The Transmigrated Author

Chapter 38 Under The Depths (2)

Chapter 38 Under The Depths (2)

It is without saying that the world I wish for is a world where a new superior race reigns above all.

Those filthy humans that walk around in broad daylight will cease to exist.

Heroes of old and new won't be able to stop us once we have achieved our final goal.

Nothing will get in the way of my dream.

Nothing will be able to stop me.

I will crush those who will get in the way of my dream.

For I will not fail.

As I was destined to succeed.

Our new race will mark both a beginning and an end.

The divine call echoes through the completion of the four towers, beckoning our God.

His intervention shall bless us, the chosen ones, as we claim absolute purgatory. Justice will rain upon those who dare oppose our saviour.


[Oxford Street, London]

The bustling street of Oxford shined brightly on a sunny day, it was the very breeze that made a Monday afternoon so beautiful.

As the honking horns of traffic echoed through the dense buildings of the markets and the babble of a thousand conversations being made throughout the entirety of London, a small boy, no older than five, clutched a bright red balloon, its string bobbing in his chubby hand.

"Where shall we go today Mr. Ballon?" The breeze tugged north, and the boy, ever obedient, followed.

he weaved through the crowds of adults as he always stayed on the left side of the path remembering the words of his mother, then a sudden moment slipped and one thing led to the other.

A candy wrapper, discarded out on the streets. had the boy stepping on it as he misplaced his foot and he found himself on the cold ground of the floor with his ballon out of his grasp.

His joy that was wiped on his face grew with a furrowed brow as he chased the balloon endlessly, his heart hammered against his ribs scrambling after the floating object that once brought him joy.

"haah, haah WAIT MR BALLON!" he screamed as the many bystanders watched as he chased after his ballon.

He went sprawling missing the string each time and another strong wind caught The balloon as it soared away, drifting toward the chaotic flow of traffic on the street.

As those around him watched him chase after his ballon voices and screams of witnesses everywhere telling him to move out of the way.

Time seemed to slow down as the world watched this boy happily chase an object he so loved.

He didn't see the behemoth of steel bearing down on him, its brakes a desperate shriek against the asphalt. The people shrunk to the terrified pupils of his eyes, focused solely on the oncoming vehicle.


Then, a blur of silver and black. A figure that moved faster than the air, snatching the child from the road's embrace in a single, fluid motion.

The truck thundered past, horns wailing like wounded beasts. The boy's eyes blinked, disoriented, now cradled in strong arms, a warm breath tickling his ear.

His saviour stared down at him, his crimson red eyes were fearsome yet beneath their surface, a glimmer of kindness flickered.

"Well, hello there, little one," the man inquired, his voice flowing with a sweet tone, a soothing calmness made the boy feel at ease. "Are you okay?" he looked at him with genuine concern as he carefully let him down.

The boy, still disoriented, shook his head, fear melting into the man's warmth. "Yes... and thank you, mister" he mumbled, the words small and awestruck.

"Here I think you forgot this." He handed the ballon to the little boy whose eyes widened in joy as the man watched him happily take the ballon from him.

"Thank you!" The boy smiled brightly, "Can you help me find my mommy?"

He knelt before him, his large hand offering silent comfort. "Of course, young one," he replied, his tone woven with silk and concern. "Let us find your mother together." Thus began an odd walk, the boy skipping to keep pace with the man's long strides. The street seemed hushed, its usual noise dulled as if under an unseen hand. A strange calmness settled around them, a world rocked slightly on its axis.

"What's your name?" the boy finally asked, curiosity overcoming his lingering fear.

The man's lips curved in a hint of a smile. He looked down at the boy, innocence nestled within confusion. "Call me Vladimir," he said, the name rolling off his tongue like a

whispered promise.

"Oh! okay, Vladamir! My name is Theo!" As he smiled back they continued their walk to find the boy's mother.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Theo." Vladimir smiled

For the remainder of the afternoon, the boy skipped excitedly beside Vladimir, clutching

the crimson balloon that now seemed a little bit smaller compared to his newfound saviour. They reached the bustling marketplace, a sea of faces swirling around them. "There, mommy!" the boy cried, pointing eagerly. Vladimir gently gave him a little push, a reassuring smile gracing his lips.

"Go, little one," he said, his voice like warm honey. "Run to your mother."

The boy hesitated for a moment, his gaze flitting between Vladimir and his mother.

Then, with a shy smile, he turned and dashed into the crowd, the red balloon bobbing

cheerfully as he ran.

Vladimir watched him go, a flicker of amusement in his eyes.

Relief flooded the woman's face as she engulfed her son in a hug. Then, confusion

furrowed her brow. "Where did you go?" she asked, tracing his flushed cheeks.

The boy pointed once more, but the spot was empty. "A tall man, mommy," he whispered, eyes wide with wonder. "He saved me."

The woman scanned the crowd, her fear returning like a tide. "But where is he now?" The boy's face washed in disappointment and worry for the man he shook his head as the memory of him would never forget who he was, he clutched the balloon, as a silent reminder of the man whom he met.

Vladamir reached out for the stray candy wrapper in his pocket, the one that had caused the near tragedy, tossing it into a nearby bin with a flick of his wrist.

"Why do people litter?" he muttered angrily, as he continued down the street and turned into a dark alley where three figures had cornered someone.

Vladamir went towards the scene to see a young woman her back pressed against the grimy brick, standing defiantly against the advances of three men, their laughter grating

in the stillness of the night.

"Come on, love," one of them slurred, a greasy grin plastered on his face. "Just a little

chat, eh? We won't bite... hard."

The woman, her chin held high, spat back, "I said no. Now leave me alone."

But the trio, fuelled by cheap liquor and misplaced rizz, only moved closer. One reached

out, fingers brushing against her arm, sending a shiver of disgust down her spine.

In that split second, the world seemed to freeze.

Then, a whisper of silver and black sliced through the air. A figure, tall and imposing, emerged from the darkness, moving with the swiftness of a panther.

Before any of the men could react, he stood behind them and grabbed the shoulders of

the two men to his sides.

"Gentlemen," Vladimir rumbled his voice a low growl that vibrated in the night air. "Let's dispense with the pleasantries. I suggest you take your... amusement elsewhere."

The woman, heart hammering against her ribs, whipped her head around. A flicker of hope sparked in her eyes, chased by a flicker of fear at the imposing figure behind them. "Run," Vladimir repeated, his eyes focused solely on her. "Now."

He didn't move, didn't threaten the men directly. His stance, however, radiated a raw power that made the hairs on their necks stand on end.

Slowly, hesitantly, the woman turned and bolted. Her footsteps echoed in the night, a receding melody of freedom against the backdrop of Vladimir's silent vigil.

He waited until her scent faded, her echo dissolved into the labyrinthine maze of the

city. Only then did he turn his gaze to the men, a chilling smile playing on his lips. The men, taken aback by the sudden arrival, blinked in confusion. For moment, they turned around and faltered under the intensity of Vladimir's gaze. But the alcohol soon

restored their belligerence.

"Who are you, mate?" one snarled, stepping forward. "This ain't your concern." as they

backed away from him.

Vladimir's eyes narrowed, a dangerous flash reflecting the moonlight. "It becomes my concern when I witness the harassment of an innocent woman," he said, his voice dropping to an even more chilling tone. "I suggest you guys leave now."

"Or what?" another sneered, pushing forward, emboldened by the dubious courage of his companions. "You don't know us?" one of them smiled his breath wreaking of booze. "No, I do not. I also plan not to know." Vladimir said in a dark tone.

"We're the group that defeated the 500 goblin horde back at Evergreen Forest." The other companion snarked as they began raising their weapons.

He looked at them amused and started grinning from ear to ear. "Now tell me." Vladamir

paused. "How would you like you like to die? Perhaps cut into pieces? have your head sliced off? Or would you like to take my special bonus of instant death? no... fight to live actually." His face smiling at the idea of them fighting him.

Ice crackled around Vladimir's words, each syllable a shard piercing the night. The three men flinched, fear twisting their faces. "Fight," his voice thundered, "Or I'll kill you."


The leader, a scarred mountain of muscle unsheathed his longsword with a flash of silver. He charged a whirlwind of fury, aiming a brutal downward stroke.

Vladimir, calm as a glacial lake, met the blade with his bare hands, the metal flexing like

clay broke from being touched.

The archer, eyes wide with disbelief, loosed a volley of arrows, each laced with searing



They found their mark, tearing through Vladimir's flesh, blood flowed out of his body,

but as quickly as it flowed, it vanished, the wounds knitting themselves shut before their

very eyes.

A primal terror, raw and suffocating, choked the air, tightening its grip on the men's


The bruiser, eyes bulging with a mix of fear and desperation, charged in, brass knuckles glinting like vicious teeth.

Vladimir caught his fist with a single finger, stopping the man's momentum in its tracks.

The air crackled with tension, silence broken only by the ragged gasps of the three

trapped predators.

Their limbs felt weighted, their shadows stretched as if trapped in an unseen web.

The leader his voice a strained whisper. "What... what are you?"

The archer's arrows clattered to the ground, her eyes wide with a primal fear. "Monster,"n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

she choked out, the word a venomous prayer. The bruiser's voice evaporated, replaced by a whimper. "Please... mercy..."

"I warned you," Vladimir rumbled, his voice a low tremor that shook the very fabric of the


what beaded on the leader's brow, the archer's hand trembled on his bow, and the

bruiser's gaze darted wildly, searching for an escape where there was none.

"But you wouldn't listen."

As he walked towards the archer he lifted him by the neck squeezing it with a tight grip

the neck snapped off as he pulverized the entire body into oblivion with blood

splattering everywhere.

"Yes... Despair. Feel the fear creep into your minds as you die."

Vladimir unfroze the other 2 and without wasting time they ran as fast as they could to

the end of the alleyway.

"HELP! PLEASE! THERE'S A KILLER AFTER US!" The leader screamed as his companion

ran from behind.

Reaching the end of the alleyway there was a dark dome that surrounded the area not allowing anyone to escape.

"WAIT!" The leader begged "I'm sorry. PLEASE I'LL DO ANYTHING." He turned towards

Vladamir pleading on his knees.

"Hmm, Okay. On one condition." Vladamir paused to think of a condition. "You and your

friends shall fight to the death and the winner will live"

As the two looked at each other the bruiser still had his gloves and the leader only had

his fist to fight against.


that was when a punch had followed through to the stomach of the leader.

the fight ended after 15 minutes a bloody gruesome battle to the death, the ultimate

winner was the leader who lived just barely.

"n-n-now..." he coughed out all bloody unable to stand up straight. 'let me go please." he


"No, I said all of your friends." Vladamir pointed towards the dead archer that rose from the ground.

"Please... I can no longer fight." His eyes were all teary as he fell to his knees scared and fearful of the man before him.

"Then die." without hesitation, Vladimir unleashed numerous slashes of blood slaughtering and slicing the leader into pieces until nothing remained of him. "You shouldn't have lived in the first place you filthy human." Vladimir absorbed all the

bodies dead bodies and disappeared shortly after.

Authors Notes:

- Vladimir is an environmentalist so he very much has a love for nature.

- This was a very difficult chapter to write because the introduction for this character is extremely important to me so this was the perfect way to do it hopefully... /^\/

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