Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 859 859

With all of the members of the Nubah Clan either dead or captured, the battle had come to an end.

It had been a quick and ferocious fight, but not a single on of Amira's guards or the crew of their sand boats had suffered any casualties.

Some of them were injured, but none were serious, and overall, they had achieved a total victory.

'Now, I have to wonder how bad the town is. We do not know how long they had been here and what damage they might have done.' Marcus thought surveying the area.

Other than the young girl that had been dragged out of one of the buildings there was no sign of the residents that should have bene living in Ladhidh.

It was possible that most of them had been killed, but Marcus was hoping this was not the case.

Using his life sense skill Marcus expanded it as far as he could and was able to feel several signals coming from inside the nearby buildings. It seemed that the majority of the townsfolk were tied up inside the buildings around this area.

Unfortunately, while he knew where they were, it was best that Marcus did not go running around to free the people.

He was a foreign guest and an unfamiliar man running around was likely to cause some amount of panic.

It was best to leave the rescuing to Amira's guards since they were an authority associated with Eazim Clan that ruled over this town.

At the very least Marcus was able to point to the building the people were being held within and tell Amira's guards how many people were in each one.

After that he headed back to the sand boats along with the crew members who were going to report what had happened.

When Marcus returned to the entrance of the town he noticed the slightly more than a dozen bodies that were slowly sinking into the desert not far from the town's wall.

It was clear that some of the Nubah Clan members had tried to sneak around and steal their sand boats, only to find themselves in for a fight they could not win.

'Well, everyone looks to be safe. Mraz does not even seem to be frazzled in the least. Though I suppose that she was never in any danger to begin with.'

Once Marcus and the boat's crew members had climbed back aboard, Captain Haidar reported what had happened in the town to Amira and her head guard.

"That is good. I am glad that you were able to wipe out the thieves that thought they could get away with attacking a town under the Eazim Clan's protection." Amira said after receiving the report.

She then turned towards Marcus and Mrazivý, an apologetic look on her face.

"I am truly sorry that both of you had to go through this experience. You are our guest, but we brought you both to a dangerous battlefield, even if it was unintentional." Amira said bowing her head.

"Raise your head, Amira." Mrazivý said, a kind smile on her face. "You have nothing to apologize for. There is no way you could have known the town was under attack and if you had abandoned your people for our convince, we would have thought less of you. Both Marcus and I are perfectly fine with the decision you made."

Looking up at Mrazivý, Amira had to hold back her tears. She was truly relieved that Mrazivý had not rebuked her, and was still realign with her fear from earlier.

Frankly, Amira just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry but knew that she could not do so because of her station.

She was technically in charge of their group and had to act like a leader as the highest-ranking member of the Eazim Clan in the vicinity.

"I know that it is rude of me, but I must personally go into the town and assess the situation myself. I would ask that both of you remain here while I straighten everything out. Of course, I will leave two of my guards here to protect you and the boats" Amira said, a determined look masking her fears and insecurities.

"It is fine. We understand that these are extenuating circumstances. Neither of us are the type to get fussy about minor inconveniences like this. And frankly, you should keep all of your guards with you until you are absolutely sure the town is safe. We will be staying with the boats. You can rest assured that they will be here when you get back." Marcus said.

Amira looked ready to protest not leaving any guards with them, but her head guard thanked Marcus and Mrazivý for their consideration before Amira could say anything and beckoned for her to head into town.

Swiftly the two of them left the sand boat and went to deal with the situation of the now freed town.

"Well, what did you do on your walk?" Mrazivý asked once she and Marcus were left on the boat alone.

Leaning back in his seat, Marcus began telling her about the battle he had witnessed and the small contributions he had made.

"Sounds like you did a bit more than I did. I only froze one guy without even needing to leave my seat." Mrazivý said, slumping over.

Despite the battle that had gone on, she had not gotten to participate at all. Granted. if she had, the fighting would have been over in three seconds tops.

"It is as Amira said, we would not guest in Borealia cleaning up our messes for us. We were able to make sure no one on our side got killed or seriously injured, so we can leave the rest to them." Marcus said.

After they had retold to each other what they did during the battle, both of them decided to pass the time by playing games and reading until a tired Amira, along with her guards came back.

"We have managed to free everyone and learn what happened from the town's people. There is still much that will need to be done, but that will be for tomorrow. For now, we have been granted access tot eh town's inn and rooms have bene prepared for all of us to rest." Amira said, her expression showing just how exhausted she was.

It was already well past midnight and they had been traveling all day only to have to have to engage in a fierce battle at the town they were hoping to rest at. There was no doubt that this was the longest and most stressful day Amira had ever experienced.

While walking to the inn, Marcus and Mrazivý could see that the no longer bound townsfolk were hustling through the town despite the late hour. Trying to restore some semblance of normalcy to their home.

"Well, the room is not bad." Mrazivý said, intently examining where they were going to be spend the night.

Amira had insisted that they take the inn's best room which normally should have gone to her.

It was not nearly as nice as what they had stayed in back at Tijara, but that made sense since this town was about a thousandth the size of the major trade city.

"Are you not going to come to bed?" Mrazivý asked Marcus, noticing him staring out into the town.

"No, I want to make sure that nothing happens though the night. I do not need to sleep anyway." Marcus responded.

With her cheeks puffed up in anger Mrazivý hopped out of bed and trudged over to Marcus.

"I can easily go a night without sleep. I will watch with you."

Letting out a soft chuckle Marcus moved over slightly and allowed Mrazivý to lean on the window with him.

The two of them kept watch over the town though the night as insurance. Just in case anymore rogues popped up in the town and needed to be dealt with.

"Looks like we managed to clean up a half dozen of them." Marcus said, a satisfied look on his face.

While watching over the town, he and Mrazivý had spotted suspicious individuals sneaking around and knocked them out, before tying them up and leaving them somewhere they would be easily found by Amira's guards.

Luckily no reinforcements had come from the desert and it was only the handful of rogues that had tried hiding among the empty buildings that they had to deal with.

Now morning had come and the two of them had been asked to stay in their room, while Amira sorted the situation out.

Food was brough up for them for breakfast and lunch, but at dinner Amira fianlyl showed herself.

"I once again want to apologize for the wait. I know that the two of you wish to make it to the capital as soon as possible." Amira said upon entering.

She then explained that they would be leaving tomorrow and heading to the next town and have aid sent to Ladhidh.

"Well, we only added on a single day of travel, it is nothing to beat yourself up over. You never know what you might encounter on a journey. In some ways this actually beats a completely peaceful trip." Marcus said.

He and Mrazivý were enjoying their trip to the capital across the desert. So far they had already managed to get more excitement out of it than their boat ride from the Chelmer resort to Aezam.

"I thank you for how understand you both are." Amira said, bowing her head once more before partaking in dinner alongside Marcus and Mrazivý.

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