To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 48: The Switched Journey (7)

Chapter 48: The Switched Journey (7)

Not daring to defy the saints words, they had no choice but to nod their heads without even asking for the reason.

After instructing the disciples once more, Ray immediately went to Leiras room.

Leira, who had been sitting and reading a book, closed the book as soon as Ray entered the room.

Are you here?

Ray nodded at the sight of her waiting for treatment.

I didnt come for the treatment I came to tell you what you need to be careful about.

What do I need to be careful about?

Leira tilted her head in confusion as Ray continued.

First, never touch food with flour, like bread. And dont scratch even if it itches.


Thats all I can do to help you. I wish I could prescribe some medicine, but I cant.

Medicine, you say?

Its something similar to a potion.

Leira was at a loss for words at his incomprehensible talk.

Oh, and you need to drain the blister once a day. Ill do that for you starting tomorrow. I need to monitor the progress anyway.

Draining the blister was easier for Ray, who had previously healed Airas infected back, than eating cold porridge.

Leira was speechless, and Ray spoke again.

Never eat bread. Never.


Anything with flour or barley is an absolute no.

So I shouldnt eat it?

Thats right.

Even as he spoke with a smile, Leira sighed.

She had told her father that she would trust him, but she could feel her faith in him waver slightly.

Eating different foods can cure illness What nonsense

That remained to be seen.

A day passed.

There were no noticeable changes yet, but his efforts were not over.

Holding a clean white cloth, Ray went to Leiras room and once again reminded her of the precautions.

Again, never eat food with flour.

I know.

Leira grumbled.

For her, who usually enjoyed bread, giving up flour was quite a hardship.

But since she had said she would trust him, she had no choice but to follow what he said.

Now, lets drain the blister.


Leira tensed at his words.

When she tried to pop the blister herself, it had been quite painful. That pain was indescribable for her, who had been brought up delicately.

Ray wrapped his hand with mana and lightly slashed the bottom part of the blister.

Normally, one would have to use something disinfected to touch a blister, but with the use of mana, disinfection wasnt necessary.

Water flowed out from the small cut on the blister. Ray immediately wrapped the bottom of the blister with the cloth he brought and gently pressed it.

Leira was surprised to feel no pain during the process.

It doesnt hurt?

Ray nodded.

When draining the blister, you only need to remove the water inside. Touching it more can cause inflammation.


It means it can get infected.


Leira nodded as if she understood.

She didnt know about inflammation, but she knew it was something that could get worse. There had been times when she didnt take proper measures when she was injured, and it had gotten worse.

As Ray continued to squeeze out the remaining blisters, he was able to drain most of them after a few minutes.

Compared to when Aira had blisters, this was nothing. He thought that even a few minutes was too much.

The hives are still the same.

There was no way he could expect anything to change just one day after.

He decided to be patient and wait.

The blisters had only appeared on his shoulder, so he took the cloth that Ray had used to wipe off the water and stood up.

From now on, to avoid irritating your shoulder, dont lie on your side when you sleep.

After leaving only those words, Leira could only blankly watch him leave the room.


Leira furrowed her brow as she watched him disappear just like any other day after draining the blisters.

What the heck! I thought we were going to have a proper treatment today!

Iriel halted Ray as he prepared to enter the room.



Her face was etched with concern as she posed her question.

Is this truly the cure for the disease? Its not too late. Allow me to treat you.

Ray dismissed her offer with a shake of his head.

The disease you treated previously has recurred. Even if you treat it again, its likely to revert to its initial state soon.

But if a change in diet could cure the disease, why would there be any sick people in the world?

Her words seemed to question, Are you in your right mind, Saint? Ray pondered her query sincerely.

How was he to explain this?

Did he really need to elaborate on the extraordinary relationship between gluten and the human body to Iriel?

Observing his discomfort, akin to a puppy in need of a bathroom, Iriel sighed.

Saint, I trust you, but currently, the Grand Dukes gaze is unfavorable.

This was expected. After instructing her to heal his daughter, the healer was now advising him to alter his diet. Naturally, the Grand Duke was displeased.

She posed her question.

I dont have much time to stall the Grand Duke. Ill ask you directly. Can you cure her within a week?

Ray pondered.

A week was both a brief and ample period to alleviate symptoms.

However, if Leiras symptoms werent the gluten-sensitive dermatitis he suspected, a week was far too brief.

Within a week, you must treat her, Saint. If you cant, I will have to treat her.

Her words caused Rays expression to harden.

It was an insult to his pride. How dare someone suggest they would treat a patient in his stead?

He was the Hand of God of modern times. He wouldnt be defeated by a mere skin disease.

After a moment of contemplation, Ray nodded.

Alright. Ill cure her within a week.

There was a possibility. Furthermore, the issue of curing Leira was now

A matter of pride.

In the room, a doctor with wild eyes brought a cup to the patients lips.

No, that was no longer the demeanor of a doctor.

Here, drink more.

I I cant anymore.

You want to recover quickly, right? Keep drinking.

Beside Leira, Ray was offering water.

Ray, who had requested Sibi to bring a lot of water, instructed her to drink about 3 liters of water.

Of course, he didnt instruct her to drink it all at once. 3 liters a day. 21 liters a week. That was the quantity she had to consume for a week.

Leira felt like she was going to perish.

Initially, she just complied. She didnt protest even when he attempted to cure her illness with food.

But now he claimed he was going to treat her with just plain water. Furthermore, the water wasnt even holy water; it was just a massive amount of ordinary water.

This man is not a saint This man is just a good-looking lunatic!

Her rational mind shrieked. Flee, hes a lunatic!

But Ray wasnt insane to do this.

Water is beneficial for allergies. For instance, if a person with a pollen allergy gets pollen in their nose, a neurotransmitter called histamine is produced by the immune system.

If its not overproduced, it has very beneficial effects on the human body. But in people with allergies, this histamine is overproduced.

When a person with allergies drinks water, the mucous membranes and cells function normally, and the allergy is suppressed.

As a result, the secretion of histamine is naturally inhibited, and the symptoms significantly improve.

Thats why she needs to drink water.

That was what Ray was aiming for.

Reducing symptoms by drinking water!

Even if Leiras illness wasnt gluten sensitivity as he suspected, but some other allergy, it would still be effective.

This way, he could alleviate it within a week.

However, the issue was that Leira had to comply.

No matter how effective the treatment or advice given by the doctor, its useless if the patient doesnt comply.

3 liters a day You can do it. Hehehe.

Rays eyes filled with madness at the thought of curing her within a week.

Three days passed. No more blisters appeared on her body.

At first, she resented the saint who forced her to restrict flour and drink water.

But since she said she would believe him, she had no choice but to follow his words. She didnt even look at wheat, let alone flour, and only drank water.

But contrary to her thoughts, her body started changing unbelievably. She hadnt drunk a great potion, holy water, or received treatment from a holy woman, yet her hives and blisters started to disappear.

Oh my Whats happening?

Leira looked at her shoulder in the mirror with disbelief.

There were still blisters, but compared to before, they were significantly smaller, and there were no new blisters.

Was this the treatment the saint was talking about?

Ray nodded as he looked at her shoulder.

The condition is improving. As expected, gluten was the problem.

Its said that natural healing happens, so she wont have to avoid bread for life. But as he saw it, she should avoid flour and barley for at least ten years.

Leira said with joy,

Im really getting better! It seems to be effective!

Ray smiled at her joyous words.

I promised to cure you.

I cant believe it! Just by eating, its cured

Ray shrugged and stood up.

Dont forget to drink water like now. You know what to do about flour, right?

Yes! But are you leaving already?

I have things to do.

Leiras shoulders drooped with disappointment.

Okay. See you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.


As soon as he finished speaking, Ray left the room.

Ray, who left Leiras room, headed to the VIP room. His room.

I should write down these experiences; they might be helpful later.

He was recording her progress and treatment in this place.

Perhaps the symptoms or the process of improvement differed from those in the modern world. It was also discovered that there were people with gluten sensitivity in this other world.

He didnt have much else to worry about regarding the illness.

Curing Leira was simply a matter of time.

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