Triple Blessings: Mr. Fu's Passionate Pursuit

Chapter 535 - 531: You’ve Lost Weight Again, and

Chapter 535: Chapter 531: You’ve Lost Weight Again, and

It’s So Bony to Touch

Translator: 549690339

The information Margareth sent made the situation more complicated.

After Roy Lewis finished his call with Kennedy Green, he asked Nathan Caroule to increase manpower in an attempt to hold back Mason Lilliput’s progress.

Because, until the internal transportation line between the Thompsons and the Lilliputs was built, the Leutonian backup branch would have to bear the operation of the headquarters.

In this way, there would be a lot of movement, giving them an excellent opportunity to wipe out their entire industrial chain in Leutonia.

So Mason Lilliput and Theodore Lilliput went to the third route’s territory according to the original plan.

As a result, when they were less than fifty kilometers from their destination, they were blocked by a sudden landslide on the provincial road.

This made Mason Lilliput extremely anxious.

He had Theodore call the government department, but the reply was that the road along this mountain range, stretching nearly ten kilometers, had experienced landslides of various sizes. It would take more than a few days to repair.

They were urged to turn back as soon as possible, not to stay in place, to avoid unpredictable dangers.

Mason Lilliput had no choice but to return the way he came and try to find another way to reach his destination.

They did have private planes, but applying for a flight route would be tantamount to exposing their whereabouts.

Finally, Theodore thought of renting a private boat and going up the river along the valley, and then using other means like motorcycles for the rest of the journey.

However, they could not find any private boat owner willing to take their business.

“Boss, the mountain torrents are very fierce now. Look at the landslides along the way, the turbulent waters, and the big waves. The weather forecast also says that there will be heavy rain for the next few days. It’s too dangerous for you to go upstream. We can’t take you.”

After asking several households, they received the same response.

With no other option, Mason Lilliput had to find a nearby hotel and check in.

On this side, Mason Lilliput’s progress was successfully hindered.

On the other hand, Kennedy Green quickly reached a consensus with the Leutonian branch and sent two trusted generals from Roy Lewis to assist in the secret investigation.

Of course, Richelle Dunn was not aware of any of this.

As she hadn’t received the next mission from her financier, she understood that the information was either temporarily useless, or her financier had already taken countermeasures and didn’t need more information for the time being.

After helping Sonia Seaton complete the experiment data, Richelle stayed with her for another day and then took the first phase of the clinical report of the newly developed drug back to Kindur.

When she returned to the Lewis, it was late at night.

The children were already asleep, and Roy Lewis had found out a few hours earlier that she would be back tonight, but the exact time was uncertain.

Seeing that it was time for him to take his medicine and go to bed, there was still no movement at the front door.

Uncle Axel brought the herbal medicine to Roy Lewis, who was anxiously waiting in the living room, “Master Lewis, you should drink the medicine first, maybe after you finish, Dr. Dunn will be back.”

Roy Lewis let him put the medicine on the coffee table.

After he was injured, Richelle changed the prescription a little. Once he drank it, he would feel sleepy quickly.

“I’ll drink it when Richelle is back!”

Uncle Axel knew how stubborn his master was.

He didn’t try to persuade him any further, just kept him company in the living room.

Near one o’clock in the morning, the guard at the gate called.

“Master Lewis, Dr. Dunn is back.”

Roy Lewis immediately wheeled his wheelchair to the entrance to wait for her.

Richelle entered the door, tired and disheveled, and at first glance, saw Roy Lewis, waiting for her like a stone.

She hesitated for a moment, “You haven’t slept yet?”

Roy Lewis didn’t say anything but looked at her quietly, opening his arms for her.

Richelle didn’t say anything either, stepped forward, bent down, and hugged him tightly.

Uncle Axel had already sensed the situation and went to the kitchen to tell the chef to reheat the prepared soup and snacks and bring them to the dining room.

After embracing and kissing each other deeply in the hallway, Roy Lewis and Richelle Dunn held hands and returned to the living room.

“Uncle Axel asked the chef to prepare some soup and snacks. Do you want to eat first, or take a bath?”

Richelle said she would take a bath, and shortly after, she came downstairs in a fresh, light yellow floral dress.

The living room was quiet, with only Roy Lewis sitting in his wheelchair, scrolling through his phone.

Uncle Axel and the chef had gone to rest.

Hearing her footsteps, Roy Lewis looked up.

He saw Richelle stepping down from the stairs. From this angle, it was obvious that she had lost some weight.

He wheeled his chair over to her and reached out his hand.

“How many hours of sleep have you had in total these days?”

Richelle placed her hand in his, “It’s been fine, really… ”

Roy Lewis furrowed his brow, gently pinching her hand with a look of distress.

“You’re lying. Look at your thin little hand, it’s all bony! You must have lost at least five or six pounds.”

Richelle wasn’t particularly sensitive about her weight. Since she could both lose and gain weight easily, working for a few days would cause her weight to drop rapidly.

However, once she resumed normal eating and sleeping habits, the weight would come back in no time.

As a result, she never cared about gaining or losing a few pounds.

But Roy Lewis didn’t share her nonchalance. Each time she lost weight, he would react the same way – as if the sky were falling.

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