The Villain's Story

Chapter 368 [368] The Empire[4]

Chapter 368 [368] The Empire[4]

The chaos blasts lay waste to the horde of undead at the ground, As For the ones falling in front of the skies they were all drowning in the black water.

"How long until this drawbridge fully closes?"

I asked myself, It had been quite a while since I was fending off the horde. I was running out of mana.

I jumped towards the moat, which had only lowered down halfway.

I grabbed the edge and climbed on…only to be left disappointed.

"Tch, I knew it wouldn't be this easy."

I clicked my tongue when I saw the entrance covered in an unsurpassable mist. My initial idea of squeezing through had failed.

Of course, the tower set a barrier…I need to wait for this damn drawbridge lower down fully.

I went down and fired off multiple Frost shards at the horde.

I was running out of mana, and I couldn't keep firing chaos blasts! They are extremely effective but they consume too much mana, this is a test of attrition…I can't afford to waste my precious mana like that. I can't even regenerate it because I know these damn undead wouldn't give me a chance, no matter how fast I was, I would not be able to regenerate mana easily.

I jumped towards the ground and started a killing spree. The only thing I need to worry about are these undead. My gravity field is enough to deal with the ones coming from the sky!

I ripped apart the skulls and figures of the undead, only to be met with more coming right at me.


One undead made it through and bit my armor, but the only thing that shattered was its teeth. This thing couldn't penetrate my armor no matter how much it tried.

Oh, how I wish these things at least had blood…the passive of my cloak would work and regenerate my mana…but Alas they don't!

"How much longer?!"

I yelled, infuriated. I looked at the drawbridge to find a quarter of it was still left. As it lowered I also had to increase the area of my gravity field…and that was taking up even more of my mana!

Thankfully, most of the undead here are brainless. They either just jump into the moat or try to spit acid at the drawbridge, The acid easily gets deflected by my gravity field


I ripped apart another undead and dealt with a hundred or so more with a single swing of my spear.

I wonder what's wrong with you!

"Let's just hope I figu-"


A sudden earthquake disrupted my sentence. The waters in the moat started to turn restless…and I felt the atmosphere change!

A sinister and otherworldly shift in the atmosphere caught my attention. From the depths of the moat, where the water was as black as tar and whispered of ancient secrets, emerged an abomination unlike any they had ever encountered.


Rising from the dark waters was a colossal giant, its grotesque form composed of a multitude of corpses, their pallid limbs, and twisted features woven together in a nightmarish tapestry. Its eyes, if they could be called eyes, glowed with a malevolent light, flickering like distant stars in the pitch-black void of its sockets. The stench of decay and malevolence filled the air as it heaved itself onto the shore, water cascading from its monstrous frame! That thing exuded an aura of death I never felt before!


I prepared myself. Not only was I low on mana, but I was also getting tired. Along with the horde…I also had to take care of that abomination.


With a guttural roar that echoed through the desolation, the giant began to advance. Each step sent tremors through the ground, a grim reminder of the immense power it wielded.

It stretched its hands towards the drawbridge. The hand alone was big enough to cause massive damage without even needing a skill.

"No, you don't!"

I immediately used frost energy to freeze its arm. I jumped on the drawbridge and fired a breath right at this horrid abomination! But to my shock, it didn't fall down. It resided the breath even as parts of its body flew off!

I stopped to collect my breath and this thing attacked once again! My worries only increased now…As the drawbridge lowers the acid of the undead can reach it easily. My gravity field is also weakening due to my lack of mana.

I cursed my luck.


The battle was catastrophic. Not only did Alan have to deal with the corpse giant but he also had to deal with the undead coming from the skies and the ground!

The giant was keeping him occupied enough already…

He hurriedly cast a skill that froze its body to gain a moment of time. He knew that the giant would escape soon enough. But that was not his major concern. The major concern was the swarm of Undead that was going to jump on the bridge!

The drawbridge was low enough so that they could do that! Alan hurriedly got off the bridge and jumped towards the ground. The moment he stepped foot on it he casted the ultimate skill of frost he had using half of his remaining mana.


He froze almost all the undead at the ground and gasped for breath.


But the giant had broken free! Alan looked at it with contempt and yelled. The giant attacked Alan with its arm.

"Go back to where you came from!"

Alan swiftly dodged the attack and ran up the arm of the corpse giant, expertly maneuvering through the large number of hands and other appendages which littered its body.

The giant tried to shake him off but failed. Alan was determined to send this bastard back where it came from.

He used his remaining mana and focused it all on the tip of the Ame-No-Sakahoko. He climbed up the face of the corpse giant and yelled triumphantly!

"Let's take a dive fucker!"

HE stabbed the spear into the giant's temple. The mana exploded and sent the Giant tumbling toward the moat…And Alan as well. Alan jumped at the last second and hung off the drawbridge as he saw the headless giant's figure drown in the black water.

With a loud sound, the drawbridge finally lowered down fully and Alan took care of the remaining undead. No more undead spawned after the drawbridge fell.

[You have cleared the 16th floor.]


He celebrated, the words he wanted to hear were finally here.

Before advancing to the 17th floor, Alan used the time he had left to gather his mana and recover his strength.

This trial had truly been hectic

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