The Villain's Story

Chapter 242 [242] Cafe Le Peccatorio.

It was a busy day for Cafe le Peccatorio, Two celebrities, and one myth showed up, and let's just say...people were rushing in. Long lines had formed. It was probably their busiest day yet.

Well, Kazikato Shimoshino, The young awakened who was unknown but crushed Rhino guild quickly was present, he had a lot of fans. Fans were happy because after Twilight took control, living conditions improved. And all of this was due to Kazikato winning. so he had a lot of fame.

The Dark Reaper, The Reaper of death, Death Reaper such nicknames for him were popular among the young folk. He also improved the Dark and death elements' reputation. And now the young folk who were hoping to be awakened hoped they awakened the Dark Element...which was unprecedented. Considering that the Element was associated with Demons and was publicly despised.

Kazikato's effect was greatest in Aror, but the effect in other cities was not small. The broadcast was streamed countless times.

Alice, on the other hand, was cute.

That was enough for fans.

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

Alice bowed and greeted Mathew Peccator.

"The please is all mine. Thank you very much for participating today."

Mathew greeted her as well, thanking her for today.

"Boss, This is cheating."

Kazikato said to Alan, Who laughed back.

"What? Your fans wanted to meet the 'Dark Death Reaper!' HAHA!"

Alan couldn't hold his laughter whilst teasing Kazikato. The nickname was just too Cringey!

"As if the 'Void Predator' is any better."

Kazikato rebuked, Reminding Alan of the name the public set for him. The name was set because of his affinity to the Spatial Element and the creation of his Team Predator.

"Hey, Unlike Dark Death reaper, That is a cool name!"

Said, Alan.

"Who says?!"


"That makes it invalid then!"

"How so?!"

The fight of words continued between them.

"Are they always like this?"

Mathew asked Alice as he looked at the two of them.

"Most of the time, Yes."

Alice answered. It was true, Alan and Kazikato did fight most of the time like Children.

Maybe it was because they were children in Dragon Years?

Who knows?

"Um...Excuse me?"

Suddenly, in the empty shop, Someone's voice was heard.

A lovely girl, with a petite face, Hair like gold and golden eyes, as tall as Alice, and the most unique feature of hers...was a tail. A fox tail and Ears.

"Can I please have your autograph?"

She asked, dressed in the Cafe's employee uniform.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you to my employee, Emma. She can brew coffee as well as me and is a fox Demihuman. her baking skills however are top-notch."

Mathew introduced Emma, and Alice looked at the shy girl keenly as she signed her notebook.

'A demihuman...It's been a long time since I've seen one.'

She remembered that there was a team of demi-humans in Twilight, It was one of the stronger teams...But not strong enough like their main hunting teams. And an Elder was also a Demi-Human.

'I'm surprised she has a job...'

Alice thought public opinion of Demi-humans wasn't bad, but it also wasn't great. Most People didn't really like having them around.

'He's a kind man...unlike his grandson.'

Alice thought as she looked at Alan's Grandfather, Mathew Peccator.

She watched Emma's tail wagging as she approached Alan and Kazikato fighting.

"You know, Although people express hate towards them in Public, A lot of people, especially young people like Fox girls. Emma's insanely good at attracting customers."

Mathew whispered in Alice's Ear...and she instantly took back her previous statement.

' runs in the family.'

Alan and Kazikato signed her notebook as well, and she approached Mathew.

"Sir, I've cleaned the place up, I will be taking my leave now."

"Sure, Want me to drop you off?"

Emma went to the back to change her clothes and said.

"It's fine sir, I can go back on my own."


Mathew watched her go inside the changing room as his worries increased.

'...I hope she makes it back safely.'

"Is her neighborhood unsafe?"

Suddenly, Alice's voice disturbed Mathew's thoughts.

"Yes...she lives near the slums of the city...and she is a girl as well soo..."

"Then why don't we have these two accompany her?"

Alice suggested, And Alan and Kazikato looked at her.

"He goes."

Suggested Alan.

"No boss goes, He knows more about being a bodyguard."

Suggested Kazikato and before another fight could begin...

"Why don't you two decide By rock paper scissors? is that a good idea?"

Mathew suggested, and Alan and Kazikato got ready.



"Scissors! Damnit!"

"Haha! Your the one going boss!"

Alan played rock, while Kazikato played Paper, which beats rock and so he won.

"It's usually best out of three!"

Protested Alan, but his protest proved to be futile.

He didn't win once.


Emma walked down the dark and dreary road toward her home, unaware that she was being followed.

Thankfully, the one following her wasn't a stalker, it was Alan, who had lost the rock Paper scissors match. And he was now acting as her secret Bodyguard.

'It really is a bad neighborhood?'

Alan wondered in his mind. In his eyes, the neighborhood was neither bad nor good.

Yeah, there were dead animals and a dirty street, but as far as things went, it was outside the slums, although the houses were in a bad condition, they could still stand.

And there weren't any thugs or anything else...which was a good thing.

Finally, after what seemed like forever. Emma had finally reached her house. A small house that could fit a family of four barely.

However, as she opened the door...and went inside Alan became Alert.


He could smell it, The familiar scent of blood coming from her house.

He moved stealthily, making sure he was not caught closer.

'Why is the house of someone as innocent as her reeking of blood?'

Alan thought as he got close.

Was she hiding something?

If so...then what?

There was a good chance this could be dangerous for his family since his Grandfather had her as an employee...and if it was he would end it now.

He couldn't let any danger near his family, he got close and his brows creases as he realized there were no windows to peak through.

He activated his dragon eyes...albeit barely. He was willing to go through some pain for the safety of his family.

[Dragon Eyes has been activated.]

And then he peaked inside.


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