Warlock of The Magus World (FanFiction)

Chapter 289

Chapter 289

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"This is that blood pool huh, although I don't know a lot about this particular story but the importance of this pool is an extremely key factor for this body's development!" Leylin stroked his chin as he pondered and looked all around the gloomy cave. He knew that for the current him this would a very beneficial thing for his future development.

Leylin in his previous life haven't really read the whole novel of God Of Slaughter, in fact he only started reading this particular story when he had the confrontation with that idiot and died unjustifiably.

But even if Leylin didn't knew the whole plot he has full confidence in himself to reach the peak, especially with the special gift he granted to this particular truesoul clone.

"Let's deal with this for now, this is where I would get that ring as well as a few powerful skills."

With a grim expression, he firmly guarded his mind. His countless cruel experiences over the years had steeled his mind and Leylin managed to calm down after a few mere seconds only. Although his head still ached, he was able to stay focused and walked towards the blood pool.

"Crack, crack, crack!"

Leylin looked dignified, as he walked gray dry bones shattered under his feet. Judging by the pile of bones in the cave, one could only guess how many people had previously died in this place. The pool was the source of this evil. If anyone wanted to examine the secrets of the blood pool, he had to be prepared for death.

As Leylin got closer to the blood pool, the howls kept getting louder and louder which drilled into his head like sharp knives but Leylin expression remained unfazed. The sound of slaughter contained in the howls trying to destroy his reasoning where worth nothing despite his soul recovering state.

This isn't particularly because of his strength but rather his iron will and resolve, Leylin wouldn't have been able to bear this pain unless recovered if it weren't for the extreme conditions he faced for so many years that had slowly formed his spirit.

A heap of bones was situated beside the blood pool; some milky white bones also floated in the center of the pool. This small blood pool was like a sea of blood from hell, which had devoured an uncountable number of lives.

Leylin knew that the original protagonist soul was to be summoned here because of this bizarre blood pool but at that time his truesoul was guided by the Wisdom Tree and devoured the poor soul straight at the convergence point eventually being drawn here himself.

"A.I.Chip scan and record into the database."

[Beep! Task established! Analyzing....! Scan complete! Unknown liquid filled with vitality beneficial for host and unidentified consciousness detected!]

"Is that the protagonist's grandpa? Well no matter, I would just expel it."

When he got closer to the blood pool, Leylin suddenly found something strange. The blood in the middle of the pool was scarlet and thick, but he couldn't detect the slightest whiff of the scent of blood.

On the contrary, the air around him was very fresh, even filled with an unexplainable fragrance. After careful inspection, he determined that the exotic fragrance actually came from the blood pool!

Leylin was full of curiosity and thought that there must be something weird in the blood pool.

Again, he took a few steps forward. All of a sudden, an illusion of an endless sea, filled with scarlet red blood entered his mind. Pile of corpses like a small island were there. Some of the bones were like those of the cretaceous period dinosaurs and were as large as a small hill. There was a repeatedly screaming sound coming out from the blood sea, "Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

[Beep! The host has suffered from an unknown effect... Abnormality in the current state!] [Ho... Host is hallucinating!]

The screen of the A.I. Chip displayed was intermittent as if it was suffering from a very strong interference.

Leylin looked calm despite the sudden change in his surrounding because he knew about this previously beforehand, he internationally didn't break the illusion trying to experience this for himself because he knew that these flashes are nothing sort of treasure mine for picking up astute clues. His A. I. Chip was constantly working to scan the illusion finding clues and small detail left by others.

His heart started beating faster eventually as the suffocating and terrifying pressure tried to overwhelm him. He felt a familiar yet strange feeling like a new death experience.

Under the calling of the blood pool, Leylin slowly finally went up to the edge. He stared at the small blood pool; the rational side of his character wasn't broken as he narrowed his eyes trying to see through the pool's existence.

He muttered, "Let's see what you have to offer, small little blood pool!"

Then, he jumped into the pool.

A sudden change occurred in the blood pool!

As Leylin stood in the middle of the blood pool, the blood was already up to his waist. However, the blood in the pool started to move around as if it was alive, creeping up and down his body like vines. Seconds later, his whole body was tightly bound and covered with blood.

The crimson blood in the pool was like vicious snakes, untiringly wrapping around him until it formed a bloody cocoon.

A wave of intense pain spread throughout his body. Leylin frowned as felt as if his brain was being sliced into pieces but he immediately turned his attention to the A. I. Chip and it's findings ignoring the piercing pain.

The pain felt even worse than death. It was as if tens of millions of tiny worms were drilling into his body and squirming around in his arms, legs, bones, and viscera; eating away his blood and flesh.

A strange liquid started flowing slowly along his ribs like a small stream and tore open his veins wherever it passed. Then the liquid rapidly accelerated and separated into many strands, madly surging into the seven hundred and twenty meridians within his body.

He felt that his seven hundred and twenty meridians had enlarged significantly, as they interchanged between feeling scorching hot and biting cold. It felt extremely uncomfortable.

The pain in his head grew stronger, but Leylin in his focused state, accurately felt the changes happening within his meridians.. Soon after, his meridians turned into, madly, swirling little cyclones.

A small amount of the bright red liquid infused itself into every cyclone and was swiftly absorbed into them. After absorbing the liquid, the cyclones enlarged and the process sped up.

Leylin observed that his body was like a huge vessel, filled with the strange liquid. It was transforming him in ways humans couldn't possibly imagine.

Specifically, they were changing the seven hundred and twenty meridians in his body!

"Interesting... A. I. Chip record the meridian pathways and calculate my improvement."

Leylin smiled looking at the changes in his body, as he felt the searing pain started to disappear replaced by a numb pain in his meridians. The liquid had returned to its origin and blood pool was tranquil.

Unexpectedly, he felt a warm sensation swirling through his body. After this sensation made a complete cycle, he felt extraordinary comfortable and his body had increased in strength.

"I see so this is the Profound Qi!"

The thing flowing through his meridians was clearly the Profound Qi which only warriors could obtain!

Within the memory of Berkan Lenoir and his own knowledge he knew that Profound Qi was the source of power for warriors. It was the foundation for warriors to support and release powerful martial arts.

Warriors were ranked into ten realms, according to the strength of their Profound Qi. These were Elementary, Nascent, Human, Disaster, Earth, Nirvana, Sky, Spirit God, True God and King God, with each realm containing three "sky" levels.

Warriors were the most powerful individuals in this world. Profound Qi determines the status one would have. One could be a warrior as long as he had the slightest amount of Profound Qi.

Most people couldn't get Profound Qi throughout their entire life. Once obtained, they could strengthen it simply by training. Therefore, as long as a warrior possessed Qi, they would always have their own place in this world.

As the weak Profound Qi gently circulated throughout his body, Leylin came to his senses as he noticed that the blood cocoon was still tightly wrapped around him.


A big slit cracked open on the blood cocoon, and Leylin jumped out. Looking around, he found himself back in that odd cave with bones everywhere.

However, the blood pool had all dried up!

In the dried-up blood pool, only a few pieces of broken bones were left, the bright red thick pool of blood had disappeared without a trace.

A huge glittering blood cocoon, as thin as a wafer, towered in the center of the empty pool. However, after Leylin only glanced at it, a small flame ignited at the bottom of the cocoon. The flame grew wildly and started to burn the bones. In a few minutes, the blood cocoon and the bones were all burned to nothingness.

A red light sparkled in the dry pool. An old ring with intricate blood vein designs quietly lying there.

Leylin stared at the strange ring and knew that this ring was somehow connected with the blood pool.

Leylin muttered to himself, and issued another command: "A.I. Chip! Scan the ring on the ground!"

[Beep! Task Established! Begin Scan!] [Discovered unknown carbon components. Comparing to Data Banks. Insufficient Data. Unable to analyse!]

"With the A.I. Chip's current level and my own insufficient database about the things of this world, it is still inadequate to analyse something that a powerful cultivator left behind!" Leylin sighed and walked towards the ring.

After a few seconds of contemplation, he stepped in again, picked up the ring, and wore it on the ring finger of his left hand.

The ring carried a warmth that made Leylin feel strongly connected to it as if the ring had become a part of his body. All at once, the weak Profound Qi in his body lost control and rushed towards the crimson ring. However, his skin blocked it and it failed to enter the ring.

"Is it attached now?"

Leylin tried to take off the ring, only to find unsurprisingly that the ring had been firmly stuck onto his ring finger like an unmovable boulder. No matter how hard he tried, the ring wouldn't move an inch.

Now that the Profound Qi couldn't break the skin, it went back to normal after a while. The warmth and the red gleam on the ring faded away as well.

"Quite an amazing thing you are, I would need to thoroughly research about this item. "

Shaking the ring around for a moment, he realized that there was no longer anything unusual with it, thus Leylin started to analyze the situation looking around the empty pond where the blood pool was previously.

The blood pool was ten square meters in size. Though not huge, the blood it contained would weigh at least a few tons and now all of it evaporated and was absorbed into his body. Even an elephant couldn't hold that much liquid inside its body!

Surprisingly, his didn't bloated rather it became skinnier than before like it was only skin and bones! The clothes on him that had fit before looked ridiculously large now. Rather than calling him skinny, it was better to call him a withered mummy.

"Guru~ Guru~!!"

His stomach began rumbling and he suddenly felt ravenous. He thought he could almost devour an elephant.

But, the cave had nothing edible. He glanced at the dry blood pool moving forward.

"A.I. Chip! Show me my current stats!"

[Beep! (Berkan Lenoir) Leylin Farlier, Strength: 1.7, Agility: 1.9, vitality: 3.0, Profound Qi: Elementary. Status: Healthy]

There was an overall increase in the stats; his Strength, Agility and vitality had all increased vastly.

"Beep! Basic body requirements fulfilled for activation of Devour System!"

"Proceed Yes or no!"

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