Undying Life

Chapter 817 - 818: Eyes of the Supreme Beast

Chapter 817: Chapter 818: Eyes of the Supreme Beast

In Tianyuan Pavilion.

The ministers stood assembled, with Liu Wushuang stepping forward and bowing before Zhong Shan. Zhong Shan held a white letter in his hand, addressed to him.

"Where did this come from?" Zhong Shan asked.

"I don't know. The guards at the Southern Gate said this letter was shot out from the clouds, landing at the gate. Upon seeing Your Majesty's name on it, no one dared to touch it," Liu Wushuang replied.

"When did this happen?"

"Three hours ago!"

Zhong Shan glanced at Liu Wushuang, then turned his attention back to the letter. The three characters "To Zhong Shan" were written elegantly, exuding a sense of freshness and sophistication.

Opening the letter, he found only a single line of delicate writing:

"I am ascending. Farewell, until we meet again!"

The brief message bore no signature but was filled with deep reluctance. The simple words conveyed immense affection for Zhong Shan. The tone carried a hint of melancholy and reluctance but ultimately expressed the inevitability of departure.

No signature, no indication of who sent it—just a sorrowful farewell letter.

Who sent this letter from the clouds?

Zhong Shan closed his eyes, feeling the subtle emotion within the letter, and carefully put it away.

After storing the letter, Zhong Shan opened his eyes to the assembled ministers. Liu Wushuang had already returned to his place.

"Yi Yan, how are the preparations?" Zhong Shan asked.

"I have mobilized numerous experts from the Daming Temple to the former palace of Kong Lietian. We have detained everyone there, and after thorough interrogation, I have compiled this information for Your Majesty's review!" Yi Yan stepped forward, handing over a jade slip.


Zhong Shan took the jade slip from Yi Yan and quickly read through it. Within moments, he finished.

"Sekong?" Zhong Shan's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, based on my deductions, Kong Lietian's soul was likely destroyed by Sekong. The experts sent from the Longevity Realm failed to capture Sekong, allowing him to escape. The two experts from the Longevity Realm have been detained by us. Their accounts have been verified and are truthful. Sekong has probably fled this realm, destination unknown," Yi Yan reported.

"Hmm, regardless of where he has gone, the Primordial Banner will never remain silent! Once we reach the vast world, intensify the search for Sekong and the Primordial Banner!" Zhong Shan commanded.


"How much longer will it take to pacify the western front?" Zhong Shan asked solemnly.

"With the collapse of the Taishui Heavenly Dynasty, taking over the remaining cities should be swift. We expect to unify the Yang Realm within twenty years," Yi Yan said.

"Good. Then twenty years it is. As for all of you, I expect you to cultivate diligently. Your current cultivation speed is forty to fifty times faster than before. Reach the peak of the mortal realm as soon as possible!" Zhong Shan ordered.

"Yes!" the ministers responded in unison.

Twenty years later, the world was unified, with celebrations across the land. Numerous western cities fell under the domain of Great Zheng. The Great Zheng Dynasty unified the world.

The first dynasty in history to achieve such a feat!

The greatest dynasty of all time!

Zhong Shan became the supreme ruler, sweeping across all directions and unifying the realm. Under his command, both heaven and earth recognized his unrivaled authority.

On the day the news was announced, Yi Yan proclaimed it to the world. Through his shadow body, he led the ministers in celebrations in the Yang Realm. However, Zhong Shan's true body was not in the Lingxiao Heavenly Court; he had gone to the bottom of the Western Sea.

The Western Sea was perpetually plagued by fierce winds and storms, making it inhospitable to both humans and beasts. Zhong Shan walked alone on the waves. Standing above the Western Sea, he watched the endless gales and towering waves with a slight nod of approval.

Diving swiftly into the depths of the sea, where constant tsunamis deterred most sea creatures, Zhong Shan found a massive rock and set up a formation. He was preparing to enter seclusion.

Zhong Shan was ready to break through—not in cultivation level, but in the Hongluan Heavenly Sutra.

Perhaps the Hongluan Heavenly Sutra was truly fated for him, as his cultivation had been incredibly smooth thus far.

With his mind focused, Zhong Shan's consciousness concentrated on his brow, where a pink Hongluan lotus was located. Below it, lotus stems and leaves had begun to grow, and now, a tender lotus root had also appeared. The delicate lotus root was exceptionally beautiful.

The Hongluan lotus had reached the eighth level!

The eighth level: The Eyes of Fate and Doom!

Zhong Shan remained in meditation for eight days and nights. At the end of the eighth day, his eyes gently opened, still as soft as before, without any sign of change.

The power of the Hongluan lotus slightly permeated Zhong Shan's eyes, transforming the world before him into a myriad of mist-like lines of rules and principles. Staring at the vast ocean, Zhong Shan saw nothing but endless regulations.

He focused on a black stone in the sea. Instantly, the stone in Zhong Shan's eyes turned into countless threads of laws. He could even see through the stone's principles to the scene behind it.

X-ray vision?

Indeed, without using his divine sense, Zhong Shan could see through the stone, directly perceiving what lay behind it. He tested his new ability; for now, it was limited to a depth of ten meters. Beyond that, he could not see through.

This? Zhong Shan felt a mix of emotions. First, the Hongluan Mist, and now the Hongluan X-ray Vision. Was this cultivation technique, born of heaven and earth, designed specifically for a voyeur? Yet, he found the practice incredibly smooth. Did he have a voyeuristic potential? Zhong Shan sweated profusely at the thought.

Nevertheless, this Hongluan X-ray Vision was indeed perverse. It allowed objects to be seen as rules and principles, even detailed formations. Zhong Shan could identify the weak points of formations at a glance without understanding them—a truly perverse ability.

A perverse ability? The Hongluan Mist and Hongluan X-ray Vision might only be side effects.

The real power lay in the eighth level: The Eyes of Fate and Doom!

Another eye technique! The Reincarnation Eyes of his shadow body were already a perverse ability as an auxiliary skill of the Sutra. What could this main eye technique of the Hongluan Sutra accomplish?

Zhong Shan focused, his eyes slightly closed with a tiny slit. Suddenly, two different lights emanated from the slits of his eyes.

A deep red light flashed in his left eye, while a deep blue light flashed in his right eye.

The Hongluan lotus transformed blue into doom and red into fortune. Clearly, Zhong Shan's eyes adopted this manifestation: the blue right eye was the Doom Eye, and the red left eye was the Fortune Eye.

Zhong Shan attempted to open both eyes simultaneously, but he couldn't. He was puzzled, constantly guessing.

After a while, Zhong Shan suddenly understood.

Chapter 818: The Eyes of Fate and Doom

Returning to his state of deep concentration, Zhong Shan realized the profound significance of the eyes of fortune and doom. They weren't just about seeing the physical world in different aspects; they were about perceiving the very nature of fate and misfortune within the fabric of reality.

The Hongluan Sutra was designed to reveal the deeper truths of existence, a cultivation that allowed one to navigate the treacherous paths of fate and destiny. It wasn't merely about power but understanding the subtle influences that shaped events and outcomes.

This breakthrough, although not a direct increase in raw power, would give Zhong Shan an unparalleled advantage in foreseeing and manipulating the forces of the world, whether they be auspicious opportunities or looming threats.

Emerging from his seclusion, Zhong Shan's resolve was stronger than ever. With the world now unified under his rule, he had the foundation to delve into these deeper mysteries, to harness the full potential of the Hongluan Sutra, and to guide Great Zheng into an era of unprecedented prosperity and stability.

The Western Sea's tumultuous environment reflected the inner turbulence Zhong Shan experienced as he pushed the boundaries of his cultivation. Each wave, each gust of wind, mirrored his intense struggle and ultimate triumph in mastering the Hongluan Sutra's eighth level.

As Zhong Shan prepared to return to the surface, the sea's chaotic energy seemed to calm in response to his newfound equilibrium, symbolizing his mastery over both external forces and internal turmoil. The path ahead was clear, and Zhong Shan was ready to lead his dynasty to new heights, with the eyes of fate and doom as his guiding light.

The Reincarnation Eye, which can open a reincarnation passage—has Zhong Shan mastered it? Not yet. Currently, Zhong Shan has only mastered the "Wheel" aspect, not the "Return." He can use the reincarnation passage to send powerful beings into the cycle, but not bring them back. This is not something Zhong Shan can master now.

Similarly, the Eyes of Fate and Doom are present, but Zhong Shan cannot use them simultaneously. What happens if he uses just one?

Zhong Shan closed his right eye and tried to forcefully open his left eye, but it wouldn't open. He closed his left eye, the red light disappeared, and he slowly opened his right eye. This time, it worked.

A blue light began to shine from his right eye.

"Open!" Zhong Shan commanded.

As Zhong Shan's right eye opened, his pupil turned a deep blue.

The Eye of Doom?

When the Eye of Doom opened, a powerful pressure surged skyward. The moment this terrifying pressure radiated out, the entire Western Sea fell silent. The once turbulent Western Sea and the violent storms above it suddenly calmed. It was as if everything was paralyzed with fear by this horrifying doom.

Zhong Shan's left eye saw countless rules of the world suddenly tremble. The terrifying Eye of Doom emitted a menacing aura.


A distant explosion echoed through the sky. Endless red clouds suddenly covered the Western Sea. The sky above the Western Sea was filled with red clouds, and directly above Zhong Shan, the red clouds gathered rapidly, forming a massive, egg-like structure, incredibly large, with half of it emerging from the red clouds.


With a loud noise, the giant egg split open, slowly revealing an opening.

The Eye of Heaven?

Zhong Shan immediately recognized the Eye of Heaven, which had appeared during ancient times when divine powers created the world.

The Eye of Heaven, the most terrifying existence in the world, mentioned only in mythological stories as the highest existence of heaven and earth.

It is said that the Eye of Heaven descends only when an unparalleled demon appears, to deliver heavenly punishment. It manifests only when heaven's fury and human resentment reach their peak.

And now, it had appeared again. An unparalleled demon had emerged—was he the unparalleled demon?

Zhong Shan was speechless. Clearly, this Eye of Heaven was targeting him. But why? Because of his Eye of Doom?

Eye of Heaven vs. Eye of Doom?

Despite the peculiarity, Zhong Shan felt a surge of excitement with the emergence of the Eye of Doom. As the Eye of Heaven approached, Zhong Shan felt no fear. Instead, with a flash of blue light from the Eye of Doom, he stared directly at the Eye of Heaven.

The Eye of Heaven, bloodshot and filled with malevolence, was a terrifying sight that could make mortals' souls scatter. A crack still ran through it—a scar left by the ancient divine power wielding the Heaven-Cleaving Axe. Zhong Shan could even feel the lingering aura of the axe, similar to his Heaven-Cleaving Twin Palms. Even now, the Eye of Heaven hadn't fully healed.

Zhong Shan smiled faintly. Following the method in the Hongluan Heavenly Sutra, his right pupil contracted, and with a sudden opening, a large amount of Hongluan lotus power poured into his right eye, transforming into a terrifying blue light that shot up towards the Eye of Heaven.

As the blue light shot out, Zhong Shan was shocked. The blue light consumed an enormous amount of mental energy—thousands of times more than the Hongluan X-ray Vision or the Hongluan Mist. Why did it require so much mental energy to transform?

Despite the staggering energy consumption, Zhong Shan persisted, directing the intense blue light at the Eye of Heaven. The clash of these two mighty forces caused the entire Western Sea to quiver, as if nature itself was reacting to the confrontation.

The Eye of Heaven, with its crack, seemed to recoil slightly as the blue light struck. The surrounding red clouds churned and twisted, responding to the conflict between the Eye of Heaven and the Eye of Doom.

Zhong Shan could feel the strain on his mental energy, but the exhilaration of wielding such power drove him forward. He focused, pushing the blue light further, aiming to test the full extent of his new ability.

The Eye of Heaven, though immensely powerful, showed signs of strain against the concentrated blue light. Zhong Shan's determination grew. He realized that mastering the Eye of Doom would grant him a formidable edge, even against celestial forces.

The Western Sea bore witness to this extraordinary battle of wills and powers, with Zhong Shan standing firm against the might of the heavens. The encounter left an indelible mark on the environment, a testament to the emergence of an unparalleled power in the mortal realm.

In the aftermath, Zhong Shan withdrew the blue light, panting from the exertion. The Eye of Heaven began to fade, its presence slowly dissipating as the red clouds dispersed. The Western Sea gradually returned to its natural state, though the memory of the clash lingered in the air.

Zhong Shan's eyes returned to normal, the blue light gone, but the experience left him with a profound understanding of his new abilities. The Hongluan Heavenly Sutra had revealed another layer of its profound mysteries, and Zhong Shan was more determined than ever to master it fully.

As he resurfaced from the depths of the Western Sea, Zhong Shan felt a renewed sense of purpose. The challenges ahead, both mortal and celestial, were numerous, but with the Eyes of Fate and Doom, he was ready to face them head-on.

With his newfound power, Zhong Shan knew that the unification of the realm was just the beginning. The true test of his abilities and leadership lay ahead, in navigating the delicate balance of fate and fortune, doom and destiny. And with each step, he moved closer to becoming the supreme ruler of all realms.

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