Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 244: Preparation

Chapter 244: Preparation

Buggy goes to meet Oden & the other higher-ups in Oden's house. They all have grave expressions when he arrives there. So Buggy doesn't say anything and just sits on an empty chair that an attendant points at.

After a moment of silence, Oden finally speaks, "Buggyjiro, I'm sure you've known what has happened, so I won't explain it. We've also talked about the matter with Kanjuro just now, so it's not a problem anymore. The problem is what will we do from now on. Our enemies must've known our strategy from Kanjuro. They must've been prepared for it too."

Yasuie adds, "It will put us at a big disadvantage in this war."

Everyone except Buggy has a grave expression, but Buggy is very calm. Then suddenly he grins and laughs, surprising the others. They all are confused why Buggy suddenly laughs when they are worrying.

"What's wrong Buggyjiro?" asks Oden.

"Nothing, I just think that you are thinking too much about this. Our enemies know what we'll do? Doesn't matter. It will just mean that they all will come to us at the same time. That means we can swoop them all in one go," says Buggy.

"You say it as if it's an easy thing to do," says Hyogoro.

"What's so difficult about that?" asks Buggy.

"Well, the enemies know our strategy, so they can counter it perfectly," says Hyogoro.

"Then let me ask you, what is our strategy?" asks Buggy.

"Huh? That's....!?" says Hyogoro before he realizes something.

Everyone also realizes it, they haven't made a clear strategy. What they've talked about was just that they'll attack Onigashima through the water using ships 7 days later. They haven't talked exactly how they will attack, the route, and other details.

"You are worrying too much. The enemies don't know what we'll exactly do. They just know when we'll attack them and maybe our number. It won't affect much because we also know their number. Besides, if they know our plan, then we just need to change it," says Buggy.

"I guess you're right. We still have some days left and we can always change the date if we want. But we also need to be careful because they might just attack us before the date that we planned," says Yasuie.

"If that's what you're worried about, then we can gather in one place. The best place that I can think of is the beach. It is very wide so we can build a big camp for everyone. We are also building & repairing our ships there, so we can protect them from the enemies because they are crucial for our plan," says Buggy.

Just like what Buggy says, they are currently building & repairing some ships on the beach. These ships will be used as transportation to Onigashima. Palu & his team are working with local shipwrights right now.

Everyone in the room thinks about it and it seems to be the best plan. They need to protect their people and ships, so the best way is by gathering at the same place. It will make them stronger in case the enemies attack them.

So they all agree and they do it immediately because they are worried about their people's safety. No one knows what the Beasts Pirates & Orochi's group will do. So it's better to do things as fast as they can while the enemies are still unaware of it.

Buggy orders his men to help with the plan by building the camp. Palu & the others who are re-building the Red Scabbards' place complain. But there's nothing that Buggy can do because it has just been decided.

The people of Kuri also help with the plan and it makes things progress faster. The Clowns also move fast in building the camp. They've done it a few times when they were on uninhabited islands and needed to make camps.

All the moving processes finish in just a day with everyone's cooperation. The town of Kuri has been emptied and become a deserted town now. Nothing but empty buildings remain there as even pets & livestock are taken to the camp.

After moving to the camp on the beach, the higher-ups gather again. They discuss the strategy that they'll use in the main war. The Wano people are thinking hard about what to do while the Clowns' executives are very relaxed.

"Again, you guys need to relax more," says Buggy.

"No, we aren't tense. You guys are the ones who are too relaxed," says Hyogoro.

"Well, it's because we've made strategy," says Cricket.

Silence happens in the room before the Wano people shout, "WHY DON'T YOU TELL US THEN?!" at the same time.

"You never ask us," says Enel.

The Wano people are speechless because of that statement. They surely haven't asked anything to the Clowns. It's not only them who are fighting in this war, after all.

"*Cough* So, what's your plan? Can you share it with us?" asks Oden.

"Dela, show it to them," orders Buggy.

Dela nods and then she takes a big roll of paper. She spreads it on the big round table and everyone looks at it. It's a map of Wano with almost all of its details. Jude was the one who made it based on the map they purchased and other information from Deon.

"They aren't the only ones who gather information about their enemies, we are doing it too. I've sent some men to Flower Capital to search for information. Although they can't get everything, they can get some important situations. We've planned our strategy based on their finding," says Buggy.

The Wano people are very surprised that Buggy has sent his men to Flower Capital. They've even succeeded to gather important information in these few days. It is something that they've also tried a few times but they never succeeded.

Orochi always found the men they sent for infiltration. It made them very confused at first, but now they know why. Everything was because of Kanjuro who sent information to Orochi, that's why they kept failing.

But now with Kanjuro being found, they will be able to move more freely. Their movements also won't get found by the enemies so their winning chance will increase. Just by finding out a spy, many things change on their side.

Back with the discussion, everyone is still looking at the map. Buggy then stands up and approaches the map. He gathers everyone's attention and then explains the plan to them without any worry because he has investigated all of them, they all are safe.

They talk about the plan that The Clowns have built. Most of the Wano people are very surprised at the Clowns' brilliant strategy. No one expects pirates like them to be this smart at creating a strategy. It is just a simple strategy, but sometimes simple is the best.

Everyone agrees with the strategy that the Clowns made. They only made some changes, but there are no major changes, just some adjustments. The general plan is still the same because everyone thinks it's good enough.

Then for the next few days, everyone prepares themselves. They train more seriously and prepare their weapons too. The shipbuildings are also being hastened but they still maintain the ships' qualities.

Everything went well for the next few days. Some attacks happen, but they can handle those easily. Then the planned date finally comes. It's time for the war against Beasts Pirates & Kurozumi family.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 268 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 279 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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