Transmigrated as a Ghost

764 Chapter 764

It was safe to say at this point that it had been holding back immensely at the beginning of their battle and when going all out Lyra would not be able to keep up without using her unique skills and awakened state.

When she finally thought she had created and opening the devil actually brough its head down and blacked the blade she had slipped bast its guard with its horns.

Her amethros kukri sliced around two thirds of the way in. But it did stop.

The devil then tried to jammed its other horn into her and gore her to death.

Luckily her precognition picked up on this follow up attack and she was able to move away. Though even with all her powers it was frightening how well the devil was able to keep up with her.

'I am not sure how well they will work, but I might as well try.'

Seeing as how even using her fully strength she was unable to get through, Lyra activated her cloning ability and soon eight more of her appeared.

Unfortunately, this power could not copy her unique skills, so the clones did not have the extra set of arms and golden third eye.

This meant that she could not even try to feign that these copies were her, but she would be at even more of a disadvantage without her unique skills.

With the added bodies she again launched into battle using her clones to strike the devil while she took most of its attention.

'This is what I was afraid of.' Lyra thought as the battle raged on.

Her clones were all only around a third as powerful as she was, and the devil barely had to pay them any mind. Their attacks could only just graze its skin and its regeneration quickly fixed the minimal damage her clones could inflict.

For the most past the devil simply ignored them and kept its focus on Lyra.

What seemed like an endless clash of weapons proceeded after Lyra created her clones.

She unleashed attack after attack without ever letting up in her attempt to land a fatal blow.

Using her clones to teleport around and switch places she had managed to land a few good attacks, but nothing with enough power behind it to be decisive.

And while it may have seemed that she was pressuring the devil and dealing decent damage, she was actually the one whose situation was deteriorating rapidly.

Using all her unique skills, her awaken state, and clones was taking a massive burden on her mind that was not able to keep up with the continued strain of all of her powers.

This was the first time she was truly going all out and having kept it up for nearly fifteen minutes was proving to be close to her limit. Especially after having been fighting for five days straight beforehand

'I need to finish this quickly or I will run out of steam. It already feels like a hammer is pounding against my head.'

Feeling the pressure Lyra started using more reckless attacks and allowing attacks to hit her and healing off the damage while gritting through the pain.


After allowing multiple attacks to hit her, Lyra created an open to her head and the devil took it.

However, this was what she wanted and created her Reflector Shield to intercept it.

So far, she had held off on using this unique skill as it was fairly well telegraphed, and the devil had an absurd battle awareness that she figured would allow it to avoid the shield if it was used blatantly.

But even when she thought she had used her best timing, she watched with her precondition that the devil would change up his attack and uppercut her with the end of its glaive instead.

To avoid this, she used one of her clones to teleport and switched placed with it.

She then watched what would have happened to her if she had not made the swift decision, as the clones head was blown off and it disappeared into motes of light.

With her first attempt ending in failure Lyra could only jump back in and try again.

She knew that the only way she was going to win at this point was to create an opening with her reflector shield which she had two more uses.

'There, that is how I will get this devil.'

Once she had finished attempting a few more things, Lyra figured out a way to redirect the devil's attack.

She had used her second use of her Reflector Shield to see what would happen and the devil redirected its attack to the clones she had left open.

Now that it knew it could cut them down, it would take any opening she gave in order to destroy them and limit her options.

She now only had three left, but that would be enough.

When she was ready to attempt to deliver her finishing blow, she dropped her guard in an obviously fatal opening, and when the devil attacked activated her last use of her Reflector Shield.

The devil having expected this took a swing at one of her clones that were nearby instead.

Yet when the attack was too close to pull back or change the direction of, Lyra switched places with this clone and her Reflector Shield went with her.

Finally, she was able to surprise the devil and he found his own attack coming back at him.

He tried to use his muscles to stop the force, but the reflector shield's power was not so easily blocked, and he only slowed it down a little.

At the last moment he moved his head out of the way and took the attack in the shoulder.

His own glaive cleaved deep into his flesh and a spray of dark red blood shot out of his body.

In that moment Lyra pulled back all six of her arms and exploded with mana.

'Wrath of Asura.'

Swinging all six of her arms she slashed into the devils' torso right under its armor and her powered up blades sliced it clean in half.

Its torso went flying and the devil went wide eyed as he looked at his bottom half collapsing onto the ground now that it was separated from him.

Lyra's attack was not over yet though. She jumped up to follow the devil's upper body and extend her extra arms created by Path of Asura and wrapped them around the devil's.

With all her will and might she wrenched its weakened arms apart and exposed its head which it had been guarding.

'Now die!!' Lyra screamed within her head as she stabbed forward with her true arms.

The devil again attempted to block her attack with its horns, but she aimed right for the part she had hit before and sliced through with one Kukris while the other was blocked.

Her blade went deeply into the devil's neck, and in a swift movement she pulled back with her other arm and jammed her other kukri into the devil's head.

She then pushed both her blades in deeper until they met and she caved a L into the devil's head and neck.

The light in its eyes quickly vanished as its life came to an end. A smile still on its face from the battle it had thoroughly enjoyed.

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