The Tale of Hero Alice’s Social Death

Chapter 258: For Whom Who Is Able to Know, They Will Know What It Is

Chapter 258: For Whom Who Is Able to Know, They Will Know What It Is

"Let me confirm it again, just in case. Are you certain that Demon King Grant has died?"

Following Alice's request, Gel was about to open the spatial pocket hidden in this secret room after locating it. However, Gel didn't really wish to do so since this went against the tacit understanding between spatial magicians. After all, if spatial magicians were to casually locate and pry open the spatial pockets created by other spatial magicians without permission, it would drastically reduce the privacy of spatial pockets. This, in turn, would reduce the value of spatial pockets and spatial magicians.

Hence, unless absolutely necessary, spatial magicians would typically be reluctant to touch the spatial pockets of others.

Meanwhile, if Gel were to open the spatial pocket in this room, not only would he be going against this tacit understanding, but he might even end up getting targeted by the spatial magician responsible for creating this spatial pocket.

Honestly, Gel wanted nothing more than to ignore Alice's request. After all, not only would he be breaking the unspoken rule among spatial magicians by helping Alice, but he would also be helping the person responsible for warping his little sister's sexual orientation and stealing his little sister away from him. Not to mention, even if Alice was a princess in the human realm, her influence could not reach the demon realm, so he'd have no need to worry that her influence could affect him.

Unfortunately, Gel had zero resistance to his little sister Kamia. It was especially true when his little sister looked at him with a pleading gaze. Hence, despite his reluctance, he had no choice but to agree to Alice's request and open the spatial pocket in this secret room. He also didn't really have to worry about others learning that he had broken the unspoken rule among spatial magicians since, apart from the people in this room, everyone else in Demon King Castle was knocked unconscious already.

As for the question regarding Demon King Grant's death, that was something Gel had asked as a passing question. If the individuals tied to a spatial pocket remained alive, others who tried to open it by force would fail and suffer a backlash.

However, the time when Demon King Grant ruled the demon realm was several hundred years ago. While demons might have longer lifespans than humans, the difference wasn't massive. The average demon could only live for a little over a hundred years. It was a far cry compared to the lifespans of elves and dragons, races capable of living for thousands of years.

Hence, in Gel's mind, Grant was most likely dead already.

"Ah, you don't have to worry about that. Grant is definitely dead," Alice said, waving her hand casually. She wasn't particularly surprised that Gel would ask if Grant was still alive. After all, there were rumors floating around that the First Demon King still lived to this day and was only being suppressed under the Lajal Mountain Range. Gel must have heard of this rumor and wondered if this was also the case for Grant. "I saw him die with my own eyes. Even his soul has been obliterated."

Gel's hands trembled, and his eyelids twitched.

He had asked his question purely out of formality. He had never once thought that Grant, a Demon King from several hundred years ago, could still be alive. However, the information Alice revealed in her sentence seemed to state otherwise.

What did she mean by "I saw him die with my own eyes"? No matter how he looked at it, Alice didn't seem like she belonged to the same era as Demon King Grant. Moreover, she had even mentioned seeing Grant's soul getting obliterated?

If the average person heard Alice's words, they would probably assume that Alice was only a child pretending to be some powerful and ancient being. Gel had also seen many of such children during his time managing the Shax Supermarket Chain. These children would often speak about unrealistic fantasies in rather convincing ways, making it seem as if they really believed they were such existences.

However, Alice was different from those children. Alice couldn't be considered your average civilian. At the very least, the fact that Alice had managed to find this secret room was more than enough to prove that she wasn't ordinary.

Could the average person locate the secret room left behind by the previous generation's Demon King? Could the average person deplete all of the mana around Demon King Castle and knock hundreds, if not thousands, of people unconscious? Could the average person render a lifelike puppet carrying a massive amount of mana powerless in the blink of an eye?

At the very least, Gel didn't think he was capable of any of these feats. Hence, he felt that the nonchalant words that came out of Alice's mouth might actually be true. Alice might have really witnessed the death of the previous generation's Demon King and was about to rob his hidden collection...

In that case, was Alice really just the princess of a human kingdom?

Although Gel had many questions he wanted to ask, he wouldn't foolishly ask them now. Instead, he decided it'd be best to consult his superior, Ellu Shax, on this matter. Perhaps the Heavenly King of Water might know something that he didn't.

Afterward, Gel stretched out his hands to the space above the experiment table and poured out the mana in his body. Then, using this mana, he formed a magic array that radiated a golden glow.

Normally, the construction of a magic array wouldn't be so obvious. However, because Andusia had drained all of the mana in the castle, Gel's mana and the magic array he created became much more evident to the naked eye.

Subsequently, Gel activated the magic array, which, in turn, caused the space above the experiment table to distort. At first glance, it looked like Gel had just cast a fire-type spell to heat the air above the table. Meanwhile, after this phenomenon continued for a short moment, a small black crack slowly opened in space.

This crack in space was a spatial pocket created in this room. It was a separate space tied to this room's space, and it normally could not be accessed without permission from the space's owner(s). Only after all the people who held ownership over this separate space had passed away could other spatial magicians try to break into it.

"So this is a spatial pocket, huh... It's so empty inside. There's also no mana here," Alice muttered as she poked her head into the spatial crack out of curiosity.

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There wasn't much space inside the spatial pocket. It was roughly the size of a wardrobe. Moreover, there wasn't even the slightest bit of mana inside this separate space. Apart from storing items, Alice couldn't see any other purposes for this spatial pocket.

Fortunately, Kamia's assumptions were correct. There were indeed books stored inside this spatial pocket. These books might seem ordinary at first glance, but that was only because of the lack of mana inside this separate space. Alice could tell that as soon as these magic books were brought into a place with mana, they would quickly become powerful taboo magic books.

Meanwhile, there were over twenty such books inside the spatial pocket. These should be the taboos developed by past Demon Kings that Grant had collected.

All of these taboos could most likely take effect against the Demon King's Power. This made them incredibly rare and useful taboos, so it explained why Grant would keep them here.

However, Alice didn't bother reading the books immediately. Instead, she moved the books out of the spatial pocket and onto the experiment table. Then, she turned to Gel and said:

"You've been a great help."

"It's nothing. After all, it's a request from Kamia's...boyfriend."

Although Gel had more or less come to terms with this situation already, he still found it awkward to refer to Alice. It was especially so when he saw Alice having to climb up the experiment table to reach the spatial pocket...

Immediately, Gel thought of changing the subject, so he picked up one of the books Alice had placed on the experiment table and opened the cover. Then, while glancing at the first page, he muttered:

"What are these books for you to put so much effort into finding them?"

[Abby's high school grades were not ideal. However, after all was said and done, he still managed to get himself admitted to a private college near Kasla City...]

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