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm...

In the 110th year, your cultivation has reached the late stage of the ninth level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

As your cultivation continues to improve, the time and resources required for each level are terrifying!

When you are at the ninth level of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, your annual practice requires nearly four million drops of high-grade spiritual liquid!

This is used by monks in the late stage of Ordinary Heavenly Realm for hundreds of years of practice...

But fortunately, there is still a lot of spiritual liquid left by Taoist Huangsha.

You practice every day, and your cultivation will reach a thousand miles with each passing day.

In the 135th year, you finally successfully reached the peak of the ninth level of the Celestial Realm!

At this time, you are also preparing to launch an attack towards the final perfection of the heavenly realm...

You spent a full five years in this retreat and consumed millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid!

In the 140th year, finally, with the help of the Spiritual Vein Dragon, you were successfully promoted to the Heavenly Immortal Realm and reached perfection!

At this moment...you are only one step away from the true fairyland!

In the real world, Su Xing took a deep breath when he saw this.

Finally getting closer to the real fairyland!

"And this time, nothing happened until one hundred and forty years... The visualization of wishful thinking has indeed had an effect on Qingyunzi!"

Su Xing was a little excited, but this time his goal had not been fully achieved.

Next, Su Xing will further understand the Five Elements Avenue, and use the Enlightenment Tea to enhance his understanding of the Earth Avenue and other avenues!

Thinking this way, I woke up and recited silently:

Use immersive simulationduration, fifty years!

Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation... spent 18,250 energy points, and the remaining energy source is 487,211 points...

The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.

In the yellow sand world, Su Xing felt the strong mana in his body and nodded with satisfaction.

The peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realmis really impressive!

Then next we have to understand the Great Dao!

Su Xing did not hesitate and took out the Enlightenment Tea handed over by Qing Yunzi from the storage vessel. After staying in the storage vessel for more than a hundred years, the tea was even a little warm.

Su Xing gestured around the Enlightenment Tea and found that it still had about two-thirds of a cup, just enough for himself and two mouthfuls.

Shu Xing first opened the state of great wisdom, and then took a sip of enlightenment tea, and immediately felt that his understanding was rapidly improving.

Taking advantage of the blessing of the Enlightenment Tea, Su Xing held the yellow sand sculpture and quickly began to comprehend.

Soon, three years passed slowly...

Su Xing withdrew from that mysterious state of understanding, smacked his lips and said:

Enlightenment Tea...can not only help enlightenment, but also has the effect of meditation and meditation! Although the short-term comprehension is not as good as the Qiling Pill...but overall it is much higher than the Qiling Pill!"

Su Xing did the math a little bit.

In the past three years of enlightenment, I have been blessed by the late bloomer, the enlightened tea, and the great wisdom and foolishness.

Equivalent to one hundred and eighty years of enlightenment!

When I wake up, I am only one step away from the first glimpse of the great road of earth...

Only one step away from the first glimpse of the great road of earth!

Thinking of this, Su Xing no longer hesitated and took another sip of enlightenment tea.

Three years have passed slowly...

More than a year ago, Su Xings understanding of the great path of earth entered the realm of first glimpse.

But in this mysterious state, Su Xing couldnt bear to quit, so he meditated for more than a year...

Now, among the Five Elements Dao...wood and earth, I have reached the state of first glimpse...the origin of water is complete, and the path of fire is rudimentary...only the path of gold has not been understood!"

Su Xing nodded slightly. When the Five Elements Avenue reaches the realm of first glimpse, he will be able to completely break into the true fairyland!

With the help of Enlightenment Tea... I believe that waking up is not far away!

The Great Way of Earth has just begun to be glimpsed...Then next, its time to understand the Great Way of Fire!

In the yellow sand world, the path of fire is sufficient, and combined with the branches of the innate hibiscus tree, the effect is absolutely impressive!

So, Su Xing took out the Enlightenment Tea that he had finished drinking, and saw three emerald green tea leaves stuck to the bottom of the teacup.

Su Xing thought about it for a while, took out the "Spring Dew Purified Water" that he had collected before, and started making tea.

After brewing a cup of tea, the fragrance overflows.

Su Xing hurriedly drank a third of it, feeling that he had fallen into that mysterious state of understanding again.

Shu Xing holds the innate hibiscus branch and begins to understand the avenue of fire!

In the blink of an eye, two years passed. Su Xing gradually withdrew from the mysterious state of enlightenment and calculated the time.

Su Xing sighed:

Sure enough... the second time I brewed it, the effect of Enlightenment Tea was not even the slightest bit worse..."

The efficiency of enlightenment has not changed, one year is still worth ten years!

But the maintenance time is only two years.

Su Xing has gained an understanding of the Great Way of Fire, but has not yet reached the stage of first glimpse.

Fortunately, I still have two sips of Enlightenment Tea

Su Xing did not hesitate, continued drinking the Enlightenment Tea, and continued practicing.

In the next four years, Su Xing took Enlightenment Tea twice in succession.

In the twelfth year of immersive simulation, in the Yellow Sand Palace, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, showing a satisfied look.

Yes, my understanding of the Great Way of Fire has successfully entered the realm of first glimpse!

In this case, all that remains is the avenue of water and the avenue of gold

Su Xing took a deep breath, with a look of excitement on his face.

This Enlightenment Tea is really mysterious!

In just over ten years, combined with the talent bonus of awakening, it is equivalent to the speed of ordinary monks' understanding of the great road in tens of thousands of years!

However, before you can understand the Great Way of Water, you still have to go to the Black Water Realm first!

So it took another year for Su Xing to reach the Black Water Realm from the Yellow Sand Realm.

In the deep sea, Su Xing opened up a cave and felt the abundant water Dao Yun around him. Su Xing took out the black water flag and began to understand the Dao of Water!

Take out the Enlightenment Tea, wake up and start brewing tea again.

After a sip of tea, I woke up and began to understand the great path of water.

The third brewing time of Wu Dao Tea only lasted for one year...

Su Xings understanding of the great avenue of water has also reached the embryonic state of the great avenue!

Without hesitation, Su Xing drank two sips of the Enlightenment Tea within two years.

In this way, Su Xing has almost reached the stage of first glimpse of the great road of water.

But after Su Xing brewed it for the fourth time, he was greatly disappointed.

Whether it is the effect or the duration of Enlightenment Tea, it is much worse than before!

The effect is less than one-third of the original value...and the duration is less than a month!

Su Xing sighed, he thought he could harvest the wool of Enlightenment Tea without limit.

But now it seems that it is unlikely to be realized.

"But... can this Enlightenment Tea and the Ling Ling Pill take effect at the same time?"

Su Xing touched his chin and thought.

Then he took the Qiling Pill and drank a sip of Enlightenment Tea, and began to understand the Great Way of Water.

A month later, Su Xing shook his head in disappointment.

The effects of Enlightenment Tea and Qiling Pills cannot be superimposed!

Its a pity...It would be great if the gain could continue...

Su Xing looked at the tea leaves at the bottom of the cup and murmured.

At this moment, he still has three pieces of Enlightenment Tea leaves that have not been brewed.

But Su Xing no longer plans to continue brewing. Such a precious thing, Su Xing naturally has to find a way to take it out of the simulation!

Then lets continue to understand the great road of water

Su Xing murmured.

Soon, the fifty-year immersive simulation ended, and I woke up and returned to the real world.

Opening his eyes, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and said:

After this simulation... my understanding of the four great avenues of wood, fire, water, and earth has reached the level of first glimpse!

"Then the only thing left is the final golden avenue, and I will be able to completely master the Five Elements Avenue!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction. The major goals of this simulation have basically been achieved.

In the following time, I can think of ways to further understand the origin of gold...

Thinking this way, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

In the 190th year, you ended your fifty-year retreat. During this period, your understanding of the five avenues of wood, water, fire, and earth increased rapidly! Reach the realm of first glimpse!

So, you no longer plan to wait, but prepare to go to the Golden Wheel Realm to understand the final golden road...

After ten years of journey in the void, you have passed through more than ten worlds such as the Star Realm, Cangwu Realm, Tianyuan Realm, etc., passed through more than 130 void nodes, and finally arrived at the Golden Wheel Realm!

In the second hundred years, you began to collect adamantine stones in the Golden Wheel Realm to prepare for your future enlightenment of the Great Way of Gold.

Soon, ten years have passed.

In the 210th year, you have collected hundreds of adamantine stones, large and small, and are officially preparing to understand the Great Way of Gold!

However, you were only one month away, and suddenly one day the talent of seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck came out with an early warning.

You are shocked. Could it be that Qingyunzi failed to hold on, causing it to be dominated by evil corpses again?

You want to ride the floating cloud golden light boat and escape to other worlds...

However, Goose is still too slow.

I saw a figure tearing through the void and appearing in front of you!

You quickly activate three thousand body-protecting swords to block around your body...

However, a flying sword passed through the void and easily penetrated your protective sword.

Before you died, you stared at the person in front of you with wide eyes, and asked about his identity.

This is an ordinary-looking young man. He slowly took out the flying sword stuck on your body and put it into his sword case.

At the same time, he told you his identity, Fengyulou, the killer named Yu, the number one existence!

you are dead

Ding, this simulation is over!

After the simulation ended, Su Xing frowned.

"More than a hundred years later, I thought Fengyulou had given up on the assassination, but I didn't expect that it had been lying dormant for so long and still launched the assassination!"

Fengyu Tower, the No. 1 Killer with the Character of Rain...his~ Advent Cult really thinks highly of me! They actually hired such a heavyweight!

Since being targeted by Fengyulou, Su Xing investigated some information about the Fengyulou killer.

Among them, there is information about the No. 1 killer named Yu!

Yu Zi No. 1, whose original name is unknown... He is good at using flying swords, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the True Immortal Realm. He has a record of assassinating the Xuan Immortal Realm and escaping unharmed!

Although the assassinated Xuanxian Realm monk did not die on the spot...but he died later due to excessive injuries!

So far, the No. 1 killer of Yuzi has become famous in one battle!

"I didn't expect...this Adventist Cult to pay such a high price. Please move this person to kill me!"

Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief and thought about how to deal with it.

The Fengyulou Killer...Although he is powerful, I am not completely powerless to resist!

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