Transcending Dreams

B2 - Chapter 87

B2 - Chapter 87

Your other self told me he was bored, William commented as they shifted through the rubble. Not sure how if this was what he was doing.

Kae grunted in agreement, feeling the same as him. They continued for a few more minutes when William checked his status screen and saw what he was waiting for.

Spiritual Energy: 1130/1130 (20% per Hour)

Im going to step away for a minute and heal myself, he was already walking out of the rubble.

Kae glanced at him but didnt comment other than to give a slight nod.

William found a spot free of debris and sat down cross-legged. He closed his eyes and went to work.

The routine was standard at this point. Think of something that brought up rage inside him and harness it. This time, it was Lan Yang.

His poor excuse of what he called help. The sharp disinterest in being a mentor after the auction was finished.

William noticed all of that but chose to put it aside. He wasnt faultless, after all.

The issue was that he was facing a very real problem, which Lan Yangs disinterest caused.

He was once again without a ranged attack. Harnessing Lightning Qi might not have been the miracle fix, but it would have brought him a step closer.

The sheer anger this brought up in William instantly allowed him to convert the most significant amount of Qi into Healing Qi yet. He quickly concentrated it on his foot, healing the deep cut before running it along his back to rid himself of the heavy bruising.

He opened his eyes with a still surprised look on his face. He had a feeling that he would have been able to heal a broken bone that the side quest required for completion.

[+90 HP]

[-180 Spiritual Energy]

William couldnt deny that he had to stop himself from breaking his arm to do precisely that. Ten thousand experience points were just waiting to be claimed with success.

But he knew it was too costly for his Spiritual Energy at the moment. It would be around four hundred to heal his arm, and if he was wrong about the assumed success, it meant ingesting a pill.

He pushed himself off the ground and returned to the rubble with Kae, who had stopped looking for clues.

What happened? William looked around to see if something of significance was uncovered.

Since when were you a healer?

Huh? He turned to see Kae looking angry. I never was.

I saw you use Healing Qi, Wei Liang, Kae accused.

For minor injuries, William was more confused than ever. I have nearly zero hope for anything worse. Do you not remember Elder Zhou and I speaking of it? You were right next to me.

I was? Kae frowned in thought before eventually shaking his head. It must be the transformation blurring my memory. Forgive me for the false accusation.

No offense taken, William waved him off, wondering if that transformation was worth losing random memories. It was definitely beneficial for them right now, but that side effect made it too risky. What if it caused something essential to be forgotten?

This content has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

Maybe we should split up and take different areas, he glanced at the broken automatons. Maybe they were placed there for a reason or Berserker Kae could have tossed them all to the same spot.

Oh, no need. I already found something.

What?! William snapped his head to Kae, only to see him holding a piece of rubble. Very funny. Not the best time for a joke, Kae.

Look, Kae rolled his eyes and injected a burst of Qi into the rubble. Nothing happened. He tilted his head in confusion and tried again but got the same result. Strange.

What are you doing? William didnt think Kae, of all people, would take a joke this far. This was the boy who took everything literally.

You try it, Kae handed the suspicious rock to him.

At this point, William believed this was anything but rubble. He injected his Qi into it.

Gah! I still exist?!

Every single cultivation novel flashed through Williams mind.

The stone spirits skin was as pure as the first snowfall on the highest peaks, its eyes shimmered like pools of the purest water and the aura to

He shook his head rapidly, trying to dislodge the flowery words from his brain.

Whats wrong with you?

William stared at the stone spirit, whatever it was, that asked him the question. Out of everything it could have been, it chose the form of a cherubic baby that could fit on his palm.

Are you mute? Great. First, I had a monster tearing up my home, and now I get this. What did I do to deserve this?

And the cherubic baby had the voice of a fully grown, grizzled veteran of many wars, the deep voice of a man.

William exchanged a glance with Kae before speaking to the grown-man-voice baby. What are you?

Nothing now, the baby spirit threw its hands up. Look at what the monster did!

Were disciples of the Jade Healing Sect, William interjected. We need to get to the avatar the witch. Do you know where to go from here?

The baby spirit looked at him for a long second before doing the same to Kae. You two want

Williams lips twitched in amusement when it burst out in laughter and rolled around on the rock. He knew it was laughing at them, but the sound of a rough mans laugh coming from a tiny baby rolling around and holding its stomach made it difficult to be angry.

This is not a laughing matter, Kae spoke over the uninterrupted laughter. You are obligated to tell us, spirit.

The baby wiped the tears from its eyes as it finally calmed down. My name isnt spirit, boy, its Shitou. And youre right about me being obliged, but Id be happy to tell you even if I wasnt.

Whys that? William asked with a raised brow.

Do you know how boring it is to have nothing but puppets as companions? Even thats gone now. With how slow the Greeter is, I wont have replacement puppets for another century!

The voice that opened the wall for me, is that the Greeter? William couldnt help his curiosity. It wasnt necessary information, but it was better than calling it voice the entire time.

Who else is in here? Shitou looked at him like he should have known.

You still havent told us how to get to the avatar, Kae interrupted.

Yes, yes, Shitou noted rapidly. Which one of you should I go with?

William blinked. What?

Do either of you have the key? Shitou asked pointedly.

He shared a puzzled look with Kae before bringing out his Inner Court pass. This?

Whats that? Shitou leaned closer to the jade pass and sniffed. Terrible jade. How is this a key?

Never mind, William put the pass away. He knew it was highly unlikely that was what Shitou was talking about. We dont have a key. Whats next?

You leave it up to fate, Shitou said, the dreaded word William hated. I open the door, and you enter. There is one path that will take you straight to the witch, who will kill you. And thousands of others that will try to kill you before you get to the witch!

William took a second to absorb that before asking something still unexplained. Why do you ask who to go with? We dont intend on going separately.

Something about security, Shitou shrugged its tiny shoulders. Youll be separated no matter what.

Kae looked worried, and he knew why.

Can you give us pills if needed? William asked directly.

As if I would reduce myself to be an errand boy to either of you. You can forget Shitou yelped when a pill was shoved into his body. What was that?!

William ignored Shitou and spoke to Kae. It needs to go with you.

It?! Im a he, boy!

He needs to go with you, William corrected with a roll of his eyes. When Kae looked reluctant, he added, You know why.

As you say, Kae agreed reluctantly before saying, Its shameful for a junior to give up an advantage for me.

Lets focus on staying alive, William turned his attention back to a mutinous Shitou. If you want to relieve your boredom, you must go with Kae. Deal?

Shitou glowered at him, making William want to pat his head and apologize until he spoke. Fine. You have a deal.

That deep voice was a good reminder that Shitou wasnt some innocent baby spirit.

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