Till the End of Time

Chapter 200

Chapter 200

Zong Jinghao stood in front of the sink, his sleeves rolled to his arms, his white shirt tucked in his trousers, his slender legs wrapped in his trousers, and his smooth lines outlined the curve of his hips, which connected with his thighs and abdomen. He had a perfect figure with wide shoulders and narrow waist.

Lin Xinyan went over his arm and saw that he was washing clothes.

It's Lin Ruixi's skirt. It's soaked with vegetable soup when eating.

Lin Xinyan has never seen him do these things. His clothing, food, housing and transportation have been arranged. When do you need to do these things by yourself?

At the moment, he is washing clothes for his daughter.

It's very subtle.

In a trance, she felt that this was the taste of home.

Ordinary and warm.

Almost without thinking, she came in and put her hand around him from behind. Face to his generous back, "are you a heartless person, or affectionate person?"

The sudden embrace made Zong Jinghao's body stiff, but he soon recovered to nature.

He looked down at her hand clasped around his waist. The Mou light immediately hides into a touch of joyful light, but the voice doesn't show, "why do you ask so?"

Lin Xinyan did not hide from him, "I heard Su Zhan say that he Ruilin went in. I'm afraid he had no chance to come out in his life. You did it."

At this point, her tone pause, brewing the next words how to say, "how to say that she has followed you, really have to go."

Zong Jinghao didn't seem to hear Lin Xinyan's words. Concentrate on washing your daughter's clothes.

It's not that I didn't hear it. I just didn't want to explain.

He gave he Ruilin a lot of opportunities. She touched his bottom line again and again.

Deception, intrigue, it is because he read once she saved his feelings, just believe her.

But what about her?

What did you do?

Lin Xinyan is biting his lips. There is a row of deep teeth marks on the pink lip. She hopes Zong Jinghao to explain that he does it for a reason. He is not such a ruthless person.

"Have you nothing to say to me?"

"What do you want me to say?"

Zong Jinghao turned around, two buttons on his shirt collar were released, and his strong chest was looming. He wet Lin Ruixi's clothes when he took a bath, and the wet cloth was close to his skin. When he came down, he was full of aggression. Lin Xinyan couldn't help but turn his head and didn't dare to look directly into his eyes.

Lin Xin Yan moved his lips. "Will you treat me like this for other women in the future?"

Although he dealt with he Ruilin because of her, he was not wrong with him. He could not forget his old love and be ruthless. What's the difference between him and Lin Guoan who could abandon his wife and son?

She has seen her mother's failed marriage and her father's ruthlessness. She is always uncertain about her feelings.

Sensitive and suspicious.

Zong Jinghao frowned, his pupils flickered, and then he stared into her eyes“ You think that about me? What am I in your heart? "

Lin Xinyan staggered his eyes. "I don't know!"

"Oh." He chuckled, without any sign and propriety, pushed her back and pressed her on the wall. Before Lin Xinyan had time to respond, he forced her body and pressed her soft body against the tile wall.

Clearly cold, but he was hot body, burning hot.

"You, what are you doing?"

Her tone couldn't hide the tension and hesitation at the moment.

Zong Jinghao gently kisses her forehead, and immediately moves down to block her closed lip. There is no gap between the lips. It's close fitting. Her mouth has a light taste of wine. It's not heavy, but addictive. He drags her tongue and swallows the root of her tongue. This kind of deep kiss is very painful, more like punishment.

Lin Xinyan's painful facial features were twisted, and his hands tore his shoulder. "You hurt me. Let me go quickly... Oh..."

About her action is too fierce, dawdle to him against her waist. Secret parts, she obviously felt the change there, her face fusion, "Zong Jinghao. You son of a bitch, let me go

His Adam's apple was rolling up and down, his lips were slightly staggered, his thick and long eyelashes were scraping her eyes, his itching was numb, and Lin Xin's words were trembling.

He attached to her ear, "if you question me once, I will punish you once in a way."

He deliberately closer, ambiguous and tease, "do you say fair?"

Lin Xinyan did not dare to move. Even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe for a while, and his whole body was tense for fear of stimulating him.Zong Jinghao, with a smile, did not continue to make fun of her. He asked softly, "after I left, did you drink?"

Lin Xinyan's eyelashes flickered, "don't you know?"

What's the meaning of this?

"Shen peichuan and Su Zhan seem to see our relationship and deliberately let me drink..."

Zong Jinghao drew his lips and clasped Lin Xinyan in his arms. "Later, in front of them, treat me better."

If they know that Lin Xinyan won't let him touch him.

They still have to laugh.

Lin Xinyan also hopes to give the two children a good living atmosphere. Like Zong Jinghao, he doesn't like to be concerned about his private life. Especially the emotion.

It was her negligence just now. How could a proud person like Zong Jinghao talk about his love life with others.

"Well." Lin Xinyan agreed. At least in the eyes of outsiders, they want to be a "loving" couple.

"Go to bed." Zong Jinghao rolled into bed with her in his arms. I didn't do anything. I just hugged her.

The next morning, just at the dawn of genius, Lin Xinyan got up. Last night, he didn't know whether he had drunk or not, so he fell asleep. In the night, she felt that Zong Jinghao held her for several times, but she couldn't sleep when she woke up in the morning. So she got up early, and Zong Jinghao and her two children were still sleeping in the room. She wanted to get some air outside the hotel.

At this time, the whole corridor is quiet, and everyone hasn't got up yet.

She walked lightly for fear of waking up the sleeping people.

When passing by the door of Qin Ya's room, the door of her room suddenly opens from the inside. Su Zhan is wearing a suit askew, and her hair is in a mess. When she sees Lin Xinyan, she slams the door with a reflex.

Lin Xinyan stood at the door for a long time without coming back. How could su Zhan come out of Qin Ya's room?

What's wrong with you?

She looked around. This is really Qin Ya's room. That's right.

Su Zhan in the room is not good. Standing behind the door, he looks guilty. How can Lin Xinyan be out so early?

"What are you doing here if you don't get out of here?" Qin Ya shrank in the quilt. Only a pair of red eyes were exposed.

Later, everyone left. She was pestered by Su Zhan to drink. She had no choice but to drink a few cups. Later, Su Zhan said that she was forced to marry.

Qin Ya asked, "don't you have a girlfriend?"

Su Zhan thinks of her first love Liu Fei, and her mood is even worse. She drinks to relieve her worries.

Qin Ya thinks that she has mentioned something he is not happy about.

He'll drink himself.

He apologized to him, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Bring up your sad things

Su Zhan's smile is good-looking, taking the opportunity to say, "you accompany me to drink a few cups, I will accept your apology."

As a result, both of them drank too much. Later, she didn't know how to get upstairs.

Wake up in the morning, two people naked lying on a bed.

It's all adults. We all know what happened.

Su Zhan said he should be responsible.

Qin Ya grabs the quilt and shakes violently. She cuts Su Zhan's heart, but she still pretends to be calm. "They are all adults. Don't say so childish words."

Is it necessary to tie two people together because of one mistake?

What's more, she can see clearly that Su Zhan is a playboy and not suitable for marriage at all.

Besides, she didn't like him.

"It's all in the 21st century. It's not just one night stand before liberation. I hope everyone forgets that nothing happened." Qin Ya is extremely calm.

Su Zhan was surprised.

He used to play, but he never made a girl's cheap money. When he was in need, he was looking for the kind of money.

It's time to clear up the money and goods.

When he met Qin ya, he was even more open-minded than him, saying that he didn't need to be responsible, and he had to forget that it had never happened.

Why does he feel so upset?

"It happened. I remember it very well. You were holding my neck with your hands, under me..."

"Go away!" Qin Ya is infuriated by Su Zhan's words.

The humiliation of being low broke out all of a sudden.

She was too excited to talk about it at all. Su Zhan suggested, "let's all calm down and talk about it later."As soon as he went out, he saw Lin Xinyan standing at the door.

Standing behind the door and looking at the rolling hills, he knew that she must be crying under the covers.

There is no girl who can pretend that nothing has happened.

The smart words she said were just made up.

Su Zhan doesn't want to hide her and tells her that when he opens the door, Lin Xinyan sees him.

"What?" Qin Yameng sat up from the bed, shocked to a pair of apricot eyes. Doesn't Lin Xinyan know

She didn't even dare to think about it.

The flow of tears.

Shame and hate.

It's all Su Zhan!

"You ruined me." Qin Ya holds the quilt and buries her whole face in the quilt, whimpering.

Dong Dong——

Then there was a knock on the door.

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