Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 846 846 To The Land Of Endless Deserts

As the days passed by Marcus and Mrazivý continued to enjoy their stay at the Chelmer Resort.

The to of them spent plenty of time exploring the islands that made up the resort and the waters around it.

They had even gone out and swam to the bottom of the ocean in search of anything hidden like a dungeon, but other than territorial beasts and monsters they did not find anything of note.

Now it was time for them to leave the resort, but not in the manner that they had been expecting when they first arrived.

"Are you really sure it is okay to let us use this ship just for us?" Marcus asked.

Behind him was an impressive mithril vessel, but not one of the cruise ships that they had come in on.

This one was one of the trade vessels that Daniel and his companions had made.

It moved far faster than the much bulkier cruise ships and would be taking Marcus and Mrazivý directly to their next destination.

"Yes, it is fine. We have already made all of the arrangements you will need to enter Aezam. Also one of the homunculi onboard is an expert at the langue spoken there and will tutor you and Mrazivý on the way." Alyna responded.

"You already helped us quite a bit so consider this just a little extra thanks from us. It really is no problem. We trade with Aezam anyway on occasion to purchase certain spices, so all we are doing is accelerating our plans and allowing you onboard. Anyway, you would encounter multiple difficulties if you just flew there." Daniel said.

Nodding his head, Marcus thanked Daniel and Alyna for their assistance.

To enter Aezam legally would not have been an easy endeavor without using the resort's connections with the kingdom. Aezam was not a part of the adventures guild and was actually openly hostile to the organization as it was preventing them from expanding northward since the nations sitting above it were all members of the guild.

Also, there was the problem that their language was very different from Borealian which Marcus had been getting by with since it was similar to many of the languages spoken within the northern and central regions of the continent.

However, Aezam was located in the far south, their language was not similar in the least. This meant that Marcus and Mrazivý were going to have to learn at least a bit before they arrived.

It was going to be a nearly three-week journey from the resort to Aezam by ship and during that time one of the homunculi onboard was going to teach them the language and other useful information about Aezam.

And while it certainly would have been impossible on Earth to reach much of a component level in a new language in such a short amount of time, with Marcus' and Mrazivý's intelligence stats being extraordinarily high, their capacity to remember, recall, and process information was impeccable.

This did not make them geniuses by any means though, just allowed them to learn and think faster.

"Well, I cannot say that our meeting was on the best of terms, but I am glad that we managed to work things out in the end. I truly hope that the special dungeon will give you what you all are seeking."

"That is our wish also, but it will take us some time before we can go on such a long journey. We have much to prepare here before we can leave." Daniel said looking back at the resort.

"Oh, and please make sure to keep in touch, Marcus. If you need anything feel free to contact me or even bring me to your side." Alyna said.

Now that she was his adjutant, they could communicate across pretty much any distance so long as they were in the same world.

"Got it. I do not think anything should come up that requires me to need your help, but I will remember that." Marcus said.

After that they said a few more farewells, and Marcus and Mrazivý boarded the ship that would be taking them to their next destination.

Once onboard the lead homunculus who was also the captain began showing them around. Acting very courteous since they were guests of her master.

"And this will be your room during your stay. I know it is not much, but it is the best one that the ship has. I apologize in advance that we not having better accommodations." The captain who was named Desirae said with her head bowed.

"No, it is fine. This is more than sufficient for us." Marcus replied.

Certainly the room was not lavish like the one they had on the cruise ship, but it had all the necessities they would need. Including its own private bathroom.

Having finished showing them to their room, Desirae gave them a tour of the rest of the ship.

Naturally there was not much in the way of entertainment on this ship since it was a trading vessel, but its array of weapons and defenses even made the cruise ship seem to be tame.

'I suppose since they are not hiring any high ranking adventures as guards they need more weapons in case they get attacked.' Marcus thought.

The entire crew were homunculi created by Daniel and his companions, and while some of them were above level forty none of them were exceptionally powerful.

This ship would also be traveling alone, which was pretty rare for mercantile vessels. Normally they would need to travel in large groups to stay secure. Only powerful mithril ships could feel safe on their own on the open water.

Soon their tour of the ship came to and end and Desirae asked Marcus and Mrazivý if there was anything that they currently needed.

"Yes, if you could send in our language tutor we would be most appreciative. We need to get to the point where we can at least have basic conversations before we arrive." Mrazivý said.

"Understood, I will have Jed come to your quarters immediately." Desirae said, her expression as serious as ever.

Within just a couple of minutes the homunculus named Jed came in, a large box in his hands.

When Jed opened the box the smell of ink and paper immediately wafted out of it and Marcus could tell what was inside.

Swiftly and carefully, Jed took out five large books and several smaller documents from the box and placed them down on the table within Marcus' and Mrazivý's room.

"It is a pleasure to meet you both. The most esteemed friends of my masters." Jed said bowing his head.

"Yes, it is nice to meet you as well. Jed. You can raise your head." Mrazivý said.

At this point hat had gotten used to this type of treatment from the homunculi.

While all of them had their own individuality and quicks, one thing they shared in common was their fierce loyalty to Daniel and his companions who had created them. This in turn made them highly respectful towards Marcus and Mrazivý.

"Where would you like to begin? With history, current politics, or the language?" Jed asked.

As Marcus and Mrazivý thought about where to begin, they both felt the ship begin to take off, and the next leg of their journey began.

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