To Love You Again

Chapter 671 - A Guans blood

Chapter 671 - A Guan's blood

Guan Gu Ri was silent while Guan Xixin and Linfeng were taking the lead in the conversation. Guan Gu Ri glanced at the other decoration in the room, the young heiress who was silently listening to them.

Why were these two helping them?

Guan Gu Ri did not believe that it was just because of the close relationship between his grandfather and the Xiong Head. If it was an order under the Xiong Headmaster, then they would be meeting the headmaster himself, not Mr. Zhou Linfeng who was obviously taking the lead. After all, no matter what the man's achievement was, inside the Xiong's property, he was still a butler in name.

Guan Gu Ri opened his mouth. "Pardon me for being direct, but may I ask why are you helping us?"

Linfeng and Guan Xixin stopped talking. Xiong Zhi turned to Guan Gu Ri as well.

Guan Gu Ri: "I don't mean to doubt you. But after what happened to my family, I am trying to be careful of the people around me."

Linfeng was about to answer him, but Xiong Zhi spoke first. "It's alright to doubt us. After all, we are helping you not because we want to be charitable. We have our own reasons as well. As the saying said, the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Guan Gu Ri's eyes flashed.


They have the same enemy?

"Can you please explain further, Young Miss Xiong Zhi?"

Xiong Zhi glanced at Linfeng.

Since the other person wanted to be direct, she would handle this. She was good at being straightforward.

Linfeng nodded.

Xiong Zhi withdrew her eyes. "Let's just say that we have a debt to settle between Gunan and the person behind him."

Guan Xixin was stunned.

But they had something to settle with that fake named Gunan?

It was unexpected.

He could not help but ask, "Did you meet Gunan before when he was still not Guan Gao Huan? You are the first person who believed me that he was a fake, and even provided sufficient evidence in that short time."

Xiong Zhi shook her head. "No. We've learned the truth just recently. We have the means to provide evidence because we have been investigating Gunan ever since. And we believe that there's more to that."

Xiong Zhi looked at Linfeng.

Linfeng received her signal. He laid the files on the table.

"I know that you have many questions. Let's start with the reason why we are helping you."

The two brothers were silent.

"But first. I want you to know who Gunan is, where he came from, and who the people are behind him."

These were the questions they were curious about.

Xiong Zhi took out a report from the file.

"Gunan was originally a man from the slums. Due to some circ.u.mstances, he was sold to an organization who ran a child trafficking business. That is where we believe the person behind Gunan found him."

The two brothers checked the files and the photos.

Guan Gu Ri's brow was furrowed.

How could just a child from the slums steal their brother's identity?

"Who are those people who found him? And why did they use him to disguise as my brother?"

Linfeng chimed in. "I believe you made further investigation regarding the information we released in the news, didn't you? The two children were seventy to eighty percent look alike. One was born from the slums while the other was born in the Guan's territory. I believe the mastermind behind this saw the semblance in Gunan and Guan Gao Huan. Thus, they hatched this plan."

Guan Xixin was raging inside.

He bit his lips. "How long have they planned this out?"

"Based on the investigation, their plan was already set in motion when Guan Gao Huan was in a coma abroad. These are the rest of the reports that we haven't made public yet."

Linfeng handed the results of his men's investigation to Guan Gu Ri and Guan Xixin.

It was the hidden compilation of evidence that Doctor James' father gathered when he was still alive. The detailed timetable and medical results of the little Guan Gao Huan, then Gunan's time visit.

In the timetable that the doctor created, Gunan and the 'man' visited the place many times. Afterwards, Gunan lived in the same room as the child until little Guan Gao Huan breathed his last.

Guan Gu Ri and Guan Xixin had red eyes when they saw the reports.

Until the end, their third brother died in loneliness, without anyone caring for him or comforting him. The only people who stood by his deathbed was the person who was eagerly waiting for his death.

How cruel and sad was it for their third brother?

They felt as if their c.h.e.s.ts would explode with guilt and sorrow.

Linfeng understood their grief, but he continued to speak. "Right after Guan Gao Huan's death, Gunan took his place and completed the whole year in the hospital. When the time for discharge finally came, it wasn't Guan Gao Huan who came out but Gunan instead. Afterwards, it was Gunan who lived using Guan Gao Huan's identity."

There was a long silence in the room.

"We could not find your brother's remains. However, once we settle the debt with Gunan, we can search for it." Xiong Zhi added, "We have to start with them, because they might escape or even achieve whatever aim they have. If that happens, it will be too late to get vengeance."

The two brothers lowered their heads. Guan Xixin's eyes heated up.

He felt his elder brother's hand on his shoulder.

"...Thank you. We will be forever grateful for your help."

Their brother's remains. If they had to turn the earth upside down, they would do so just to retrieve him from those demons.

Xiong Zhi gave them a few minutes to grieve. She started to speak after a while,

"There's more. Gunan's semblance with Guan Gao Huan is not a coincidence."

The two were confused.

It wasn't a coincidence?

Somehow, a bad premonition rose in their hearts.

Guan Gu Ri asked tensely, "What do you mean by that, Young Miss Xiong Zhi?"

"I am telling you about this so we can prevent Gunan and the mastermind behind the scenes from taking over the Guan Empire." Xiong Zhi spoke with utmost seriousness, "Gunan is most likely an illegitimate Guan child."


Guan Xixin stood up, his whole body oozing with disbelief. Guan Gu Ri's eyes went wide.

Guan Xixin: "That's nonsense! We don't have a family member like him!"

Guan Gu Ri's tone was grave. "I agree with my brother. I've been blinded before, so I couldn't see it clearly. But right now, I can testify that he is not a Guan."

Xiong Zhi understood their denial.

How could a person easily accept that his enemy, the people he hated the most, was actually one of his own blood?

Xiong Zhi looked at them. Her eyes were solemn. "Have you not been curious why Gunan always passed the DNA tests? I believe Guan Xixin and even you, Guan Gu Ri would have tested Gunan many times before without his knowing, don't you?"

The two: !!!

"And no matter how many times you've checked with different doctors, the results were the same. That's why you, Guan Gu Ri and the former head, believed in Gunan for so long."

In fact, there was no previous DNA test done with the little Guan Gao Huan before the tragic car accident, because no one expected all these tragedies to ensue afterwards. Thus, after many years, there was no specimen from the real Gao Huan left behind for them to compare with the fake. However, Old Guan had done the DNA tests with the fake Gao Huan and proved that they were indeed blood-related grandfather and grandson.

Guan Gu Ri and Guan Xixin took more after their father, while little Guan Gao Huan got more from his mother. It was no wonder that the shared DNA between the brothers was blurred at around thirty-two percent.

It so happened that this also fell in the DNA range between first cousins. This was not surprising for cousins whose parents have intermarriage as distant relatives, but practically a miracle and a very rare case for those who were not.

Alas, Guan Gao Huan's shared DNA with them just happen to fall miraculously on this ambiguous range.

Thus, Guan Gu Ri did not believe Guan Xixin, and Guan Xixin failed to support his claims.

Although something felt odd, they both thought that perhaps those tests had been rigged.

Now, they were told that they were wrong.

Guan Gu Ri paled.

Guan Xixin covered his mouth.

There was no reason for these people to lie to them. Now it all made sense why the several DNA tests held the same results.

This was really shocking.

Guan Gu Ri stuttered. "T-then… if this is true, which branch is he from?"

"I believe that he is from the main branch. But to further prove all these conjeci, we need someone to testify for it first."


"Yes. You brought with you the former headmaster's head butler, right?"

The two nodded dazedly.

"He had been constantly at the former headmaster Guan's side, correct?"

The two nodded again.

"Let's invite him in."

With him, they could dispel all their doubts regarding the truth.

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