Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 857 857 Battle For Ladhidh

Leaving dust clouds in their wake the seven sand boats that belonged to the Nubah, a rogue clan that survived by pillaging from the other inhabitants of the desert approached the sand boats that belonged to the Eazim Caln.

Soon the seven boats were in range of the mana cannons attached to the three mithril sand boats owned by the Eazim clan.

With resounding booms a half dozen cannon balls of pure mana were launched and blasted towards the Nubah Clan's sand boats.

Large plumes of sand shoot into the air where these mana blasts landed, but not a single one managed to hit their targets.

The Nubah Clan were experts at desert combat and were able to maneuver out of the way of the far-off mana attacks.

'Sixteen, nineteen, thirteen, oh, and twenty-two.'

Once the enemy sand boats had gotten closer, Marcus began appraising the people onboard to get an understand of their levels.

He found that most of them were in the mid-teens level wise, with the leaders of each of the boats being in the low twenties. Not any threat to him or Mrazivý, but he could see how they could cause problems for normal people that were not fighters.

Still, Amira's guards were all level twenty-five or above, and the mithril boots they had were far stronger than what the Nubah Clan was used to dealing with.

They managed to get close enough to let loose some arrows, but must of them were blocked by the wind barriered around the mithril and boats and the few that got through were intercepted by Amira's guards.

Eventually the battle turned when one of the mana cannons finally hit its mark and blasted a hole int eh side of one of the Nubah Clan's sand boats.

Immediately all three of the mithril sand boats focused on this one that had stopped moving and blasted it to smithereens. Killing everyone that had been onboard.

Realizing that they were not going to win a shootout, the remaining enemy sand boats recklessly closed in to ram the Eazim Clan's mithril sand boats.

Before they could make it three more of the Nubah's sand boats were hit and unable to keep moving. This left one enemy sand boat each that slammed into the mithril sand boats.

The members of the Nubah Clan began jumping from their own sand boats and boarded the mithril ones owned by the Eazim clan. They figured that their only chance was to kill everyone onboard and size the boats for themselves.

However, this did not prove easy for them.

Amira's guards and the crews of each sand boat were well armed and trained, being individually stronger than any of the brigands trying to raid them.

There was also a huge disparity in their weapons and armor.

Each of Amira's guards were outfitted with mithril equipment, while the Nubah Clan members only had a mix of iron, steel, and bronze weapons.

Even outnumbered, Amira's guards and the crew were able to push back the raiders.

'He is pretty impressive.' Marcus thought watching Amira's head guard cutting down half a dozen men in just a few seconds.

At level forty-four and with a top tier mithril weapon there was nothing that any of the members of the Nubah clan could do to stop him.

It was not long before the attacker realized that they were completely outmatched and began jumping into the desert to escape.

They began shuffling through the sand, running back towards the town that they had occupied. But Haidar was not going to show any mercy to thieves and murders.

He gave the order to aim the mana cannons at the fleeing men and keep them from returning to Ladhidh.

Several of the running Nubah Clan members were hit by the blasts from the mana cannons, being blown to pieces and having their bodies swallowed by the desert.

After only around fifteen minutes from the start of the attack the attackers had been all but wiped out, with only a few managing to scurry back into town.

Nevertheless, they could not rest on their laurels just yet.

There were certainly several dozen more enemies within the town itself, and it would be more difficult to fight in a populated area where they could not use their sand boats.

"Let us go and rid Ladhidh of these lawless rogues. We must show that the Eazim Clan will not allow such actions to go unpunished in our lands." Amira commanded.

Starting back up again, the three mithril sand boats sped towards the town which was beginning to wake up in an uproar.

"Take out their remaining sand ships. We are not going to allow them any escape." Haider ordered.

Aiming their mana cannons, each of the mithril sand boats opened fire on the stationary sand boats owned by the Nubah clan and turned them all into nothing more than scrap wood.

Now the rogues that had taken over Ladhidh could not leave the town, unless they wanted to traverse the harsh and hostile desert on foot. Their only option was to kill the members of the Eazim Clan and steal their sand boats.

"Lady Amira, I cannot leave your side to lead the attack. My main duty is to protect you. I understand that we cannot allow these marauders to terrorize our citizens, but your safety is my top priority." Amira's head guard said.

She had ordered him to take all but one of her guards to wipe out the Nubah Clan members that had occupied Ladhidh. Of course as her sworn protecter there was no way he was going to leave her in such a dangerous place.

It was easy to imagine that the Nubah Clan would send a detached force to try and seize their sand boats during the heat of battle.

Amira though, feeling it was her duty as the daughter of the clan's head, wanted to muster all of her forces to reclaim the town.

"You might want to have this argument later. It looks like our enemies have had time to regroup." Mrazivý said, pointing to the top of the three meter tall sandstone walls around Ladhidh.

With bows and arrows in hand, several dozen men now stood on top of the walls and were aiming down at them.

Without any warning a rain of arrows came down on them, and the crew along with Amira's guards had to move into action.

"Marcus!" Amira screamed, seeing one of the arrows break through and come right for him.

Except while Marcus made no move to block or dodge the arrow, he had no need to.

When the arrow hit his head, it snaped in two and bounced off like it had hit a sturdy metal wall instead of someone's head.

"There is no need to worry about us Amira. steel tipped arrows can't even put a scratch on us at our level." Marcus said, acting completely calm.

For everyone else this may have been a dangerous life and death battle, but for him and Mrazivý it was more of a show.

Even if they just stood and allowed the members of the Nubah Caln to attack them one sidedly, there was no way that they would take any damage. Their opponents would die of exhaustion before being able to hurt them at all.

Realizing once again just how far beyond normal Marcus and Mrazivý were, Amira shook off her worry for them and focused on the battle.

Her guards and the crew of the boats had begun returning fire, and using the mana cannons blasted the men off the top of the walls.

It was certainly causing a good deal of destruction to the town's wall, but it was really their only option to attack at range.

"Men, take out the gate! We are breaking in." Haider said, ordering the gunners on his boat to blow open the gate keeping them out of the town.

The two mana cannons swiveled around towards the metal gate and began bombarding it.

Being made of sturdy steel the gate did not falter easily against even the mana cannons, with each one only putting in a decent sized dent.

At this rate it would take a few minutes for them to break in and would allow the Nubah Clan more time to prepare.

'This is taking too long.' Marcus thought, thinking of a way to stealthy help.

Quickly he came up with a decent method and timed his own attack with one of the blasts from the boat's mana cannons.

Summoning his spectral arm Marcus had it hit at the same moment the blast from the mana cannon did.

The punch from his spectral arm was hidden by the flash of the exploding mana and he was able to make it seem that the mana cannons had finally busted through when it was actually his spectral arm punching through.

In fact, the gate was completely knocked off its hinges by Marcus' attack and flew down the main street. Crushing some of the Nubah clan members who had been waiting on the other side.

"We have managed to breach the town. Go and clear out these thieves that think they can steal from our people." Amira ordered.

Most of her guards and the crews of the sand boats jumped off the sand boats and began invading the town.

With only a few people remaining to protect the sand boats. Amira and her head guard among those staying.

"Well, I think I will go for a walk. Mraz stay here and make sure nothing goes wrong just in case." Marcus said standing up and heading towards the edge of the boat.

"Wait! Please allow my guards and the crews to handle this. As I said, we cannot entrust this to an outsider." Amira said, being that Marcus was going to join the battle.

"Hm, I have no intention of fighting. As I said. I am just going for a walk. If someone happens to attack me I will defend myself, but I am not going to actively participate. I just want to see what this town looks like." Marcus said with a reassuring smile before jumping of the sand boat.

Of course, he did not actually plan to go on a simple walk and was going in as insurance. He was not going to get involved if he did not have to, but their was not point in letting people die due to inaction. If one of Amira's guards or the members of the crew were in danger of dying he would step in and help.

Thankfully, when he arrived there did not seem to be any need for him to help.

Outnumbered as they were, Amira's guards and the crews of their sand boats were putting up a good fight.

'Now where should I start my stroll.' Marcus thought, nonchalantly looking around at the streets of the town like there was not a battle raging on around him.

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