Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 247: As Soon as We Entered…

Chapter 247: As Soon as We Entered…

I had been thinking about this as we approached the capital of the Harlasia Kingdom, but the closer we got to the capital, the more well-maintained the roads became. These roads were far easier to travel than those of the capital of the Galar Kingdom, and the shaking of the carriage had greatly decreased.

A rather long queue has formed.

Will it take a long time to enter?

In front of the capital, there was a line to enter through the city walls. If one were to simply join the end of the line, it might well be lunchtime by the time they entered.

However, we had no need to worry about that. The reason was that Lieselotte was a noble of this country, and as a privilege, we did not need to line up. While casting a glance at the merchants and others lined up in a row, we proceeded straight towards the city gates. Naturally, those we passed gave us displeased looks but seeing the guarded carriage of Lieselotte, most diverted their gaze in understanding.

The few who did not divert their gaze were divided into two types. One type felt a strong sense of rivalry, jealousy, and even hostility. Perhaps they were commoners who despised the nobility? It was a sentiment similar to what Julius had felt towards Lieselotte. It seems that no matter how excellent a king might be, a country that does not treat the royal family and the nobles with respect cannot be created.

The problem lay in the other type of gaze. It was like that of a predator eyeing its prey. Beyond mere rivalry or hostility, this gaze held the potential for harm toward Lieselotte. We must remain vigilant to be prepared for whatever may occur.

As we approached the city gates without neglecting our surroundings, several guards hurried towards us. In response, Hilda emerged from the carriage and showed them something. The guards not only readily cleared the way but also positioned themselves on either side of us as if to offer protection.

It must have been an indication of noble status in this country. Indeed, being of high rank has its conveniences. The envy directed at us earlier should perhaps be accepted as a part of this privilege Oh?

Hmm? Teacher, do you feel a gaze upon us?

Youve noticed, too?

It was no secret that many eyes were on us as we headed for the city gate, but among them, there was one peculiar gaze. It was not directed at Lieselottes noble carriage but rather at me, myself.

It seemed that this gaze was also turned towards Chirik, who was sitting next to me, and he had noticed it as well. Chirik, despite his poor eyesight, had other senses that were sharp, almost as if compensating for his lack of vision. These senses seemed to be growing sharper by the day, allowing him to notice even from a distance.

The person was looking down from atop the city walls and he or she was probably thinking they hadnt been noticed. However, my field of vision covered directly above and behind me. I could see the persons face clearly.

The figure was a tall man dressed in clothes that seemed both comfortable to move around in and expensive. A bandage was wrapped around his forehead, so he might have sustained an injury. He could have been a knight or possibly even a commander.

Could it be that we were under surveillance? After scrutinizing me intently, the man hurried off somewhere. I sensed an ominous air about him. It might be wise to prepare for any eventuality. After a moments hesitation, I sent a telepathic message to Chris.

[Chris, do you have a moment?]

[Eeek!? Uuuh, yes, Im okay! Really!]

Chriss demeanor hardly seemed okay but this was not the time for concern. I shared my worries about the man who had been watching us from atop the city walls with the flustered Chris.

Given the serious nature of the telepathic conversation, Chris quickly adopted a more serious attitude. After hearing me out, she prefaced her response by saying that she didnt know exactly what was going on.

[If someones on the city walls without wearing the armor of the guards, they must hold some considerable position.]

[Do you have any idea who it might be?]

[Im sorry. I dont really know many of the guards stationed on the walls. But since weve used illusion spiritual arts to change Antaress appearance, its unlikely he recognized you by face.]

[Thats true.]

My face has been subjected to a powerful but difficult-to-recognize illusion by Rinne, who accompanied us on our trip to the royal capital. Therefore, I didnt believe I was recognized by my face. What then could have drawn attention to me? Hmm, its puzzling.

There are a lot of things I dont understand, but it was better to remain vigilant. I made sure to inform Zald and the others that someone had seemingly taken an interest in me for some reason.

Hey, look over there!

Ah what a handsome man

After we passed through the city gates, the focus shifted to another member of our party. This time, it was Zald, who was seated on the coachmans seat of the second carriage from the front. We were so accustomed to his presence that we hadnt given it much thought, but Zald was in fact a remarkably handsome man.

Throughout our journey, many who caught sight of Zald couldnt help but do a double-take, especially women, who often found themselves utterly enchanted by him. I remembered how Nana and Mia, who joined our group along with Chirik, had been completely taken aback when they first laid eyes on Zald.

Zalds attire was indistinguishable from any common man in the street, yet the fine features of his face were impossible to hide. Every woman who caught sight of Zald blushed, with some even having moist eyes and sighing deeply.

Its not good; Zald stands out too much. I felt bad for always leaving him behind, so I decided to bring him along Perhaps Tigar would have been a better choice.

Teacher really puts a lot of thought into choosing people. And yet, I insisted on coming along selfishly

Dont regret it now. Besides, Chirik and the others should feel free to be more selfish. I understand the hesitation, but youre not strangers to us anymore.

Yes, teacher.

Chirik regretted being pushy and demanding in coming along, but it was truly too late for such thoughts. There was no turning back now and deep down, he was somewhat pleased to have been indulged in his whims.

Chirik and the others had been living as orphans and refugees while fending for themselves. They were accustomed to enduring hardship and were unaccustomed to relying on others. This was true not only for Chirik but also for Magna and Nana.

Thats why I was so happy that he did something that was the exact opposite of enduring. We too live a life that cannot be called wealth, but we could afford to indulge them a bit. Too much indulgence could be problematic, but a little could be seen as cute and childish. They had been deprived of their childhoods in their struggle to survive, and it was our hope that they could remember, at least for a while, that it was okay to be children still.

Well, personally, Ive always possessed some strange knowledge since birth and rapidly matured to adulthood, so I lack any real sense of having been a child. However, my desire for them to enjoy their childhood likely stems from my memories of Leo and Lappy in their younger years.

Hold on there.


While I was hoping that Chirik and the others would act like children, armed people appeared to block our path. Even though I called them armed, they had minimal weapons and I sensed no hostility from them.

The person standing at the front was the man who had been watching me from the top of the city walls. He wasnt looking at my face but seemed to focus on my waist, and he nodded his head in satisfaction as if he had confirmed something.

So it is

What authority do you have for this?

Contrary to the mans satisfied expression, Lieselotte and the others didnt appear to be that satisfied. Hilda emerged from the carriage, her voice polite yet carrying a strong intent of protest, which she directed squarely at the man in charge.

Hildas formidable demeanor made the man flinch slightly, but after saying sorry, he reached into his coat and pulled out a letter. The use of high-quality paper meant that the sender was undoubtedly of noble or affluent status. In other words, it was definitely aimed at Liselotte.

With permission granted after asking him if it was alright to read, Hilda unfolded the letter, which was only folded up and not even in an envelope. When she read the contents, her shoulders began to tremble.

Let me ask you first, is this compulsory?

No, it is not. Even if you refuse, His Majesty will not be angered. However

It would reflect poorly on us, I understand. I will convey the message to the young lady.

Hilda accepted the letter with the promise to deliver it. Yet, the men did not move aside. Before an irritated Hilda could speak up, the man fixed his gaze directly on me and asked,

Have we met before, you and I?

. No, sir knight, I have no such recollection.

I was taken aback by the sudden question, so I was slow to react, but I tried to be as polite as possible and denied his words. It was not a lie; from my perspective, I truly had no memory of ever meeting him.

The man seemed to have anticipated my denial, showing no reaction to it. However, this only served to heighten my unease. What is he trying to say?

Indeed, that makes sense. We have never spoken face-to-face. I have only seen you from afar.

Im not sure what you mean by that

I dont know how youve changed your appearance, but I can never forget those asymmetrical twin swords at your waist. Youre a demon of the empire.

Our true identities were exposed. When we realized this, we attempted to flee immediately. But the man seemed to have anticipated our escape as well and discarded his sword to clearly show his lack of hostility towards me.

At the same time, his men also discarded their swords and spears. It was certain they had some intention. After a quick telepathic discussion, we decided to at least listen to what they had to say.

Its good that youre calm. Theres no way we could restrain you even if we tried.

Spare the flattery. What do you want? Well deliver the lady and leave this country immediately. Were not looking to cause trouble.

Hah, I wouldnt expect someone of your caliber to stoop to petty theft. However, His Majesty wishes to meet with you. Would you come to the royal castle?

The king wanted to meet me. Rather than feeling honored, confusion and caution gradually grew within me. After quickly deliberating through telepathy once again, we decided to follow them and meet the king.

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