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Chapter 117: The Carnela Port Recapture Operation (24)

Chapter 117: The Carnela Port Recapture Operation (24)

Marcellus and his group continued to assert control over the warehouse district, but they suddenly felt the enemy’s resistance weakening. The armored soldiers inside the warehouses still fought back when engaged and sometimes responded to calls for surrender. However, the encounters outside the warehouses abruptly ceased.

“What do you think?” Marcellus asked.

“Most likely, they must have consolidated their remaining forces in one place. Since guerrilla tactics with small units didn’t work, it’s the only logical option,”

Marcellus sought Decius’ opinion, strongly wanting to confirm whether they both arrived at the same conclusion. And in fact, both of them shared the same view, and Marcellus was convinced that this was highly likely the correct answer.

As they marched through the warehouse district, they faced several surprise attacks from a small group of armored soldiers. However, the Imperial army had soldiers hailing from Carnela Port who knew the area well. They were familiar with the places vulnerable to surprise attacks and never fell victim to ambushes.

Likewise, the other unit currently attempting to take control of the warehouse district faced the same situation, where surprise attacks proved ineffective. This unit also had soldiers hailing from Carnela Port, and they were equally adept at countering such tactics.

The guerrilla tactics of a small group were effective precisely because they relied on surprise attacks. However, after repeatedly facing the imperial army, it became apparent to the Republic army that if the element of surprise was lost, they would be overwhelmed by the enemy’s superior numbers. The Republic army eventually understood that guerrilla warfare wouldn’t weaken the Imperial forces; instead, they needed to gather their strength and prepare to face them head-on.

“So, where do you think they would gather their forces?” Marcellus inquired.

“The regular guns of the armored soldiers won’t be effective against us. Even if they lead us into narrow alleys, they might not win. Moreover, there are no open squares or areas suitable for a counterattack on the map. It’s likely they will fortify themselves within sturdy buildings.”

“They meant to stall the soldiers filling the outer walls, who repelled the Imperial army outside until reinforcements arrived. You heard that, right? Are there any buildings that match the requirements?”

Marcellus posed his question to a nearby soldier who lived in this area. The sudden approach startled the soldier, but after a moment of contemplation, he spoke with confidence.

“A little north from here, you’ll find the Governor’s Office in Carnela Port. It was constructed like a fortress and was incredibly robust. I heard it was partially damaged during a previous invasion, but if the enemy repaired it using their technology…”

“It’s highly possible it’s even sturdier now. Understood. Let’s head there. Lead the way,” Marcellus said.

Upon hearing the local resident’s opinion, Marcellus quickly made his decision. He immediately chose the group’s destination and entrusted the soldier to lead the way toward the Governor’s Office. To avoid being ambushed from behind, they had already taken control of all the warehouses along the way.

As they approached the Governor’s Office, Marcellus and his group frowned at the sight of the building. It had undergone extensive modifications, far beyond their imagination.

The name “Governor’s Office” indicated that this building was established by the Empire when they took control of Carnela Port. Its purpose was to serve as a headquarters for the dispatched military and civilian officials in charge of governing the port.

Although locals now served in the building after the passage of time since it became part of the Empire’s territory, initially it was an essential stronghold constructed by the Empire in the occupied land. They knew it would be one of the primary targets in case their rule failed, so it was built sturdier than an ordinary fortress.

However, the Governor’s Office, which should have been partially damaged by the Republic army’s attack, had been significantly altered by their hands. Unbeknownst to Marcellus and his group, the building had been remodeled to serve as the final defensive stronghold in case the outer walls were breached.

The stone walls had all been replaced with metal, and the thatched parts were now lined with sharp spikes. The gate had been converted into a formidable trapdoor that made breaching difficult. Atop the newly constructed tower inside, large guns were mounted, while several cannons were aimed down from the rooftop. Additionally, armored soldiers peered out from multiple small windows, poised to shoot at a moment’s notice.

Among the Rebulic Army, no one could have anticipated that they would need to use these defenses before the outer walls were breached, but the change in sequence didn’t alter their functionality. Attempting a direct assault would result in the sacrifice of many soldiers.

“This… can’t be forced with sheer strength. Yet, ignoring it and heading to other warehouses would invite trouble from behind… What do we do?”

Having witnessed the fortitude of the Governor’s Office from behind the warehouse where they stood, Marcellus and his group hesitated. Even the brave and daring locals understood that attacking head-on would only lead to needless deaths, so they didn’t harbor any complaints about Marcellus refraining from giving the attack order right away.

While Marcellus racked his brains for a plan, the Governor’s Office suddenly grew bustling with noise. Curious about the commotion, they strained their eyes out and spotted other Imperial soldiers emerging from the opposite side of the Governor’s Office, so now they were sandwiching the office in between.

Considering the positioning, those Imperial soldiers must have been a unit that infiltrated through another underground passage in the downtown area. As soon as they revealed themselves, the cannons at the Governor’s Office turned toward them. It was evident that a synchronized barrage would soon follow.

“Vice Commander!”

“I know! We can’t abandon our allies! Charge forward! Follow me!”

Marcellus’s decision to charge was swift. Indeed, one of the reasons was that he couldn’t leave his allies behind. But more importantly, he was convinced that now was the only chance to break in, with the enemy’s attention focused on their allies in the opposite direction.

Marcellus dashed to the most dangerous forefront, strengthening his legs with fighting spirit before leaping towards the wall. The wall was quite high, and even with his light armor, he couldn’t jump over it in one go. However, he managed to hook his shield onto the spikes protruding from the thatched part.

Using the shield as a fulcrum, he kicked off the wall with both feet, successfully leaping over. Taking a cue from his approach, those following him also cleared the wall with relative ease. However, their invasion was not without issues.

Don! Don!

The moment the Imperial soldiers landed on the inside of the wall, the ground exploded in some places. Landmines were buried inside the wall, and unfortunately, some imperial soldiers stepped on one of them near the side of the wall.


“Watch out! Be mindful of the ground and raise your shields! Decius, have your unit attack the tower! The rest, follow me!” Marcellus commanded.

“Understood! Let’s go!” Decius replied.

Despite frowning at the cries of agony coming from behind, Marcellus led the charge towards the Governor’s Office, at the same time instructing Decius to take control of the tower. He managed to reach the building without triggering any of the mines and was fortunate enough to deflect the bullets raining down from above.

The Governor’s Office hadn’t been entirely rebuilt; instead, the partially damaged portions were reinforced and left somewhat intact. Particularly, the first floor mostly remained as it was, giving the appearance that it hadn’t been heavily modified.

“Hmph! Just as I thought!”

After enhancing his body with fighting spirit, Marcellus activated the spiritual circuit within his sword and slammed it heavily against the door. It seemed like a sturdy wooden door reinforced with iron frames, but hidden inside was a layer of metal plates.

The already sturdy wooden door boasted several times more resilience due to the metal plates concealed within. Marcellus repeatedly pounded his sword against it, but the armored soldiers above swiftly aimed their guns at him.


“Uoooo! Charge!”

“Break down the door!”

As Marcellus endured the fire with his shield, his subordinates who had crossed the minefield came to his aid. They, too, wielded their swords while holding their shields high. Their numbers gradually increased, and with each strike, the metal plates started to warp until they finally reached their breaking point, shattering completely.

Carrying the momentum of their destruction, the imperial soldiers stepped inside the Governor’s Office. But there…..they were greeted by a floating metallic saucer.

“Get back! Defend yourselves!”

Marcellus reflexively raised his shield and ordered his subordinates to do the same. At that moment, an unprecedented impact hit his shield, causing him to be thrown off balance.

Marcellus rose to his feet while bearing the tingling sensation in his left arm that held the shield. The floating saucer hovering before him was unlike anything he had encountered before, and he couldn’t help but recall the information Asumi had shared with him.

“Ugh! Unmanned attack drone… was it? Just as Asumi said, its firepower is incredible!”

The floating saucer was an autonomous weapon known as an unmanned attack drone. In terms of shape and size, it was almost identical to an unmanned reconnaissance drone, but there was a crucial difference. While the unmanned reconnaissance drones were equipped with the same guns as the armored soldiers, the unmanned attack drone was armed with large, stationary guns designed for stronghold defense.

Due to the weight and size of the hefty gun it carried, the drone’s mobility was slow, and its operational time was limited. Moreover, it lacked the ability to sense organic reactions, like reconnaissance drones. However, its firepower was overwhelmingly superior, capable of firing devastating shots from strategically chosen positions. Especially in confined entryways like this, it displayed its deadly efficiency.



Marcellus managed to defend himself, but many of those who were striking the door alongside him were shot and pierced. The stragglers who were delayed in their defense also fell victim to the relentless gunfire, and in an instant, over twenty soldiers lost their lives.

Inside the destroyed entrance, four unmanned attack drones were stationed, and the bullets fired from their barrels shredded through the light armor of these light infantry soldiers like paper. The bullets had enough power to pierce even reinforced shields, turning the hard-won entrance into a gateway to the afterlife.

“What can we do… Ugh! There are some above us too!”

Marcellus clung to the wall beside the entrance, desperately trying to formulate a strategy, but the armored soldiers above hindered his thoughts with a barrage of bullets. He had no time to leisurely think; instead, he was consumed by an intense sense of urgency.

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