Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 237: Behind the Scenes of the Evening Party

Chapter 237: Behind the Scenes of the Evening Party

While Antares was incapacitated by the smell of alcohol, the bandits were already fleeing towards Tigar and Bolts. They set off smoke bombs that greatly disrupted their sense of sight and smell and dispersed in an organized escape. It seemed they had planned their escape routes well, as they had no wasted movements whatsoever.

Ugh! This stench is unbearable, damn it! Hey, Bolts! You go after the guy who ran to the right! You can catch him, right? Ill chase the one on the left!

Alright, alright.

Both Tigar and Bolts possessed exceptional senses as demons and because of that, they felt their noses almost twisting from the stench of the smoke. But this pungent odor was also perfect for them to track the bandits down. With a fierce expression on his face, Tigar began his chase.

Following Tigars instructions, Bolts pursued a different bandit. However, after a short chase, he stopped.

Hmph. How presumptuous of someone with no rank to command me.

After saying this and snorting in disdain, he began walking in a direction different from the bandits path. This was a clear act of disobedience, but there was no one to see his actions let alone reprimand him. It was an action made possible by his newfound freedom.

Among the members of the special operations unit, Bolts was the only one born into a wealthy family. His familys bankruptcy had led to his downfall and transformation into a demon but deep down, he always believed he didnt belong in such a place.

Because of this, deep in his mind, he firmly believed that he was different from other demons. He genuinely thought that considering his status, he deserved special treatment from others. The fact that he was counted as just another warrior within the team and the ease with which others spoke to him were both intolerable to him.

Are the others not foolish as well? Blindly obeying the words of an insect its utterly repulsive. They all are nothing but strong monsters.

The one he particularly detested was Antares. Just like Shuu and Apao, Antares was a demon with a soul of a non-human being. Even though they knew of this fact, the other demons still followed him, but to Bolts, this was an unbelievable act.

He, who should have been the highest in rank among the people, was treated like everyone else, while an insect, not even a human, stood at the top. He harbored dissatisfaction with this structure and felt irritation towards the other demons who didnt even seem to mind.

The reason the adults including Antares, found it futile to communicate with Bolts was because he looked down on the other demons in his heart. The only reason he still acted with them was because he understood that acting alone would be reckless on his part. If there was a safe way, he would have undoubtedly acted separately from Antares and the others.

Tigar is a fool, and I can probably deceive him by saying the bandit was taken down by someone else. This brief freedom

Young master? You are young master Bolts, arent you?!

Bolts, who had shirked the task of pursuing the bandit to enjoy a brief moment of freedom, was uncertain how to use his newfound free time. It was then that someone approached him to speak. Recognizing the voice, Bolts deliberately hardened his expression and slowly turned around.

The man standing there was the one who had followed them during their shopping. He was of average height and build, with a nondescript face that seemed to blend into a crowd.

And as if he knew this, the man had grown and groomed a mustache and beard, perhaps in an effort to stand out. But when he saw this man who was trying so hard to show his individuality, Bolts made a face of deep surprise.

Koltos? Is that you, Koltos? Its been a long time.

Indeed, it is you, young master! I thought I was mistaken!

Koltos had been an employee at the merchant guild run by Bolts father. After the guilds collapse, Bolts had no knowledge of what had become of its employees. He surmised that, after various twists and turns, Koltos eventually came here from the empire.

However, it was clear from Koltos appearance that he was not living like a refugee. His clothing, while not extravagant, was well-tailored and clean. It was clear that he was living a reasonably good life.

What a coincidence to meet you here. You seem to be doing quite well for yourself

Actually, after everything that happened, I found someone who was willing to employ me. Ive been working here in the royal capital, procuring wines and such.

Wine was a specialty product of the Galar Kingdom. If Koltos was the only one responsible for its procurement, it implied that he was a highly trusted employee. Bolts, who only remembered Koltos by face and name, began to think that he might actually have been quite capable. His expectations were now even more heightened.

So, young master, what brings you here? If Im not mistaken, that seems to be the crest of the Rowell family

Yes. Actually, Im currently working with a mercenary group.

A mercenary group, you say?! That is, how shall I put it, quite unexpected.

For Koltos, who was acquainted with Bolts from earlier times, the idea of this wealthy young man associating with a bloodstained mercenary group was utterly incongruous. Bolts was not only conscious of this disparity but also harbored deep dissatisfaction with his current circumstances. In fact, he almost felt a sense of joy that he was not seen as fitting in with such a group.

And it was a conscious move from Bolts to speak as if he were a superior within the mercenary group. Although it wasnt true, in his mind, he considered himself superior to the likes of Antares and his group. There was a part of him that thought it was only natural for others to cater to his needs, so much so that he would never admit he was being looked after.

Surprising, isnt it? Im quite tired of being with those rough and barbaric people. Im thinking of leaving them soon. I might be stopped, but Koltos, do you have any connections?

Bolts harbored the hope that by using the connections of this man, Koltos, he might regain his social status and separate himself from those of low status like Antares and his group.

However, he knew showing desperation could be perceived as a weakness, making him vulnerable. The proud and haughty Bolts was determined to maintain a position of superiority not only over Antares and his lot but also over Koltos. This was simply part of his nature.

Connections, you say Im sorry, but it might be difficult for me to do anything on my own. I can arrange a suitable position for you, but not immediately.

Oh, no need to trouble yourself.

Observing Koltoss apologetic expression, Bolts assured him there was no issue with an air of nonchalance. This was his honest opinion. After all, Koltos had said it was possible, just not immediately. That implied it could be done with a bit of waiting.

I see. By the way, the merchant guild youre currently working at seems to be doing a wide range of business outside of the empire, and they also have stores in other countries, right?

Yes. Its a large store in the empire, and we have shops in all parts of the continent except for the western and northern parts.

Actually, our mercenary group has been hired to escort a nobles daughter back to the Harlasia Kingdom. If you find anything, then please contact them.

However, Bolts could not afford to wait in the royal capital for Koltoss reply. The reason was his obligation to travel to the Kingdom of Harlasia with the others for the guard duty request involving Lieselotte.

The empire is or actually was the largest nation on the Enzo continent and its influence reached even in the realm of trade. Every major merchant guild in the Empire, without exception, had branches in several other countries.

In fact, it was the Gaelia branch that Koltos was in charge of. Bolts asked himor he ordered him to contact him upon his arrival in the Kingdom of Harlasia using these connections.

Understood. I will certainly prepare a satisfactory answer for you.

Im counting on it.

Without showing any displeasure, Koltos accepted Boltss orders. Bolts nodded his head in satisfaction and, as if his business were concluded here, walked away to enjoy his limited freedom.

At this moment, Bolts was completely unaware of something. Unbeknownst to him, though Koltos expression remained gentle, he had the shrewd eyes of a merchant appraising some goods.

Hes gone Hmph, this snobbish brat. Who does he think he is?

And if Bolts hadnt been so elated by this stroke of good luck, he might have overheard the guys murmurs thanks to the demons exceptional hearing he possessed. The cheerful atmosphere Koltos had exhibited during his encounter with Bolts was now nowhere to be seen. He turned on his heel, not bothering to hide his discomfort, and contorted his face in loathing.

Indeed, Koltos had once worked for Bolts fathers merchant guild. However, his treatment there was anything but favorable. Even when he achieved results, he received no praise, and minor mistakes would result in scolding. The other employees were treated similarly, leading to a widespread dislike of Bolts father among the staff.

It was no surprise then that such a merchant guild would struggle to stay afloat. Fortunately, the mistreatment of the employees was well known by all, and those who sympathized with them often offered to hire them. As a result, very few were left stranded.

However, him being a mercenary? Impossible, right? He must be taken care of by someone But that would be even more surprising.

Raised surrounded by quality goods, Bolts had a keen eye for merchandise but in other respects, he was naively the young master in the worst sense. He couldnt see through Koltos true feelings and possessed only enough acting skills to be easily seen through by Koltos. Bolts was no match for a merchant who had been toughened up by strict superiors.

Furthermore, Koltos had astutely discerned the truth in their brief conversation, specifically the part about Bolts joining a mercenary group. Even in the dim light, he had committed to memory the crest depicted on the cloak draping from Bolts shoulders. He recognized it as the insignia of the Rowell family as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Hes planning to use me, but how long does he plan to play the role of a young master? I refuse to be manipulated by a fallen brat. Instead, Ill use him to my advantage.

As Koltos started to walk away, a cunning and bold smile spread across his face. His first move would be to reach out to his homeland to uncover what happened to Bolts since their last meeting. The availability of sufficient information in the Imperial City was uncertain due to the ongoing war, but it seemed improbable that there would be a complete absence of any details. This is getting interesting, he muttered to himself.

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