Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 130: Everyday Life of Demons, (1)

Chapter 130: Everyday Life of Demons, (1)

The day after our return, we woke up just before sunrise. As usual, we began our tasks around the fortress. We were assigned various chores that nobody wanted to do, such as cleaning the stables, pits, and burning raw waste. Although these weren’t our responsibilities as combatants, that man who acted as our commander was providing free labor to the central front camp out of goodwill…. or so he said.

The true intention behind this was to harass us, and everyone found this treatment to be unfair. However, we had long since grown accustomed to such treatment, and it seemed stupid to expend your energy by complaining, so we quickly got to work.

“Ugh, it stinks! Food, it’s mealtime!”

“I’m starving.”

After completing our chores, it was time for breakfast. Demons were reasonably resistant to hunger, but without sustenance, we would still die. While not as much as what was provided to other soldiers, we were still given rations.

Yet, these rations were by no means of high quality. We were given what should have been discarded from soldiers’ rations—vegetable scraps, partially spoiled meat clinging to bones, and moldy, hard bread.

“Here you go.”

“Yeah! Munch… mmm! It’s soaking in!”

“As always, Mika, your cooking is impressive.”

“We’ve been taught by him too, but the food we make never turns out the same way for us.”

Despite the horrible dining conditions, it seems that Mika’s skillful cooking manages to turn the bad rations into delicious stuff… or so everyone says. Even now, I can’t really discern what’s delicious and what’s not. I can only reliably distinguish the sweet flavor.

I gulped down the soup in my bowl and crunched on the tough bread. My companions, who preferred to soften the bread by soaking it in the soup before eating, looked at me and chuckled. Although everyone should be able to do the same thing, there were many who believed that the softer version was better. I didn’t quite understand, but everyone can do what he likes.

“Slurp… Mmm, tasty! So good… Ugh!?”

“It’s delicious, right? Hey, Julius! Are you okay!?”

Julius and Ariel, who were having their first taste of Mika’s soup, had been wary until they received their bowls. However, once they took a sip, they became captivated by the flavor. Julius, in particular, was quite enthusiastic, rushing and seemingly choking on the food. Ariel hurriedly patted his back, ensuring he was fine.

The reactions of these two were similar to those of the Special Operations unit members who had tasted Mika’s cooking for the first time. In other words, Julius and Ariel had led similar bad nutritional lives as the other demons. It made sense, considering they were turned into demons at such a young age; they couldn’t have had a high standard of living. The day when the two of them would fully adapt might be closer than I thought.

“Ugh… It’s raw…! But, I have to eat it… burp!”

On the contrary, whenever Bolts took a sip of his soup, he seemed to grimace in discomfort. It seemed like he was dissatisfied with the soup since he kept calling it raw-smelling. It wasn’t a matter of him having a more developed sense of smell than the rest of us, including me. He genuinely seemed to dislike the taste.

I can’t speak for her time during the Republic, but even Asumi, who had enjoyed good meals since becoming a prisoner of war, found Mika’s soup to be delicious. Bolts, on the other hand, considered it distasteful; he must have had a better-nourished life thus far. And there seemed to be a distance between the pair of, Julius and Ariel, with Bolts. Perhaps Bolts had a different upbringing than the other two.

I couldn’t help but ponder the circumstances that led the three of them here, though I had no intention of prying forcefully. As we continue to grow closer, I believe they will willingly share their stories. I will remain patient until that time comes.

“Finished eating? It’s about time.”

“Yes, boss.”

“Ah, what a bother. If it’s training, we’d be better off training on our own.”

“Quit your whining!”

“I’ll do the dishes~”

“Take care.”

Tuhru, with Lawqum on her lap, conjured water by using her spiritual power, and then several people, including Sharl, washed the emptied bowls together. Generally, all of us demons participated in the training, but doing so would neglect the fortress’s chores. Thus, some of us took turns staying back for these tasks.

Especially Tuhru, who held a baby in her arms, and Sharl, visibly pregnant, made sure to take turns staying behind. That man only sees us as tools, but thanks to that, he has no idea who’s doing what and where. He doesn’t even know to whom he’s assigning these chores.

We take advantage of that to do as we please where he can’t see us. Just like how Tigar and Zald are called chiefs.


“Wh-what is it!”

“Quit lazing around. You guys are coming too.”

Watching our comrades disperse to different locations, Julius and the other two remained seated. Since you are the weakest among us, you two have the most training to do. There’s no excuse for idling around like this. I stood before the three of them and ordered them to follow.

Perhaps due to the terrible encounter we had yesterday, Julius glared at me with a hostile air, while Ariel seemed visibly frightened. Bolts, sensing something, attempted to slip away with stealthy steps. Of course, whether they resisted or trembled, I was going to take them, and I wouldn’t allow them to escape either. I grabbed Julius by the scruff of his neck, lifted him, and swiftly coiled my tail around Bolts’ torso to capture him.

Both Julius and Bolts struggled in their respective attempts to break free, but they couldn’t escape my grip with this level of resistance. Their limbs flailed through the air, but it didn’t help them escape in the slightest. Ariel, at this point, must have given up, as she obediently followed. Yes, that’s how it should be.

We headed toward the training ground on the outer edge of the fortress. The fortress was surrounded by five layers of walls, and within the outermost wall was one of the least populated areas. While this location would be one of the first places combat would occur if the fortress were attacked, in times of peace like now, there were only guards stationed atop the outer walls.

Between the outer walls, there were various facilities, but they didn’t fill the space entirely. The open area that remained was designated as a training ground, permitted for use by those within the fortress. This also applied to beings like us, demons.


“I can see your moves!”


“You’re too slow! Your steps lack strength!”

As I arrived at the training ground with my companions, the training was already in progress. There, the Coalition Army’s demons and some members of the Special Operations unit were engaged in combat. Ideally, we should have trained on our own, but that wasn’t possible. Because this was also a request from the Coalition Army.

The Coalition Army provided materials, including criminals, to the Empire to transform them into demons for deployment in the war. The effectiveness was immense, but it brought about a single issue: the high mortality rate among demons.

Once one becomes a demon, their strength increases regardless of their original combat abilities. However, Karelvo’s demons charge into battle recklessly, leading to significant achievements but also a high casualty rate.

This was believed to be due to their being adjusted to become ferocious. While there are demons who can fight like mercenaries, their numbers are significantly smaller compared to those who attack defenseless individuals or engage in criminal acts like bandits, or soldiers who’ve caused scandals. The majority of Karelvo’s demons are those who committed murder or are homeless vagabonds. Many lack fighting skills. It’s only natural that this results in a large number of casualties.

The Empire, with its vast lands and a population that’s incomparably larger, can consume demons on the battlefield without much concern for the death toll. However, the Coalition Army collectively lacks a population as vast as the Empire’s, so the number of demon materials they can prepare is limited. At this rate of ongoing demon deaths, resources will be depleted long before a conclusion is reached for the war.

That’s why we, who were the first demon unit to survive until now, were tasked with training the other demons. It seemed like an opportunity to curry favor with the Coalition Army, as that man readily accepted the request. Every time we were dispatched as reinforcements to the Central Front, we would train the Coalition Army’s demons.


“Think about what happens after you evade! You’re leaving yourself wide open!”


“You’re swinging too wildly! Don’t expect something like that to hit!”

The demons of the Coalition Army and our special Operations unit members were engaged in such intense combat that it might have seemed like a fight to the death, yet no one has died so far. There were two reasons for this. First, the demons’ regenerative abilities could heal most wounds as long as they weren’t fatal, and second, we were vastly stronger.

Tigar and the others, who had been forced to fight as atonement soldiers, were already quite strong before becoming demons. And over the past four years, they had fully honed their demon abilities to fight. Hence, it didn’t matter what type of Karelvo’s demon it was since they quickly lose their sense of judgment, we were superior in skill.



As for Asmi and the others, the same applied to them. Having absorbed the abilities of multiple creatures, they often possessed various means of attack and defense. While their intelligence was on par with that of beasts, having navigated through numerous battles meant their movements were efficient and purposeful.

In a way, one could say that Karelvo’s demons pursued an ideal way of fighting. It’s something we should definitely take inspiration from. Given the rather unpleasant personalities of the individuals we initially encountered, I must admit that the sense of companionship among Karelvo’s demons was lacking. Even if they were still alive, I doubt anyone would really care if they happened to die.

However, it saddened me to see other demons, who weren’t hostile to us, meet their demise. I consider myself quite the soft-hearted individual, but emotions come into play here, and there’s little I can do about it. The same goes for my comrades, and it’s this very sentiment that drives us to train diligently.

“What’s the point of bringing us to a place where monsters are fighting each other!? Are you guys planning to use us as bait!?”

“There’s no way that’s the case. You guys will also join in the training here. Your instructors will be… right, Leo! Kelf! Lappy! Come over here!”

Upon hearing my voice, the three individuals turned and headed in my direction, accompanied by a group of other children. The children following behind them were members of the spec ops, and the three were in the midst of training them.

These children, who were the same age as Lappy, had been designated to join the frontlines starting from the next mission. At that point, all members of the Special Operations unit, except for the pregnant Sharl, the infant Lawqum, Julius, and the other two, would become combatants. The reason for not counting the three new children as combatants was that I believed they wouldn’t reach the required fighting standards by that time.

“What’s up, big brother?”

“I’m entrusting these three to you. Your first goal is to make them proficient in using their demon forms.”

“Got it. We’ll do our best!”

After Leo gave me a reassuring reply, I nodded emphatically once before joining the demons who were carrying out their training, having entrusted the three youngsters to their care.

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