The Villain's Story

Chapter 253 [253] Catastrophe

"How strange..."

Elton muttered as he read the files in his hands once again, contemplating what he had discovered.

He had been constantly working for a week to secure this information. Day and night, he didn't even get proper sleep because of it.

What could he do? This was the opportunity of a lifetime. Twilight, The third-ranked guild had personally come to him for information, this was a deal that would propel him leagues ahead, and besides that, the pay was astonishingly good too. The amount the 'princess' paid him for this commission alone was greater than the pay for half a year of work. It was the best deal he had since the beginning of his career.

He flipped through the files, tidying them nicely. They were gonna come today, after all, he had contacted them and told them the work was done. But he wondered.

"This is mortifying..."

Multiple children, particularly those of awakened descent, were literally kidnapped and sent to other orphanages away from the urban population and eyes of the authorities...all to be 'experimented' on.

From what he had found, Some guilds were responsible for all this...mainly one.

The children were transported to orphanages, or facilities would be much better to address it. And god knows what happened inside. And now the same exact facilities that they were transported to are empty, and abandoned, with no trace of the children... The news was kept hidden from the Public but Elton found out through his own ways.

The most important was of Black Rock orphanage, Twilight agent Benson had gone to Investigate and even called Backup for it. The information was kept by Twilight but Elton found out. The orphanage was home to an amalgamation of flesh that was at least a C-rank monster. Twilight had then gone to search the other related orphanages.

But who would have thought? there was a way to artificially create a C+ rank boss monster. Not a regular one, but a boss monster. Boss monsters were special monsters that were far stronger than normal monsters of the same rank. But an artificial one was produced.

"And to think it was made by using normal children...What would have happened if it was awakened..."

Elton knew, the amalgamation there was something made by unholy and unspeakable experiments on 'Normal Children.' Awakened children were not used...which was what troubled him.

All the Awakened Children were adopted, Some into families and some into guilds.

The ones that were adopted by individual families were the ones that were in record of the families existed now... Whilst the lucky ones who were adopted by major guilds had of these was...

"Alan Peccator."

He muttered as he poured himself a glass of wine.

"To think my guess was right, the famous first spatial awakened of Twilight, the Chosen of Ame no Sakahoko, And the youngest C rank in history...who would have thought he would have become a bodyguard for Sabrina Wellington..."

Elton tapped his watch and a holographic photo appeared in front of him, Of a particular ring that was a hot topic in the market nowadays. It was so rare that the number on the market was only in the double digits. Whilst there were some complaints that Twilight was hoarding this special treasure, who the fuck could convince Twilight to stop giving them to its own members?

"I wonder if I could get that..."

Elton muttered...but dismissed the notion quickly. Although the ability to hold 64 items inside was great...It was just too outrageous of an Idea. Even for a genius like him.

"But who would have thought...that I would get something as useful as this in this deal..."

He muttered as he opened another file...

"What are you planning...Adam?"

Adam, the Guildmaster of White Tiger, the strongest guild in Aror, and also the leader of the Alliance of Beast guilds.

From this deal...he had found out the culprit behind this all...It was Adam. the one responsible for all of this. The transporting of the children...and the one behind the Aror Incident.

The Piece of paper crumpled on the side where Elton was holding it...The rage on his face, even though he was wearing a mask that covered half his face...

Adam...that fucker is responsible for all of this.

He was the one responsible for the damage to his lower body...and the pain and suffering of multiple people...That fucker was responsible.

This was the highest quality information...And the evidence for revenge.

But it was not enough, and neither was it powerful enough to take him down alone...he needed to find more clues.


Suddenly he heard a beep.

"Huh? But they are supposed to come in the evening?"

He pressed a button on his desk and a voice was heard.

"Crimson, A client has arrived for you. It is important."

His brows furrowed as he stashed the documents on his desk away before saying.

"Send them in."

He said and waited for the client to come in.

He knew it wasn't from Twilight. They were scheduled to come later in the evening. They couldn't have come now. So it was most likely someone else.

Soon enough, his suspicion was confirmed to be was indeed another client aside from Twilight.

And a Very important one at that...

' hair?'

Elton thought as he welcomed her.


"Jeez, Where the hell did Serena wander off to?"

Elaine pouted as she drank her coffee.

"She probably had some business to take care of..."

Mary, Elijah's elder sister said as she checked her phone.

They were currently in the largest mall in Aror, for some shopping!

"Why am I here?"

Suddenly, Sabrina, the only one forced to come, asked whilst she was confused.

"Cuz I wanted you to come!'

Said Elaine, and Sabrina couldn't say anything else.

She knew nothing was going to get through to Elaine, the shopping freak. So she just became silent.

"Oh come on, Cheer up! We are here to have fun! Let's take a selfie."

Mary hung her shoulder over Sabrina, and Elaine pitched in for the Selfie.


They were here to enjoy after all!...and also fulfill Elaine's shopping addiction.

"Holy shit...who are those three?"

"Why is their skin so smooth?!"

"Isn't that the goddess of Twilight?!"

"It's Mary! Micheal'd daughter is here!"

"Who's the blondie then?"

"Don't know, but even she's super cute!"

And like always...They attracted attention wherever they went.

'This was why I didnt wanna come here...'

Sabrina she had to deal with this as well.

'Damn that Maxwell...if only he didnt know what Alan liked I wouldn't have been forced into this...'

She cursed a certain someone for having 'information' and cursed her luck...but What was done was done. Although her gloomy look was uplifted by Elaine's cheerful voice.

"Let's shop till we drop!"

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