Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 166 Battle Of The Tormented (16)

I thought she was about at our level, but once the fight had ended… I only just then realized how much of a jump in strength we had acquired from acquiring classes and evolving our classes.

"What was that skill?" I asked Aisa as we sat on top of one of the tents, staring down at the army of soldiers marching towards their death.

"It's called [Snowy Ghost],"

"That's a pretty lame name. Could've named it something cooler unless it becomes cooler later on when you evolve your class… To be honest, if we solo everybody here, you'll be close to classing up again," I responded as Aisa fiddled with her sniper.

She had been gifted a barret m82 by the head of the Wony family as some sort of reward for being one of the deciding factors in the previous battle.

It was long, slick, black, and most of all, very powerful… very, very powerful.

"Damn, this thing looks so cool… I wish I could've used it on the battlefield," She muttered as she looked down into the barrel, something only an animal would do.

One wrong pull of the trigger and her entire head could come flying off, and that's not even exaggerating it.

"Well, you would've not only been blasting the enemies but our position and ears…." I smirked, and soon after we got comfortable, Findir appeared right beside us.

"Everybody has been warned… and the general has sent some troops back here, but they won't arrive until a few hours later… Also, we have to be much more careful as we don't have our armor, meaning tanking hits is impossible… especially bullets," Findir informed the obvious.

"Well, no need to worry about that… [Magic Manipulation]... Luna and I acquired this skill, and we can now layer mana on top of all of you. We can easily break and deflect bullets, but a magic-infused weapon will most likely cut through it like butter," Bella added with a wide smile.

"Alright, let's start this off with a bit of intimidation," I said as I glanced downwards to Luna, who was finally released from Lia's clutches.

"Fuck… Why does she have to hit so hard? This is child abuse," She muttered as she held her swollen cheek and rubbed her sore ass.

"I know you liked it," Aisa smirked, but Luna was already in a bad mood, so she shut her up with [Magic Manipulation], which created a magical blue barrier around her mouth.

Aisa tried to rip it off, but no matter how hard she pulled on it, it just wouldn't come off… so I swiped it off with ease.

"Tsk… Show off," Luna clicked her tongue before hopping onto the tent with us and then raising her arms up as if she was about to praise god.

Magical purple and pink lights surrounded her and then slowly spiraled up into the air, showering the very front of the army with sparkling dust.

"This is meant to cause hallucinations… but I can also do this with it,"

All of a sudden, she snapped her fingers, and the few hundred soldiers at the front of the large army turned around… and went to town on the soldiers behind them.

They ripped through their allies like beasts, tearing their helmets off and ripping open their vests, only to stab their dagger into them again and again until a gaping hole was left in their chest.

A blood bath immediately ensued at the front lines, but it wasn't between our side and the opposing side… but an internal conflict saving us some time.

Eventually, they were able to kill all the rabid soldiers who acted like beasts before their allies, and this small event dropped the morale by quite a lot.

Everybody was so nervous and wary of each and every individual thing that the movement of the army eventually stopped.

But, with the war cry of a new and fresh commander, the army was reinvigorated.

"*sigh*... That doesn't give me any XP, so I'd rather not use it again. It also sucks up so much of my damn mana… geez,"

"It's alright. We'll take it from here," I muttered as everybody, but Luna jumped down from the tent and eyed down the commander who locked pupils with us.

It was clear he was a bit nervous, and as a magical blue light wrapped around us, we stepped in front of the army, unmoving, courageous, and brave… but we were only here for the XP.

"That is quite a heavy sack of XP right there… How much do you think he'll give?" Cy asked as he cracked his joints.

"Can you stop? You're ruining my concentration," Bella demanded as she pushed Cy out of the way.

"You could've asked nicely… Also, what's wrong with stretching my body and loosening up a bit. Ever tried cracking your back before a fight? It helps a lot with the soreness after,"

"It's probably just a placebo,"

"I swear it's not. I feel much better and-"


All of a sudden, we were assaulted by a barrage of heavy bullets that wouldn't even budge against the array of magical lights surrounding us.

It was tight to our clothing but wasn't uncomfortable in the slightest as it gave us free rein of motion and easy access to any of the equipment inside our vests.

"Hmmmmmm… Bella, do you have something to show off?" I asked as she hadn't shown anything yet, as if she was trying to surprise us… and it seems I was right as her smile suddenly widened as she stood up.

"[Flame of Judgment]," She muttered before taking a step forward, and a blast of green flames exploded from the sole of her boot.

It was just as powerful as the time when she turned into that half-demon, half-human hybrid that completely turned the battlefield into more of a hellscape than anything else.

"Oh wow… These flames are kind of hot,"

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