The Truth of Magic

Chapter 547

547 Free magic permanent spell

Wang Ningwei’s words were very simple. She wanted Zhao Xu to give her a list of priority teleportation.

But behind the scenes, Zhao Xu had to act as a Supreme God and screen for the life and death of the people on earth.

This wasn’t just a transcendent “power,” but also a “responsibility” that was difficult to bear.

He couldn’t decide who would die, but he could decide who would get the ‘safe spots’ first. This way, the other party would be able to eat well and wear warm clothes.

Just like the ” precious spots ” that were the first to leave the city during the disaster, those who stayed in the city might not die, but they would face the risk.

In his previous life, when the humans of Earth descended, that wild land could be said to be close to ruins. From the construction of houses to all kinds of living facilities, everything had to be started from scratch.

More importantly, the problem of food supply.

Even though the surrounding human forces had given their full support under the decree of the good gods, the food supply of seven billion people was still difficult to satisfy.

Famine, a word that many people had only read about in the “history books,” once again came to everyone’s mind and tormented their stomachs.

although soil had no nutrients, it could temporarily relieve one’s hunger.

Among the players, those who could use ‘multi-dimensional bags’ or transport food from thousands of miles away immediately became the top players.

however, in the previous life, the ones who were immediately taken care of were the relatives of the players. later on, it was extended to the talented earthlings who could become professionals.

according to the thinking of the goddesses, everyone should live on equal terms.

It was just that during the apocalypse, the people who transmigrated from earth were marked as ” their own weight ” by an invisible scale.

This was also the ” iron rule ” that was still in effect at the beginning of time travel, in that incomparably chaotic era.

Zhao Xu sighed and said, ” you decide.

“me?” Wang Ningwei was surprised.

Strictly speaking, the capacity of the Alliance’s territory was limited. The surrounding towns of the Wildlands had blocked all roads when they first crossed.

This was because once the city was opened to the public, as long as refugees poured into the city, it would be impossible to immediately provide a large number of jobs for these refugees to work in exchange for food.

Furthermore, their consumption rate would instantly cause the collapse of a city.

It was only because Zhao Xu was the Lord of Starfall town that he was able to suppress everyone and take in refugees.

This was the reason why the portal was only effective in Starfall town.

At this moment, Zhao Xu quietly walked over to the wooden house. There was a huge goatskin map that was two meters by one and a half meters in front of him. On it, the surface of the entire Starfall town within a 100-mile radius was drawn in three or four different colors of ink.

After combining this with Zhao Xu’s spell, Leyline detection, and the information from various adventure gamemode players, the most detailed map of the town had been created.

Zhao Xu pointed at the empty space outside the town and said, ” it’s about time for fallen star Town to become fallen star City. The new population will make a great addition to the city.

are you planning to accommodate the Earthlings in the northern Alliance? ” Wang Ningwei finally realized what Zhao Xu was trying to do.

“No, earth will always be my earth.”

it would be a pity if these players who have grown up in the early stages were to be lost to other forces. Zhao Xu said.

In fact, because the northern Alliance was one of the major forces that were relatively close to the land of descent, the original players had been disheartened when they saw the chaotic situation on earth at that time and returned to the ‘Alliance’ with their families.

when wang ningwei would be able to support the entire structure in a year or two, it would be hard for people like them who had missed out on the initial establishment to go back. it would be equivalent to parting ways with the “forces on earth,” similar to their identity as chinese overseas.

At this moment, Zhao Xu obviously wouldn’t allow something like this to happen. He saw Starfall town more as an enclave on earth.

“You can draft the list first.” Zhao Xu ordered.

Wang Ningwei wouldn’t draft out a list of specific personnel, but would only list out certain “personnel requirements.”

when the time came, he would arrange for these people to come to starfall town through the teleportation gate, which would also be their protection.

as for zhao xu’s family and friends, his teleportation spell didn’t actually cost any money and could be activated at any time.

by the way, zhongxia, since you’re already at the fifth circle, would you consider the magic everlasting? ” Wang Ningwei looked at Zhao Xu and asked.

Zhao Xu’s heart suddenly skipped a beat, and he remembered this spell that he couldn’t stop thinking about when he was reading the magic books.

At that time, Zhao Xu, who could only use his read magic for one or two hours, was laughing the entire time. If only his read magic could be used all the time.

Who would have thought that things would remain the same, but people would change?

with his current spellcaster level, he could cast read magic for several days.

magic eternity would not create any wonderful effects in the world of arthur. its target was just another spell.

In other words, it could make certain spells permanent.

It was a ” effect ” that was longer and more powerful than ” spell endurance.

However, there was a ” price ” to be paid for magic conservation.

That was the massive amount of life force!

frequent use of magic everlasting would only cause one to be unable to level up or even lose a level.

In an instant, the enlightened spellcaster ability appeared in Zhao Xu’s mind, and he immediately recalled the details of this spell.

“It seems like you’re ready to use it.” Wang Ningwei said, ” but there’s a problem now. The magic everlasting takes two rounds to cast.

” and your ‘supernatural magic’ ability can just be used without casting materials, which means you can cast ‘magic everlasting’ without paying life energy, but-”

Wang Ningwei frowned. I remember that the condition for using supernatural spells is that the spell can’t exceed the ‘target’ time, otherwise it can’t be used.

“That’s why I wanted to ask you if there’s any way to solve this. For example, the ‘selective spell’ ability of the Spellguard is to cast a spell in a fixed ‘full round’ time. Even if it’s an hour-level spell, it can be shortened to one round, but it still doesn’t meet the ‘standard action’ time.”

Zhao Xu couldn’t help but smile when he saw Wang Ningwei’s conflicted expression. He shook his head and said, ” don’t worry. Once you have enough resources, any problems you run into will be solved easily.

Zhao Xu’s ” multi-talented spellcaster ” naturally followed the time needed to cast the spell, and it only solved the problem of spells.


However, he had the ‘bizarre foresight’ specialty.

“I can solve this problem with the bizarre prescient spell. At that time, in the spell proficiency range, the spells I chose that I didn’t need to memorize from a spellbook were all ‘standard movements’. And outside of the range is the ‘full round movement’. ”

Zhao Xu’s words were rough, but they made sense, and he went straight to the core of the problem.

spell mastery was the flaw talent that zhao xu had chosen, and it allowed him to choose a spell that was equivalent to his intelligence modifier. he didn’t need a spell book to prepare it, and even if he lost a spell book, he could still use it in case of an emergency.

For Zhao Xu, who had the class ability of enlightened spellcaster, it naturally didn’t mean anything.

But this was a prerequisite for the key specialty, bizarre forethought. Zhao Xu could leave 7 spell slots that were equivalent to his intelligence adjustment empty, and he could use these spell slots to cast spells on his own.

It was just that there was a limit to the number of spell slots he had left empty before, so Zhao Xu had been using the ‘multi-talented spellcaster’ spell slot to cast spells on his own.

On the contrary, he didn’t use the bizarre first sight often.

Now that he had potential points to restore empty spell slots, the power of this specialty had increased.

More importantly, this spell could control a spell that took a long time to cast and exceeded the standard casting time to become a standard casting, which perfectly matched the spell Guardian’s supernatural spell ability.

A talent that Zhao Xu had mastered at Level 1 had finally borne fruit at level 9.


At this moment, Zhao Xu could clearly feel how deep Antonya’s plan had gone for him.

There were very few spells that required high casting materials, and even fewer spells that took longer than the standard action.

So, the number of spells that Zhao Xu was familiar with was enough to cover all of them.

After understanding this, Zhao Xu immediately opened up his bag and took out the spell scrolls that recorded ‘cast away from chaos’ and ‘convert to chaos’. With his current spellcaster level, even if he used a level 9 scroll with his bare hands, there was no risk of failure.

The abyssal energy immediately used the spell energy in the scroll to open up a path and slowly seeped into Zhao Xu’s body, wrapping him up tightly.

And Zhao Xu hadn’t even gotten used to Spell Mastery for a few seconds before he seamlessly followed up with the spell ‘cast away chaos’.

In front of Wang Ningwei, he slowly stripped off his chaotic energy.

The spell Mastery specialty came back again, but the spells that he was familiar with were re-selected by Zhao Xu, which made the spell even more active.

“The feeling you gave me just now was more like a descendant of the abyss. It felt like a very deep abyss. Even the tanari demons native to the abyss didn’t give me such a strong feeling.”

“Are you exaggerating?” Zhao Xu smiled as he thought to himself that a level 8 spell was indeed very effective.

At the same time, Zhao Xu also took a deep breath.

The current him was empty-handed and unprepared, but it was also a manifestation of his instinct.

Potential points could solve the problem of learning specialties and spell slots.

The supernatural spell solved the problem of spell resistance and spell materials.

Supreme magic control solved the problem of the cost of Supreme magic.

at this moment, zhao xu had already reached a perfect state of self-recovery, and he was able to face any difficult problem that came his way in this world with his bare hands.

Zhao Xu knew very well that there were three types of spells that could be used to cast permanent magic.

The first type of designated spells could be fixed on the user, such as the secret vision spell.

The second type of designated spells could be fixed on one’s body, other living beings, or a certain object; For example, the human twist.

The third type of designated spells could be fixed on objects and areas, such as magic alarms.

At the same time, permanency spells had three prerequisites.

One was that the user currently had a specific spell.

The second was the spellcaster level that had the corresponding spell requirements. For example, a level 3 secret spell required a level 11 spellcaster level of vision.

The third was to possess sufficient life force.

At this moment, he was going to make all the spells of the first and second types fixed on himself.

At this moment, Zhao Xu had entered the ” non-human mode “.

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