The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Chapter 330 - The Wyatts Office

Chapter 330 - The Wyatt's Office

Cole pursed his lips and his gaze darted towards Daryn who simply… smiled. Why wasn't he saying anything to Dawn?

When for the next five minutes none of them spoke, Dawn checked out time on her wristwatch. It only increased Cole's anxiety. Not able to hold it anymore, he blurted, "I can… go?"

Victory. Dawn grinned. "Yes, but—"

"But what?" Cole's skin pebbled with excitement. "Dawnnnn, but what?" She had allowed him to go. He was on the verge of jumping on his seat when she said, 'but' and threw cold water.

"I will be sending additional security personnel with you and they will guard you twenty-four seven."

"Where the hell are they going to live?" Cole burst out.

"That' isn't a problem. They can fend for themselves," she replied mulishly.

Daryn narrowed his eyes at Cole who was about to counter her. When Cole looked at him, he choked his words and hung his head low. At least she was allowing him to go. When his gaze returned to Dawn, there was warmth. "Thanks Sister," he replied with gratitude. "It is going to be a great camp. I hope they are still taking entries."

"I am sure they are taking entries," Daryn replied. "And if they aren't, then I will shut their camp down!" He munched on an apple as he said that.

Cole laughed. He shouldered his school bag and got up to leave. "In that case I better rush and fill in with the good news to my coach. He was pretty upset when I wasn't joining."

"Go, go!" Daryn shooed him.

When he left, Dawn chuckled and shook her head. Daryn's and Cole's relationship was lovely and she cherished it. Daryn almost treated Cole like his own child.

"What made you change your decision Dawn?" asked Daryn while munching on his apple noisily.

"I noticed how much I am missing golf when I went to the course and realized how much he must be missing not going to the camp," she replied, tilting her head slightly at the doorway through which Cole had disappeared.

"Good decision Dawn. The child needed that outing."

Dawn couldn't agree more.

They went to the car, which took them to Wyatt's office building, The Sapphire. All through the journey, she had held Daryn's hand tightly. After so long a struggle, she was finally going to take over the business of her father. She was sure of one fact when she got up in the morning. She made a promise to herself that when Cole would graduate, she would hand over the reins of the Company to him. She had full intentions of being with her husband and kids after that. In the last few weeks she understood the importance, the need and love that she had developed to stay close to her family. However, taking care of her father's business was something she had to do because it was necessary to weed out all those who had brought Cole and her to this level.

Dawn looked at the building and nostalgia flowed in. She looked at Daryn and said, "I hope this is the first day of many good ones now. Thanks dear for bringing me here on the first day. I wished it was my dad, but I don't think anything would have been more ideal than the situation I am in—with you." She bent forward to give a peck on his cheek.

He smiled and hugged her. However, as soon as Dawn was out of the car, she found him standing next to her. And next to him were a dozen security guards. She frowned and waved at the guards with a question in her eyes.

"Ah! You know me darling!" He replied and strode forward.

She watched him go to the main entrance of the building with wide eyes. What was this man up to? Then she caught up with him, almost trotting to match up with his pace. "Daryn?"

"I need to be with my wife on the first day," was all he said, as he intertwined his fingers in hers and together they walked to the reception.

Lily Wyatt was standing there at the reception to welcome Dawn. She was looking anxious but as soon as she saw Dawn, her fears allayed. She seemed to relax and her expression changed to joy. "Dawn!" she called her.

Dawn nodded and walked up to her Grandmother. "Good morning," she greeted. She noticed that there were other employees who were watching her. The atmosphere of tension in the office was so severe and pervasive that it was difficult not to feel strained and uneasy. But that was one thing she was expecting. In fact she believed strongly that she didn't have any allies here. Even Lily wasn't her ally. Dawn was here because Lily was cornered.

"Come!" said Lily as she directed her to the elevator to go to her office room. Lily was very happy thinking that Daryn was also going to help them.

The office was painted grey and even though the floor-to-ceiling windows added natural light to the insides, the place looked dull and drab.

They reached the elevator and Lily pushed the button of the topmost floor. "I am so glad that you are here, Dawn!" said Lily, almost sounding incredulous.

Dawn gave a tight smile.

"And I am very happy that Daryn is here with you. His valuable advice is going to help us build our Company better!"

Daryn raised an eyebrow. He narrowed his eyes on Lily and said in a cold, indifferent voice, "Mrs. Wyatt, I am here to ensure that my wife's safety is taken care of. I will be checking each and every nook and corner of this office till I am satisfied that she is safe."

Lily gulped. Her face fell. So that was why this hulk of a man had come with his wife. His voice that was as cold as steel on ice made her shiver down the spine. "I— I understand," she replied with fear.

"Oh, you better understand," he snarled. "My security personnel will be checking this place thoroughly. Also I will be visiting this office everyday."

The bell of the elevator dinged and the door opened on the tenth floor.

Dawn shook her head with a wide smile on her lips seeing her husband's protectiveness. She knew that if she were in his place, perhaps she would have done the same.

Daryn stepped out and stopped. Lily and Dawn halted with him. Once again in a very menacing voice he said, "If Dawn gets even a scratch on her body because of this office, trust me I will raze this building down. As such I am pretty unhappy with the way this place looks!"

Lily flinched. She thought that the man would help her in business, instead he was only threatening her. Little did she know that it was the alpha king, a half sorcerer who was being fiercely protective about his wife. He could literally raze the building down. "Yes, yes!" she said glibly. Then she walked ahead of them to show her the way to Dawn's office.

The floor consisted of two rooms—one on the door of which was written Lily Wyatt (Chairman) and on the other was written Luke Wyatt (Managing Director). As Dawn walked towards her father's office numerous memories bounced in her mind and she fought a sting of tears to come out. 'Father, I am back and I hope things become better now,' she said to herself.

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