The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 197 Farewell Banquet (Part 1)

Aster and the girls didn't notice how much time they spent in the bathroom, but it was more than what they thought, because Eris and Mylene were fully dressed waiting in the living room, thinking they were already inside of the bedroom dressing up.

Which led to the situation where they saw Aster and the others just covered in towels walking to the bedroom, making them both imagine the things that probably happened inside the bathroom.

Eris blushed, "Can't you keep your hands off each other for one day", she mumbled.

Lilia smiled at them, "You say that because you haven't been conquered by my darling… let's see of you think the same in the future", she thought.

Mylene on the other hand remained silent, although she didn't understand why, she somehow felt a bit unease due to Lilia's gaze.

Leaving that little exchange aside, Aster and the girls put on some clothes, if anything Lilia has always bought clothes of high quality for her children, they were heirs of a heavenly quadrant after all.

Sarina, Kana and Aria had lived among nobles all their lives, so they also had no troubles in that department as well.

Once everything was ready, Aster nodded at his mother and they all disappeared from the room.

In the capital city the atmosphere was festive, after the recent attack the citizens were afraid of a war breaking, but before panic could spread, the king made a public announcement to tell them that Riga has ben eradicated from the face of Prasil forever.

And to celebrate the crushing victory that Luonto achieved, today was declared a national holiday, and not only that by the orders of the king a banquet was prepared in honor of the guests that helped Luonto.

So today whether one was a commoner or a noble, poor or rich, everyone would get free food and drinks, of course there was a banquet organized in the city where everyone was allowed to participate, and another one exclusive for the king and another VIPs in the royal castle.

Since it was banquet in their honor, Lilia didn't transport them directly inside of the castle, instead they appeared at the front gate, where the guards and Sylas were waiting for them.

The girls previously agreed to leave Sarina held onto one of Aster's arms since this was a special occasion for her, of course the other one was firmly held by Lilia, since she is the "main wife".

Sylas smiled seeing at his daughter which seemed to be shining, due to her current bright smiling expression.

He approached them, the girls let go of Aster and Sylas patted his shoulder.

"Welcome kid, everyone is waiting four you, so let0s go inside".

Aster nodded, the guards opened the gate and they went in, as soon as they entered, the royal town crier announced their arrival.

"The son in law of the guardian of the border, Aster Drage and his family have arrived!!!".

All the people inside of the castle stood up and greeted Aster, it didn't escape Aster's eyes they also greeted the girls and while some were marveled by their beauty, they kept a respectable look in their eyes.

Sylas nodded, at him.

"I didn't want my son in law to erase the noble families, so I personally warned to keep their eyes at the right places, or I would shove their heads up their asses… also those two seniors from the barbarian heart sect told us, your mother destroyed a planet in a frightening small amount of time".

Aster cleared his throat.

"Ahem, thanks for that old man, this is a happy occasion so let's try to enjoy it to the fullest".

Sylas laughed and guided them to the seats for the guests of honor, among the ones which were sitting there, Aster could recognize Orson and the other members of the royal court, besides them there were some people wearing different emblems.

Sylas took the initiative to present them.

"Kid, I'm pretty sure you recognize Sofia's father, the others are the city lords of which excelled in the war, earning a seat on this table".

Al the city lords stood up and shouted.

"Greetings to the golden knight!!!".

Aster looked at Sylas which was shamelessly smiling and he sighed.

"This old man bragged about me a bit too much", he thought, but since he was about to tell him he will be taking both his daughter and granddaughter, a bit of face is not a high price to pay.

He only nodded and they took seat, Orson was in the middle seat, Sylas at his right and Aster's family sat next to Sylas.

Orson stood up and used his spirit energy to amplify his voice.

"Greeting to all the guests that decided to attend this little celebration prepared by me, but before we start, all the city lords take note of my words, from now and onwards we will focus in developing the young generations, because in the future our galaxy will be open to the rest of the universe".

Orson took out a little blue book and continued with his announcement.

"We reached an agreement with the esteemed elders from the barbarian heart sect and they gave me this record, where there are notes written by a sea of knowledge cultivator, which will allow all the ones that have been stuck in the peak of the star tribulation realm, to finally advance… the first one to use it will be the guardian of the border", he said while looking at Sylas.

As expected after that declaration all the city lords were in awe, Orson has discussed this with the members of the royal court, and the decision was to tell the upper echelons the truth, because according to Eris once she leaves with the core of the formation, the barrier will last at most one hundred and fifty years.

So, they needed to increase the overall level of the galaxy, Augustus massacred a whole planet in a matter of days, with just a few mortal transcending and sea of knowledge cultivators, so the first goal was to get to that level.

"Only those who have contributed to the well-being of Luonto will get access to these notes, but don't worry, senior Lester has suggested a system of points for those who want to borrow the book, everything will be explained later".

Now that his hands were free, Orson took his cup and rose it to offer a toast.

"Without further ado let this banquet start!!!".

Having gotten the green light, the musicians started playing and the maids entered bringing large carts with different types of food and drinks, so that everyone could gran what they wanted.

Aster and the girls also dug in, the food was prepared for them so it wouldn't be polite to not eat anything, Kana and Alice specially ate to the content of their hearts.

While looking at those two little gluttons Aster offered a toast to Orson, and then gave Sylas a serous gaze which he perfectly recognized.

They both stood up and walked away from the table, this time even Lilia knew her son wanted to have a little conversation with Sylas so she stayed behind to supervise the rest of the family like a good wife.

Aster and Sylas walked towards the back garden, on the way they saw many other lesser nobles which just bowed and saluted them, Orson made sure to let all the nobles see a portrait of Aster so he was rather famous right now.

Sylas smirked, "Unlike we old men, the children of the current younger generation got to see the legendary golden knight, you became an inspiration for everyone you know?".

Aster shook his head, "We both now I'm not the golden knight, but if that helps you then I don't mind".

Once they reached their destination, they sat down directly in the grass, just like Aster, Sylas has never liked formalities, he took out a bottle, two cups and poured wine into them.

"I offer this toast to you, I know you will marry Sarina in the future and the only think I ask, is that you take care of her… no matter how many women you might get in the future, promise me you won't throw her aside", said Sylas with a serious expression as he rose his cup.

Aster accepted his toast and gulped down the wine in one go.

"You don't have to worry about that old man, she is now a part of family so I will always look for her and protect her from everything".

Sylas smiled he also drank everything in one go, "Looks like this time that lass has found someone worthy", he thought… until he heard Aster's next words.

"Speaking of that old man, Kana also joined my family".


Sylas nearly choked with the wine.

"Kid don't tell me you…".

Aster was amused by Sylas's worried expression, but he still explained himself.

"Of course, I accepted but with the condition that she will have to wait until she grows up a bit more, Sarina also agreed with it".

Sylas had a complex expression on his face.

"You almost made me have a heart attack kid… whatever I don't think she will ever find a better partner than you, treat her well, and if you ever have the chance pay me a visit so that I can get to see my grandchildren in the future hahaha".

Aster laughed, "You are crazy old man, here I have something for you, consider it a farewell gift from me".

He handed Sylas a green book, on which cover it was written "Griffon's Magistral Wings".

Sylas opened it and after reading a couple of pages his eyes were practically on fire.

"T-This is a better version of my cultivation manual, where the hell did you find this?".

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