Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 329: 329: Sorting the Harvest

Chapter 329: 329: Sorting the Harvest

Translator: 549690339

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yu was stunned.

Was Jiang Xiaobai really going to steal fish from the lake?

This wasn’t something good at all!

If Jiang Xiaobai were to steal from the Sword Sea Sect’s treasure vault, he would be hunted down and surrounded by the sect’s skilled fighters.

The consequences would not be good, but if he took the fish from the lake, he would surely meet a terrible, terrible death!

Even worse, he would never know peace in this lifetime!

Because this fish was Li Xuanlin’s, the cherished son of Sword Sea Sect, favorite and one he had acquired at great cost.

The last guy who dared to steal fish from this lake, his tombstone is now three feet tall.

The very reason being, one of Sword Sea Sect’s elders had a predilection for Li Xuanlin, especially his exceptional talent in swordsmanship, making him a cherished member of the Sect.

If he were to get angry, the entire Sword Sea Sect would lend their full support.

“Um, maybe you should drop the idea? You really can’t steal those fish.”

Xiao Yu, looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s covetous expression, advised cautiously.

Even Xiao Yu, who was unafraid of anything and enjoyed causing trouble, was apprehensive this time.

If her senior brother found out the fish were stolen partly because of her involvement, she would be in for a harsh punishment. She had always been terrified of him since childhood.

However, Jiang Xiaobai paid no heed. What did trouble matter to him? He had already looted the most prized books of their Sect. Would stealing a few fish be a big deal?

Jiang Xiaobai then ignored Xiao Yu, exchanged a glance with AnRan, and the two of them dived into the lake to catch the fish.

Fish is such delicious food, why not have it if it’s free?

Watching Jiang Xiaobai take action, Xiao Yu’s eyes widened, and her face turned pale.

“It’s over; my senior brother is definitely going to punish me this time.”

“Nianxue, let’s leave. I don’t care anymore, I don’t want to be involved in this. If I don’t die, I’ll be dead.”

Xiao Yu frantically spoke and pulled Qin Nianxue away from the lake without any regard for the infatuated look she had had for Jiang Xiaobai.

Qin Nianxue was also taken by surprise, she had wanted to have a few last words with Jiang Xiaobai.

In no time, Jiang Xiaobai and AnRan returned laden with their catches. With their skills and powers, it was child’s play to catch a few slow fish.

However, Jiang Xiaobai did have some conscience. He didn’t completely plunder the lake, only took half of the Salmon Dragon King and Phoenix-tail fish, leaving the rest.

Even so, his haul amounted to hundreds of fish.

It wasn’t about the price, but the rarity of these fish. Also, the lake’s water quality was excellent, making the fish especially healthy and strong.

This was another significant gain from this trip.

For the two old gluttons, having such delicious fish to enjoy was as exciting as finding a treasure.

After coming out of the lake, Xiao Yu and the others were nowhere to be found, but Jiang Xiaobai didn’t care.

After all, it was just a few fish.

He decided not to overthink other matters. He had accomplished everything he had set out to do in the Sword Sea Sect. It was time to leave before anything unexpected happened, which would be troublesome.

Jiang Xiaobai’s plan was straightforward. While many of the Sect’s people were still away, he would loot as much as possible and cause some trouble.

These Sect powers had to know that Jiang Xiaobai wasn’t someone to be trifled with. If they dared to collude with the ancient tribes and attack him, they would face the consequences.

According to Xiao Yu’s directions, Jiang Xiaobai and AnRan quickly found a place where they could leave the Sword Sea Sect without passing through the main entrance.

Without a word, they dashed out of the Sword Sea Sect and flew away at top speed.

Meanwhile, inside the Sword Sea Sect’s treasure space, everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the multitude of treasures congregated around Jiang Xiaobai remained motionless.

They had no clue as to who was doing this and why.

Now that things had quieted down, they thought that the thief had chosen the treasures he wanted and had left.

As a result, they were desperately trying to attract more treasures. However, something happened that stunned everyone.

One of the inner disciples attracted only three artifacts and, after waiting a long time for more without results, reluctantly reached for a decent-looking sword to leave the treasure space.

However, the moment his hand touched the sword, which was previously gleaming with radiance, it withered away and turned into a pile of ashes right in his hand.

The disciple was terrified, staring around him in horror, and the other disciples stared back in equal shock.

What had just happened?

But before everyone could react, more of these strange incidents occurred with more treasures turning into ash right in front of the disciples.

Everyone was bewildered.

The previously shiny treasures seemed powerful just a moment ago. How come they turned into this the moment they touched them?

If it were not for the fact that many people were experiencing the same thing, the disciples would have thought they were doing something wrong.

One of the inner disciples realized something was amiss and thought to contact the Sect elder to inquire about the situation.

However, when he tried to use his token to leave, he realized that the treasure space had been locked down, and he couldn’t get out!

“What on earth is happening!”

For a moment, the treasure space was filled with chaos.

After leaving the… not really leaving, more like honorably departing the Sword Sea Sect, Jiang Xiaobai and AnRan found a quiet place to divide their spoils.

Not only the loot from the Sword Sea Sect, but also the gains from their previous adventure in the Mad Demon Secret Land.

They had come out together after all, AnRan should not be unfairly treated.

Apart from a big pile of spirit stones and treasures acquired from the secret realm, there were plenty of ivory-colored essences, the biggest loot so far. Altogether, there were hundreds of fist-sized essences.

Though it wasn’t as good as the golden essence, it was still quite remarkable. Jiang Xiaobai wouldn’t require the help of spirit stones for cultivation for a while after absorbing these essences.

After spending some time, they finally sorted out all the loot and divided it up.

Jiang Xiaobai was now feeling incredibly wealthy. He had plenty of Ghost Mother Flowers, ivory-colored essences, and many other treasures either snatched from others or attained using the demon-sealing stone.

What’s more, his powers had increased significantly!

Now, he wasn’t afraid to confront even a peak affinity phase cultivator, or even one in the Unity Period!

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