The Villain's Story

Chapter 210 [210] The Result.

The shocking result of the Guild war drew the attention of many...even those outside of Aror. Whilst everyone had thought that Rhino would win this fight, mainly due to Twilight not having distributed enough manpower to the Aror city branch...everyone had expected the loss of the top three guilds...

But who would expect it? Twilight didn't send even one of its S or A rank hunters, it didn't send a single High ranked sent someone completely unknown to the world.

Everyone expected that the top first ranker of Shield, Alan Peccator would show...but instead someone else did.

They expected to see the Spatial Element...but they saw something else.

Something Terrifying...Something that was deathly terrifying.

Another monster of Twilight had appeared, and he had shocked the world.

Kazikato Shimoshino...huh...they wondered.

Someone besides Alan Peccator also existed, That could be so strong...and be of the same age.

They had a hard time believing it at first...but the video footage of the Guild war proved it.

"The recent Guildwar between a branch of Twilight and Rhino Guild has shocked the world...Besides the renowned Alan Peccator, there is also someone else who Twilight was hiding, a monster awakened capable of completely taking down 50 opponents of similar and lower rank alone quite easily. Kazikato Shimoshino, Just Who is He? His name is of Japanese Origins...and means....well a guy in a hole but that is not the main point. He wields quite controversial elements...the Trio of Shadow, Darkness, and Death but these elements have gained some light in his hands. Multiple people's views on these elements change despite their previous bad reputations.

The guild war footage was amazing, to say the least. Kazikato Shimoshino handled the rhino guild with ease and quite literally made them wet themselves and suffer a bad loss. The last attack that was shown by Kazikato Shimoshino could unfortunately not be completed because of the Rhino guild's surrender. And due to his affiliation with the 'Predator' team of twilight, he is now being called the Death Predator or Shadow Predator by netizens because of his affinity to the elements...Similarly, Alan Peccator, the team leader of the Predator team has also been given a name by the netizens due to his affinity to the rare Spatial element... Which is The Void Predator. The name of the team influencing these names greatly

The main topic of discussion on the internet is who is stronger. Is it the youngest C rank in history, Alan Peccator, or is it the Death user Kazikato Shimoshino? Who among the two is stronger? Is the user of the Space element stronger or the wielder of Death? Alan Peccator vs Kazikato Shimoshino? to answer the questions of these Netizens, we have the Finance leader of Team Predator together here with Us, Maxwell. Sir Maxwell, Please share your thoughts."

"Thank you for the introduction, before I continue, I would first like to say that Alan and Kazikato have different styles of fighting. Whilst Alan is a spearman, Kazikato is more of an assassin-type Awakened. In a confrontation, Alan is winning But Kazikato is not someone to be messed with. They regularly spar with each other and I have yet to see them go full-out against one another.

I cannot say directly which one will win, but I can guarantee that it will be an amazing fight.

Both of them are great at what they do."

"So you are saying that both of them are equal in a fight?"

"Not exactly."

"But this won't satisfy the netizens...they need to know more."

"I am not entitled to tell you everything."

"Well...that is quite bad."

A golden man with an extremely handsome FACE, possessing gold eyes that seemed to be the purest gold, along with golden silk-like hair watched the television in what could be considered the world's most expensive and lavish Office.

He stroked his small beard as he watched the broadcast with great interest.

His golden eyes alone seemed to light up the world, his gaze worthy enough to pierce the heavens.

He pressed a button on his desk and said in a voice that would charm even men.

"Prepare a meeting with Richard."

He said and got back to watching the broadcast again, staring at the young man that had quite a lot of his features, Maxwell Parker.

"Well, At least he got something going for him...hmmm."

He fell into deep thought, contemplating the actions he took in

"Oh well, who gives a damn."

He said, sipping a golden wine.

But then, immediately after he drank his wine, his eyes opened wide and the world around him began to become gold.

[Midas Touch has been activated.]

"Of course, I give a damn."

He said, standing up and walking towards the door which was turning golden.

"Let's have a meeting with old Richard shall I?"

He hummed and walked through the corridors of the building which was turning golden.

Today, The Guildmaster of Twilight, The Shadow Reaper, would have a secret meeting with the Guildmaster of Titan, Midas.

Richard Thompson and Daniel Parker, both behemoths in the world would have private talks.

A game of Chess to be exact.

The subject of their discussion would be unknown...for now.


[During the Guild war.]

Whilst Kazikato was fighting an entire Guild, his team leader was instead enjoying time with his sister.

"Samantha haven't you had too much candy?"

He asked his sister, who was on top of his head with worry.


She said, eating a vanilla cookie messily, the crumbs falling on Alan's head.

"...if you say so."

"Al, when are we doing it?"

Suddenly, at the question of his sister...he stopped.

"...Oh come on it isn't... necessary."

"It is dum dum!"

His sister, Samantha said as she bashed her tiny fists against Alan's forehead.

Of course, it didn't do shit.


Samantha pulled his hair, leading him in a direction he didn't want to walk in.

"...The things I do for you..."

Samantha kept pulling his hair in a futile attempt to lead him there, and thankfully her brother relented.

He went inside a flower shop and bought a bouquet of beautiful roses...all while regretting the promise he made to his sister.

And also wondered why there was an itch on his nape and back.

He held the bouquet of flowers in his hand.

He thought about this decision multiple times.

And he didn't get why he had to do it for himself...

But he knew...It may not be necessary for him, But it was necessary for a young, dying girl.

It was absolutely, surely necessary for the happiness of his little sister.

He wasn't doing it for himself, he was doing it for Samantha.

And he arrived in front of a house.

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