The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 166 - Leaving

Two weeks later. One rainy morning.

The rain has been falling nonstop for the last three days and finally stopped today. The surrounding area is damp and the atmosphere is cold.


Corbin visited his hidden manor where Ebony and Rebecca were staying.

He found Ebony mixing herbal ingredients in the kitchen while the maid Anastasia was stirring some soup dish on the pot. He looked at Ebony. "How's your patient?" he asked.

Ebony raised her head and looked at him, she set aside the herbal plants. "She's getting better every day. She's feeling less pain now compared to her first week of medication. You want to talk to her?"

"Yes," Corbin answered.

"Okay, I'll accompany you upstairs," Ebony said.

They left the kitchen and went upstairs. They entered the room and went to the bed.

Ebony waved her hand all over the sleeping woman's body, waking up Rebecca from her deep slumber.

Corbin stared at the ugly woman lying on the bed.

A few seconds later, Rebecca's eyelashes fluttered.

Ebony glanced at her master. "She's awake... I'll wait outside," she said and exited the room.

Corbin grabbed a chair and lowered himself on it facing the woman.

Rebecca looked at Corbin. "It's you again..." she said in a low voice.

Corbin grinned. "What-? Getting tired of my face already? I seldom visit you here..."

"Don't say that... I'm always thankful for any visit from my savior," she corrected him.

"Good! How are you?" he asked.

"I'm feeling better every day, I only encounter less pain nowadays," she replied.

"That's incredible! You will be up in your feet in no time," he said cheerfully.

Rebecca smiled a bit. "Whose house is this?" she changed the topic.

"It's my house," answered Corbin casually.

"Aren't you afraid that the vampire couple will find me here and you will get implicated because you save me?" she asked worriedly.

Corbin shrugged. "Not really... this is one of my hidden properties and only a few people know about this place, so you have nothing to worry about your safety, you're safe here," he assured her.

Rebecca felt relieved. "That's good to know," she said and looked at him straight in the eyes. "What's the catch-?" she asked him.

Corbin's brows furrowed. "What do you mean with your question?"

"I said... why did you save me and help me recover and allowed me to stay in your house even if I didn't tell you everything about Laura. What is your purpose? Do you expect me to reveal her whereabouts after saving me?" she asked.

Corbin took a deep breath. "Actually no. I realized that you will keep your mouth shut and carry the truth to your grave even if you will die so I no longer expect that you will lead me to Laura..."

Rebecca's brows knitted together. "So... you just save me for nothing-? That's hard to believe!" she insisted.

Corbin shrugged. "Well... it's up to you to believe me or not. I save you out of the goodness of my heart and no string attached. If you're finally healed... you can return to where you belong," he said in a serious tone.

Rebecca smiled. "It's too good to be true..." she murmured aloud.

"Well... it might be hard to believe as of this moment... but everything I said to you is true. Just wait 'till you recovered fully and you will know that I'm telling the truth," he insisted.

"Okay, fine. I believe you this time, and thank you so much for saving my life. I owe you one, but when it comes to Laura's whereabouts you have to kill me first before you can get the truth from me," she said.

Corbin smiled. "That is one thing I admired from you, you're fierce loyalty and devoted to your friends! Your character astounded me," he said.

Rebecca looked at him. "If one day, I'll ask you to remove the golden necklace that is suppressing my power, will you do it?" she asked.

Corbin sighed. "Actually, I tried removing the golden necklace from your neck once while you were sleeping but I failed. The only one who can remove the golden necklace from your neck is the one who put it in the first place... or it can be removed easily by somebody who is far more superior... so yeah... I'm sorry that I can't help you with it comes to that matter. I thought I can remove it away from your neck but it looks like my power is lacking..."

"No need to explain... I understand. You already save my life and I'm forever grateful to you, that's enough for me," Rebecca said.

Corbin rose to his feet. "Rest well and get well soon! I'm taking my leave now so that you can get back to sleep," he said and put the chair back in the corner beside the table.

"Thank you," Rebecca mouthed and shut her eyes preparing to sleep again.

Corbin looked at the woman sleeping on the bed one last time before he exited the room.

Back in the room.

Rebecca wondered if Corbin is telling the truth or not? Would he really set her free without forcing her to reveal Laura's whereabouts? It's hard to believe, but she was hoping he will stay true to his words. One thing is clear, he saves her life but she can't trust him fully. He might be planning something evil in his mind.

As for her other pressing problem... she just needs to get back to her friend Menedelia and ask the old woman's help in getting rid of the golden necklace on her neck. She hoped the old woman can help her in regaining her power back.

A few minutes later.

Ebony entered the room and went to the bed. "Rebecca, I'm going to put you back to sleep now, are you ready?" she asked.

Rebecca opened her eyes. "Yes, but first... can I ask you one question...please?"

"Okay, what is it?"

"How long do I need to keep sleeping?" she asked.

"It's up to you... when the pain is already bearable... you can ask me to stop putting you to sleep. How about next week, we will try to keep you awake for one full day and if you can already bear the pain then we will keep it that way until you fully recover well," Ebony suggested.

Rebecca smiled in anticipation. "Okay, I'm looking forward to next week," she said with bright enthusiasm shining in her eyes.

"Alright, that's settled... shut your eyes now and I'll put you back to sleep," Ebony ordered gently.

Rebecca obeyed and shut her eyes again.

Ebony waved her hand over Rebecca's body putting her back into a deep slumber.

Done, she left the room going back to the kitchen to prepare for Rebecca's bath and medication.


In the forest.

Terros looked at his companion across the table, they were currently eating hot porridge added with ginger and plenty of bits and pieces of chicken meat.

He noticed that his companion was in deep thoughts and was unusually quiet today. "A penny for your thoughts? What's wrong?" he inquired.

Veronica looked at the old man. "I will leave for a while..." she replied.

"Huh? Where are you going?" he asked and released a deep sigh. "Are you going to roam around the world again? I thought you're going to stay here for good with me?" he asked.

Veronica smiled. "I have to find that one ingredient that is missing in my concoction... this is to ensure that I can help your friend Graven in finding his wife effectively. Without this one final ingredient my creation is useless," she explained.

"Ah I see... did you try finding it around this mountain and other neighboring areas?" he asked.

"Yeah, but I can't find it. But I know where to find that specific ingredient which is growing abundantly at the top of the mountain in a faraway place, far from here. So I need to go there and harvest some of its roots to finalize my creation," Veronica elaborated.

"Ah okay, you want me to accompany you?" he offered.

"No need, I can do it by myself. Besides, I need to visit a dear friend of mine as well. Just stay here so that there's someone who can greet your friend Graven if he comes back here. Please don't forget to water the rare herbal plants that I planted at the back of the house while I'm away," she requested.

"Sure!" Terros replied. "When are you leaving?"

"I'll take my leave after I finished eating this porridge," she answered.

"Are you sure you will come back here?" he asked again in a doubtful manner. Sometimes she would be gone for many months or even years without contacting him.

Every time she comes back, she would always say that she will stay for good but she always broke her promise and he's kind of getting used to it already. She's his soulmate... not the romantic way but more in a platonic way because they have one thing in common, they're both healers and shared the same passion of creating wonderful potions and elixirs together.

They bonded well and every time she returned he doesn't feel lonely anymore, he got company and it's always been nice when she's around, he had somebody to talk to every day and share his passion for growing herbal plants and discovering their magical properties together.

Veronica saw the sadness and apprehension in his eyes while talking to her. "Are you afraid that I will no longer return?" she asked.

"Yeah..." Terros nodded his head.

Veronica smiled. "No need to feel sad. I will come back here for sure. This time I am serious when I say that I will stay for good," she said earnestly.

"Good! I'm happy to hear that. Let me prepare some food for you to bring on your journey, that will be later after I'm done eating," he said.

Veronica smiled and continue eating her porridge.

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