To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 51: Last Night In The Duchy

Chapter 51: Last Night In The Duchy

Iriel and Ray made their way towards the garden.

The garden, located in Grand Duke Siloss castle, was impressively large.

A large tree was planted atop a small hill, surrounded by well-organized bushes brimming with flowers.

Even at night, the fragrance did not fade, but softly spread, creating a pleasant aroma.

The fragrance is delightful.


The garden was more stunning than they could have ever imagined.

It was so breathtaking that they found themselves at a loss for words, and simply moved towards their destination.

Atop the hill, a large tree stood with a swing hanging from its branches.

A cloth was spread on the ground as if they were having a picnic, upon which Hopel and Leira were sitting.

Upon spotting them, Hopel was the first to stand and greet them.

Have you arrived?

Following his greeting, Leira also rose a bit later.

Ray whistled.

Wow, youve prepared well.

Hahaha. Its a humble setting to welcome two adults.

Whats the point in sending off in luxury?

Iriel responded cheerfully to Hopels words.

Hopel scratched the back of his head at her comment.

Ray took a look around.

As it was evening, there were no heavy foods, but there were baskets filled with fruits and various snacks.

Seeing that, Ray issued another warning to Leira.

Leira, control yourself. Even after I leave, avoid eating flour. If you do, you might fall ill again.

Wasnt it completely cured?

Leira, looking at him with wide eyes, received a shake of his head in response.

No, the ingredient in flour makes you sick. In other words, for you, flour is almost like a mild poison.


Her complexion turned pale.

Seeing the sudden change in her face, Ray chuckled.

Theres no need to be so alarmed. You might suffer for about five years. Continue to drink lots of water.

Only five years of suffering.

What was she supposed to eat for those five years?

She had restrained herself thinking shed only have to endure it for a week, but five years!

Leiras complexion had remained pale.

Ray had thought to himself quietly.

Gluten sensitivity is a matter of constitution. In Leiras case, its somewhat severe. Still, if she consistently drank water and avoided flour, natural healing was definitely possible.

He had been confident because of her strong immunity. The immunity of the people in this world he had seen so far was exceptionally high.

When they fell ill, they would suffer, but their bodies would immediately fight back. A mere cold was defeated in no time.

Therefore, immunity to gluten was also possible. If she just kept eating gluten-free, it would be a perfect scenario.

Leaving a devastated Leira aside, Hopel spoke.

As tonight is the last night, I have prepared something special for both of you.

Prepared something? What could it be?

Curiosity piqued, both Iriel and Ray looked at Hopel.

What he brought out with a smile was none other than magic.

Hopel reached out his hand towards the sky and chanted.

Illuminate the place I desire. Light.

At that moment, the sky was adorned with tiny lights.

Ray gasped in admiration.

It must have taken quite a bit of mana.

Its all right. Haha.

She liked the sight of him smiling awkwardly.

Moreover, she appreciated the magic that emitted just enough light to not completely obscure the night sky, bathing everything in a soft glow.

Leira gasped in admiration.

Its so beautiful

The white lights that gently illuminated them as they crossed the Milky Way resembled the chandeliers of a ballroom, flickering and shattering into pieces.

Even Iriel held her breath quietly at the sight.

The night sky reflected on the distant pond created a spectacular view.

The towering mountains seemed to respond to the scenery as well.

Hopel looked up at the sky and said,

Our duchy is famous for its beautiful scenery, to the point that we hold banquets in the garden. I really wanted to show you two this garden.

It was his way of expressing gratitude. He wanted to thank them for curing his sisters illness and for giving them unforgettable memories.

His kindness touched her.

Ray felt invigorated. As he lay there, he said,

Then this time, I will give you a gift.

Upon hearing his words, Hoppel, Leira, and even Iriel looked at him.

Ray raised his hand and pointed to the sky.

Then he whispered quietly.

Light. Explosion. Sparkle.

The mana around him resonated with his words. The discreetly moving mana, unnoticed even by the elves, revealed itself in the night sky along with the incantations.

Boom! Bang!


An unbelievable spectacle unfolded at that moment.

Explosions adorned the night sky, within which sparkles burst forth, emitting light.

The lights truly shattered, illuminated once again by the moons cold light.

The three of them were fascinated by the unparalleled beauty they had never seen in their lives, their eyes wide open and mouths agape.

Could this truly have been made by a human? Its beauty was so miraculous that it was enough to make them lose their minds.

Even though explosions and loud sounds were erupting in the sky, it wasnt threatening at all.

Bang- Bang-

It wasnt the end. The meteor shower in the night sky showed no signs of stopping.

Everyone from the servants and knights in the castle to the cavalry and the dispatched troops of the holy kingdom watched it without exception.

Even the mountain birds that usually flew around in the sky held their breath and watched the extraordinary phenomenon.

Grand Duke Silos also looked out of the window from his office.

He knew his son had been preparing something, but he hadnt expected this spectacle.

This isnt something that boy did.

He was well aware that his son didnt have the capability to pull off such a feat.

Unable to take his eyes off the window, Grand Duke Silos stood frozen, just watching.

Just like the duke, they couldnt take their eyes off the sky.

They didnt say anything. They didnt want to.

They wanted to engrave this once-in-a-lifetime miracle in their memories.

Iriel thought,

Explosion How could a 5th circle flame spell have been activated just by an incantation

She felt chills down her spine.

The saint was more than what she had thought.

2nd Circle Master? Where could you find a 2nd Circle Master who manifested 5th Circle magic with just the incantation?

He must have been at least a 6th Circle Master.

A 6th Circle Master, considered the limit of human capabilities. Only great races like elves and other non-human species could surpass this line of limits. And standing right in front of them was the Saint.

No, perhaps he had already surpassed the horizon of magic allowed for humans.

As evidence, he showered magic without showing a hint of difficulty.

Iriel swallowed hard.

She wondered if a being called the history of magic by God had erased someone.

Thats because if someone else had been chosen as the Saint, she thought that person might have reached the Truth that no one else could reach.

If the Saint continues to learn magic like this

A 15-year-old being a 6th Circle Master

Iriel shook her head rapidly, casting away the thoughts.

Hopel felt the same way.

He was lost in the glamorous beauty, but as someone studying the same magic, questions never ceased.

Hes younger than me. But how did he wield such magic

What if the magic had erupted not in the night sky, but on a battlefield?

The thought was terrifying.

What would have exploded were not beautiful bursts of light, but the limbs of the enemy.

The thought of such a gruesome scene made his flesh crawl.

The flames and rays beautifully painted their forms in the sky, contrasting with each other.

The light brushed his white hair, emphasizing his blue eyes.

Was he truly the Saint? His holiness was palpable.

The pure color that one couldnt approach casually refused even the act of speaking.

And yet, his human scent was strong. What could you call this?

The harmony was truly inexplicable.


He opened his mouth, and the raging flames calmed.

Those still awed by the scene exhaled sighs of admiration.



Ray spoke.

That was a firework.


Iriel blinked and asked. It was merely a combination of three spells, but it even had a name.

But it made sense to her. It was a beauty worth recognizing.

Leira snapped out of her daze and spoke.

That was amazing, Saint! Ive never seen such beautiful fireworks in my life! I wish everyone in the castle could have seen it!

She said, and he scratched his head.

He had never even shown this to Aira.

Perhaps if she heard about this, Aira would pester him to show her every day.

Of course, she was capable of performing such spells too.

At that moment, Hopel approached Ray and knelt down.

He placed his right hand on his chest and bowed his head.

Hopel von Siros greets the pioneer of magic.

His eyes were filled with respect.

Ray was surprised and tried to dissuade him.

Why? Please get up!

No. As someone learning magic, paying respects to a pioneer is not something to be ashamed of. Thats true even for royalty.

Pioneer, what are you talking about? Alright, get up now.

At his urging, Hopel stood up.

His eyes were filled with goodwill.

But there was also a trace of regret.

Its truly regrettable That someone of his age and level has been chosen as the Saint

Perhaps he could have been the one to usher in the age of magic.

Why should such a person become a Saint?

Hopel sighed, lamenting his fate.

Upon becoming a Saint, one receives divine power from God. Once the Saint goes through the baptism ceremony, his accumulated mana will disappear, replaced by divine power.

With no mana, the path of a mage is naturally forsaken.

Hopel shook his head to cast away the regret and smiled.

Tonight will truly be an unforgettable memory.

Iriel responded to his words.

I too will never forget the memories with both of you.

As she spoke, the wind blew.

Whether it was due to the pleasant wind or the enjoyable time they shared, smiles began to spread across everyones faces.

After her last word, no one in the place uttered a word.

In this other world, devoid of entertainment, the few days they had spent together became precious memories for them.

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