Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 861 861

Hearing that the man before them was not actually the Eazim Clan's Grand Elder, Marcus relaxed a bit and raised his head to better look at the young man who had just gotten out of the carriage.

Marcus almost reflexively appraised him, but held back since high ranking individuals normally had magic items on them to block and detect whenever they were appraised. Just like Mrazivý did.

'He is definitely has some fighting experienced fighter, but not particularly strong. If I had to guess, maybe he is around level thirty.' Marcus thought watching the way the man moved and feeling the air about him.

Of course, such a high-ranking individual was not going around alone and two guards each as strong if not stronger than Amira's head guard stepped out of the carriage behind the man.

After looking around for just a moment he spotted Amira and began walking towards her.

"It is an honor to be greeted by you in person Jamal. I have come on my father's direction to guide our guests to and around the capital." Amira said, her head bowing just a bit lower when Jamal approached.

"Yes, I heard about the situation and so has the grand elder. That is why he sent me to come pick you and our clan's guests up. They are far to important to be forced to wait out here until tomorrow." Jamal said, a look of disgust on his face as he glanced around the compound.

It was clear that he had little respect for the lower ranking members of his clan that were running the area and thought that it was not a place fit for someone of a higher status.

'I can already tell, that I am not going to be able to get along with that guy.' Mrazivý said to Marcus with her telepathy.

He wholeheartedly agreed with her assessment. This guy was the type that both of them both disliked. He thought too highly of himself simply because of his position.

"You two must be our honored guests from the Chelmer Resort. Please, there is no need for you to continue kneeling." Jamal said, beckoning Marcus and Mrazivý to rise.

When they both stood up, Jamal's attention immediately turned to Mrazivý in shock, and he could not help staring at her face.

This was a reaction that plenty of people, men and women alike had when they first saw her. But unlike most people who would look away after a few moments, Jamal just kept looking at Mrazivý like he was assessing an exquisite gem and wondering how to acquire it.

Normally no one would be so brazen, especially with Marcus standing next to her, but apparently Jamal was not one for tact.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Sir Jamal. My name is Marcus, and this is my wife Mraz." Marcus said, introducing himself and Mrazivý. Making sure to add extra emphasis when saying the word wife.

This seemed to snap Jamal out of his infatuated stupor, and he turned towards Marcus with a business smile on his face.

"I am glad to meet to two of you as well. I am Jamal Eazim head aide to our clan's grand elder. The grand elder started our clan's relationship with the Chelmer Resort and wishes for us to both continue prospering together for a long time into the future. Which is why he sent me to personally welcome you and bring you both to his estate. You will be far more comfortable there than anywhere else in the city." Jamal said, putting on a friendly atmosphere.

As much as he was a haughty individual, Jamal was still a major political figure within Aezam and knew how to act properly when necessary.

Once he finished greeting Mrazivý he turned to Amira and told her that she could stop kneeling now and to bring only her head guard with her and come with him.

Swiftly, Marcus and Mrazivý were ushered into the flying carriage, with Amira and her head guard followed by Jamal and his guards.

Thankfully the interior of the carriage was very large and there was enough room even for the seven people inside it.

"Would either of you care for any refreshments? I can assure you that we have some of the best drinks and food available in Aezam currently aboard." Jamal said, having one of his guards open a compartment with the carriage where several bottles of alcohol were stored.

"No thank you. We have already had enough to eat and do not want any alcohol before meeting with the grand elder." Mrazivý said.

Frankly she was a bit interested in what they had to offer but decided it best not to interact with Jamal anymore than they had to.

He looked a bit dissatisfied to have been refused, but had his guard pour a glass for himself which he sipped on until the carriage took back off into the sky.

'Seems that flying is allowed here unlike in Borealia's capital.' Marcus thought.

Wen they had reached higher into eh aria and passed over the walls of the city eh was able to see that there were other flying carriages and people riding on beast compassion in the sky.

In Borealia this was not allowed in the capital for security reasons, but here in Aezam they were obviously not as concerned or were confident that they could handle whatever problems might pop up from allowing open airways.

Yet, despite the speed they were traveling at, Marcus and Mrazivý did feel a bit disappointed that they could not properly see the city.

By traveling above it they could only glimpse down out the windows and were unable to catch the details that they wanted.

'I suppose that we can explore the city later. For now, we can get the formalities out of the way early.'

For the next couple of hours, Jamal continually tried to start up a conversation with Marcus and Mrazivý, though mostly Mrazivý.

However, neither of them really wanted to speak with him and would give brief replies or simply state that they were tired and did not want to talk.

Eventually their carriage began to descend and when Marcus and Mrazivý looked out the window they found that they were above a massive estate that was comparable to what a duke in Borealia would have.

'It is not as big as the castle Borealia, but this place is still stupid big.' Marcus thought while looking around.

Just as Amira had described it, there was lush greenery all around with channels of water and large fountains all over the place. In a city located in the middle of a desert, it showed just how affluent the grand elder was by how much water he was using throughout his estate.

Soon the carriage touched down on a large path as large as an airstrip and came to a stop in front of the massive mansion on the estate ground that was among the largest buildings Marcus or Mrazivý had ever seen.

'I would say I could fit my home in there about four maybe five times.' Marcus thought gauging how many times larger this mansion was than his own.

The majority of the place was made out of gleaming white stone and had several patterns of colored stone trimmed with precious metals and inlaid with precious jewels, creating elaborate patterns all over it.

Truly this was an estate for someone at that wanted to show off their wealth and influence.

Thankfully Marcus as already used to stuff like this in Borealia and did not stare around in awe for too long.

"Impressive, is it not." Jamal said with a pleased smile on his face.

"Now, the grand elder is waiting to meet the two of you. Allow me to guide you to the parlor where he is waiting to receive you. I know it is late so this meeting will not be long. Just a simple greeting." Jamal said.

He then began leading the way but stopped and turned around to face Amira before they had gone too far.

"Oh, you do not need to come with us, your work here is done. One of the servants will show you to your room and you can get some rest. I will make sure that our guest are taken care of from this point on. It is far too important of a job to be left to you." Jamal said, waving Amira off.

For a few moments she faltered, looking like she wanted to protest, but in the end she just hung her head and began backing off.

Jamal's status was simply higher than her and she could not fight back against him without getting heavily reprimanded. All she could do was yield to him.

Except, this was where Marcus and Mrazivý decided to draw the line. They had spent nearly the last two weeks with Amira and had grown a bit fond of her. They would both much rather have her as their guide than Jamal.

"No, Amira is going to come with us. She is our guide, and we will not be accepting anyone else." Marcus said, a stern look in his eyes that would offer no compromise.

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