The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Chapter 249 - Pushed To The Edge

Chapter 249 - Pushed To The Edge

Alone on the floor of the parking area, Pia looked at the car that sped off and disappeared in the blackness of the night. Her cheek was burning with the tight slap that Caleb had given her a while back. Tears were flowing out. She scrambled to her haunches and got up. She was shaking and was not able to maintain her balance. She walked with a quivering body and mind to lean on the car that was standing nearby. The princess of her clan, which was the second most powerful clan amongst Lykae, was now desolate, didn't have a home to go and her husband just left her saying that he wanted to unmark her. And the person responsible for the debacle was none other than a bloody neotide. Her shoulders crumbled as she began to sob. Once she settled, she took out her phone and dialed a number.


When Caleb reached home, he simply stomped in the house to his room without speaking to Dawn or Daryn. There was nothing to talk about. His wife had shamed him to an extent that he didn't know if his family would ever see him with respect. All the reputation he had built in the family, in the clan and amongst friends—it was at stake. Now that he would unmark her, which was something very rare amongst the werewolves, his reputation would take another dip. Everyone would ask him. He decided to leave the country for a while in order to relax himself and his mind.

When he reached his room, the first thing he did was to get a ticket for him to fly out of the country to a destination where no one would find him. At first he thought of visiting Ileus, but then he wanted to avoid every possible contact, wanted to stay away from all. He didn't want to go to any place he had visited with Pia. He was so fed up of her and her constant shenanigans that even her name repulsed his soul. So he checked all the places where he had gone with her and ticked them off his list. In order to start fresh, he had to leave his past behind, which would be too difficult. He remembered that Dawn was in Yorkshire when she had fled the country. He hadn't been there. That was the place to go. He booked his tickets for Yorkshire.

When Dawn woke up in the morning, it was already 9AM. She was surprised how well she had slept after so many agonizing days. Her husband was sleeping somewhere within the blankets after he had thought that the best place to sleep was in between his wife's breasts or thighs. He was simply too shameless to begin with, too lusty and absolutely insatiable. She shook her head when she felt his head beneath her thighs near her crotch. She pulled up herself and he stirred. He brought his hand to pin her thighs and kissed her over there. He growled, annoyed that his favorite place was being snatched.

"Wake up Daryn!" she slapped his hands. "I need to go to the bathroom."

"Why?" he asked lazily.

"Damn it Daryn!" she slapped his hands lightly again. "Leave me."

Daryn inhaled her scent deeply, kissed her and then left her reluctantly. His wife was a magician and yesterday night he was sure that she was building charm spells around him. There was no logic for him to get this attracted to his own wife. It was like he was falling in love all over again and again and again… He covered himself completely to sleep again.

"Daryn, wake up! The Head Council members are going to be here very soon," Dawn called from the bathroom.

He opened his eyes and sat upright. His mind and his heart were torn over Dawn's decision to banish Pia from the pack. Once a wolf was banished, they couldn't come back to the pack. The lone ones often had to fight a lot to survive. They were sent to the mountains where they had to live a wild life.

Daryn got out of the bed and walked in the bathroom. Dawn was under a hot steaming shower. "Baby, are you sure that you want to ban Pia from the pack? Purebloods have very strict rules for banishing wolves. Once the wolf is ostracized from the pack, no other pack takes him or her. Their life becomes wild and they are excluded from society. Pia is a princess and for her it would become all the more difficult. Maybe even Caleb would have softened by now…"

There was no answer from Dawn. She continued to lather her body.

"Dawn, rethink your decision. This is an irreversible ruling," he goaded. "At least let me talk to Caleb about it…"

Dawn kept the aroma soap bottle back on the rack and said, "I am sorry Daryn, I have made up my mind. I have had enough of this nonsense. I don't want negative people around me. There is no guarantee that Pia would not use her conniving plans against me. How long am I going to deal with them? I have my life to live. I have to look after my baby. For God's sake if that woman decided to kill my child, what will you do? She has been devising ways to get rid of me ever since I have stepped in this house. At first she was with your old flame, Maya, and now that Maya isn't here, she is doing it on her own." Dawn was shaking with fury when she said that. "I have no compassion left for her. So honestly, even if you are not with me on this issue, I will go ahead with it on my own!" She sounded so determined. There was no going back in her words. She sounded more like a woman who wanted to fiercely protect her baby from harm.

Daryn lowered his gaze to the floor. His wife was right, but what about Caleb? "You are my Luna, and I am going to stand with you in all your decisions, at least in front of the world, even if on the inside we disagree." He crossed his hands across his chest as he leaned against the door. "I would like to discuss this with Caleb."

She turned to look at him. "And what purpose would that solve Daryn? If Caleb is not going to agree, then would that stop me?" She asked, tilting her head. "Would you feel good knowing the fact that I went against your brother? Would you forgive me?"


"You will always hold me responsible forever for his misery. However, with the way things have gone, I highly doubt that he would be interested in reuniting with his wife. She has crushed his reputation and his feelings to an extent that he wouldn't go with her." Turning off the shower, Dawn wrapped a towel around her torso and stepped out. "Whether you want to ask him or not, my decision is firm."

He knew that Dawn would not go back now. She was pushed to the edge by Pia and this was her limit. She was in general a very magnanimous girl, always giving, but if she had reached her limit, it meant she was really peeved.

The council members arrived an hour later.

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