Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 113 113 Sir Fang

Chapter 113 113 Sir Fang

[Eva's POV: ]


Retracting Luel and taking a deep breath after finishing my demonstration, I stood there with closed eyes for a moment, felt the gentle breeze of the fine sunny garden, and released it after a while.

"It was tough."

I gave my all in this demonstration and even pushed myself a little since this was going to be one of the important factors that would decide if we passed or not.

Lu and El were doing their best out there, so I had to do whatever I could as well.

And this was just the first part of our test. There were two parts of the first test remaining and after that, there was the summoning process as well which I was looking forward to.

I don't know what familiar I will get but I have to have a familiar. I must have one. Or else…

'But I shouldn't worry. El said I will get one easily like everyone else so I don't have to worry about that.'

And since the first test was over, I should prepare myself for the second one. They will ask us some difficult questions so I should go through the material El gave me one last time.


I opened my eyes with a determined expression and started walking back to the cooking place to finish baking the rest of the cookies when I heard a familiar old voice.

"Excuse me, Miss. Can I have a moment of your precious time?"

I've heard this voice a few times today and since it was from someone I was told to observe closely, I couldn't possibly forget it.

"Um, hello Sir Fang. How can I help you?"

Turning around and confirming his old face devoid of any wrinkles, and eyes that resembled Lu's, I bowed sincerely and asked with a calm tone.

A helper as well as a swordsman had to be calm and sharp at all times like he was displaying right now. I should also maintain myself as best as I can.

"Oh, it's nothing much. I was just wondering if you would be interested in a friendly spar to display our swordsmanship?"

His voice was calm and sincere as well as he carried himself so well that my years of training paled before him. He was amazing.

But his request was too difficult to consider at the moment.

"I will have to apologize for this, Sir Fang, however, I ended up using too much of my stamina and we still have tests ahead of us.

It would be my honor if we could do that some other time, but right now is certainly not possible."

They told me to not fear rejecting someone for something that I couldn't do or follow even if it was someone taking the examination or even the headmaster himself.

All I had to do as the helper of the academy was to 'help'. I wasn't some slave or tool they could use however they wanted… or so they told me.

It still felt a little iffy to reject someone like him for a duel that I could fight pretty well, but they told me there was no need to fight someone else during the test so I won't be doing that.

"Haha, no need to apologize. It is fine. By the way, Miss, can I have your name? And if you don't mind me asking, is there someone you already serve under?"

He was asking those questions without beating around the bush. Perhaps that's why the famous crown prince had him as his personal assistant.

"Ah, not at all. I'm Evaline. And yes I do have someone I serve. They are giving the test and I think they will do pretty well."

He was also here for the test, or at least so that he could be an official helper of the academy and serve his master to the best of his abilities.

We both would be the same academy helpers if we pass so talking to him like this was no biggie, right?

'I hope he doesn't think I'm being rude or anything though. The people around me are looking at me like that again.'

I don't know why they all were surprised… like, did I do something wrong?!

"Oh? They are students as well? I would love to meet the people such an amazing person is serving directly. Would that ever be possible Miss Evaline?"

He was polite, and his voice was gentle as well. But, his eyes contained a few more things than what was visible on his face.

'El and Lu both taught me many things during our time together and one of them was how to read a person's eyes.'

They say eyes are the direct path to one's mental body or what we call the Soul, so knowing how to read them is even more effective than knowing their thoughts.

'Though I couldn't do it as well as them, from what I can tell, Sir Fang's eyes contained a deep curiosity as well as a little bit of anxiety.'

However, that curiosity or anxiety was not towards me, but instead someone else.

'Perhaps it was directed towards Lu and El but I'm not sure. It might be? someone else too so I can't say for sure.'

But he certainly didn't mean harm to whoever he was thinking about, so it was fine~.

"I will ask them as soon as I get the chance, Sir Fang. However, I believe they will also be interested in meeting the crown prince. I believe you should look forward to it."

"Hahaha, that is more than I can ask for. Thank you for sparing your precious moment, miss. I look forward to seeing you during the following tests."

"I also look forward to learning from your answers and actions, Sir Fang. You are an amazing person."

"Hoho, your praises are wasted on this old man, young lady. You are more amazing than me despite starting so late.

But perhaps, the ones who gave you that kind of strength would agree with me that you have far more potential and room for growth than someone who has reached the last decades of his life."

He smiled at me after those words and I knew for sure the two of them would definitely agree with him on what he said.

They always say something similar like how I have so much potential and how Lu will make me into the best swordsman in the world and I like it when they say it, truly, but it's hard to believe at the same time with that past of mine.

'But that's all behind me and I'm here now, so, yes, he's right.'

I looked up in his eyes with a smile and nodded positively.

"They do say that."

He certainly was the most amazing human giving this test, perhaps calling him the most amazing of all would be right too. But then again, that elf sir over there is pretty amazing as well.

'He's a mercenary from what I heard from people here. And he has that extreme introvert's aura around him, so he was by himself. I should greet him if I get the chance.'

He looked good too. And with that fit body and cute face, I knew he would be someone El would do anything to get her hands on.

Hmmm… he looked young too, but well, elves… they would look to be in their early twenties while being a hundred years old. So, perhaps he was a few hundred years older than me, or perhaps I was older than him, it was hard to tell it with elves.

'But, he was strong and had good skills so I will have to work hard-'

"Alright, everyone! We have seen what we nyeeded to see. You can stop now. It's break nyaim."

I was in the middle of my thinking when I suddenly heard the brown examiner eye patch cat's voice and as soon as he said that, like a dam had broken down, all the people around me rushed towards me.

"Miss! Miss! Can I know your name!"

"Hello miss! I heard your name is Evakile! Can I have a moment please?"

"Hello miss! Who are you serving under! Are you an official knight of some nation?!"

"Hello miss! It is a nice day to greet a fresh flower like you. Would you like-"

"Piss off you bastard. Miss!"

"Ahem. Looks like you will be busy with these people. We can finish our talk when we get the next chance."

Sir Fang slipped away from the crowd and the crowd of people that had seemed anxious and worried perhaps afraid of me just a moment before were now talking to me politely… though they were cursing at one another.

'What the hack…?'

Was it because I showed my sword skills? Or was it because of the cookies?

Do they want a recipe or something?

Why were these people acting like this?!

"You fools."

They were covering me from all directions and I didn't even get the chance to say anything for a few moments but just when I was about to use some force to get out of their grasp, we all heard a powerful female voice from behind and they all suddenly fell frozen on their places.

"How can this kind of people even consider themselves worthy enough to be qualified to be the official helpers?"

It was a very powerful, authoritative voice that we all had heard just a while ago so it was unforgettable.

She was standing there with her eyes filled with anger at the people and she was exuding a kind of pressure that even felt pressuring to me.


And when she said that in a stronger voice, as if some spectral hand had thrown them all away, the people around me all were thrown back, and, I was free once again.


She had a disgusted expression, but… in her eyes, as she looked at me in the eyes, I could feel love… which was pretty weird in itself.

But it was there, I checked many times but it was what I was thinking it was... and, it was not fine! At all!

'Was she always into, women?!'

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