Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 32

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 32


Minhyuk loaded the box of proximity sensors onto the elevator.

Then he pressed the button for the 1st floor.


During the short time it took to go down from the 3rd floor to the 1st floor,

All the years he’d worked here flashed before his eyes like a magic lantern show.

The freight elevator he was riding in now must have carried dozens, hundreds of tons of machine parts over the years.

Maybe even much more than that.

And he’d also shipped countless machines that he’d assembled himself using this elevator.

‘This is the last time I’ll be riding this elevator.’


The elevator door opened.

Minhyuk carried the box and went to the shuttle bus.

He put the box in the luggage compartment.

He thought about putting the items in the refrigerator right away, but then he shook his head.

There were too many people watching.

There were hundreds of companies, both large and small, housed in this apartment-style factory.

So even on Sundays, there were a lot of people around.

The shuttle bus had windows in the luggage compartment, and they weren’t properly tinted either.

You could see right inside from the outside.

It wouldn’t be good if people saw him doing something strange like putting machine parts in a refrigerator.

‘I need to go somewhere where there aren’t any people.’

It would be great if there was a forklift or something.

Since he could carry a lot of items at once, and no one could see inside the cargo hold.

‘I should change the car.’

Min-hyuk in the driver’s seat looked up at the 3rd floor where the company was located.

President Park was looking down through the office window.


Min-hyuk greeted him.

When his father suddenly collapsed and was struggling,

He was the one who hired Min-hyuk, who was inexperienced, and paid him a monthly salary.

Well, it wasn’t like he received a free salary.

He received as much as he worked.

‘Even so, thank you!’

President Park looked at Min-hyuk and shook his hand in the shape of a receiver.

‘Call me later. Let’s have a drink.’

Min-hyuk understood his gesture, nodded, and started the car.


He left the factory parking lot and drove slowly, looking for a secluded place.

Then a very familiar sign caught his eye.

<Paldowonjo Haejangguk>

It was a place where he often had lunch when he was working overtime.

When he used to only boil and eat the ramen given for free at the Gosiwon, it was Min-hyuk’s main source of protein.

He drooled just looking at the sign.

Current time is 11 AM.

It was a quiet time with not many people around.

‘Let’s have a quick bite.’

Min-hyuk parked the car in front of the restaurant and went inside.


“I’ll have a large portion of Naejangtang.”

As soon as he ordered, the employee brought out the bubbling Naejangtang with side dishes.

After generously sprinkling chili oil on the Naejangtang, he stirred it with a spoon and tasted the broth.

‘This is it!’

He dipped the offal in the mustard sauce and put it in his mouth.

The sour mustard flavor and the savory meat juice from the offal blended together.

When he rolled up the rice and took a big bite, it seemed to satisfy the hunger in his heart.

After a satisfying meal,

Min-hyuk drove the van to a nearby park.

The park parking lot was very quiet.

There wasn’t a single person passing by.

Min-hyuk climbed into the cargo hold and put all the proximity sensors in the refrigerator.

Since the sensors were small, 3,000 of them fit in at once.



With a blinding flash, Minhyuk returned to the peak of Mt. Bawi.

Professor Raymond looked at Minhyuk with eyes full of anticipation.



Tobacco leaves poured out of the refrigerator like a waterfall.

The volume increased dramatically as the fingernail-sized sensors transformed into large tobacco leaves.


They continued to pour out for a long time.

A huge pile of tobacco leaves formed on the ground.


Raymond opened his mouth wide in awe.

Others nearby also cheered with joy.

Minhyuk, who had taken all the tobacco leaves out of the refrigerator, returned to reality.

‘Let’s start with a truck.’

It was wise to acquire what he needed right away and use it quickly.

He couldn’t keep driving a passenger car and looking for secluded places forever.

When he bought 1,000 cases of eggs before, he had to go back and forth between the wholesale store and the free parking lot 10 times because he couldn’t carry them all at once.

If he got a proper truck, he wouldn’t have to waste time like that.

Minhyuk searched for truck rentals on his phone.

Due to relevant regulations, trucks cannot be rented like regular rental cars; they can only be leased or purchased.

It would be better to lease rather than buy a large truck outright.

Minhyuk called a car leasing company.

They didn’t do deliveries on Sundays, but they were available for consultation calls.

-Hello, valued customer! This is Woong Woong Car Lease.

“I’d like to lease a truck.”

-Are you referring to a commercial truck?

The consultant explained that unlike commercial trucks with yellow license plates, private trucks with white license plates can be leased without any special qualifications or conditions.

He didn’t need the truck for business, so a private truck would suffice.

“Yes, I’m going to use it privately.”

The consultant continued to ask questions.

-Do you have a corporate or self-employed business registration certificate?

“No, do I need one?”

-It’s not absolutely necessary, but you can receive tax benefits if you have a business registration certificate. That’s why we recommend that our customers register a business before leasing a car.

Normally, he would have done so to save every penny he could.

However, Minhyuk was not in a position to disclose his accounts to the National Tax Service just to save on taxes.

“I’ll just lease it without a business registration certificate.”

-I understand. What type of vehicle are you looking for?

“I want one that I can drive with a Class 1 ordinary license, has a large cargo space that can’t be seen from the outside, and is easy to load.”

-Do you need to use the vehicle urgently?

“Yes, I need to use it right away tomorrow.”

– In that case, I recommend a wing body truck. You can choose from 1 ton to 4.5 tons.


Tomorrow, Min-hyuk will get his hands on a vehicle that can carry 1,000 cases of eggs at once.




Pitch black darkness,

Min-hyuk led only the special forces and moved east of the Tamrin Fortress.

There was a huge rock there.

The rock was blocking the entrance to the fortress.

Tamrin Fortress had two entrances since it was built.

However, when the soldiers and civilians abandoned the fortress and escaped decades ago, they blocked one entrance with rocks to prevent attacks from the beasts and escaped through the opposite entrance.

So currently, the goblins only used the west entrance.

If they could open the east entrance again, they could quickly reach the deepest part of their lair.


“Yes, Commander!”

Thud, thud, thud-

The dwarven soldiers began to dig a tunnel under the rock.

The special forces didn’t only consist of human soldiers.

From Noble mtl dot com

There were also dwarven soldiers mixed in.

Their earth-moving skills were top-notch.

Furthermore, they were using the star metal shovels and pickaxes that Min-hyuk had supplied.

Thud, thud, thud-

The dwarven soldiers dug the tunnel at an incredible speed.

One of them got excited and exclaimed,

“As expected, a shovel made of star metal! The ground is being dug like pudding!”

“What about the pickaxe made of star metal? The rock is splitting like an egg! hahahahaha!”

Within a few hours, a tunnel that could infiltrate the underground space of the fortress was completed.

It was narrow enough for only one person to barely fit through, but it was enough for 200 raiders to infiltrate.

Min-hyuk ordered the messenger.

“Tell the general to commence the operation.”

“Yes, Commander!”

General Drake was waiting with his main force on the west side of the fortress.

Shortly after the messenger left,


Flames rose from the west.

General Drake had set fire to the tomari tobacco leaves.

There was a reason why Min-hyuk had split his forces in two like this.

It was to catch the leader of the goblins, the ‘mutant goblin’.

With a horde of over 10,000 goblins, there is a very high chance that a variant goblin will be born.

In ancient books, this variant goblin was called a ‘Goblin Lord’.

A Goblin Lord is known to be highly intelligent compared to others.

It also possesses a very special ability.

It exerts control over its kin.

It can manipulate the actions of other goblins at will.

Goblins that move in an orderly manner under the Goblin Lord’s control are never an easy opponent.

So the Goblin Lord must be killed quickly to turn them into a disorganized rabble.


Thousands of tobacco leaves burned and smoke spread in all directions.

Then, the goblins on the ground gathered and surrounded the tobacco leaves as if they were having a campfire.


The goblins, their eyes wide open, drooled and fell into a trance.

What the goblins couldn’t resist more than their desire to procreate was the rolled-up tobacco leaves.

Even the goblins in the underground space came crawling out after smelling it.

At first, a huge number of them poured out at once.

But as time went by, the speed at which they crawled out slowed down, and eventually, no more goblins came out.

General Drake counted the number of goblins that had come out to the surface.

It was about 5,000.

‘Only half came out.’

The fact that not all 10,000 came out was clear proof that a Goblin Lord existed in the underground space.

The strange feeling was that someone was controlling the actions of the other goblins.

General Drake ordered the messenger.

“Report to the commander. There is a Goblin Lord underground.”



The Goblin Lord was bewildered by the sudden situation.

As usual, it was diligently engaging in procreation activities with the elves.

Then it noticed that its kin were behaving strangely.

It immediately took control of its kin’s actions.

But it was too late.

Half of them had already been lured out of the den by the rolled-up tobacco leaves.

Its kin, who had fallen into a trance, were not affected by the Goblin Lord’s control.


It ordered the remaining 5,000 goblins to block the entrance to the underground space with several layers.

Then it took dozens of elite goblins to escort it and moved to the deepest part of the underground space.

It didn’t forget to pack its favorite procreation tools.

And it just waited for the storm to die down.

But it didn’t know.

The place where it was hiding was actually where the entrance used to be.

The Goblin Lord was smarter than other goblins, but compared to humans, he wasn’t very intelligent.


A cold wind blew from behind the Goblin Lord.

At first, he thought it was a mistake caused by being too tense.


But it wasn’t a mistake.

A cold wind was really seeping in from the crack in the wall.


The moment he realized something was terribly wrong,


The wall collapsed, revealing a tunnel.

And soldiers poured out from the tunnel.


The Goblin Lord quickly hid himself among his escort goblins.

Just by appearance, it was impossible to distinguish the Goblin Lord from the other goblins.

So just in case, he had already taken off all the shiny accessories and clothes he usually wore.

He was naked like the other goblins.

But he didn’t know.

That his little trick wouldn’t work on the red-haired man who was heading straight towards him.

A message appeared before Minhyuk’s eyes.

<Goblin Lord discovered.>


Without hesitation, he stabbed the Goblin Lord in the crown of the head with the Star Dagger.

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