Chapter 510 510. AS I PROMISED

Noah's words did not fail to put both confusion and surprise on the faces of the listening experts and even the higher-stage female elf.

"Let us come to a compromise," the lady announced soon after. She had evaluated his strength, at that rate he might truly wipe them out. At least the lower leveled elves. That would be a significant decrease in the forces of the Order.

Although she evaluated that he had the power to wipe them out she believed even he had limits that he would need to face sooner or later. But after unleashing those spells, she had been forced to move after she realized that he had wiped out all the lower-leveled ones and the tiers 4's were getting injured.

"A compromise? Nope," Noah announced shocking the entire group. "The group you sent earlier had not wanted to settle for a compromise, so I killed them. I am the liberator of the Orphos city. The dread of this war. And I have come to claim your lives."

His pompous words shook the hearts of many listening as they figured his claim was true. They had lost contact with Merian only half an hour earlier and had been ready to deploy more experts to the scene to check things out.

No one doubted his words, they were too big to miss, and too much evidence proved him right. Still, how could he; a mere lower stage expert, a human, have defeated that large force? And still want to kill them too!

They had seen the offensive he was capable of but how could he still unleash that type of power after wiping out the group only a few minutes earlier?

'Surely you must be bluffing," The lady voiced her thoughts but saw that Noah gave no response. Her expression fell.

"Name your price," she allowed her power to carry her voice in his direction.

"Tens of levels. Spirit cores. And memories," Noah listed his desires and their faces crunched up in confusion. He spoke strange things.

"We have none of such things," the lady explained. "Name something els--" Noah cut her short by raising his palm, he wanted to do it and did.

"If you have nothing to offer that I want, then I'll continue," he raised his hand but she stopped him again.

"I'll break the oath if I have to stop you," she threatened, allowing her expression to go dark.

"Okay," Noah responded with a shrug as his essence rumbled and he asked his golems to prepare to move out, while his elder frost golems stirred upon the shared essence to summon 100 golems each.

That skill was becoming Noah's favorite.

His immediate action startled his opponents who looked upward at their leader, most of the had never seen her before. Only the higher individuals could see her. It was rare to see such individuals of high status. For this reason, most of them strived to be useful and gain merit.

The golems rushed forward while the elves waited for the orders of their leader. The lady stood in the sky, her eyes dark from anger.

Her gaze trembled madly with fury, but also helplessness. Breaking the oath would lead to her death. She didn't want to die at a time like that, but she also knew leaving things would bring her shame,

But what could she do when the oath favored the young existence who failed to behave humanly? Her death would almost be for naught. At least a few years of laying low within the order would take away any shame she called upon herself.

"This is beyond me," She announced to the elves below her, their gazes trembling in horror.

"I will leave you to your fates. The oath restrains me from harming him due to his level, this is the best I can do for you," She announced waving her hand to allow huge balls of shining azure liquid to manifest and shoot toward the golems.

Her offensive directly wiped out more than half of their number. The power she held being capable of threatening Noah's life with ease, but even with that little display, her figure bent as she coughed blood.

She frowned as she bowed and moved to take her leave. Noah clicked his tongue even if he felt no emotion from watching his golems destroyed, he simply took another pill and asked his elder golems to summon more while the sky was filled with a dark cloud and the silver sparks crackled within it.

Noah wasn't going to let her go, unfortunately.

"I said I was going to wipe this entire base out," he repeated, arriving in front of her escaping figure. His instincts raged at that action but all he did was place his hand on her shoulder and they both disappeared in a white light.

Noah appeared within his cultivation room the next moment. He transformed into a silver streak to let go of her.

"What are you doing!?" She screamed sensing a distance to mana. Something else existed around her.

"Doing as I promised," Noah shook his head, afterwhich a white light filled his world and he appeared in the skies of the battlefield again.

"Ah, yes," he immediately raised his palm again. "Arrows of holy judgment." He muttered.

The sky rumbled again as some experts tried to directly shoot out of that area. Noah let violent lightning bolts fall on them at that point. His offensive put many on death's door, and by the time his arrows arrived, he became a force unable to be reckoned with.

The cries of pleas reached his ears, but Noah felt nothing. He was the embodiment of coldness. Only another death lord could do the same as he.

Noah spammed skills at that juncture. His golems did most of the job, while the bolts that fell worsened the situation.

The elves remained spectacular in defensive abilities, however. So he called upon the power of the gale devil.

Noah sat in the sky overlooking the massacre that went on below.

"Hmm... Let's have a bit of fun. Sitting up here has become boring," he stated to himself, allowing Cudgel to appear beside him. His divine item floated.

Noah decided he would utilize his speed affinity on that object as initially simulated.

Taking a hold of the staff he allowed the silver mass of his speed essence to come in contact with its figure.

The moment the speed essence understood his intentions, it wrapped the entire staff in its spectacular material.

Noah let go of it at that point, and sent it toward the sky.

Cudgel transformed into a silver streak that Noah only associated with his movement. It reached the sky and he commanded it to expand.

The sky trembled and the world shook. The regions wept as a result of what was about to occur.

Noah moved far away before letting Cudgel fall to the ground with horrendous force.

Literally in the blink of an eye that immense object crashed into the ground with godly might

The regions shook violently as chasms directly tore open. Even the city of Orphos; miles from that position saw its walls crumbling!

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