The Tale of Hero Alice’s Social Death

Chapter 213: You Didn’t Expect That, Did You, Andusia?

Chapter 213: You Didn’t Expect That, Did You, Andusia?

When Zauna returned to the dorm, she found Alice sitting in front of the computer, immersed in watching Magical Girl Hikari. There was also an exquisitely crafted figurine of Hikari placed in front of the computer. However, she noticed that the figurine's expression looked a little strange.

"Why did you suddenly decide to watch Magical Girl Hikari, Alice?" Zauna curiously asked as she walked up to Alice. Magical Girl Hikari was a very popular anime. The anime had even received a remake recently. So, Zauna naturally knew of it.

In fact, Zauna had even watched the original version of the anime during her childhood since it was often broadcast on various TV channels. She had even bought some of Magical Girl Hikari's toys. So, when she saw Alice watching the anime, she couldn't help but be a little surprised.

However, it wasn't all that surprising after Zauna thought about it a little more. After all, the first time she found Alice was inside the Gryffin Forest. Although Zauna didn't know what kind of identity Alice had before appearing inside the Gryffin Forest, it was likely that Alice had lived an isolated life judging by how surprised she reacted when she saw her using magic.

Thus, it stood to reason that Alice had never watched Magical Girl Hikari before and that she would find such an old anime interesting, so much so that she had even bought a figurine.

Seeing that Alice was absorbed in the show, Zauna softly chuckled and chose not to disturb Alice's enjoyment. Instead, she went to her own desk to arrange her textbooks before leaving to attend another elective class.

Unlike the lazy nobles in Class Group A, most of the students in Class Groups B and C were desperately trying to enrich themselves with knowledge during their time in the March Academy. Zauna was no exception, and she had filled as many elective classes as she could into her timetable.

Compared to Zauna, Alice was much less enthusiastic about attending elective classes. For example, she only had one elective class she needed to attend today. She could even skip it if she wanted to. After all, not only did she have her identity as the princess, but she also held the reputation of being a magic genius in the academy. So, her teachers were much more lenient toward her.

However, this meant more suffering for Andusia. By the time the fourth episode of Magical Girl Hikari was being played, Andusia had stopped talking completely, wearing a pale expression as she watched the Hikari on the screen make all sorts of girly poses and use the magic of love to purify her twisted enemies. Naturally, her mind also continued superimposing herself onto the anime character, making her believe that she was the one making all those poses.

Originally, Andusia thought it wouldn't matter even if she had a figurine for a body. She believed that so long as she had sufficient strength to carry out her original plan, she could still return to the demon realm and secure great authority there with her strength.

However, Andusia no longer carried such hope anymore. This was because she realized that the demons might have also watched the show known as Magical Girl Hikari.

In that case, if she ran to the demon realm while wearing such an appearance, could she accumulate any prestige there?


If her superior were to have such an appearance, she would probably have a hard time developing any feelings of respect for her superior as well. After all, how could she develop any respect when her mind would automatically recall the words "Cannon of Love" whenever she saw her superior waving her hand?

Eventually, Andusia spent six hours watching all 18 episodes of Magical Girl Hikari with Alice.

"Hey, are you alright?" Alice asked worriedly as she poked Andusia's unmoving body. If it weren't for the fact that the Forest Crystal allowed Alice to sense that Andusia's mana core was still intact, she would have thought that Andusia had died already.

However, that didn't remove the possibility that Andusia might have committed mental suicide. Moreover, with Andusia's abilities as a former Demon King, there was a real possibility that she might have a method to commit suicide as a soul even without using mana.

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"S-Screw you, you bastard" Andusia cursed in a weak tone.

Fortunately for Alice, it didn't seem like Andusia had chosen to end her suffering once and for all. However, judging by her voice, it would seem that her mind had received quite a lot of torture, and even her speaking voice sounded a little hoarse now.

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Continuously watching six hours of Magical Girl Hikari was akin to suffering six hours of continuous torture for Andusia. Fortunately, the series ended after the final boss was defeated in the 18th episode.

"Although it was an excruciating experience, I haven't acknowledged defeat yet, you bastard Hero," Andusia said. Even though her voice sounded much weaker than before, she still held on to her rebelliousness. She even revealed a not-so-pretty smile as she looked at Alice contemptuously. "I've finished watching all 18 episodes. It might have been incredibly unpleasant, but I still persevered until the end. Even if you make me watch the series again, it won't have any more effect on me."

"What are you talking about?" Alice chuckled when she heard Andusia's words. Then, she moved her mouse cursor, opened a new webpage on her computer, and pointed at the images displayed on the screen, saying, "Take a closer look."

Andusia was a little confused by Alice's words. However, when she turned to look at the screen, her face instantly paled.

This was because displayed on the screen were the words "Magical Girl Hikari - Season 2." Moreover, when she lowered her gaze, she saw that, apart from Season 2, there was also a Season 3, Season 4, Season 5, etc. There were even movie versions

Andusia was an old fossil from a couple of thousand years ago. After being dug out of the ground, she also didn't get many opportunities to listen in on the conversation of others like Kristine. So, she lacked understanding of modern terms such as "movie version." However, the meaning of "Season 2" was very easy to understand.

"Season 2 has 24 episodes. It seems it has much more content than Season 1. Since it got labeled a national-level anime, there's no way it will have only one season," Alice said, chuckling as she looked at Andusia. "How about it? Do you want to continue watching?"

"I-I'll talk"

Andusia finally caved. For a Demon King with high self-esteem like herself, watching 24 more new episodes of Magical Girl Hikari was worse than death.

Hence, Andusia chose to surrender. She knew that there was no way she could escape from Alice's clutches right now. Rather than continue suffering this mental torture, it'd be better if she told Alice the information she wanted to know.

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