The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Chapter 223 - The Trial (3)

Chapter 223 - The Trial (3)

The crowd wasn't stopping. This was one of the sauciest trials. And David McDow's cheating on his wife was soon becoming a hot topic. The social media was abuzz within seconds.

"He cheated on his wife!"

"Because of him Anne's life suffered so much."

"He should be given maximum imprisonment."

"Yes, he cheated on investors too."

Anne was having fun on the inside. If the trial got pulled to that side, then there was a chance that she would ride the wave of sentiments of the public and use it to her advantage. She looked confidently at Geoffrey through those tears, whose cold demeanor was appalling her. Her gaze flitted to Helena who seemed to enjoy the scene.

Seeing that the murmurs were growing louder, Judge Coombes had to put the court to order. Then he looked at Geoffrey and said, "Continue."

He walked towards Anne and rested his hand on the railing of the witness box. "Mrs. Anne McDow, is it possible that because of your tumultuous relationship with your husband, you had forced him to remove Ms. Rose," Geoffrey pointed at her, "from her former position and acquiring it?"

Anne didn't answer at first. Then on an impulse said, "She was transferred because she was incapable."

"When did Ms. Rose came into your husband's life?" asked Geoffrey. Anne was trying to be extremely smart and he had to pin her.

"Around five years back," she replied with a shrug.

"You mean before that everything was normal?"

"Objection Your Honor!" Hertz got up again. "Why is my witness being badgered?"

Now Coombes was actually beginning to get entertained by the case. How could he accept Hertz' objection? "Overruled!"

Hertz closed his fists and sat down with irritation. His team of lawyers were also getting frustrated.

"Yes, everything was normal before that," replied Anne. She didn't know where Geoffrey was going but she knew that if she acted smart, then this was her chance.

"Thank you Ms. Anne," said Geoffrey. "You may go." He turned to the judge and said, "I would like to call Mr. David McDow to the stand."

Anne got up and left. She sat next to Helena with confidence oozing out of her face. There was a smile on her face.

When David sat in the witness box, the first question that Geoffrey asked was, "According to Mrs. McDow, your relationship with her went on pretty well until last five years when you started showing interest in Ms. Rose. Is that true?"

"No, it isn't," he replied very calmly.

Anne narrowed her eyes.

"Can you elaborate?" asked Geoffrey.

"Our marriage was on the verge of breaking from the past seven years ever since Ms. Helena came to Wyatt Manor, ever since Mrs. Clare Wyatt died," replied David.

There was a collective gasp in the crowd. Whatever did he mean? Was he trying to play games and throw the game on an innocent woman?

Coombes raised an eyebrow. The whole Starfish Refineries case now looked like a soap opera playing in his courtroom. He hadn't watched any soaps for a long time and this scenario was more than enough of ten years worth.

Geoffrey smiled.

Hertz shot up again. "We are here arguing for the Starfish Refineries case and not the relationship of David and Anne. For that we have divorce courts!" He wasn't prepared for this kind of cross-questioning. And he found it ridiculous.

Coombes nodded and said, "You better hurry up Geoffrey, else I might actually agree with Hertz."

Geoffrey said, "I swear Your Honor, all this has connection and a huge one."

"No, Your Honor, I can't allow this. My able opponent is only trying to divert the fact in order to lead the court to astray," Hertz reiterated. On the inside he was getting extremely worried because Geoffrey was the best lawyer of the community. He had the knack for putting things together and weaving them in a way that people could actually see the reason behind his twisted theories.

The judge narrowed his eyes at Hertz and grated, "Who are you to allow or not allow in my court?"

Hertz licked his dry lips. "I am sorry Your Honor. I mean the trial is going astray."

"Continue Mr. Geoffrey and you better reveal the connection, else I am going to impose heavy penalty on you," grumbled Coombes.

"Yes Your Honor," said Geoffrey. He turned to look at David and said, "So what were you telling about, Ms. Helena?"

David took in a deep breath. He looked at Helena. Her face was pale as a ghost. Her teeth were clenched tightly and she was staring at him with a murderous glint in her eyes. "As soon as she arrived in the house, Anne started to withdraw from me. I didn't know what was the reason at first because our marriage was rock hard. Our goals were the same, and my mother-in-law called us to help in Wyatt's business. I assisted Luke Wyatt in most of his businesses. However, after Clare died, Anne also joined the business. And she became pretty influenced by Helena."

Anne stared at David. He was spilling the family secrets in the court. What the hell was he doing? They had to collectively fight against Dawn Wyatt and here he seemed to be on Dawn's side. Her hands became clammy. She turned her head to see Dawn who was sitting confidently. Dawn also turned to look at her and when their eyes met, Dawn gave her a pretty smile. Realization hit upon Anne. David had gone to Dawn's side. Her body broke into sweat. There was a thin sheet of sweat on her forehead and her upper lip. At least her secret remained intact.

Lily Wyatt was feeling as if her whole world was about to crumble. She had called her daughter and son-in-law to help her. She had given them a free hand in spending Luke's wealth after his death. So why did it look that David was unhappy? What was it that Anne was hiding? She glanced at her daughter who was looking pale. She leaned towards her and asked in a whisper, "What is wrong with you?"

David continued, "Helena lured my wife."

Suddenly Anne stood up. "Stop with this nonsense David! What the hell are you saying? We aren't over here to discuss our relationship." She was trembling.

David didn't even bother to look at her.

The judge growled, "Sit down Ms. Anne or I will make you stay in the jail for the night." He barked at Hertz, "Contain your client."

"Ms. Anne, please sit down," said Hertz. He wondered why she was behaving nervously. Even Helena was staring at David as if he was a demon.

"What do you mean she lured your wife?" asked Geoffrey. "And did this 'luring' affect your relationship or the business?"

"Well, ever since Helena came, Anne became interested in her schemes and plans against Luke Wyatt. She used to discuss them at length with her. I would always say that she shouldn't go against her brother, but she hardly listened to me. She was only interested in acquiring Luke's wealth and Helena brainwashed her. She stopped spending her days with me and instead spent them with Helena." David bit his lip. "She even spent her n—"

"Shut up you bastard!" This time Helena shouted.

Geoffrey was smiling. "Please complete your statement," he said to David, ignoring Helena.

Coombes eyes were wide.

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