Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 266: Rushing In

Chapter 266: Rushing In

Oden finally arrives on Kuri and he is not late like some stupid heroes. They have some casualties but they haven't lost the war so he is not late. He looks at the situation for a moment before he rushes to join the war.

Jude & Dela who also come with Oden don't join the war directly. Oden has asked them to protect the civilians instead of fighting on the frontline. He is worried that Orochi might use dirty tricks like using hostages like what happened 5 years ago.

When Oden joins the war, the samurais' morale increases a lot while the enemies' morale drop. The war starts to get on Oden's side favor even though the enemy's number is still in the thousands. Just one man can change the situation on the battlefield this much.

"You must be Deon, Dela-chan & Jude-chan have told me about you," says Oden as he fights alongside Deon & Ushimaru in the most front.

"Yeah, sorry for the late introduction. I have been busy with the task that Captain gave me and need to stay hidden the whole time," says Deon while punching someone's stomach.

"It's okay, you have been helpful in this whole war by gathering information. Buggyjiro's crew is really full of talented people," says Oden.

"Thanks for the compliment, but I don't think it's a good time to chat. Why don't we attack their heads now when you're here. We are outnumbered by a lot so a prolonged war is not good for us," says Deon.

"He is right, our men have gotten tired after defending against so many people," says Ushimaru.

"Alright, let's go straight to their leaders," says Oden.

The 3 of them run toward Orochi's location, attacking anyone who blocks their path. With their power, breaking through so many people who try to stop them is not too hard. No one can stop them from getting closer to Orochi.

Orochi who sees it starts to panic because he never thought that Oden will come here. He doesn't know how Oden can return here from Onigashima. His attack on Kuri is quite fast so Oden shouldn't have time to return in time.

"It was because of that Chameleon bastard and his comrades. If they didn't disturb us then we would have conquered Kuri by now. They were the ones who caused my plan to fail," says Orochi angrily.

"I agree with you, their damage to our force is very big. Those explosions were very strong and have taken out a lot of our men," says Fukurokuju who still stands beside Orochi.

"Fukurokuju, don't talk so calmly as if nothing is wrong. It was your fault that they could infiltrate our group, so you need to take responsibility," says Orochi.

"... Understood," says Fukurokuju before he claps his hands.

Suddenly, 5 shadows run past them and move toward Oden, Deon, & Ushimaru. These 5 are the current best ninjas in Oniwabanshu except for Fukurokuju. They move very fast toward Oden & co then attack the 3.

The 3 of them realize the 5 before they get attacked and move to defend themselves. Deon & Ushimaru takes 2 people each while one slips to attack Oden. Oden wants to counter the attack but suddenly a kunoichi moves past him and blocks the attack.

"Who are you?" asks Oden in surprise.

"My name is Shinobu, Lord Oden. I wish to join your side, so please leave this guy to me," says the Kunoichi, Shinobu.

"What? You want to join our side now that Oden is here and we'll win?" asks Ushimaru scornfully.

"No, it's not like that. I always wanted to join your side but never get the chance to do it. Even in this war, I haven't fought against your men and just stay near your camp to protect the people. I only came here after 2 women arrived there and started to protect the people," says Shinobu.

"There's no way I'll believe you," says Ushimaru.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ushimaru, I know her. She has helped my team a lot when we infiltrated Orochi's group. One of my teammates was discovered by her but she didn't report it to Fukurokuju. Instead, she helped us gather information and made our job easier," says Deon.

"Eh? Your team? That means you are the team leader that they always talked about? I've never seen you in person so I don't know how you look. Even with my skills, I couldn't find you at all like how I found your teammates," says Shinobu.

"Don't lump me with those guys. I have done this longer than them and I won't be the team leader if I am not better than them. Enough chitchat, we still have a war to win," says Deon.

"Deon is right, we need to focus on the war. You can check on her later after we win, Ushimaru," says Oden.

"Sigh, understood. Then please leave these guys to us. You can go for their leader's head," says Ushimaru.

Oden nods and moves toward Orochi again. The 5 ninjas try to stop him but they get stopped by Deon, Ushimaru, & Shinobu again.

"Don't be too hasty, why don't we play first," says Deon while smirking.

The 3 vs 5 battle then starts with Deon & Ushimaru fighting 2 people each while Shinobu fights one. Deon & Ushimaru are stronger than Shinobu so they take 2 people each. The battles are Ninja vs Ninja, Ninjas vs Samurai, and Ninjas vs Pirate.

If the other Clown Pirates' executives are here, they will surely bet on the battles. They've done it many times when their fellow executives or crewmates have interesting battles. These battles will be interesting enough for them to watch so they'll make bets.

The battles are quite difficult for the 3. Deon & Ushimaru are tired & have some injuries after fighting many people and now they fight 2 people each. Shinobu's opponent is also skillful enough to match her.

Deon's opponents are using short swords and sickles. He fights them bare-handed so he utilizes his A-Haki to face their sharp weapons. They are not that powerful individually compared to Deon but their teamwork is superb.

Their attack combinations are very troublesome and give Deon a hard time. It's really hard for him to land any fatal attack on his opponents. Both of them make up for each other's weaknesses be it in defense or offense.

But even their superb teamwork is not good enough to overwhelm Deon. He has more experience fighting against stronger opponents or fighting multiple people at once. In his journey as a pirate, Deon has fought against many types of people, unlike these 2 who are cooped up in their country with less variety of fighters.

Deon focuses on evading and parrying their attacks instead of blocking to save his energy. He also uses small attacks while looking for openings to land critical attacks. But it's not easy and he needs to be very patient.

Then suddenly, an explosion near their location distracts his opponents. Deon doesn't miss this chance and immediately attacks with his Haki-coated tail. He pierces one of his opponents' stomach from the back with his pointy tail.

It surprises the other one and Deon sees it as a good chance. He launches his long & sticky tongue to grab the man's neck. Then Deon pulls him and grabs his face before piercing him with a Haki-coated tail like the other one.

Deon hasn't finished though. He throws the 2 of them toward Ushimaru's opponents to distract them. It succeeds and Ushimaru cuts down the 4 of them including the 2 that Deon threw.

The defeat of these 4 also distracts Shinobu's opponent. Shinobu then touches her opponent and uses her devil fruit ability. The man suddenly transforms into an old man at a visible speed and he becomes unable to fight.

Deon & Ushimaru takes a step back while looking at Shinobu with cold sweat. Then Deon says, "That's a scary ability."

Ushimaru nods and says, "Agree. Her lover will surely die early."


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 290 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 301 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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